A/N: Heheh... oops? I had written this part out and then decided to do it in verse instead. Then my muse ran away, and I completely forgot. So, I decided to finally upload this. Really sorry to keep you all waiting!

Shilo sat waiting on the couch as Graverobber made his way into the room, his shoulders slouched and his feet dragging. She looked like an eager student, which made him feel a little more secure. Obviously, the kid trusted him enough to take his word for all this weird new information. And maybe, just maybe, if he thought about this as an academic exercise, he wouldn't get so nervous.

Rather than join Shilo on the couch, Graverobber chose a rather uncomfortable armchair out of her reach. He knew that he had a reputation for screwing anything in a skirt (or out of one, for preference) and he was sure that he'd bedded girls younger than his companion. He'd even been the first for several of them. Somehow, though, he couldn't do that to Shilo. The thought of Shilo actually having sex with anyone made him feel sick to his stomach.

Deciding not to dwell on why he couldn't see Shilo as a sexual being, Graverobber turned back to the problem at hand.

"So…" he started, then cleared his throat. Damn, this is hard... Okay, poor choice of words there. "I guess I should explain how sex really works then." Shilo nodded enthusiastically, and Graverobber stifled a groan. She wasn't going to let him off easy this time. Then again, she usually seemed to enjoy making his life 'more interesting'. By which she usually meant 'difficult'.

"Basically, you… insert tab A into slot B." Biting his tongue, Graverobber almost laughed at the puzzled expression directed at him. "Okay, a little more elaboration. Have you ever seen a man naked before?" And please don't say you've seen your father naked, I don't think I could handle that right now.

"Not completely," Shilo said. "Not even on the telly. There's always blankets or pillows or something in front of their hips. I've seen naked chests though." This seemed to remind her of something. "Graverobber? Why do women have breasts but men don't?"

Happy to be granted a brief reprieve, Graverobber followed the train of thought.

"That's because ti - breasts, while very nice to look at, actually serve a practical purpose. When a baby is born, it drinks milk. A woman makes milk in her breasts. The baby sucks on the nipples to feed. Men don't make milk, so they don't need breasts." Graverobber was quite pleased with that explanation, and Shilo seemed to accept it.

"Okay. I have another question about babies too." Graverobber tensed again. "Is the baby really in a woman's stomach when she's pregnant? 'Cause that doesn't really make sense."

"Well, technically it's not in their stomachs," Graverobber replied after thinking a moment. "Woman have something called a uterus inside them, near the stomach but not connected to it. The baby grows inside that, which is why pregnant women look fat."

"Oh. That makes more sense." Shilo thought for a moment. "Not a lot more, but some." Just as Graverobber started to relax again, Shilo piped up with another question. "So how does the baby get inside the pregnant woman in the first place?"

"That's… that's where the naked man comes into it," Graverobber paused, then cursed his choice of words. "I mean, a man and woman need to have sex to create a baby. Y'see, women have eggs inside them." At the horrified expression on Shilo's face, he rushed to reassure her. "Not like a chicken egg or anything. Tiny. Smaller than your littlest toenail. And men have… sperm… inside their… testicles." It took all of Graverobber's strength to finish that sentence. He just couldn't believe that these words were coming out of his own mouth. Surely someone was playing some sort of joke on him? But surely not even Shilo could fake the incredulous look she was giving him.

"Eggs and sperm? That's what makes a baby? But how do you put them together?" Graverobber swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Well, it's all to do with the area the telly covers up. A man has a co - penis. Yes. A penis and testicles. The testicles store the… the sperm. And the penis is… inserted into the woman for the transfer." He could no longer meet Shilo's eyes and covered his face with his hands. Why hadn't he just told her to find a book to explain this?

"Inserted? How?" Curiosity seemed to have won out over horror. Graverobber, however, refused to remove his hands from his face and look at the kid. As a result, his next few sentences were rather muffled, but also very rushed.

"Through the… vagina. The penis is inserted into the vagina. After some… rubbing, I guess" - he'd never really thought about how all this worked, and he was starting to realize that if he didn't wrap this up soon, he might never want to have sex again - "the sperm is released. It goes into the uterus and if the egg's there as well the woman might get pregnant."

After a moment of silence, Graverobber dared to look at his young friend. She was chewing on a lock of hair from the wig she still wore, looking thoughtful. What seemed like an eternity passed before her eyes focused again on Graverobber, and she smiled.

"Okay, I guess I have a vague idea of how it works. But, I'm gonna go to the library tomorrow, see if they have a book that has a little more detail." Relief washed over Graverobber, and he couldn't keep it from showing on his face.

"Oh, thank you, kid. I gotta… I gotta get going." He leapt to his feet and all but ran to the kitchen to retrieve his gear. "I'll be back before morning. Probably. Bye!" He shouted over his shoulder as he retreated through the familiar tunnel, to the friendly graveyard where people didn't ask awkward questions about sex and puberty.

Shilo waited a few minutes to make sure he wasn't coming back, then let herself out the front door. A car was waiting a few houses down – one that Graverobber would have recognised, had he come this way. But he always used the tunnels when feeling threatened, and Shilo had made sure he'd use them tonight.

Climbing into the car, Shilo smiled thoughtfully at her companion.

"I see now why you didn't want to explain it. But why did you insist I ask Graverobber about it? I feel kind of sorry for him now."

Her companion laughed, a rare occurrence. Making Graverobber's life miserable was one of the few hobbies she had – and Shilo had been a most unexpected yet useful ally. The girl enjoyed teasing the older man, and was so naïve that it was easy to manipulate her into really embarrassing him.

"For my own amusement, of course. Why else?" She inspected her nails thoughtfully. "I guess we should leave him alone for a few days, let him get his bearings again before implementing stage two."

"What's stage two?" Shilo looked puzzled. "What could possibly squick him out any more than he already is?"

"Simple, my dear." The older woman pulled a magazine from her bag. "Get him to explain this." Shilo took the magazine and laughed again. It was gay porn.

"Amber, you're a bitch... and I think I love you a little bit."
