Chapter 13

"Ahh!" Akarui screamed.

"Holy shit!" Yoru screamed, throwing her head back.

Her and Akarui were holding hands with each other, and their lovers, squeezing hard. Akarui was taking a while to get the baby out, while Yoru was pushing as hard as she could just get this over with.

"Aoi!" She screamed. "I'm going to kill you when this is over!"

"You do that." Aoi gulped.

"I blame you, Ruki!" Akarui yelled. "I blame you!"

"I blame me, too!" Ruki yelled back. "Ow! Fuck! My hand, baby! You're breaking it!"

"One last push, Akarui!" Yugure called.

"Holy shit!" Akarui cried.

"Come on, Yoru!" Kai encouraged. "Once more! You can do this!"

Yoru cried out, squeezing both Akarui's and Aoi's hands as hard as she could. She pushed one last, hard time.

When she heard the shrill cry fill her ears, she felt all the pain drain out of her. She rested her head softly on the pillow, breathing heavily and suddenly noticing the pressure Akarui was putting on her hand.

"It's not that bad once it's over." She assured her friend, panting.

"The hell it isn't!" Akarui objected.

"Come on, Akarui!" Yugure continued to encourage her. "One last push!"

"You said that five pushes ago!" Akarui screamed, but did as she was told.

She pushed so hard, that it only took a second for the little infant to emerge.

"" She panted.

"It's a boy." Yugure smiled down at the blood-covered child.

"Ruki..." Akarui whispered. "How is he?"

"He's perfect..." Ruki whispered.

Just then, Kai walked back into the room with a little bundle of joy wrapped up in a pink blanket.

"It's a girl." Kai smiled as he handed the baby to Yoru.

"Aw..." Yoru beamed as the little baby hit her in the face. "You're amazing..."

Aoi leaned over her shoulder, smiling as he looked down at his baby. He had never thought he would want kids, let alone have one. He had been so scared at first, thinking that he could never be good enough to give a child a happy life. But now...

His little girl was there. And she was beautiful, with a full head of black hair, just like his. He reached down, touching it's cheek softly. He smiled as the little girl turned her head and nudged his hand.

"Ruki..." Akarui was still breathless. "I want to see him."

Ruki nodded, still a little shocked as Yugure came in with the little boy in her arms. She handed him over to Ruki, laughing at the scared look on his face.

"It's okay, Ruki." Yugure giggled. "You can do this."

"Right." He gulped.

He walked carefully back to Akarui's side.

She turned her head, her eyes a little glassy as she reached up, touching her baby's hand and watching it grasp her finger.

"He's handsome." She laughed breathily. "Just like his daddy."

"Daddy..." Ruki swallowed hard before smiling. "That's right."

Akarui laughed and Ruki looked down at her. He grinned like an idiot, a very happy idiot.

And then her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

"Akarui!" Ruki gasped. "Kai!"

Akarui's head flopped back on the pillow. Kai walked up, pushing Ruki back and checking her pulse.

The child in Ruki's arms began to cry, and he tried, unsuccessfully, to console it.

"She's not breathing." Kai said steadily. "Yugure, go get me a glass of water. I think she might be dehydrated."

"Hai." Yugure ran out of the room like lightning.

"Akarui!" Yoru handed her child over to Aoi, who tried his best to calm the little girl down.

"Akarui, sweetie, wake up." Yoru pleaded with her.

Ruki couldn't take it anymore, he handed the baby to Reita (who was standing, stunned, near the doorway) and hurried to Akarui's side.

"Wake up!" Yoru demanded. "If you don't wake up...I'll...I'll do something! Wake up!"

Kai opened her eyes with his thumb to check her pupils, then groaning.

"I'll try CPR." He muttered.

"Akarui..." Ruki was crying.

For the first time in a long time, he was crying. This was worse than before, because at least then he knew she was alive and well. But she might be gone for good now...

He sobbed, grabbing her hand and putting it to his forehead.

"Please, baby..." He whispered. "You promised..."

"Akarui!" Yoru grabbed Akarui's arm as Kai continued CPR. "Damn it! Don't just give up! Stupid human! Wake up!"

As Kai was about to try CPR again, Akarui began coughing, slightly opening her eyes and trying to sit up, before wincing and falling right back down.

"Ow." She shook her head. "What happened?"

"Akarui!" Ruki grabbed her, pulling her into a kiss that almost had her going into cardiac arrest again.

"Ruki, she needs to breathe!" Yoru scolded him.

"Right." He pulled back, pecking her on the lips one more time.

"I want to see my baby." She looked at him with pleading eyes.

Ruki nodded, standing and walking back over to Reita, who was laughing as the baby tried to pull his noseband off.

"You gave my baby to Reita?" Akarui grimaced. "Thanks."

"Hey, he likes me." Reita stuck his tongue out as Ruki took the child.

"You!" Yoru motioned for Aoi to come closer. "Come here!"

Aoi knelt down beside her, handing the upset baby back to her. She rocked it, softly humming a lullaby. She gasped when the little girl opened her eyes for the first time.

They were beautifully green. Just like her daddy's.

"Aw, Aoi, she's got your eyes..." Yoru whispered, cuddling the baby.

Aoi wrapped his arms around the both of them, unable to help it.

"What are we going to name her?" Yoru asked.

Aoi sighed. "No idea..."

"I was thinking maybe...Shinbi." Yoru suggested. "True beauty."

"I like it." Aoi nodded, resting his head against hers.

Akarui smiled down at the little boy. She ran her hair across his black hair, feeling the softness of it under her fingers.

"Ruki..." She whispered. "He looks like you."

"I think he looks like you." Ruki kissed her cheek softly.

"We should name him Ruki Jr.!" She beamed.

Ruki's face fell. "Please, no."

"Aw..." She pouted. "Fine. Then Usagi."

"That's a girls name." Ruki grimaced. "My boy is not going to have a girls name."

She giggled. "I was just joking...Akemi?"

Ruki sighed. "I guess that's okay."

"Akemi it is, then." She smiled then smiled down at her baby. "Do you like that name? Akemi? Is that your name?"

She gasped when he opened his eyes, and giggled.

"Oh, my..." She looked into his deep, bright blue eyes. "They're...exactly like yours."

Ruki smirked.

Akarui smiled. "He's so kawaii!"

She hugged him close, feeling his hand reach up and grab her nose.

"My beautiful little boy." She nuzzled his neck softly.


"Good Lord, how fast do vampire babies grow?" Akarui whined as she picked up Akemi from his crib, having to strain. "He's like a brick. No. A bag of bricks."

"We're not sure." Ruki shrugged as he walked over to hand her his bottle. "We haven't exactly studied vampire babies because they're so rare."

He yawned then.

"Tired?" She laughed as she gave Akemi the bottle and he took it in his hands.

"A little." He stretched. "But I'll be okay."

"Right." She rolled her eyes. "Come on, Akemi-ko. We'll go see how your little girlfriend is doing."

"Not his girlfriend." Ruki grumbled.

"Ooh, he likes her." Akarui giggled as she walked out the door and down to the living room.

Aoi and Shinibi were sitting on the floor as he played blocks with her.

"Squa!" Shinibi cried with joy as she held up the triangle shaped block.

"No, baby, that's a triangle." Aoi tried to explain.

"Squa!" Shinibi shook her little head stubbornly, making her dark curls bounce.

"Daddy, it's a 'squa' which happens to be a new form of triangle." Yoru snickered as she sat beside Aoi and Shinibi ran for her.

"Why do you have to be her favorite?" Aoi narrowed his eyes.

"Because Mommy's are always the best." Yoru explained as Shinibi cuddled her neck.

"Whatever you say." Aoi grumbled, playing catch with himself.

"Look, Akemi!" Akarui pointed to where Shinibi stood, wobbling on the floor. "It's Shinibi-chan!"

"Agh!" Akemi smiled a big, toothless smile and clapped his hands.

He reached for her as Yoru could've swore she saw Shinibi blush.

"Aw, they got a crush on each other!" Yoru giggled as Akarui put Akemi down and he crawled towards the little girl.

"That boy better watch his back." Aoi narrowed his eyes at Akemi.

"Hey, don't get suspicious of my son!" Ruki smacked him on the back of the head.

"He just better watch it…" Aoi crossed his arms.

"Aoi, baby, he's barely even a week old." Yoru took Aoi's hand, smiling. "Even though he looks at least five months old, I promise you, he's not seventeen."

"Ah! Don't mention that number!" Akarui covered her ears. "He's going to stay like this for eternity!"

"He's gotta grow up sometime." Yoru laughed.

Uruha walked into the room, smiling as the two kids played on the ground.

"Uhhh-ra!" Shinibi abandoned Akemi as she crawled towards the tall blond.

"Hey, Shini-baby!" Uruha picked up the little girl and she cuddled into his chest lovingly.

"You see, that's just unfair." Akarui frowned. "How could you do that, Uru?"

Akemi looked kind of sad as he stared at the ground, continuing to play with his blocks.

"I can't help it I'm a chick magnet." Uruha laughed as Shinibi planted a big smooch on his chin.

"Hey, don't be getting fresh with my baby." Yoru stood and took Shinibi away from Uruha.

"She's a kid, Yoru." Uruha rolled his eyes. "Besides, I must remind you that, girls aren't my thing."

"They better not be." Reita snickered from the kitchen.

"Which is why…" Uruha smirked. "Akemi!"

Uruha ran towards the little boy on the ground as Akemi's eyes went wide. Ruki was there before Uru could reach him.

"You are not turning my son gay!" Ruki narrowed his eyes as he picked up Akemi and walked away.

Uruha chuckled. "I was joking!"

"Rei-chan!" Yoru called. "Uru-kun's cheating on you with Ruki's baby!"

"What?" Reita poked his head through the door, raising an eyebrow. "Child molester."

"It was a joke." Uruha rolled his eyes.

When Kai walked in, he was shaking his head.

"I choose not to know."

No one was surprised when Yugure walked in behind him. Those two never seemed to be apart, even though they would never, ever in a million years, confess that they are absolutely head over heals for each other. Because Kai was virtuous and knew that Yugure was still going to have to marry that Saki bastard.

"Guys, we have to talk." Kai said.

"Oh, dear!" Uruha ran out of the room. "Later!"

Ruki looked up at Kai, knowing exactly what he was about to say.

Aoi glanced at Yoru, knowing from Kai's face exactly what Ruki had read from his mind.

"What is it?" Yoru asked as Shinibi bounced on her knee.

"We got a call from Ousama." Kai began. "He said that we need to carry out with the change as soon as possible."

"The change?" Yoru asked. "What do you…? You mean, into vampires?"

"Yes." Kai nodded.

Aoi waited for Yoru to burst, to start screaming that there was no way in hell she would ever become a vampire even if her life depended on it. But she didn't.

"Will my blood allow that?" Yoru continued. "Considering I have slayer in me."

"Yes." Kai repeated. "It'll just take longer for the vampyric antibodies to take over your red blood cells."

"Sounds so scientific." Yoru laughed. "Whatever."

Aoi couldn't help but smile as he took her free hand.

"But…" Kai coughed nervously. "I'm sure that there are certain concepts of the change that you obviously don't fully understand."

"What do you mean?" Akarui asked quietly.

"There are certain…procedures you have to carry out for the change to work." Kai scratched the back of his head.

"Which are…?" Yoru prompted.

"What Kai here is trying to say is, that you have to be having sex to be changed." Ruki said flatly.

"Oh!" Akarui laughed. "Okay. No problem."

"As long as I don't have to sleep with Ruki, Kai, Uruha or Reita, I am perfectly fine with that." Yoru nodded. "But…what about Yugure?"

Yugure blushed furiously and hid her face behind her hair.

"I…um…yeah…I…" Kai continued to stutter.

"God, guys, why don't you just admit you're crazy for each other and make love!" Yoru threw a rubber ducky at Kai's head.

They both blushed.

Kai's mouth opened, but nothing came out.

"Fine!" Yugure pulled on Kai's shoulder. "You know what, Kai? I don't care about Saki or sake or beer or whatever the hell his name is! He can go screw himself and a couple corpses for all I care! But you, you are just so God damn sexy and cute and everything I want! And, damn it, I get what I want! Now quit being so high and mighty and kiss me!"

Yugure was all up in his face now as Kai's eyes grew wider and wider with every word.

Ruki, Aoi, Yoru and Akarui's mouths were slack as Akemi and Shinibi actually had their eyebrows raised.

Kai gulped when Yugure actually growled.

"Right." Kai nodded.

He leaned forward and captured her lips. She moaned as the soft flesh slid along one another before his tongue invaded her mouth.

Yoru snickered as she leaned over to Akarui.

"Yugure's still a virgin, isn't she?"

"Yep." Akarui smirked.

"Huh?" Aoi asked.

"Yugure's still a virgin." Yoru informed him.

Kai heard her that time, and his eyes flew open as he looked over at them, his and Yugure's lips still locked.

Akarui laughed at the scared-as-hell look in his eyes.

"Gambette!" She laughed.