Lissa was with Christian walking to the cafeteria for breakfast. It was only the fourth day of class since the attack and every one was still really upset. The walked over to the feeder room for their daily dose of blood. Adrian was waiting at the back of the line still looking dishevled. The auras were proabably still getting to him.

"Hey" Lissa said cheerlessly

"Hey Cuz" he replied in the same tone and gave her a half hearted smile.

"Have you had any luck getting into Rose's dreams yet?" Wait what? Adrian was trying to get into my dreams, I hadn't seen him at all, usually he had no trouble getting into my dreams.

"No not yet but I'll keep trying and you'll be the first to know if I do"

"Thanks Adrian" Lissa said

"It' not just for you but you're welcome" He sighed. I felt a little bad for what I had done to him. But it was something I'd had to do to help Dimitri. I had only recently realized the real feelings he had for me and i'd had to use that against him to get the money I needed