I'm back with chapter 17! I know everyone has missed Tony and Marie. I know I sure did! Now this is the time and place to thank everyone who favourited, alerted, and reviewed the last chapter! You rock! I hope you all enjoy this long awaited chapter!
And to my girl AnUnbrokenHorse aka RushtonElf, the best beta in the world! Thanks girl!
Oh and I do not own Twilight that's all SM but I do own Jenny, Zoe, and Love & Lies. No touchy!
On with the story shall we?
Halloween was my favourite holiday all year long but this year it was a bit tainted. Everyone was going to Esme's pre Halloween party, a party that the year before I had rocked the most amazingly sexy Mistress of the night costume. I'd gone all out and been hot as fuck in it. This year I was sitting at home watching movies and eating candy. So it wasn't the healthiest way to deal with my problems but this not knowing what was going on was slowly driving me mad.
I'd spent the last week and a half going over and over it in my head. If Tony was really the daddy could I really deal with it? Could I be the other woman? And the all important one. Does Tony even want me? I'd been nice and been supportive but when I was alone I was fighting with myself. I liked him, I liked him a lot but things had only started to heart up right before the 'baby thing' and I didn't really know if I could handle it.
The part of me who wanted to be there for him was over shadowed by the part of me who was scared to death of getting her heart broken. I was a mess and I didn't't know where to go with my problem. Alice and Rose were all too wrapped up in Emmett and Jasper. Oh and the boys? I couldn't talk to them not about this. They would never understand or they would try but in the end not be helpful.
I was about to get up and put in Elizabethtown when my phone started playing 'Last Name' by Carrie Underwood to tell me I had a new Text message. Picking up my phone I flipped it open and read my message. From Tony.
Where the hell are you?
I'd started chewing on my bottom lip and trying to ignore the fact that even a text from him could give me butterflies. I could pretend I didn't't get it. That's what I'd do. So I went back to putting in my movie. I'd hit play on the DVD menu when the song started again.
Billie! Why are you not at the party?
'Think about anything but Tony' my brain was screaming at me that I should answer him back but my eyes focused on the movie and Orlando Bloom. Yummy I so wanted to be Claire. She was so damn lucky. So I'd seen this movie a trillion and one times and I could quote the damn thing but it was still one of my favourites. And again the song started and I sighed as I reached for the phone.
Fine. I'll just show up at you place.
I instantly sat up straight and I didn't't bother to text him I called him and one ring later his voice was sending chills down my spine, "Billie! Where the hell are you?"
"I'm home. I'm not feeling good and I'm going to bed tell everyone I'm sorry but I won't make it tonight." The lie came out easy but I felt like shit when I said it.
"Liar. You and Rose have been talking about tonight all week." He was right I had a great outfit for tonight but I was so not in the mood.
"I am not, I feel like hell I've got a killer headache and I'm going to go try to sleep it off. Night Tony. Have fun." I hung up on him then and tuned my phone off completely. I felt bad but the party would be all about how Tony was doing and I'd get all the 'poor her' looks that made me want to hit someone.
I turned my attention back to my movie and settled in for more Orlando Bloom. I should have guessed I couldn't get away from anyone. Ten minutes later my house phone was ringing. The first couple of times I just let it ring and turned up the volume on the TV.
By the sixth call I was getting annoyed. So I picked up the phone answered it, hung up and then set it down. I knew what would happen they would all take turns calling all night until I talked to one or all of them but for now I was being anti-social. So I turned off my DVD and walked into the bedroom. I got out my favourite Happy Bunny Pj's and then headed off to take a bath. If I was going to ignore people I might as well take a bath and catch up on my reading.
The phone did continue to ring but I let myself get lost in the world of the newest Janet Evanovich novel and lost all track of time. An hour later I was back in front of the TV watching more movies when the pounding on my door startled me.
"Fuck!" I got up and hurried to the door. Though the peek hole I saw Tony. I didn't bother to unlock the door as I yelled at him, "Go home Tony! I'm not in the mood for company."
"Open the damn door Marie!" I leaned on the door and sighed, "Open up or I'll sit here all night!" I said nothing as I unlocked but didn't't open the door. I walked over and sat down in the chair, wrapping the blanket around me.
He opened the door, walked in and locked it behind him but I didn't turn around I looked only at the television. He sat down on the sofa and said nothing for a few moments we both watched the movie. I was no longer hearing the words.
"This movie sucks." Tony said as I forced myself not to look at him.
"Says you." I said it without taking my eyes off the screen. "I happen to love this movie and if you don't like it, you are free to leave. You know where the door is."
The movie ended and nothing more was said between us until I got up to put the movie away. "The girl in the red hat."
I turned to look at him, "Huh?" I bent over to put away the rest of my DVD's that I'd moved to get to Elizabethtown.
"That was it? He finds her and they live happily ever after?" I rolled my eyes as I picked out the next movie in my favourites list Knocked Up.
"I don't know but I'd like to think so."
"It's shit." I turned my head to the side, "It never happens like that."
"Well whatever." I sat back down and reached for the remote but Tony was faster and tuned off the movie. "Hey!"
"I have to ask you something." I sucked in my breathe and waited for him to go on. I knew where this was going but it was making me extremely worried when he didn't say anything. Finally he got up and started pacing around the room. "What's…what…." He stopped and faced me, "What's going on with you?"
I opened my mouth to answer but I wasn't sure I could say what he wanted me to say. "What do you mean?"
"You've been avoiding me." I started to disagree but he stopped me, "Don't. You know it's true. Ever since..."
"Tony! I'm not avoiding you. I was just trying to give you the space you needed to have so you could wrap your head around everything." Silently I added, 'and so I can get my head around everything'.
"I just wanted you to have time…"
"Marie I don't need time…" He cut me off, "I don't need you treating me like everyone else."
That broke my heart and I flew out of the chair and stood in front of him. "Tony." I reached out to touch his cheek, "I'm sorry I never meant to flip on you. And I certainly don't want to be like the rest of the idiots." I pulled him to the sofa with me, "I may have freaked out just a little." I swallowed hard, "And I had no reason to…you have the best reason to pull away right now and I shouldn't. You're the one who is probably having a mega panic attack and I ran away."
I was speed talking now and Tony was ready to talk but I covered his mouth with my hand, "Shut up and let me get this out before I lose my nerve. I said I wasn't going anywhere and I mean that. I don't want you to do this by yourself, I want to be there for you but I worry that I'll just get in your way or I'll distract you from what you really need to focus on…Lauren." Her name fell from my mouth but I felt sick.
This time Tony was the one who covered my mouth to cut me off, he pulled my hand away from his mouth. "Billie I want you to be my distraction."
"What-did-you-just-say?" The words were muffled and ran together. I blinked a few times and then slowly pulled his hand away from my mouth, "What did you just say?"
"I want you too."
I shook my head, "No I heard you I just…" I felt lightheaded, the good kind. "What?" I couldn't understand the words sounded like he'd just… no he was just talking but he didn't mean it.
He didn't answer me, well he did but it wasn't with words. It was a slow motion moment when he leaned over and kissed me. I got chills, and the fireworks; I saw them. But it wasn't a hot and heavy kiss it was sweet and over way to soon.
We pulled away and all I could do was mumble something even I didn't understand. I felt like a dork. When my mind un-mashed itself and I could form words I cleared my throat and spoke up, "What was that?"
"Me doing what I wanted to do since the day in the dressing room."
Thinking back the kiss had rocked my world to its core and it was the reason I was freaking out, "But you already kissed me then. Was this time any different?" I smiled.
"No but the next one will be." I opened my mouth to ask but this time he pulled me on to his lap, "Shut up Billie." He kissed me again. But I should say it was nothing like that sweet kiss that made me see fireworks. This time it was hot and I saw explosions. As I wrapped my arms around Tony's neck his hands found my hips. Time stood still and so did all my worries about Lauren. Then when his tongue slipped past my lips and declared battle with mine I swear I head angels sing.
When he finally broke the kiss, in which I mean we had to! There was no air left for either of us, I was breathing hard but my brain was running in over drive. What did this mean? As my brain tortured me Tony broke the silence. "That could be counted as a distraction."
I laughed out loud, "And just who started that?"
"I'm not too sure." He smiled and I smacked him lightly on the shoulder, "Ouch. Will you stop with the hitting?"
"Oh you big baby!" I hit him a little harder, "You're kind of a girl." He caught my hand this time and pinned it to my side.
"Says you." He leaned in, kissed my neck then whispered in my ear, "I'm all man." My body defied me as it shivered, I didn't want him to see he had any kind of effect on me but then he kiss me again and I lost all control of thought, kissing him felt all to natural, it took no thought process at all as our bodies moulded together.
So remember how I said Halloween was my favourite holiday? This year it was even better. It could be because it was well after midnight when Tony finally left. But my money was on the fact that I now knew where things stood with us, sure nothing was official but hey once a guy spends time, lots of time, with his tongue in your mouth you know you're on the right track.
So was it no wonder I was floating around my apartment on clouds all day? Or I was until noon.
I was about to start my laundry when the pounding on my door scared the hell out of me. I bounced to the door thinking it was Tony. Never mind that I'd seen him twelve or so hours ago I was dying to see him again. But then I pulled the door open and it was Jasper and Emmett.
"You….where were you last night?" Jasper pointed his finger at me. I frowned at him and then he added, "Oh Hello Bella darling."
"That's better, Jazz! Good god you can't even start with hello?" I stepped out of the way to let them in, I wasn't sure I wanted to though.
"Hey Bella!" Emmett smiled but then he hugged me and I forgot I was mad at them at all for just barging in like they owned the place.
"Hi Emily." I smiled and then stepped away before he could tickle me for calling him the name he hated. "And I wasn't feeling good last night."
"Right. Em…did she just lie to us?" Jasper turned to look at Emmett and Emmett just nodded, "That's what I thought."
My mouth fell open but before I could say anything in my defence Emmett spoke up, "That may have been what you told Tony and that's what he told us but Jazz and I know you better than that." He was now digging though my candy bowl looking for god only knows, "We happen to know your favourite holiday is Halloween and you would never miss a party." There was a moment of silence and then he turned to look at me, "You out of M&M's."
Leave it to Em to be yelling and then change the topic to candy bars. "It was one year…I'm allowed to miss a year." I walked in to the kitchen and moments later came out with a bag of M&M's. Tossing them to Emmett I turned to Jasper, "I'm sorry I missed the party. Did you have fun?"
"It was fun. Up until Tony left then it was all about where he disappeared to and who were you with that you couldn't show up." I tensed up, shit I was so fucked. "But Tony said you were feeling bad and weren't coming… nobody bought that by the way… where were you?"
"I was here all night, eating candy and watching movies." It was the truth, not all of it but close.
"So do you know where Tony was?" I made myself not fidget under Jaspers gaze. I shook my head once. "Are you sure?"
"Yup." I popped the 'p' and smiled. Play it cool, that's all I had to do, play it cool." Jasper said nothing and Emmett laughed. "What?"
I put my hands on my hips and looked at both of them. Jasper looked at Emmett and then backed at me. "She is lyin'."
"I know…think we should call her on it?" Emmett tossed up an M&M and caught it in his mouth. Call me on my lying; there was no way in hell!
"Nah let her have this one." Jasper answered him and then opened a Butterfinger for himself. I said nothing but I felt my cheeks start to boil under the looks the two were giving me.
Finally they both looked away and plopped themselves on my sofa. Without even giving me more to work with. So I left the room and went back to work on my laundry. Now I'd been lying yes but I thought I'd been good at it, and then Jazz was a human lie detector when it came to me.
I was walking back in to the living room when I heard my name; the boys were talking about me like I wasn't even there! It was my house! "Bells is so in over her head with this." Jasper nodded as Em went on, "But she is so into him."
Jasper laughed, "She has been, since that very first party." Emmett laughed, "God they were both so wasted that night."
"Do you remember her telling us how she was going to marry him?" I so had not!
"Yeah but then she saw him go in the room with Zoë and Jenny and she was heartbroken." I had… not. Then like an old movie I started to remember. It was all coming back to me, I remembered watching them go upstairs, in to the bedroom but after that it was all gone. I know I woke up with a hangover and next to some guy but that was it. It had also been when I decided to stay away from Tony for good; nothing good could come from it. And so begun my game of fighting with Tony and drinking.
In the process of remembering that night and the sick fact that I knew and tried to forget Tony had slept with over half the girls in our cast, I had tuned out the boys but I tuned back and when I did I wished I hadn't "But really can you imagine… I mean my god I never thought in a million years she was actually one to play for both teams." I shook my head, icky what was it with boys and lesbians?
I walked in the room and pretended like I hadn't just heard or remembered anything, "Guys! Zoë is Zoë does it really matter what team she bats for?"
They both looked up at me dumbfounded, "You were eavesdropping on us? Bella! That is a very rude!" Jasper piped up clearly trying to hide the fact they had been talking about me.
"I was just coming around the corner when I heard you talking and it is MY apartment. Anything I hear I can and will comment on if I so chose." I smiled and plopped down in the middle of the boys. "Now what are the plans for tonight? I'm feeling oh so much better."
"Rose and I were thinking it would be fun to check out the new club downtown…she has this sluttish nurse outfit she's planning on wearing."
I snorted, "And are you going as McDreamy or McSteamy?" I smiled at him as he just shook his head, "OHH there is McArmy guy now…"
"You are a freak you know that!" He grinned, "I am so a McDreamy!"
"As if!" I was laughing so hard my sides hurt now, "You so are not!"
Jasper smiled, "Your more Alex if anything!" I took a deep breath and then burst into the giggles again.
"Are you saying I'm the dumb one?" Emmett folded his arms over his chest. "Fine at least I have a hot girlfriend! And you're so George! With the wife turned lesbian."
Jasper gasped, "He's not even on the show anymore stupid!"
Finally I had to stop them "Idiots! You do know both of them slept with the same girl, twice right?" They both looked at me, "The nurse… whatever her name was and Izzie…" I brought my hand up and smacked my forehead, "Do I have to get out my DVD's?"
"NO!" The word came from both of them and I smiled. I'd made the boys watched the show with me all the time and I had the DVD's. More than once I'd brought them over to their houses to watch a season.
"Well then shut it!"
Jasper smiled, "Em who does that make her? Meredith? Lexie? Oh I know maybe she's Ava/Rebecca you know the crazy chick."
"Why Jazz I don't know any of them ever have hickeys like hers?" He laughed and Jasper joined him.
My mouth fell open and I bolted off the sofa to the mirror hanging on the wall. Sure enough they were right. I had marks on both sides of my neck. "Shit!" I was so going to kill that vampire wannabe! I slowly turned around the boys had stopped laughing but now both of them were grinning at me.
"So care to tell us who the vampire is?" Emmett asked, "Cuz I'm thinking we should have him put down. You look like you might have caught something from him."
"Now Emmett that might not be necessary you know Fang Bangers are all the rage today thanks to True Blood."
"Right but really is it safe to leave her alone with him?"
"I assume he would have drained her dry by now if he had planned to kill her."
"Both of you can go to hell!" I walked over and pulled my door open, "Leave, both of you!" I pointed, OUT!" The boys, both laughing their asses off at me, left but not before a few comments about how I looked like a leopard. But once they were gone I had a moment after thinking about killing Tony again that I couldn't help but smile. I kind of liked the vampire wannabe and he could bite me any day.
Ohh, so what will happen next? Will Tony and Marie become a couple or is this doomed? And just who is the baby daddy? That's for me to know and for you to come back next time and find out! But review, leave me your thoughts! I write way faster when you do. Reading what you guys have to say about Lauren and James is all to fun! Until next time kiddos!
Oh and because I doubt I'll get 18 out to you before Christmas, have a happy holidays kiddos!