Kylie huffed lightly as her hands tried to style her hair. She had forgotten how much work it was to become pretty. There would be no ponytails today. This was a day that was immensely special. The witch smiled, satisfied with what she had done with her appearance. For her birthday two years ago, he had gotten her a makeup kit. She hadn't even opened it until now. Eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara had been applied. There was no way she was going to put on something as burdensome as foundation. That was just too much. Kylie had thought about putting on lip gloss. However, she went with lip balm instead. Lip gloss was too sticky for her taste. Besides, it would rub off on the food she was going to eat, so why bother?

The Ravenclaw giggled lightly. She then flicked her hair and winked at the mirror. It was silly, yes, but this was just how she was… at certain times, of course. There was no way she would act like this if wasn't for her special person. Kylie nearly squealed at the thought of him. He was like no other man on the planet! He was perfect in every way. He was- "Work it out, Kylie-chan! Mega kawaii desu!" The mirror suddenly spoke, snapping the witch out of thoughts. "Though, may I suggest unbuttoning a few of those top buttons to show off a bit of that clevage of yours?" Flushing, Kylie held a finger to her lips.

"Hush, Kagami-san! You're going to wake Draco!" she hastily turned her eyes to the heart-shaped bed. Luckily, the Slytherin teen was still asleep. Kylie breathed a sigh of relief. She turned back toward the mirror. Having to wake up early on the weekend was horrible, but necessary. The Ravenclaw ran a finger down her cheek. No foundation for her. Lotion should be just as good, right? "And quit it with your perverted comments already! Don't think I don't know what you're saying!" The mirror actually made a pouting noise. Not caring, Kylie placed her hands on her hips. "Now do your job! How do I look?"

Her attire was relatively simple. Well, less simple than what she preferred to wear on the weekends. Faded grey jeans covered her legs. She also wore a long-sleeved striped shirt; white and blue were the colors. The shirt also had small grey buttons. Kylie found herself smirking. Even if she were to undo a couple more buttons on her V-neck shirt, the black tank top underneath did a great job at covering her cleavage, which by the way, hadn't been there before this little transformation of hers. She still hadn't figured out the reason for her sudden change, though. Kylie mentally shook her head. She would have time for things like that later. Right now, her sole focus was on her significant other.

"Haaah… I see many things you can do, Kylie-chan, but I'm sure you won't change no matter what I say, ne?"

"And you are absolutely right, you perverted mirror!"

The witch turned on her heel and headed for the bedroom door. Carefully, she closed the door behind her, not wanting to wake Draco Malfoy. Things were still awkward. Kylie would have never, not once, thought that someone like him could like her. There was a possibility that he could be playing a foul joke on her. However, she liked to think that she knew him well by now. Well, despite the fact that she didn't realize that he had feelings for her other than friendship.

Kylie gave a mental sigh as she grabbed her golden-brown jacket. "I won't think about it for now," she murmured. It wasn't like she was going to completely forget about it, like she wanted to do. She was merely placing it within the furthest reaches of her mind, that's all. That way, Sarah couldn't complain. Besides, the witch was placing her full attention and decision on a matter more important. The smile returned to her face. She had to wonder when he would arrive.

Draping her jacket over her arm, the girl practically skipped down the hall. It had been so long since she had been this ecstatic. Soon, she had made it to the Great Hall. First, she would eat breakfast, and then wait for her brother to arrive. The letter had stated he would meet her at the entrance to the school. However, this for sure meant that he was going to seek her out earlier than expected and bring about a noisy entrance. Kylie giggled lightly at the thought.

Kylie pushed the doors open. As usual, the room was nearly desolate. This was the weekend. Some students go home. Others—most actually—were still sleeping. There was no way people in her age group were going to get up this early. Heck, she would be one of those people if not for the fact that her brother was coming. Actually, this was perfect. Perhaps, she would have him all to herself today. Still, there were a few new students here who didn't know any better.

Brown eyes darted across the room, trying to locate her friend. Normally, she wouldn't be up either. However, Sarah was curious on who her brother actually was. Now that she thought about it, her friend was probably going to profile her dear brother. "Now that I know that Sarah really truly cares for me, I realize that most of the things she does relates to me," Kylie thought. She almost frowned. "And here I am just oblivious to her affection! Such a horrible friend I am!"

Finally, her eyes settled on her fellow witch. Her friend's focus was on paper in front of her. She only had a cup of steaming liquid beside her, so Kylie assumed that she hadn't eaten yet. Smiling, she walked over to Sarah and sat down. "Good morning, Sarah!" The stoic girl did not take her eyes from the paper.

"You seem to be in high spirits," she commented. Naturally, Kylie nodded her head with a grin. "This is quite a change from your usual behavior. You haven't gone off on a tangent yet. Is your brother that much of a distraction?"

"I don't know what you mean by that, but I guess. He's... Justin… Credible!" Sarah's eyebrow twitched twice. It was a sign that she was amused. Kylie had gotten great at understanding the small things. "But seriously, I haven't seen Justin in such a long time. I can't wait!" The squeal threatened to come out.

Finally, Sarah lifted her head. Her green eyes expanded, but only slightly. Her friend was actually wearing eye makeup? This Justin Colman must be a great man. The witch averted her eyes as Kylie began to get distracted by the food suddenly appearing in front of her. For a striking change to occur in someone as stubborn as Kylie was a feat in itself. However, she had willingly enhanced her normal appearance—after her magical one, of course. Sarah had never encountered Justin. She was becoming increasingly anxious about this older brother. Perhaps whatever excursion the Colman siblings planned to take needed her involvement as well? Although the man was family to her best friend, Sarah still wanted to know anything and everything about him. Call her shielding, but no one was allowed close to Kylie if their information wasn't laid in front of Sarah Simmons.

"Do you know when he is to arrive?"

"Nah, not really, but it's sure to be cool!" Kylie's grin nearly blinded.

"I see…" There was a pause. "And what of Draco Malfoy?" Instantly, her teeth disappeared behind a frown. "I'll assume that you did speak with him afterwards. Is that right?" Solemnly, Kylie nodded her head. Her brown eyes stared down at her plate, eyelids lowered.

"However, I can't just accept his feelings out of the blue, Sarah. Friendship and a romantic sort of relationship is not the same. Draco is… not you," the witch closed her eyes. "What's even worse is that he's… physically attractive now." Sarah wanted to laugh. Trust Kylie Colman to suddenly become attracted to the most sought after male in school. Her friend had seriously thought nothing of Malfoy before his transformation. The alteration in his appearance increased his fan base ten-fold, Kylie Colman included. Although her friend was attracted to the Slytherin, she did not show it. To her, it was just another fact—no need to obsess over what's fact, right? Ah, the inner workings of Kylie… "Because of that, I can no longer see him as a friend. When the time comes, I will have to make a decision about him."

"What is that decision?"

"To either consider his feelings for me, or erase that kiss from my mind."

"You drive a hard bargain, Kylie."

"Odd, Draco said the same thing."

Sarah released a small chuckle. She had such a cute friend. The stoic witch blinked once. Kylie had a lot to deal with, so she decided to release the tension within her friend. "So tell me more about this brother of yours," Sarah said. Immediately, the witch's grin resurfaced. Kylie began to speak animatedly about her older brother. She used many adjectives to describe him—she was definitely the doting sibling—but the gist of it was that he was affectionate, handsome, humorous, and strong. Kylie had characterized Justin Colman as the perfect man. No other was better in her eyes. At one point, the girl had actually wanted to marry him. Of course, since she had grown, the thought of marrying him had become preposterous. Sarah, someone without siblings, could not understand the adoration Kylie had for her brother. Still, it must be nice… "Would Kylie be happy… knowing that I thought of her as a sibling…?"

Any further pondering was abruptly cut off. Crashing through the window, a cloaked figure emerged. Both witches cut their eye to the commotion, as did the other few students in the Great Hall. "Ah, he's here." Sarah glanced at Kylie out of the corner of her eye before turning her full attention on the lone character. The crouching person stood at full height. An arm stretched out, brandishing a wand. The shattered glass slowly returned to its rightful place, repairing the window and destroying any evidence of it having been broken in the first place. Kylie stood up, prompting Sarah to do the same. "Aniki…!" Her friend gushed as she ran over to the concealed person. So this was her precious brother? What was with that noisy entrance?

The man turned his body towards the girl coming towards him. He was tackled by Kylie, but he seemed to know this was going to happen. His arms wrapped around the witch in a sweet embrace. Sarah found herself narrowing her eyes. She could not, however, fathom why. After a moment or two, the two siblings pulled apart. "What did I say about you calling me that? You make it sound like we're in some sort of gang. I'm not a delinquent, you know!" He pulled his hood down, and then completely removed the cloak. The expressionless witch was ashamed to realize that her heart had increased its rhythm. Sarah swallowed a bit.

The older wizard was quite attractive. His dark brown hair was long and pulled back into a ponytail. Some strands framed his face, accenting his strong jaw line. Though he had long hair, he was by no means feminine. His blue eyes were striking behind those black-rimmed glasses. He wore a smile for Kylie, showing the dimple in his right cheek. His physique was just as Sarah imagine. He was built muscularly lean. It was easy to see his structure by the clothes he wore. A simple white t-shirt and faded blue jeans. Why did he even wear the cloak? It was… inappropriate attire for someone his age. Still, it did not take away from handsomeness. It was no wonder Kylie felt threatened. He was like a pile of crap attracting girls like flies… Or maybe it was honey attracting bees…? Whatever the case, it was working. The few students that were here for breakfast were slowly becoming interested.

"Anyway…!" Kylie ignored her brother's remark. "Why are you busting into windows in the first place?"

"That damn tree threw me here! It seems chopping it down would be too much," he replied in a flat voice. "If I hadn't conjured this cloak off of some poor guy's back, then I could have serious injuries." Kylie giggled lightly. The wizard ruffled her hair. "Why are you making an effort to look so cute, anyway?"

"Special occasion, Justin. I haven't seen you in a long time!" Kylie pointed to her face. "I'm wearing your birthday present."

"Haaah—back when I thought you would have a girly-girl period. How naïve I was, ne?"

"You totally were, ne?"

The two Colman siblings shared a laugh. It was then that Sarah stood beside Kylie. Her green eyes bore into the wizard's blue ones. Justin knitted his eyebrows in confusion. This girl, although pokerfaced, was obviously showing hostility. "Ah… You must be Simmons," he remarked. "Thanks for taking care of my sister." The hostile aura did not go away. Justin's eyebrow twitched. "Oi… If you have anything to say then just say it. Don't leave me in suspense."

"I don't like you," was her blunt reply.

Kylie's jaw dropped. Honestly, she hadn't expected Sarah to react like this. She believed that her friend would become one of her brother's many admirers. Brown eyes looked back and forth between her friend and brother. Their aura swirled and collided. She could have sworn she heard lightning strike. "Oh crap!" she thought, biting at her thumbnail. "Their personalities…!" And then, the atmosphere snapped.

"Is that a mouth you should be using with me?" Justin asked. "You don't even know me!"

"Impulsive, violent, reckless, idiotic—and yet you attempt to hide it," Sarah fired back in a frosty tone. She did not need to raise her voice. The impassive look remained on her face. The witch crossed her arms. "I am willing to bet that you are unreliable as well."

"If you can talk like that, why don't you step closer, Simmons?"

"If I try such a thing perhaps my face will melt from your breath, Colman?"

"You're a cheeky one, aren't you?" Justin frowned. He pushed his glasses from the bridge of his nose. The light reflected against his lens, giving the man's eyes an eerie glow. He lifted his arm, pointing his wand at the witch's face. "Care to repeat that?"

"No," Sarah answered. She reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear. Her eyes closed for a brief moment. "However, if you do not remove your wand from my face, those will be your last words, Colman."

For a moment, Justin only stared. He then smirked as he lowered his arm. The wand was returned to his pants. The wizard took one long stride toward Sarah. "You have such a bold mouth. Here, let me clean it for you." Before either witch could react to his bizarre sentence, Justin grabbed the back of Sarah's head and forced her lips to collide with his. Eyes wide, she could only stand there. Her body twitched and her eyes watered. Quickly, she was running out of air. Still, the twenty-one year old wizard did not release her. Sarah's lungs felt like they were going to explode! And then he released her. She stumbled back, eyes still wide. Justin smirked again. "Consider it punishment, Simmons. The next time you speak rubbish to me, I won't be going easy on you."

Sarah nearly vomited on the floor.

"I can't believe you still behave this way!" Kylie grumbled in annoyance as she smacked her forehead with her palm. She released a sigh. "Can't you find another way to show your anger?" Justin returned his eyes back to his sister. "Sarah doesn't know what you're like. She's still in shock… and underage!"

"Well, perhaps she won't make the mistake of being rude to a person she just met next time around," he replied, nonchalantly. "Besides, she's seventeen. She's four years my junior. And it's not like I used tongue-action."

Sarah nearly vomited again.

Justin adjusted his glasses again, letting his eyes become visible. "It's been awhile since I've seen you," he said. "I heard from mom that you stayed here for Christmas, so you didn't get a present." His sibling nodded. The man lightly patted her head. "So I've decided to get you something that will make you happy."

"Something that would make me happy…?" Kylie looked thoughtful. She suddenly smiled. "A lifetime's supply of hamburgers?" Her head was patted again.

"No, this is better. I'm taking you to… the Land of the Rising Sun." The witch gasped dramatically as her eyes widened. "That's right. I have connections in Chiba, Japan. We can go as soon as you're ready." Kylie actually jumped on her brother, wrapping her arms around his neck. She laughed in glee. Justin smiled lightly and rubbed his sister's back. "Alright, alright, get off me now." As she was told, the Ravenclaw released him.

"Can we go now?" Kylie asked.

"Of course. We'll travel by port key," Justin replied. Kylie's pout only lasted for a moment. "Packing is not necessary as we will only stay for the day."

"Just a moment," Sarah said. The two siblings turned to the witch. Finally, it seemed as though her composure had returned. "I will come as well. I can't have Kylie going off with someone I have come to despise. I am fluent in that language as well, so getting around shouldn't be a problem." Her friend frowned and shifted uneasily. However, the brother only smirked. This did not bode well for Sarah. Nevertheless, she would go. "Also, aren't you forgetting someone?" Her eyes went to Kylie. "Someone you would like your brother to meet?" Predictably, the brown-eyed witch made a face. "You are the one who proposed this deal."

"Right, right…" Kylie muttered. She turned to her confused looking brother. "You have to meet someone, and if it's possible, he should come with us."

"He…?" Justin's eyebrow twitched.

"Uh…" Kylie scratched the back of her neck. "Let me go get him, and then I'll explain." She chuckled nervously, and then dashed away. "I'll be back!"

Justin narrowed his eyes as he watched her go. This person was male. This was the first time that his younger sister ever mentioned a male to him. This person must be the Veela dad had mentioned. Destiny or not, no man was good enough to win his sister's heart. If this guy could somehow do such a thing, then he would ultimately allow a relationship to form. But until then... "I'll just have to see what happens," he thought. His blue eyes shifted to witch, whom was left behind. She had already returned to her seat. This girl was his sister's best friend. He smirked. Indeed, this would be an entertaining trip. As if feeling his eyes on her, Sarah Simmons turned to him. She frowned. "So… How you doing?"

Justin had to dodge several stray knives.


A light shaking succeeded in waking the sleeping teen. Groaning, he rubbed at his eyes and sat up. It was the weekend, right? It wasn't like his roommate to wake him up so early. She, herself, wouldn't be up so early. Draco sat up and opened his eyes. To his astonishment, Kylie was sitting on the edge of the bed, giving him an annoyed look. "Do you know how tough it is to wake you?" she asked. "Never mind, though. My brother is here to meet you, so I suggest you get up now." She seemed completely serious. The next day had come all too quickly. So her elder brother had already shown his face? "I'll wait outside until you're ready." Kylie moved to stand.

Swiftly, her wrist was grabbed, halting her movement. She stared back at him. "Your brother… Are you really giving him the sole power of deciding our relationship?" Without so much as a second to think about it, Kylie nodded her head. Subconsciously, Draco's grip on her wrist increased. "We don't need him. I can make you love me by myself." Her look of annoyance had disappeared, and in its place was an expression of indifference.

"No, you can't." Her sentence was like a statement—an unwavering fact. Again his grip increased. "Hey, you're hurting me!" Suddenly, he was hovering over her. Her arms were pinned over her head. She stared up at him, eyes wide. Draco was practically snarling. "What are you doing? Get off!"

"No!" he growled. Kylie froze underneath him. "How long will you continue to hurt me? How far will you go until I completely snap?"

"You're hurting me!"

Draco loosened his hold on her, but he did not completely release her. His skin burned now, but it wasn't unpleasant. He rather enjoyed the feeling that threatened to overwhelm him. Kylie finally jumped from her frozen state of shock. She turned to escape. However, that was not going to fly. Her wiggling underneath him caused shocks to course through is body. She was making it harder to control himself. The pit of his stomach rumbled, yearning. A cross between a gasp and a moan erupted from his mouth. This stilled the girl beneath him. But it was too late. He wanted her. He wanted her now.

The Slytherin lowered himself, covering her body. His nose rubbed against her cheek. Kylie sucked in a breath of air. Draco breathed in as well, inhaling her scent. This felt so good. He dipped his head a bit, sliding his lips against her jaw line. His tongue slithered out, touching her chin. "Draco…!" his intended whimpered his name. It drove him wild. Hastily, his lips pressed against hers. The euphoric feeling swelled dramatically. It had been better than the first kiss they shared. His mouth felt hot. She tried to move her head, yet Draco followed. He released her arms in favor of touching her neck. His thumbs pressed against her chin and caressed her jaw.

She reached to grab his wrists. Her touch was fairly gentle. She had become subdued by his advances. Good… His hands slipped down slowly to her chest. Her lips parted in a gasp, allowing his tongue to enter. As soon as their tongues met, an explosion of energy filled his core. It was like an electric spark danced on the tip of his tongue. It prompted him to increase the intensity. His fingers rubbed and teased her, enjoying the moans that managed to come from her occupied mouth. Subconsciously, his hips gyrated against hers, coaxing her to do the same. For a moment, he pulled back, permitting them both the chance to breathe.

He took this chance to examine his intended. Her cheeks were flushed. A light sheen of sweat covered her skin. She looked exhausted. She looked beautiful. Draco ran his hands through her hair. Her back arched in response. He panted lightly as her fingers touched his bare chest. She didn't try to push him again. She merely touched. The Slytherin swallowed, realizing that he was sweating as well. Finally, her brown eyes were revealed; they seemed to be glassy. Draco cupped her cheeks. His parted lips only rubbed against hers a few times. Hesitantly her tongue peeked out. And he happily obliged, drowning in her flavor. However, he was suddenly pushed away. "Draco…!"

He was jerked from his dream by a harsh slap to the face.

Shocked and disappointed, he touched his abused cheek. Collecting himself, he realized that it had been Kylie to smack him. He also realized that she was on top of him, straddling his stomach. Sure, the sheet separated them, but it was very thin. Why was she on top of him! She crossed her arms, looking highly annoyed. "Do you know how tough it is to wake you?" she asked. Bemused, Draco shook his head. Thank Salazar she wasn't sitting any lower. "My brother is here, so I want you to meet him now."

It was then that he noticed her appearance. It was more… enhanced. Her brown eyes seemed deeper because of green eye shadow and the dark mascara. Without realizing it, his hand reached up. She flinched when his hand touched her cheek. As if becoming conscious her position, Kylie sprang away. Her soft cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Draco sighed in disappointment. "I'll get dressed quickly."

"H-Hai…!" She sharply turned away. "I'll let you do that." With her shoulders tensed, she began to walk away.

"Wait…!" He moved from the bed. He stood directly behind her, hoping she wouldn't turn around. "Does your brother… solely have the power to decide where our relationship goes?"

"What? Of course not," Kylie answered. It was more like a sputter. "I'm not foolish enough to depend on only one person… unless it's myself, of course."

"Naturally," Draco chuckled.

"Well, I'll be waiting outside, so hurry." Kylie quickly headed for the door. Once she was safe from his gaze, she grabbed at her cheek and pinched. Damn, it was still hot. Her roommate's touched felt as though it burned. Also, what was up with her actions? She had seen him sleeping. He had been making these weird faces. At one point, Kylie was sure he had groaned. He must've been having some kind of nightmare. The witched stopped walking. She now stood in their common room. A hand covered her rapidly beating heart.

When she had seen his sleeping face, she felt something inside her just click—like a switch had been turned on. Kylie frowned and closed her eyes. "Yes, I know he's attractive now, but that doesn't mean I have to lose myself like other hormonal girls," she thought. For a moment, she had completely stopped thinking and had just reacted. That thought alone sent a chill down her spine. "You are Kylie Colman! You are not like the rest of them! As Kylie Colman, you will not give into the temptation that is-" An image of a topless Draco Malfoy appeared in her mind. Her eyes shot open, blush staining her cheeks. "I will not!" she told herself. She repeated this mantra several times, trying to wipe the image away.

The witch didn't know how long she did this, but it didn't work. A hand suddenly clamped down on her shoulder. She jumped and whirled around. "Why are you so jumpy?" Kylie shook her head at his question. He had snuck up on her—the prat. She sniffed lightly at his appearance. Black pants and a dark green shirt is what he wore. His hair was still a little damp. There was a smirk on his face.

"I'm not jumpy," she murmured. "And are you going to dry your hair?"

"Of course."

"Well then… Let's go. My brother's waiting to take us somewhere special."


By the time the witch and wizard arrived in the Great Hall, more students had appeared. To Kylie's chagrin, there was a crowd around her brother. She knew it was her brother because he was taller than the girls that surrounded him. Grumbling to herself, she left Draco behind in favor of stomping over to the group. Sarah sat to the side, ignoring the pack of girls. Kylie pushed her way through until she stood by her brother. Her eye twitched in irritation. Who did she find holding onto her brother's right arm? Of course it was her rival, Cho Chang. The girl's eyes stared at Kylie in surprise. "Colman…? Finally put makeup on, eh? You look better," she said. Talk about rude!

Kylie's hands clenched at her sides. "Cho-chan, I would appreciate you removing your hands from this person."

"Do you honestly think I'd listen to you?" Cho asked with a smirk. The witch squeezed her brother's arm. "But I'm surprised. I didn't think you were interested in the male species." Her big beautiful eyes gazed up at Justin, who grinned back. "Justin was just telling us about his battle with a troll!" The other girls, composed of all four houses, nodded their hands in agreement. Their giggling and chattering was so maddening. It was like this everywhere! Well, maybe that was a bit of an overstatement, but it was still infuriating.

The witch almost growled as she took a hold of her brother's left arm. She pulled at him, bringing Cho's attention back to her. The other girls looked on in curiosity. "Get your unworthy hands off my brother before I attempt to hex you!" Kylie hissed through clenched teeth. Eyes widening, Cho actually did as she was told. The reason for this was because Kylie wasn't the best at magic. Whenever she attempted a spell, it would end up blowing up in everyone's faces. Hence why many of the Ravenclaw witches backed a few inches away.

"He's your brother?" Cho asked incredulous. She looked back and forth between the siblings. There was a slight similarity between them. The popular witched back away again. "I can't believe it."

"It's true. My name is Justin Colman." With his free hand, he adjusted his glasses. "And I don't appreciate the tone you're using with my beloved sister." A chill swept through the air. "I'd advise you not to do that in the future." A look of pure terror crossed Cho's face. A cold sweat formed above her brow. Who was this person that made her feel hot and cold at the same time? It was like her skin wanted to run away from such a person. He was dangerous. That glare could kill if it were possible. Stiffly, the witch nodded her head, and then dashed away. Others were quick to follow her explain.

Kylie watched the crowd disperse with a satisfied nod. "Serves them right!" she thought. Her brown eyes looked up at her precious sibling. She smiled widely. He was in the middle of fixing his glasses again. This was what made him cool. He was protective and strong, friendly, and intelligent. His streak of protectiveness for her was fueled by suppressed aggressive tendencies. It was something he picked up from Debra Colman, the mother of the two siblings. "Aniki!" Justin looked down at her. Kylie led him towards where Sarah sat. Draco had walked over to make small conversation with her best friend. She gestured to him. "This is Draco, son of Lucius Malfoy."

"A pleasure to meet you," the Slytherin lowered his head in greeting.

A Malfoy was the Veela? Justin's eye twitched behind his glasses. He was expecting a nice boy who had the potential of loving his sister, not someone who didn't have a choice in the matter. If he was anything like his other family members, then his sister would not be happy with him. Once he had Kylie, there was a high chance he would just use her to quell his Veela urges. The thought of his sister being used in that way—with no love involved—caused Justin's blood to boil. He held out his hand. "Nice to meet you as well," he said. The boy met his handshake.

To his surprise, the young wizard felt his hand being squeezed in a painful way. His eyes narrowed as they locked with Kylie's older brother. A protective one, was he? It would seem as though this man in front of him had already formed an assumption. He did well, covering his enmity, but Draco had seen it flash. A tight frown made its way onto his face. He wasn't very well going to be intimidated by this man. To show his opposition, he returned the aggressive hand shake. "I've heard little about you, Colman. I do hope we get along for Kylie's sake." The older wizard's lip moved as if suppressing a snarl.

"Yes," Justin replied, not tearing his glare away. "First name basis?" he shouted in thought.

"Well, now that first impressions are outta the way, can we go now?" Kylie interrupted the fiercest battle of heated stares because she didn't read the atmosphere. "I'm going to try lots of Japanese food!" Her grin succeeded in breaking the tense mood.

"Wait… Japanese food?" Draco stared at his roommate. "We're going to a different bloody country?"


Kylie swallowed hard, forcing back the feeling of nausea. Traveling by Port key was not fun. And why was she the only one to land on her back? Sarah helped her to stand. Quickly, she dusted herself off, and then looked around. The group of four had landed in a vast grassy field. "So… This is Japan?" The witch breathed in through her nose, and then smiled. It even smelt different. She turned her brown eyes to her brother. "So what are we going to do first?"

"First we have to meet my friend. He will be our translator," Justin answered. "So, we'll need to walk to his place. It's a couple of miles away from here, so I suggest we start walking." Although, the thought of physical labor was not her idea of a fun time, simply being in Japan made her excited.

"Yatta! Let's go!" Kylie shouted, raising a fist.

Nearly an hour later, Kylie wanted to pass out. Her brother and best friend were fast walkers, so she had tried desperately to keep up with them. It was a horrible mistake. Her body could not handle the physical stress that she had placed on it. The witched stopped again and hunched over, resting her hands on her knees. Her heart screamed at her to collapse. Kylie had never been athletic—never. She hadn't even bothered to compete with Cho Chang in that department. Rowena help her if she ever had to run away from a dangerous creature. Surely, she would end up dead.

Luckily, the weather was cool. Any hotter and she would have given up. A shadow loomed over her. It was Draco Malfoy. Every time she would stop, he would stop as well. He merely stood by her side, choosing not to comment on her lack of endurance. He would wait until she recovered somewhat before urging her forward by lightly touching her elbow. Kylie did not know how fast Draco walked, but he was willing to slow his normal pace for her. It was a kind act. Finally, the witch lifted her head, and then straightened her back. She continued to move forward. At least she could see civilization up ahead. "I really, really hope there's food at this friend's house," she thought.

Suddenly, her brother stopped, causing everyone else to do the same. He took out his wand and pointed it ahead of him. The tip of the wand glowed red, and then before the teens very eyes, a structure was revealed. "Uwaa…!" Kylie's gaze lifted. This building was tall. Obviously it was magical. The two dragons that surrounded the house were trembling. A few scales were shook off periodically. The front gate was made of iron painted with silver. The iron opening was then split down the middle, allowing entrance. Kylie moved to stand by her brother's side.

"Right then," Justin muttered. He stepped forward, prompting the others to follow him. "You should be as polite as you can." He knocked on the door. "You wouldn't want to turn into a hideous creature, would you?" Before any of the three could retort, the door swung open. "Mata oai dekite ureshii desu!" Justin tiled his body at an angle. Behind him, Kylie fidgeted. She knew some Japanese, but what her brother had said completely went over her head. She glanced at her best friend out of the corner of her eye. She was stoic as usually, so she couldn't really gauge whether or not Sarah knew.

She peeked from behind her brother. There was a man standing in the doorway. He wore a grin. He had dark, short hair, which was spiked up using gel. His eyes seemed to be of a very light brown color. Only one dimple was visible on his left cheek. "Juu-chan…!" Out of nowhere, the man latched onto her brother in a fierce hug. Justin returned the embrace with a smile of his own. "I was not expecting you this early!" His accent was heavy, but understandable. "How do you do?"

"I'm fine." The two released each other. Justin stepped aside, allowing his friend to see the rest of his entourage. "This is my sister, Kylie." The young witch flinched before stiffly bowing.

"Haji… Hajimemashite!" she stuttered out. She felt really nervous in the presence of a real Japanese man. She must've sounded foolish. However, the man laughed.

"Juu-chan has told me much about you," he replied. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Akira."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Akira," Sarah was the one to reply. The man looked her way. "You are a wizard?" Her green eyes narrowed. "A descendant?" Akira nodded. "Is everyone in your family-"

"Don't be rude, Sarah!" Kylie hissed. "We haven't even gotten pass the front door."

"Pardon me," the expressionless teen lowered her head slightly.

"Anyway, Sarah is my best friend," Kylie continued. "She and Draco are kinda last minute guests."

"I hope that is alright with you, Akira?" Justin asked.

"It's fine. We will not be here the majority of the time." Akira's grin was a bit infectious. Kylie mirrored his expression perfectly. "So then… Shall we head out?"


This was bad—really bad.

Somehow he had managed to lose sight of Kylie. Actually, he had lost all three of the teenagers. He had only looked away for a moment. Akira had wanted to show him a festival game. Intrigued by the catching fish game, he focused only on the small fish. It was probably only a moment, though. She couldn't have gotten far. "You should calm down," Akira told him. He had noticed the apprehensive look on Justin's face. "Your sister is safe over there with her friends." Once again, Akira managed to catch the fish before his net broke. "Heh, five in a row!" Justin turned his eyes. A few booths down, the three Hogwarts students were playing some kind of dart game. Mentally, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Actually, this was perfect. He had spent about two hours with Kylie. Both of the siblings had ignored everyone else in favor of each other. Now, they were separated, meaning Justin could… observe his sister's behavior and interactions without any of them knowing. "Thanks for doing this for me, Akira, I owe you one," he patted his friend's shoulder. Truth be told, he had wanted this from the beginning. As soon as his father told him of Kylie's fate with a Veela, Justin had begun forming this plan. Akira glanced back at him.

"If you really want to repay me, how about giving me a picture of that sexy mom of yours?" he asked. Justin shifted his glasses, causing Akira to grimace. "It was a joke!"

Scoffing, Justin readjusted his glasses. "I'll meet you back at your place in a few," he stated. "Make sure you don't pick up any women. I don't want these impressionable teenagers being tainted by your lustful ways." Akira made a noise of disappointment. Shaking his head, Justin walked away from his friend. It was time for some good old fashion stealth.

Meanwhile, with the students, Kylie was gushing over the fact that her friend was winning. The object of the game was to pop all of the balloons with a dart to win a prize. Draco had failed miserably, which is why he was sulking. The balloons just wouldn't pop for him. The sharp darts would just bounce right off. Sarah took over and became a beast. She only had to pop three more balloons for the prize of a stuffed animal. "This is wasting time," Sarah murmured. Kylie looked confused. She became more perplexed with her friend began talking to the game booth owner. They exchanged dialogue for a time before the man gave her three darts. "I'll win you a prize right now." The darts were placed in between her fingers. She held them against her face for a moment before flinging them. They hit their targets. The balloons exploded loudly, drawing attention.

Kylie stared in amazement, and then cheered. "Sarah! That was awesome!" The stoic witch turned to her friend. She then gave a tiny smile. "What did you win?" Sarah turned her attention back to the sheepish looking game owner. He handed the older witch a small bag equipped with one small fish. She accepted the prize with a bow.

"You shouldn't get excited all by yourself," Draco muttered.

Kylie frowned at his words. "Just because you're not on the same level as Sarah, doesn't mean you can deflate my enthusiasm." The day was half over. She had had so much fun. Actually, this was the first time since coming to this country that Kylie had let a frown grace her expression. There was so much to do with so much to see! She would have loved to see it all. However, time would be running out soon. The group would have to return to Hogwarts eventually.

This festival was in celebration of the blooming of the Cherry Blossoms. Around two thousand trees were beginning to bloom today. By the time night came, it would be a spectacular sight to behold. The shine from the full moon gave the pink petals an otherworldly glow, according to the pamphlet Sarah had read. Until then, it was all fun and games. There was no doubt about it. Today is going to be the best time of her life. Kylie grabbed Sarah's free hand and walked away from the game stop. Draco's attitude was not going to ruin it for her. "Let's see what else we can do!" she exclaimed in glee.

Kylie tried her hardest to see every aspect of the festival. It appeared, though, the other two let her have all the fun. They hung back as the witch played—and lost—many festival games. It didn't matter, though. As long as she had fun—that was all that matter to the two. Kylie was currently devouring her cherry-flavored cotton candy. In her other hand there was three sticks of half eaten dango. Those food items hadn't been the only things she had tried either. The money her brother had given was almost all gone because the food was too delicious looking to pass up. Strapped around her head was a string, which connected to the plastic dog mask resting diagonally on the side of her head. She donned necklaces and bracelets, too.

By the time it appeared as though her energy began to diminish, the sun was beginning to set. The stalls of the festival were beginning to put up lanterns. Pretty soon, they would be lit, leading crowds to where they can watch the trees under the moonlight. "Kylie," Sarah called. The witch turned her head, mid bite. "We should start heading for the site now."

"But I wanted to do one more thing!"

"Do you even know what they one more thing is?"

"… no."

"Then we're going," Sarah responded. She fell into step with her friend, giving a backwards glance to Draco Malfoy. He had been oddly quiet this whole time. She supposed she had been a little mean to him. Sarah hadn't given him any chances to make headway with Kylie. Every time either of them played a game, she murmured a little spell to mess him up. Her best had outright told him that he 'was lame.' Ever since then, he had been glowering at the ground. At this rate, he would never impress her. Now Sarah didn't feel guilty. However, she did state that she wouldn't hinder Draco's plans for her best friend. So it was only right for her to help to cancel out her hindrance.

From his position, Justin narrowed his eyes. Suddenly, the group had switched directions after a few words from Sarah Simmons. "That girl…" he thought. Still, he decided to stay put to observe a little more.

Sarah's intention was to stop by another game stall. However, Kylie made an interjection. Mentally shrugging, the witch turned her gaze to whatever her friend was staring at. She blinked, not at all surprised. The characters above the large stall read food eating competition. The only reason Kylie had pointed to it was because of the food lined down the table. Quickly, she explained this to the younger witch. Sarah was sure that sparkles had replaced her friend's eyes.

"Really? I can eat all this for free and win a kimono? Where do I sign up?"


"Perhaps that isn't the best option," Draco finally spoke. "You've eaten so much already."

"The prize is a kimono…" Kylie stated. "I am going to participate and win." The determined witch suddenly clutched her stomach and squeezed her eyes shut. "On second thought, I think I ate too much already…" Nevertheless, she stepped toward the booth. "I really, really want a kimono, though. I don't even care what it looks like. I'll endure the pain now and feel bad late-" Draco put a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look back. "What? You're trying to stop me?"

"Of course. Eating so much is not healthy… no matter how much of a glutton you are," he answered. Of course, Kylie was not offended in the least. "I will participate." He looked queasy just thinking of the copious amounts of foreign food he would have to consume.

"But… you'll lose," was her blunt reply.

Before Draco could react, he was dragged away by Sarah. It still hurt, though. Moments later, he found himself in the middle of the competition. His intended's best friend had swiftly gotten him involved. She moved like lightning. The young Malfoy examined his opposition. He had believed that there would be only females participating. However, every contestant was male. Either the lots of them were cross dressers or they were doing this for a significant other. Grey eyes stared at the large plate in front of him. The food was stacked on. "This could be my end," he thought.

"This could be his end," Sarah thought. She actually pitied him. That didn't happen too often. Once the signal was given—a horn—Draco at a quick pace started eating. The sight was more than a little disgusting… and yet she couldn't look away. She watched him for minutes, stuffing yakitori and dango in his mouth. Her stomach was beginning to feel upset. She could only imagine what it was like for someone who was going through that. "Even Kylie must-" Sarah's green eyes turned to her best friend. However, the reaction she was expecting from Kylie was not the case. The younger witch was clearly fascinated, and not by the food. Her gaze was completely focused on Draco. In her eyes, there was amazement and admiration. "I have no words…" Sarah shook her head a bit.

The longer she stared, the more handsome her roommate became. Kylie blinked once, thinking it was some trick of the setting sun's light. No, it couldn't be. "How come I didn't notice before?" she thought, unable to tear her eyes away. "He has such a… great mouth." Her heartbeat felt like it increased. "I want to…" This time, it felt as though it had stopped. "I really want to…" Kylie grimaced as her hand grabbed a handful of her shirt. Her chest ached. Sweat formed and her cheeks became flushed. Her insides felt like they were trembling. This incredibly hot state of her body overwhelmed her. Merlin, what was this feeling? "I really want to share food with him!"

A sharp gasp escaped her mouth. That was the first—the very first time she had thought something like that. She had never once thought of sharing food with her own brother. Why? Why was Draco so special? Was he more special than Justin? Kylie shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut. Still, she couldn't get the image of Draco eating out of her mind. Unaware of her darkening blush, the witch slowly opened her eyes. Her gaze was on the ground beneath her. "Calm down," she told herself. "That was merely a fleeting thought. When you look back up, he would look the same as he did." Slowly, her brown eyes returned to the teen Slytherin. There was barbeque running down his chin. Kylie just about fainted right there. "What a magnificent jaw and chin!"

After another five minutes passed, the competition came to a close. Many of the contestants hurled their meals back up. Draco, however, was not one of them. He had somehow managed to keep the food down. Still, he had not been the winner. He had only succeeded in gaining second place. Sighing, he walked back over to Kylie and Sarah. It was embarrassing to return empty handed. Well, not completely empty handed. For second place, he received recipe books. "I apologize," Draco murmured. This was not his day. Since the beginning things were quite unlucky for him. He held out the three books. "Will you accept this instead?" Immediately, and surprisingly, the books were snatched from his hands.

"Draco, that was amazing!" Kylie actually gave a genuine smile. The confused wizard could only blink.

"But… I lost."

"That doesn't matter!" The books were tightly held against her chest. The younger witch stepped forward. Her unoccupied arm wrapped around him in a hug. Draco's eyes widen considerably. "Thank you for winning me this." She then released him. Just for a brief moment, they stared into one another's eyes. Then Kylie dashed away, exclaiming about cherry blossom. Inside, however, she was screaming in joy. "He smelled just like Mitarashi dango!" she thought.


Justin could not say he was happy with this development. His sister and that boy seemed to have gotten closer since the food competition. His fist clenched at his sides. It had been about fifteen minutes since the sun completely set. And twenty minutes since the viewing of the cherry blossoms began. The atmosphere was quite hard to break. His sister and that boy were sitting side by side, watching the falling of the petals. Occasionally though, they would steal glances at each other.

The worst part was that Sarah Simmons, the witch who had been blocking the boy's advances all day, sat idly by and let the cozy mood continue. Justin chewed on his hair, something he did when really irritated. Something like this did not bode well. Actually, perhaps this wasn't all that bad. The older wizard crossed his eyes as his blue eyes stared at Draco Malfoy. His first impression of the boy had been negative. He had assumed he cared nothing for his sister. It wasn't true. He had been sincerely upset that he couldn't win Kylie that kimono. Also, he had felt happiness when she hugged him.

"Still, can it really be love at this stage?" The man pressed his side against a nearby tree. "Veela and its mate can be a tricky situation." Justin sighed out. His mother's words echoed in his head. Fate or not, there was something about it that he like it. "It's probably just my brotherly instincts. No one is good enough for his little sister. With a resolved nod, Justin made his way over to the group of three. He squeezed and sat down between Kylie and Draco. "Sorry I'm late," he said, ignoring the glare that was being focused on him. "Akira wanted to play a life-threatening game."

"Did you win, aniki?" Kylie asked, making room for him.

"Sure did," Justin replied, smugly.

"Yeah, my brother's great at everything!" The witch smiled brightly. The older sibling fondly patted his sister's head. "Sarah said the fireworks are starting soon!"

"Yes. It's not a festival without those," the passive witch remarked. Her green eyes glanced at Justin out of the corner of her eye. Then she focused on Kylie. Despite the smile, her finger twitched—a sure sign of irritation. This was something no one else knew about Kylie. Apparently, not even the brother realized it. The older witch smirked a bit before standing.

Best friend, 500. Big brother, 428.

"Sarah, where are you going?" Kylie asked.

"Ah, I have to… relieve myself."

"Could you not phrase it like that?"

"Malfoy, please follow me." For her words, she received two perplexed looks. Kylie bit her bottom lip and asked why. "I do not want to travel with myself. I'm afraid." Kylie wasn't the only one to twitch.

"It's everyone else who should be afraid!"

Unaware that that his thought was in unison with Kylie, Draco stood. "Very well,"
he hesitantly replied. The two went off, leaving brother and sister alone. After a few moments, Justin cleared his throat. Kylie knew from experience that he had something serious to say.

"I'm just going to jump straight to the point," he said. "I do not like the relationship you have with Malfoy."

"What? Why?" was her almost hysterical response. Justin sharply turned his head to his sister. This was too weird. Kylie had seemed to become attached in mere minutes!

"What do you mean why?" he asked. "Do you like him?"

"…" She blushed. "Don't be silly. I only think he's phat, that's all."


"Pretty, hot, and-"

"I know what you meant!" Justin adjusted his glasses for a moment. "Why are—so you're attracted to him?"

"Very much so, dear brother." Kylie stared at her raised knees. Her eyelids lowered. "It's gotten so bad that… I want to share food with him." Justin's eye twitched. He almost despised his sister's blunt manner. If she thought something was a fact, she would state it, no matter what the situation, as if were no big deal. "I wonder… if I could like him."


"Probably not since it's just physical attraction…" Ignoring that outburst from her brother, Kylie closed her eyes. "Sarah told me that Draco has been pulled in by me, but I don't know how to respond. Should I give him a chance?" She curled her body, burying her face in her thighs and wrapping her arms under her legs. "I don't know what to do."

"Kylie, if it's just physical attraction then that type of relationship won't go anywhere." Justin crossed his arms and nodded in head in a determined way. "You should just brush him aside. Besides, you're much too young to be thinking about romantic relationships."

"That's not true. In fact, sixteen is the age where romantic relationships become the top priority in a girl's life."

"Don't be a smartass."

Kylie lifted her head and sighed. "Do you not approve of Draco?" she asked. Justin vehemently shook his head. "I guess that means I have to erase that kiss him gave me then."

"KISS?" Justin's shout drew unwanted attention, as well as judgmental stares. "He kissed you?"


"I will end him."

"You know that's against the law."


Well, I got pretty annoyed with this chapter, so I'm going to post it now, and finish the "sibling reunion" in the next chapter. Review please?