Hello! I was thinking about how some animals can relate to humans and thought that this would be funny to do.

First up is Akihiko and Misaki!

Misaki was lying in bed with Usagi again. How he ended up sleeping with him, he would never know.

It started off as an arguement about how Akihiko never left Misaki alone to get things done. He had interrupted the younger male doing homework again and Misaki feared that he would fail. He confronted the other about this situation. Then it turned into kissing and then hugging. And then into something more.

Misaki sighed and got up, careful enough not to wake up the other, and went to make breakfast. He switched on the t.v to check the weather and a commercial came on. It was about a new movie coming out. The movie was about kids turning into animals. Misaki watched interestedly and started thinking.

'What would Usagi san be if he were an animal?'

Misaki thought about his situation last night and realized something. Akihiko would always manage to take what he wanted and do things in his favor. If he got Misaki upset, he got sex. If he made the other feel bad, he would get something in return. He blackmailed Aikawa if she was becoming to much of a bother. He somehow convinced Misaki to stay with him. He got Misaki to cook and clean for him in return for staying.

In short, he always seemed to get out of tight situations and have things turn out in his favor.

Suddeny the answer hit Misaki with such a force that he sat down and turned the t.v off.

"Usagi san should be called Kistune san!"

Yes. Akhiko was definantly a fox all right. And a really good one at that.

Akihiko heard Misaki go down stairs but he remained in bed. He waited until Misaki told him breakfast was done before he got out of bed.

The two ate in silence and Akihiko noticed that Misaki was glaring at him the entire time. He figured that it had to do with last night.

"What's wrong?"

Misaki looked away and blushed slightly. "N-nothing."

The author grinned and went over to Misaki's side of the table. The younger snapped out of his musings when he felt a hand making it's way up his shirt.

"Tell me and I'll continue." He said, licking Misaki's ear lobe.

"This is exactly what I thought!"

Akihiko stopped confused at the sudden outburst. "What?"

Misaki quickly explained his thoughts of Akihiko being more akin to a fox than a rabbit. The older male listened and chuckled.

"Indeed. I am a fox. And Misaki is my prey." He grabbed hold of Misaki before the younger could slip away.

"A-ah! I-I have to go to school Usagi san!"

Akihiko looked at the clock and confirmed that Misaki was right and when he let go of him, the small boy bolted for the door and took off. This made Akihiko think of Misaki as an animal.

'Hmmm. If I'm a fox, then Misaki must definantly be a deer. He's shy, and sweet, and innocent. But he's not afraid to confront you when the time calls for it. He's also pretty fast when he's cornered and getting hunted down so to speak.'

That day both couples found out what they were most like and each found it funny.

Who ever herad of a fox and a deer living in piece together?

How was it?