The last chapter!!!!

It is sort of short...

Oh no!

We all hate happy endings

and Bad endings are almost as bad!

Oh well.

If you are reading this before the chapter 'medical meth', read that chapter first.

Enjoy the conclusion of 'Laichzeit'

Sniffles and Flaky walk into townhall, pockets filled with a revised version of the miracle drug. "If you are violated or killed by the crowd, remember, it was Nutty's fault." Sniffles assures. Flaky rolls her eyes, nervously thinking about the angry audience she'll have to face. Men ready to rape, kill, or do worse to her. But worse would, or will happen if she doesn't act now.

As the two approach the white domed building, Flaky attempts to take deep breaths. Sniffles opens the massive bronze doors, and leads Flaky inside. They wave to each other as the doors swing shut. Sniffles locks the door, and goes around back to the entrance of the ventilation system. She walks down the marble corridor, light filtering through the grimy windows. Mime left the window washing job after he was raped, and no one came to fill in his spot. She feared because of his being laconic, he would have a hard time overcoming his pain. She walks through more humungous doors, this time onto the podium in front of the crowd.

Lifty stealthily makes his way to the front of the crowd. Although it was an effect of Sniffles's failed drugs, Lifty felt overwhelming depression and rage from Shifty killing Mime. So he created a plot in his mind, to execute in his own way. This plot gave him control over his own invisible world. He was his own God. And he knew just what his gods did.

Flaky adjusts the microphone, and taps it. "Can everyone hear?"

"Yes, where's our adult entertainment, slut!" Disco called out, angrily. She frowns, timidly shaking.

"Well, actually, this is a cure for all of you. It will cure you of your life-controlling obsession with sex!" she chirps. They all look up, with a grey-blue powder raining from the air vents. Most stare in confusion, not knowing what to make of this situation. Flippy, Mime, and Splendid move to the front of the crowd, to hear what else she knew about this drug raining on their heads. Nutty and Handy move to the back of the auditorium, not wanting to let go of their new found addiction. Flippy accidentally bumps into Lifty, and pardons himself. Flippy notices something different about Lifty. His trench coat was bulging and smelled of a kerosene lamp. He double takes, realizing what he'd felt.

Lifty leaps on stage, and Flippy yells "Lifty has a bomb!" Flaky stands in shock. Evil takes over, and tackles Flaky, shielding both. Nutty and Handy flee as quick as they can, accidentally locking everyone in. The crowd frantically scrambles around, trying to avoid Lifty's bomb, trampling, clawing, screaming. All this took place seconds before Lifty's thumb pressed the trigger.

Sniffles watches Lifty explode, a ball of fire engulfing half the crowd. The rest are knocked to the ground from the force of the blast. As the red clouds disappear, many appear horribly mangled. Mime's horns were jutting from the top of his spine, and his fur, flesh, and sinew were scorched from the body. Lifty was nothing. As were Cro-marmot and Pop. Very little distinguished their giblets from another. Cro-Marmot was splattered amongst the blood and ashes, along with chunks of ice. The Mole and Disco were in flames, laying unconcious in puddles of their own blood. Evil Flippy had been burned, and he seemed to be disoriented. Russell had pried open the door, and those who could walk left, fearing for only themselves. Fire was quickly spreading, and the building was collapsing in on itself. Sniffles crawled down the vents, only to be crushed violently as the vent implodes.

Fires rage out of control, consuming entire buildings downtown. Most who fled fell victim to the fire. Not one inch of Happy Tree Town laid untouched by the fire or blast wave.

Evil Flippy glances around, and two fears came to his mind; His wife and brother just died here. Raging walls of flame spread high into the sky send plumes of thick black smoke into the air. Lumpy had jumped into the closest truck, and driven to his warehouse near the docks for safety. Petunia was watching from her house, and was escaping the fires from the backdoor of her house. Rutherd, even could see the violence from the high seas. "Feuer, Feuer on der Lande!" he calls to his family.

Flaky wanders around the asphalt streets, blood dribbling from her nose. She spots Cub, torn from his dead father's arms by the explosion, bawling in the street. She scoops him up into her arms, and comforts him. "We survived this Cub, we're alright! We've survived!" she cooes. Handy walks up behind her. "We've survived, indeed, but one question," he whispers.

"What is it?" she asks softly.

"Can we survive the calm from after the storm?"

The conclusion.

Odd behavior shall come out around today or tomorrow.

I wish all reading a happy Rannahannakwanzmas, for everybody.

This is officially my longest story, +14,000 words, 12 chapters, and +32 reviews.

Hoping I break this record!

Until our next story,


Joe and William