Don't Own Naruto...(wipes tear away), oh well.

Last Time on Fate of Cards:

"Ah yes the order Theresa-san put in, it was a little difficult to find the reference to create this weapon but we managed to do it. Let me go get it for you." Anko really hoped it was a weapon she could teach him to use, because she knew Tenten could teach him how to use it if it was anything she couldn't and she really didn't want the bun haired girl spending too much time with her gaki.

'My gaki? Why am I being so protective of him? Is it like the Hokage said and I'm just subconsciously protecting him or do I really have feelings for the kid? Granted he's everything a girl could want in a guy but he's too young and he would only get hurt if we started anything...I need a drink.'

Fate of Cards Episode 6: Weapons, Girls, and Missions

Tenten's mother came back carrying a strange shaped bundle which Anko could tell was some type of sword.

'Please let it be a katana, I mean they're cliche but at least I could teach him how to use it.' Anko hoped as the woman placed the weapon on the counter.

"Here you go Naruto-kun, unwrap it and take a look at it. I think you'll be very happy with my work, my husband did the seals on it that Theresa-san asked for and the engravings but I designed and made it. I really hope you like it." Naruto smiled and began unwrapping the cloth that covered what felt to be a light weight blade. When the covering came off Naruto was in awe of the design and look but also confused as he had never seen a weapon like this.

"I love how it looks but uh...what is it?" Naruto studied his new weapon eagerly noticing the length of the blade, the rings hanging off of it, and seal on the end of the handle cap. His fingers traced the skull engravings along the blade's length.

"According to Theresa-san it's called a Dao Naruto-kun, a special type of single-edged blade used exclusively by now extinct Soul Seers of the East. Most historians would call it a broadsword, and the reason it has those rings on the other side of it it because legend states that the more rings a Seer's weapon had the more powerful it was with nine being the max. The second version of this weapon is called a Guan Dao." Naruto looked at Tenten's mother with a mixture of excitement and curiousity.

"Second version? What do you mean?" Anko looked interested as well, she had never seen anyone use a weapon like that before nor had she ever heard of the Soul Seers of the East, she had heard legends from her ex-sensei of a group of monks in both the east and west that fought with strange weapons but she always thought they were just that, legends.

"Naruto-kun apply some of your chakra to the seal on the handle cap. Anko-san I suggest you move from behind Naruto's sword handle." Anko not being one to ignore warnings moved out of the way was Naruto applied a small bit of chakra to the seal, about as much as he normally put into both his scrolls and cards and watched as the handle not only straightened but lengthened to about five feet with a small chain hanging off it. Attached to the chain was a coin with a weird skull on it.

"Cool!" Naruto exclaimed rather loudly making both women smile at his hapiness.

"I'm glad you like it Naruto-kun." A voice came from the doorway.

"Baa-chan!" Naruto smiled as Theresa walked in a smile on her face as Naruto studied the weapon he held in his hands.

"I'm glad it came out well. You do marvelous work Seikou, both you and your husband." Tenten's mother Seikou smiled at the compliment.

"Why thank you Theresa-san but without your references we couldn't have designed it. I'm glad it's to your standards."

"Well beyond them actually, tell me Naruto-kun how does it feel? In both forms if you don't mind." Naruto nodded and hefted the polearm.

"The weight is more than I though it would be but other than that I really like how the Guan Dao feels in my hands." Naruto deactivated the seal and watched as the handle shrunk back. The chain with the coin was missing he noticed.

"In this form it's a lot lighter and I feel like I can do more. Where did you get the idea for this baa-chan?" Theresa smiled and held her hands together as she spoke.

"Your blade Naruto-kun, your new seer weapon is not the first of its kind. Two men, one known to most ninja as the Rikudo Sennin and another, a monk by the name of Ling Jiu Zhu once wielded blades very similar to yours. The Rikudo Sennin was not the first Soul Seer but he was the first user of ninjutsu while Ling Jiu Zhu was the first Soul Seer. I figured I'd honor them both by making your seer blade two weapons in one." Naruto was about to talk but Anko cut him off. She had heard of the famed Rikudo Sennin, hell most ninja have heard of the fabled Sage of Six Paths but to hear he was actually real, Anko could hardly believe that.

"I thought the Rikudo Sennin was just a myth?" Theresa looked at Anko and smiled.

"Not true Anko-chan, in fact he is the great ancestor of both the Uchiha Clan and the Senju Clan. Only those who study such things would know this though as it only interests them. Now before we get into any more discussions Anko can you teach Naruto to use both forms of his seer weapon?" Anko looked at Naruto and smiled though inside she was upset. Sure she could teach him to use the Dao, it would very similar to using a katana but the Guan Dao...she really had no choice. It was similar to a bo staff but the Hokage would be too busy to teach Naruto meaning she had no choice but to ask for...Tenten's help.

"I can teach him the Dao but the Guan Dao I don't know how to use a weapon like that." Seikou joined in the conversation when she heard this.

"I'm sure Tenten can teach him, she's bound to know how to wield a polearm weapon like that, I know she knows how to wield a naginata which is kinda similar." Naruto looked at his sensei and could see she was not happy though no one but him could notice apparently. Naruto wanted to make her happy and did the only thing he figured he could do with one open hand, he grabbed hers and squeezed. Anko looked down and saw he student holding her hand and he simply smiled at her making her smile back.

'You're always looking out for me aren't you kid?' She wouldn't punish him for doing what he did, she knew he was merely trying to make her feel better which it did sort of.

"Well I'll let Tenten know when she gets home later today. I'll let you two go so you can get to your training. Enjoy the blade Naruto-kun."

"I will kaa-san! Come on Anko-chan...I mean sensei!" Anko smiled at him as the two walked out of the shop with Theresa following close behind.

"Hey gaki, head to the training ground and wait for me there. Theresa and I have to talk."

"Okay! Bye baa-chan!" Naruto took to the roof tops towards the Forest of Death leaving the two alone.

"You're developing feelings towards him Anko-chan." Anko didn't answer right away, she watched as her student leapt away on the roof tops.

"I know, I just don't want him to get hurt but--"

"You're afraid if you pursue a relationship with him that's what'll happen. Know that Naruto would never intentionally hurt you Anko-chan, it's not in his nature. Whatever you decide for the two of you he will understand and respect, just don't take too long making your decision or else someone else will claim him."

"I know, so what are the rings on his sword actually for? That didn't seem like a normal type of metal."

"Very perceptive of you, it's a special metal used to channel souls and spiritual energy for some of Naruto's new soul-release jutsus."

"Konton? Never heard of it."

"It's a special type of Jutsu that only Soul Seers can use seeing as they are the only ones who can see souls. When Naruto first activates his seer mode I will teach him to properly use his weapon. Everything else is up to you as his sensei, now go to him. I notice Naruto-kun's aura becomes very depressed when neither of us is around." Anko took off towards the roof tops after her student as the old women watched her, glad her advice helped a bit.

"I just wonder who Naruto will ultimately choose? His childhood friend or his sensei? Only time will tell."

Anko sat there in the shinobi only bar waiting for her friend Kurenai to meet her. While she was glad to have the advice of the Hokage and Theresa she felt as though Kurenai would be able to help her more as she and Ibiki usually gave her sound advice. She didn't have to wait long as the red eyed genjutsu mistress walked in and smiled seeing her friend wave her over to the table.

"Hey Anko, congrats on making full jonin and getting a team! I'm so happy for you." Anko took a small sip of the tea she was having, when they finished training for the day Anko told Naruto she was going to the bar to meet a friend and the blonde simply told her to be careful and take it easy on the drinking. So here she was with a cup of green tea instead of sake, the gaki had more influence then she thought.

"So what's going on Anko? You seem distracted, is it a guy?"

" don't know. That's why I need your advice nai-chan." Kurenai poured herself a cup of tea and placed it down in front of her looking at her friend who for the first time since the whole orochimaru incident was distressed.

"Tell me Anko, what's troubling you?" Anko took a deep breath and knew this would take awhile.

"Well you see recently I met this guy that before now I've never actually talked to him. I've seen him around the village but never talked to him, he seems to know my curse seal causes me pain so out no reason other then to see me not in anymore pain he asks his sensei to help me. She removes the part of orochimaru's soul that is within my curse seal and basically frees me from him. That's the first thing he's done for me and there's more he's done."

"More? He must really care for you do that and more for you? What else has he done?"

Anko began blushing and Kurenai immediately noticed the effect this guy had on her friend. Whoever he was, she was falling for him that's for sure.

"He looks out for me constantly, whenever I'm upset or sad he does whatever he can to make me feel better and smile whether it be buying me dango late at night or hugging me or holding my hand--"

"Woah woah woah, you let him hold your hand and hug you? Now I'm really interested in this guy. So he seems like a perfect guy, he cares about you, he takes care of you, it's obvious you care about him so what's the problem then Anko?"

"Hesmystudent" Anko mumbled and Kurenai didn't get to hear her.

"I didn't hear you Anko, what was that you said?" Kurenai had never heard Anko so shy about anything so for her to mumble her answer meant something.

"He's my student nai-chan. I got feelings for my student Naruto."


"Yeah, see now why it's a problem? I'm ten years older than him and I'm his teacher, while he makes me happy and has said numerous times he'd do anything to protect me and my happiness I don't want him to get hurt."

"Anko, look I'm sure you've been told this before but things like this between sensei and student are not rare, in fact they are more common then you think. Hell if I wasn't with Asuma I'd probably be interested in his student Shikamaru. He may be lazy but he's got a brain like you wouldn't believe just like my Asuma-kun. Trust me Anko if Naruto truly makes you this happy you owe it to yourself to pursue that happiness, hell if anyone in this village deserves happiness it's you two. But ultimately it's your decision, just don't take too long making it. I hear Guy's female student Tenten also has her eye on Naruto." Kurenai was now done with giving advice and wanted to tease her friend abit.

"Bitch better stay away from my gaki." Anko said before chugging her now lukewarm tea down.

"Oh so now he's your gaki?" Kurenai had to take a sip of tea to prevent herself from giggling.

"Damn right he is, him and I have a bond. Panda girl wants him she's gonna have to go through me, I don't share." Anko was now downing shots of tea forgetting the fact it wasn't sake since Naruto told her to take it easy.

"Ooh Anko's defending her man, go Anko...hey where are you going Anko?" Anko looked at her friend and smiled that same smile she gave before interrogating someone.

"To go find my gaki." Anko took off out of the bar leaving a giggling Kurenai. She was soon approached by Asuma, Guy, and Kakashi.

"Hey what's so funny Nai-chan?" Asuma said putting out his cigarette as he got to the table. Kakashi closed his book and put it away knowing juicy gossip was at times better than Icha Icha....though not by much.

"Nothing Asuma-kun, just things are about to get more insteresting around here when it concerns Naruto." That got everyone's attention including Kakashi's. While he may not be Naruto's sensei like he had hoped he still planned to take care of him however he could.

"OH MOST YOUTHFUL NARUTO? DO TELL KURENAI-CHAN!" Kurenai giggled not knowing whether she should tell or not.

"Let's just say Guy that Tenten has very big competition for little Naruto." Guy became very interested, it was no secret on Team Nine that Tenten liked Naruto. Though she didn't go fangirl like some did for the young Sasuke she still had feelings for him and would defend him when people talked bad about him. Kakashi and Asuma were interested in who Tenten's competition was. Their minds went through every female genin and none of them seemed like possible candidates as none showed interest in the blonde container making their curiousity skyrocket.

"So who is that Tenten is going against?" Kakashi said, trying to sound uninterested.

"YES KURENAI-CHAN! WHO GOES AGAINST MY YOUTHFUL STUDENT? SHE MUST BE VERY YOUTHFUL TO KEEP UP WITH NOT ONLY NARUTO BUT TO MAKE TENTEN WORRY AS WELL!" Guy actually didn't know who Tenten was up against, all he knew was that his student was no longer the sole bearer of Naruto's affections. He knew it was possibly an older female as Tenten was mumbling old hag but to girls of Tenten's age anyone from a year older to 90 years older can be considered an old hag so that didn't narrow it down.

"I'm not telling, you guys are jonin ninja, figure it out for yourselves." Kurenai giggled before taking a sip of her tea, she wasn't going to outright say it was Anko but she knew most of them would immediately think one of the new genin which almost made her burst out laughing.

'I wonder how Anko is doing with her gaki?' Kurenai had to laugh in her mind at that one.

Meanwhile Across Town....

Anko stood there watching as her only pupil slept seemingly at peace. She watched as he would roll over and ocassionally mumble her name making her smile but it seemed Naruto's happy dreams were coming to an end as he began tossing and turning.

'Whats going on? He was perfectly fine a second ago.' Anko thought as Naruto began to thrash about screaming as if in pain.

"No I didn't do anything! I'm not a demon! My parents loved me! No! NO!" Anko could see red chakra emanating from the seal on his stomach along with his nails and canines growing into sharp fangs and claws. Anko rushed to her student and pulled him close against her.

"Naruto it's okay, I'm here. I'm here Naruto, calm down." Naruto was still struggling in her grasp, the red chakra was receeding but only slightly.

"No I'm not a demon! Anko-chan, Ten-chan, Baa-chan, Jiji don't leave me! Please....please don't leave me." Naruto at this point was shedding tears and clutching at Anko's jacket like a security blanket. Anko was a tough girl and didn't cry often but seeing this nearly made her shed tears as well. Anko whispered to him and began petting his hair making sure he knew he wasn't alone.

"It's okay Naruto, I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you I promise, I'm here for you. Shh don't cry Naruto I got you, I got you." Slowly the tears were being damned up as Naruto began to go back into restful sleep. Anko smiled as Naruto snuggled closer to her and let out a sigh of content feeling her warmth against him.

"I'll never leave you Naruto, that's a promise I don't intend on breaking." Anko repositioned them so she was sitting against the wall with Naruto's head in her lap, his face once again full of peace. She slowly stroked his whiskers and almost giggled when he tried to rub his cheek into her hand like a fox. She decided she would probably skip training tomorrow and do a few D-ranks with him, after all he couldn't take the chunin exam unless he did a certain number anyway.

"Anko....chan" Naruto mumbled as he curled up keeping his head in her lap. She could hear him sniff her a few times as if he was getting her scent. Slowly Anko's eyes began to drift close until both sensei and student were fast asleep.

The next morning Naruto awoke to a feeling of warmth and comfort he had felt in...well never. He looked up and saw his sensei sleeping, her body leaning against the wall of his bedroom while his head was in her lap. Normally he would freak out and fall out of bed but after being scared awake by her so many times he was kinda used to it.

'Anko-chan is so warm. I'm not gonna wake her she seems too comfortable.' Naruto nuzzled his cheek into Anko's leg before trying to go back to sleep but his actions woke up the snake mistress.

"Morning sensei, not that I don't mind but uh....what are you doing in my bed with me?" Anko smiled at him and he relaxed once he saw it wasn't a 'make your day hell' smile.

"Just wanted to be close to my favorite gaki is all. Plus you're a warm blanket for me and I'm a soft pillow so we both win. Now get up and get dressed, you and I are gonna do as many D-ranks today as we can get. I wanna get that damn requirement out of the way so you and I can train and do real missions." Anko didn't want to tell him about his nightmare, she figured she'd ask him about it later, for now she wanted to get work done.

"Okay sensei! Do you want me to meet you anywhere?" Naruto had to ask as it seemed to become a habit of theirs.

"No gaki, I'll be here waiting now go take your shower and get dressed stud." Naruto gave his sensei a weird look at the new nickname.

"Stud?" Anko began smiling her usual smiles and pointed at him.

"You sure are, wonder how much bigger you'll be in a few more years? Like a third leg already." Naruto wondered what she was pointing at and looked down only to see his tented pajamas. Squeaking in embarassment Naruto ran into his bathroom leaving a laughing Anko on his bed.

'I can't believe sensei saw me like that! How embarassing!' Naruto thought before locking his door to take a shower. He trusted Anko but he wouldn't put it past her to humiliate him some more. Meanwhile Anko was laughing but inside she was amazed.

'Damn for a kid his I'm gonna have to keep that my little secret otherwise I'm gonna have more to deal with than just Panda Girl...wonder if she knows?'

"Come on Naruto, I'd like to get there before most of the D-ranks are taken!

"I'm coming sensei, just need to get my boxers on!" Naruto came out of the bathroom in a pair of white boxers with frogs on them and Anko was about to laugh but decided not to as ironically she had panties with snakes on.

"I'm surprised you're not laughing sensei."

"Would, could, but I won't as we got D-ranks to do. Now let's go do some missions!"

....Three Hours Later

"YOU CALL THESE MISSIONS?!" Naruto said as the five dogs he was walking decided to all run off with him in tow while the four Anko was walking were perfectly trained. Anko had to laugh as her student came back from dropping his pack of dogs off bruised, dirty, and looking a lot worse for wear.

"These...are...chores!" Anko had to supress a giggle at seeing Naruto's condition. While she hated D-rank missions the kid had to do a certain amount to be eligible to be in the chunin exams.

"Yeah, they are but we got to do them, don't worry kiddo only got another three more to do today and then we'll do another six tomorrow and two more after that to get you the minimum. Then we can go do C-rank missions, sound good?" Naruto smiled at her knowing that his sensei hated doing these chores as much as he did.

"Well let me drop these guys off then we can finish the last three, then if you're up for it I can teach you to use that sword and you can show me some of those cards of yours, that sound good my little gaki?" Naruto nodded rapidly making her smile, he didn't even notice her calling him her little gaki.

After both had finished their D-ranks for the day Naruto and Anko were walking towards an empty training ground.

"Did you have to do D-ranks too Anko-sensei?"

"No gaki I didn't because at the time the Third Great Ninja War was starting up so it was C-rank and up only. Part of me is glad for these D-ranks, you get to keep your innocence and not have it destroyed." Naruto gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean sensei?" Anko sighed, this was never easy to talk about.

"Naruto, you and your age group are lucky since you never had to deal with war or its consequences, when I was growing up we had to do C sometimes even A-rank missions right out of the academy due to the fact the war was going on. Thankfully we live in an age of peace where we can do these stupid little chores and not have to turn you guys into cold blooded killers right out of the academy." Naruto had never seen his sensei so serious before, most of the time she had a playful tone in her voice even when she was supposedly acting serious. She soon flashed a smile at him and he smiled back.

"Now you think you can show me those cards of yours? From what I can tell most of them are genjutsu-based which means despite your poor chakra control I can make you into a great genjutsu specialist like my friend Kurenai. We maybe even be able to make you a genjutsu and ninjutsu specialist, what do you think of that?" Naruto jumped in the air yelling that he was gonna be the greatest genjutsu and ninjutsu specialist ever making Anko smile, the boy just couldn't be still ever.

"Oh by the way Anko-Sensei I made a card I wanted to give you, if you're ever in trouble just pump some chakra into it." Anko stared at the card's art and saw a young samurai in full armor with a sword in his right hand standing in front of a woman in a kimono who looked scared. Under the picture was a gold rectangle with the words: The Protector written in black. She smiled and had an idea just what this card did and gave him a kiss on the forehead making Naruto's face go beet-red.

"Thank you gaki, I'll keep this close always and use it when I get into a real jam. Now let's get started on your sword training."

Meanwhile two individuals were watching the exchange in the trees trying not to be seen.

"My youthful rival, did you see that? Could Anko-san be the one that has Tenten-chan worried?" Guy was trying to be as quiet as he could.

"I don't know Guy, we don't have enough info to make any assumptions, for now let's add Anko to our list of possible candidates."

A/N: Seikou (the name I gave Tenten's mom) means Bullseye which I figured fit with Tenten.

The Image for The Protector was an image I saw from Bleach chapter 378 page 7, only difference is I put Ichigo in full samurai armor. Well Naruto's seer weapon had been revealed and it's a twofer. Hope you all enjoy it, next chapter will be more of Guy and Kakashi's "investigations," the first C-rank mission, and more drama between Anko and Tenten. Enjoy folks.