The snow reminded her of Ilia.

Florina sighed, pulling her cloak tighter around herself as she sat against the wall of the newly-captured fortress. She remembered the days of playing and making snow angels with her sisters, the warm smile of their mother, her promise to Lyn that someday she'd show her the snows as Lyn had shown her the plains.

She wondered when she would ever be able to make good on that promise.

"Hey." Lyn sat down beside her, and Florina realized she wasn't startled by the plainswoman's sudden appearance. "Are you feeling well? It's been a long day and a lot of our comrades are exhausted."

"I'm fine," Florina said. "I was just thinking."

Lyn nodded, wrapping an arm around her. Florina instinctively drew closer; even through their clothes she could feel Lyn's body heat, gentle and comforting.

"Do you ever get homesick?" Lyn asked.

"N-no, of course not," Florina stammered, then grinned sheepishly. "I guess what I said to you earlier works both ways, huh?"

"Of course."

"It's not that I'm homesick," Florina sighed, "but seeing all this snow again reminded me how much I miss Ilia sometimes. And I know I said I'd go back to the plains with you when this was over, and I want us to always stay together, but..."

"Florina." Lyn pulled her closer. "It's okay. If you ever want to go back to Ilia one day, we can," she said. "Actually, we'll have to. I still remember a certain promise you made me back on the plains..."

Florina smiled.

"Consider it kept."