"You Said You Loved Me"
- A Niley fic, chapter fifteen, "I Don't Wanna Cry"

Summer was officially over, and I soon found myself on the dirty, loudly crowded school bus with Lilly right beside me. I was quiet for the most of the ride, and all she'd done was run her mouth about how great her family trip had been. I wasn't even paying attention. It was a shame that she hadn't asked me how my summer was, or the fact that I had my heart stomped on again and again by a certain curly-haired hottie.

"So did I tell you about the hot German exchange student that I met?" Lilly rambled excitedly. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. About forty times," I muttered. I began to rub my temples silently.

"Are you okay? You haven't said much," she observed. No, really? Maybe it's because you can't shut your mouth for more than half of a second. "Miley," she said, poking me. I slowly rolled my eyes and looked over at her.

"What?" I asked, emotionless.

"You PMSing?" she joked, playing with her newly highlighted blonde hair. She'd really outdone herself with the colors. "You're usually excited about school."

"Please," I scoffed. "This is our last year, and I'm just sad, I guess." Well, that was partly true. Just turning seventeen meant I was a senior and Seaview High. Now I didn't have to worry about being punked, or looked down on, or being constantly rejected by... nevermind. Anyway, over the summer I became a new person. Sure, Nick had made me overly overwhelmed with happiness while we were together. But once we split up... it was like the real me just vanished and was replaced by some mopy, dark minded teenage girl with nothing but her ex on the brain.

"Look on the bright side," Lilly began. "We'll be dating Senior boys." My heart swelled. Nick was a Senior now, too. Lilly saw me freeze at her comment and she suddenly looked worried. "Ahem! I said we'll be dating Sen--"

"I heard what you said," I cut her off. I stretched my foot out, and let my head hit the seat. The bus pulled to a hault, and students began rushing out. How could anyone be so excited about school? I sighed, got up, and speed walked off the bus. The sun hit my eyes, and I used my hand to shield it. I could hear Lilly calling me, but I ignored her. My eyes roamed all over the huge block of students. I didn't spot one curly haired Senior. Realization then hit me that I didn't need to be looking for him. We had to seperate one day, and that day was... today.

"Hey, what's your problem?" Lilly breathed, catching up with me. I made it to the front of the school and practically ripped the door handle off in pure frustration. She could be so nagging sometimes. I shook my head, and paused once I got in the school. Nick was standing by a row of lockers. He was leaning on one in particular; the locker that used to be mine. He was crowded by his friends. They were all talking, and he didn't seem to be listening. He slung his backpack over his shoulder, and just stood there. Like soome Goddess who looked down on everyone. Suddenly, our eyes met, and instantly, I looked away.

"Come on, Lilly. Let's get to class," I said. But when I turned around, she wasn't there. I sighed, feeling my stomach doing flips repeatedly. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, breathed, and then walked to my new locker. I sighed, and unlocked it, not caring whether anyone saw my foul mood or not. It didn't feel right... having him at the school. Nick was my neighbor... my school mate... the love of my life. And now, he'd only be my aquaintance. The guy who I'd say hi to once in a while. He wouldn't be the one that I'd go to for help, and he wouldn't be the guy with the softest shoulder for me to cry on. Not anymore.

Suddenly, the bell rang. Time for the first class of the worst year in High School ever.

Lunch was even worse.

I grabbed my tray full of sweets and sat down ruefully with Lilly and Oliver. They were discussing what they did over the summer. Lilly was still bragging about her huge family road trip, and Oliver was talking about how his mother had been sleep walking the other night. I was beginning to think they were ruining their reputations. As well as mine. I rolled my eyes at them, and picked at my chocolate pudding. The cafeteria doors opened, and my eyes were embraced with Nick. He was wearing the plaid shirt I'd bought him for his birthday. And those favorite old levis and converse of his. My throat caught. He was doing this on purpose, wasn't he?

Suddenly, I saw a girl walking behind him. I almost choked on my own spit. They both sat down at an empty table not too far away from where I was sitting. My eyes were glued to them. The girl looked to be a Senior, too. She had pretty brown hair, and a very slim figure. She wore converse and jeans as well. It was like they were a matching pair of socks. I almost gagged. I watched as the girl put a strand of hair behind her ear, smiling at him. Nick smiled as he talked to her. Soon, I was seeing red. I heard nothing. The whole cafeteria seemed to turn mute. All I heard was the beating of my heart, and the steam coming from my ears.

He was smiling at a girl. Who wasn't me. They had no trays. I saw the girl retrieve a cell phone from her pocket, and hand it to him. Nick passed her his cell, and in an instant I realized what they were doing. Exchanging numbers? My self-esteem got lower, and lower. My eyes became watery, and I looked down, not wanting to see him having fun with someone who wasn't me. It was then that I wished I was in her shoes. Making him smile. Talking. We'd never be able to do that again. A sudden slam on the table snapped me out of my daze. Lilly had just thrown her hat on the table, getting my undivided attention.

"What the hell?" I snapped, shoving her hat across the table. Oliver raised his eyebrows, and got up to dump out his tray.

"What is up with you? You've been acting weird all day," Lilly pointed out. Well, excuse me for being hurt that my ex moved on so quickly.

"No, I haven't," I protested, throwing my spoon back in my pudding. "All you've done today was brag about your fucking road trip when I really don't think anyone gives a damn. Especially me." Lilly's face fell, and her eyes fell to the table. I'd just cussed at my best friend. God, what was wrong with me?

"Lilly..." I began.

"No. It's fine," she interrupted, getting up. Oliver was slowly walking back. "I have to go. Lilly barged out of the cafeteria.

"Where'd she go?" Oliver asked, sitting back across from me.

I sighed. "Probably someplace where she can hate me. Just like everyone else."

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Nobody hates you," he insisted.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? No one loves me."

"Your family and friends do."

"Yeah, but what if that's not enough? What if I want to be loved by someone more... important?" I wondered, my eyes slowly peeking at Nick and that girl. He was laughing now. He hadn't looked up once. I looked back at Oliver.

"Who's more important than them?" Oliver asked, looking at me puzzled. My bottom lip trembled.

"No one," I lied, getting up, slinging my bag across my arm and slipping it up to my shoulder. "I'm going to get some fresh air."

Oliver perked up, grabbing his bag. "Can I come?" he asked.

"Alone," I mumbled, leaving the cafeteria. I looked at Nick once more. He just laughed harder.

A/N: Hmm, who do you guys think the girl is? And don't worry, if you think it's you-know-who, she won't be a bitch. Trust me. Please review!