A'Sharad stared at the fight for a while. Vader he could understand fighting rather stiffly considering the fact that he had four prosthetic limbs and was stuck in a life-support suit, but as for Kenobi...The man surely couldn't have fallen that far out of practice in the sixteen years since they'd fought. It was almost as if...

Luke did a quick headcount in the corridor in front of the docking bay. Three brothers, three new sisters, a smuggler, and a Wookiee. Good, aside from Uncle Hett and that Kenobi bastard, everyone was here. So long as Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru was on the ship that was.

They'd had to fight to get back to the docking bay, but not as hard as they expected they would've had to have done considering the size of the station and the possible crew compliment. Now, all they needed was a distraction that would allow them to reach the ship that was parked in the middle of the docking bay. A distraction like...

A Jedi engaging in a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader for instance.

So much for Kenobi. It looked like he would be staying behind. Or what was left of him after the fight was over would be rather.

"Nice Distraction." Solo said before giving a slight whistle.

That seemed to be everybody's cue to make a break for the ship. While Luke was making his way towards the vessel, Kenobi raised his lightsaber into the en garde position much to the shock of the boy and A'Sharad Hett who had been crossing the docking bay from another direction. After momentarily staring at Kenobi in shock, Luke continued back towards the ship, stunned by the man's apparent stupidity.

"Did he just...?" Typho asked as he watched Darth Vader stomp on the cloak that had contained a Jedi Master only moments earlier.

"Yeah." Qui-Gon replied, not pausing in his run for the ship, and gesturing for his brother to hurry up lest he be left behind.

With that, the last of the Skywalkers was aboard, and the ramp of the ship closed as it lifted off and blasted out of the docking bay into the asteroid strewn bit of space where Alderaan had once been. Minutes later, Luke and Rex were manning the Quad laser cannons while Rex manned the smuggler's underbelly gun, shooting a small squadron out of the sky. In the hold, Owen, Beru, Hett, and Typho did their best to comfort the newfound Skywalker daughters for whom the fact that Alderaan was truly gone had just sunk in since they didn't have anything else to worry about at the moment, such as their impending executions which had just been postponed indefinitely.

"Did we seriously witness Obi-Wan Kenobi commit suicide?" Rex asked, dissecting what was for him one of the most shocking events of the day which had been filled with such, and earning sharp glares from the other occupants of the crew lounge.

"He'd been rather unhappy since the Order fell." Hett said simply before going back to rubbing small circles on Leia's back.

"He will be missed by someone somewhere, I'm sure." Typho said, ending Kenobi's brief eulogy before going back to hugging his sister Breha who he was firmly telling himself wasn't beautiful. At least not in that way.

Aboard the Death Star, Darth Vader stood next to Grand Moff Tarkin wishing he were somewhere else, anywhere else. He'd thought the man was creepy back when he'd first met him when he was a kid, and his opinion hadn't changed on that subject in the intervening decades.

"Are you sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship?" Tarkin asked.

Homing beacon? What Homing Beacon? Vader thought, wracking his brains because he'd completely forgotten about the homing beacon of which Tarkin was speaking, likely due to the fact that he had several other things on his mind, such as his daughters, the strange boys who'd come to rescue them, the odd confrontation with Owen and Beru, and that whole Kenobi issue. Oh yeah, that "Elaborate plan to find the Rebel base". Wonder how pissed Tarkin will be when he realizes there's no homing beacon. There should've been, but you know, Owen, Beru, the kids, Kenobi, I kinda forgot...

"It is." Vader said as he planned his next course of action. He'd make sure that he and the few people aboard that were worth anything were far away when the Rebels came to destroy this place. It never should've been built anyways, and if anyone deserved to "Go down with the ship" it was Tarkin.

His master would be punishing him for this later, but as far as he was concerned, it would be worth it. Some things weren't meant to be easy, and completely obliterating planets was one of them. Life was cheap enough as it was already, and resources scarce enough without important core worlds that provided rare medicinal herbs being destroyed because their inhabitants didn't know how to properly bow down to the inevitable.

Discovering that Padme had given him three beautiful daughters had made the building of this station worth it though, as far as he was concerned. If the station hadn't been built, he might not have found out about his daughters' survival for much longer, and one or more of them could've been dead by someone else's hand by the time he did since the three of them couldn't keep out of events, and had followed their kidnappers' lead in joining the Rebellion.

As for the boys who had carried them off of the station and into temporary safety, there had been something familiar, very familiar, about a couple of them. In fact, looking at two of them had almost been like looking at holo footage of himself back during the Clone Wars.

Resolving to review security footage in order to solve the mystery of the boys who had accompanied the smuggler who owned the ship they had traveled in, he turned away from the odious Tarkin and made his way back to his quarters where he could breathe air that wasn't tainted by the sleemo and his cronies. Owen had mentioned the abandonment of children on his doorstep, which meant that at least some of his daughters' rescuers could've...