Disclaimer: Uh-Uh. If I owned Torchwood things would be slightly different.
A/N: I've got a list of one hundred words/sayings that I will be posted little shorts with. They will not be in the order that I got the one hundred prompts, just random. But do enjoy, and if you actually enjoy it, I do rather like review my very own self.
16. Questioning
Ianto stared down at the little girl with the ice cream. He blinked at her, trying to come up with an answer that suited her age. She looked about eight. Blond hair framed her face, tied in two tails. Her large brown eyes never leaving his face, awaiting an answer.
"Because I got hurt."
She stopped eating her cool treat, "But Why?"
"Because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time." Actually, Ianto had been in the right place at the right time. He had gotten a few bruises during a short mission earlier in the day and the girl had asked him why he looked like that.
She paused, "But Why?"
"Because of my job."
"But Why?"
"Because I needed to walk that way to get to work." Again, not actually true.
She blinked, "But Why?"
"Because I needed to get to work."
"But Why?"
He glanced at her treat, it was melting slowly, "Because I need the money."
"But Why?"
"Because I need to buy food and pay my bills." He hoped she understood now.
"But Why?"
Apparently, she did not. "Because I have been alive long enough for those responsibilities."
"But Why?"
"Because no one else will pay those for me." Ianto replied.
"But Why?"
"Because other adults have their own bills to pay." He was still just as calm as ever. Onlookers were getting amused and wondered how long the young man would answer the young girl's question.
"But Why?"
"Because at a certain age you need to go on your own and live your own life."
"But Why?"
Her ice cream was basically all melted now. "Because we had the means to live away from our parents."
She sighed, "But Why?"
"Because we had gone to school."
"But Why?"
"Because it's the law."
"But Why?"
"Because we needed to be able to support the economy."
"But Why?"
"Because if we didn't then the economy would fall apart."
"But Why?"
Ianto could tell someone new showed up, someone he knew, "Because it wouldn't have money circulating."
"But Why?"
"Because if we didn't have our jobs we wouldn't have money to buy things."
Jack put a hand on Ianto's shoulder, "Sorry little Miss, but I need to be taking this man back to work."
She turned her brown eyes at him, "But Why?"