Soooo… I have to admit that I've never thought I would write and even publish a fanfiction about real people… but my obsession on Adam is stronger than my moral principles. So I'm just gonna go with it. Besides, my friend kind of made me publish this story, so blame it on her, if it's horrible. :-D

Disclaimer: I don't own anything or anyone and I don't plan on making money out of this, just some fun. No harm is intended and I definitely don't suggest those events happened in real life.

I know it has been done before, but I'm going to attempt to make it different and most importantly interesting. The story begins during the final four week on American Idol, goes all the way through the tour and some more time after it. However, this story has two alternative options of development. Part one is common to both versions, but part two will have two versions.

It's Allison's POV all the way through… Hope you enjoy it!


Part one

1 – Battery

"That's it. I give up!" I snapped my biology book closed with annoyance; I've been trying to study for the last hour, but without much success. I kept reading the same sentence over and over again, unable to focus on the text. When I realized I didn't understand a word from what I've read, I decided that there was no point in wasting more time.

"Need help?" Adam asked me from his bed. I was lying on a bed next to his and only now, as I looked around, I realized we were alone in the room. I haven't even noticed when Kris left the bedroom.

"No, thanks. I can't concentrate right now, I'll try later." He nodded and got back to the book he was reading, not noticing me gazing at him. "Adam?" I said quietly after a little while of silence. He looked over at me again. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He closed the book and sat up, turning all of his attention to me.

"Well… I don't know exactly how to fraise it…" I hesitated.

"Just ask. It's okay." Adam encouraged.

"You know how everybody treats me like a little girl…"

"By 'everybody' you mean Danny?" He chuckled.

"No, not just him. I mean, even before, when everyone was still here, nobody took me seriously. I know I'm the youngest and sometimes I act childishly, but sometimes I am serious…"

"Don't worry about it, it's only because you've been the only teenager here for a long time."

"I know." I sighed.

"Think about it in a different perspective. You're the youngest to stay so long on Idol, this season and probably ever. Without you it wouldn't have been the same, I'm sure everybody feels this way, because we all love your fiery personality, including Danny."

"Thanks." I felt the blush warming my cheeks. "But actually I wanted to ask you something else." He waited for me to continue. "Even if you're right and it's only because of my age, why don't you treat me the same way? Like a twelve year old or something?"

"I'm not sure I understand the question." Adam smiled and I tried to ignore my sinking heart. I was already getting used to this kind of responses of my body to simple things involving Adam, like smiling or talking or even looking. I've always liked him and we really became close friends during the show, but lately I had troubles with convincing myself that the affection I felt for him was the same as I would feel for an older brother. "So, you actually like to be thought of as a little girl?"

"Of course not! That's exactly what I mean, you do take me as a grown up person and never look down at me. That's great. I just wondered why."

"I always look down at you, literally." I laughed and he continued, more seriously. "I don't know, maybe it's because sometimes I act like a kid myself. Besides, I don't think that people should be judged by their age. Look at you, you're only seventeen, but you already know exactly who you are and what you want in life. It's something not all the thirty-year-olds have." Adam looked straight into my eyes, like he always did and I just couldn't help it. I got up, walked to his bed and hugged him, not saying a word. He held me for a long moment, then kissed my cheek and pulled away, too soon, if you ask me. "Besides, you never looked at me like some kind of a freak, while others threw those strange looks at me, which I'm actually used to."

"Are you kidding me? When I first met you I thought 'Man, this dude is so cool!' and that was before I got to know you or even before I heard you sing!" He laughed and got up from his bed, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Well, if you're not going to study anymore, let's go do a little rehearsal…" Usually I used school as an excuse to skip a practice or two, but this week I was ready to spend every minute in rehearsal of my duet with Adam. Of course, I wanted all of the songs I was singing to turn out great, but the duet was something more than just a song for me… Besides, it was also a lot of fun with Adam.


"Great!" Adam smiled a huge smile as the last accords of the song came to end. We were practicing our duet for the last hour or so and he always had something nice to say to me. I, on the other side, was speechless. It felt almost like I was singing with a huge, famous rock star and not my best friend. "You are incredible." He raised his hand in the air and I slapped it with mine.

"I'm learning from the best." I laughed happily. It was fun even to work with Adam.

"Yeah, Slash is amazing!" He said enthusiastically.

"I was talking about you, silly!" I punched him playfully on the shoulder.

"Well, I actually think you're gonna be better than me."

"Is it even possible?" Even though I was laughing, I truly meant it and hoped he knew I did.

"Sure. You're natural. And your 'Cry Baby'? It's mind-blowing! You'll be fantastic, sis!" He reassured me.

"I'll do my best, but you'll rock the stage, you'll see."

That evening I felt very energetic and hyperactive, for some reason. It was already Sunday and it felt as if the time was passing faster and faster the closer we came to the show's night. I knew that even in the best outcome for me there are only two weeks of Idol left, so I didn't want to waste a single moment. Unfortunately, not everyone was as excited and active as I was.

"Come on people! Let's do something." Kris and Danny were both watching television with exhausted looks, as if they had just ran a marathon.

"Relax, kiddo, we are doing something. We're watching TV." Danny said without taking his eyes off of the screen.

"You're boring!" I announced.

"We're tired. Why don't you try it too from time to time?"

"Oh please!" I rolled my eyes. Not they could see it. "Seriously, guys, there're only four of us left now and in two days someone else leaves. And all of this –" I waved my hands in different directions. "– will be over soon. You'll have lots of time to be tired, so why waste the little time we've got here?"

"We still have the tour and then millions of things to do and no time to just do nothing." Kris commented lazily.

"And that's a bad thing?" I decided to try another strategy, since the last one wasn't working. "Why don't we play something funny? Like we used to when everybody was still here. Truth or Dare or parodies or that game with the letters and songs…"

"Let's play parodies." I heard Adam from the entrance and when I turned around, he was leaning against the wall next to the doorway.

"Oh no…" Danny moaned.

"I can do Danny." Adam suggested with a smile. "I'm Grandpa Danny." He said mockingly. "I'm so much older than everybody else, so I have to be boring and I'm not allowed to have fun, because only babies Like Allison can do that." I burst into laughter and despite his visible efforts Kris couldn't stop himself from following my example.

"Hey!" Danny did his best to not smile.

"Sorry, but it did sound a little like you." Kris shrugged apologetically.

"Think you're better, church boy?" Adam winked at Kris playfully. We all knew how much Kris hated to be called that kind of names, but it was clear that Adam only joked. "You don't even have the excuse of being old!" Adam purposely emphasized the last word, throwing a meaningful look towards Danny.

"Invented any new trends, screech Glambert?" Kris made an attempt to mock back, but Adam only laughed, taking it as a compliment, I'm sure.

"Nope, just the guyliner so far." He replied and we all laughed. After that we joked about each other for a while, laughing until we were all breathless and tearful, then Adam and I got into a pillow fight somehow, which Danny found annoying.

"I wish my cell phone battery could run as long as you two, without –" By this he earned a pillow straight into his face from Adam. It led us into a whole speech as Danny complained about his glasses being almost broken.

I don't know at what point exactly I'd fallen asleep, but I remember hearing Adam saying in a low voice "I'll take her." and then I felt his arms under myself. I wanted to protest, but my tongue stubbornly refused to move. When I could feel the bed underneath my body, I finally opened my eyes to thank him, but Adam wasn't there and the sun was already shining brightly from outside. My first guess was that it all had been a dream, but then I saw I was still fully dressed in jeans and T-shirt. Strangely, the night just flew by, as if I just skipped it. I couldn't even remember dreaming something, although I felt fully rested, so I must have gotten some sleep.

After showering and changing cloths, I went downstairs, to find everybody eating breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning, sunshine." Adam greeted me cheerfully.

"Morning." I smiled back.

"Morning." Danny and Kris replied one after another.

"Breakfast!" Adam put a plate with pancakes on the table and I set in front of it.

"So, your battery ran low, finally?" Danny chuckled. And it was the first joke about me that day, which was followed by many from Danny, until I decided I've had enough of it.

After we finished our usual rehearsals and I did some of my schoolwork that afternoon, I went to the living room where Danny sat on the couch and read a magazine. I had a glass of water in my hand and when he got up from his sit and started walking towards the kitchen I simply couldn't resist the temptation. I wasn't a usually a revenge seeker, but he did his best to annoy me the whole day, so…

I tiptoed towards Danny, trying to be very quiet so he wouldn't notice me. When I looked to the side I saw Adam smiling a little as he watched me from where he sat. I winked at him and stopped about a foot away from Danny. I raised my hand with the glass above his head and turned it upside down so all of its contents spilled on him. He turned around with a furious look on his wet face and I couldn't tell how serious exactly he was. Well, his glasses looked like windows on a rainy day, so it couldn't be good.

"Run." He warned and I obeyed, but not before showing him my tongue, of course. He chased me to the hallway and it didn't take him long to catch me. Danny lifted me and put me on his shoulder, carrying me like a spoiled child that disobeyed and had to be punished. I screamed, half laughing.

"You're such a big pain in the ass!" We passed the place where Adam had been sitting before and I noticed he wasn't there anymore.

"Are you sure you can use those words around me?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot you're twelve!" He replied in the same manner.

"You sure don't let me forget about the fact that I'm seventeen!" He chuckled at that.

"Yeah, you're getting old already."

"I think you're the only one who's getting old here!" I hoped I didn't hurt his feelings. Not that he didn't deserve it… "And put me down already!" To my surprise, he actually stopped and put me on my feet.

"Next time go annoy someone your age." He looked down at me and added. "And size."

"I would, if there was somebody like this around." I shrugged with a smile. Then I caught the sight of Adam coming into the living room with one had behind his back and he put a finger on his lips, so I focused on Danny again. "Besides, if I don't annoy you, you'll be bored." Adam tapped on his shoulder with his free hand and when Danny turned around, a huge piece of the chocolate cake we had a few days ago was smashed into his face. "Or not." I giggled and Adam put his hand on Danny's shoulder calmly.

"We won't let you grow old so quickly." He assures him with a smile, while Danny licked his lips. "You've got a few months till you're officially old." Adam teased and we all laughed in response.

"But the cake, man? Really, such a waste!"

"Nah, it was too old anyway. I think it's spoiled." Danny's face twisted it a disgusted expression under the chocolate cream.

"Why is it always me with the food on the face?" He complained, still smiling.

"Trust me, getting the food out of the hair was the hardest for me." I raised a long red lock of my hair and they both burst into laughter.


I knocked on the door of Adam and Kris's room and opened it as soon as I heard Adam's 'yeah?' from the other side. They were sitting on their beds, looking quite serious, which made me wonder what they were talking about. Sometimes I really envied Kris for sharing a room with Adam and being able to talk with him through the night. Though I doubted they stayed up very long, Kris wasn't a night person. Still, it could be nice to be in his place.

"I'm sorry to interrupt."

"It's okay." Adam answered, looking at me briefly and then moving his gaze back to Kris, who was looking down on his feet.

"Dinner's ready, so hurry up, before Danny finishes it all."

"We'll be down in a minute." Again it was Adam who answered and I got a little concerned about Kris.

"Okay." I left the room, closing the door behind me. I was curious and worried about what was going on, but at that moment I wondered if Adam was telling Kris stuff he never talked to me about. That thought made me jealous in a very childish way, which I'm definitely not proud of. It's not kindergarten, but I wished Adam would talk to me too, like he did with Kris.


Review, pleasssse! :))