Qui-Gon sat up boldly, the strange sound of Yoda's cackling still echoing eerily in his mind. He shook his head.

Out of all the strange dreams he had had, this one easily topped all others.

Gobarmee fruit, what kind of ridiculous name was that?

A cake and party for a Jedi birthday?

Yoda's hair-raising cackling?

Mace Windu in a pink dress...

The last thought was highly entertaining, though.

Certainly, Qui-Gon hadn't had anything to do with Windu acquiring purple focussing crystals, but he did distinctly remember a little stuffed bantha from their initiate days. And one could argue that it had indeed been a faint faded shade of pink...

He grinned inwardly.

Yes, the dream had been very odd, but entertaining nevertheless.

His eyes wandered to the framed drawing on his bedroom wall, and a warm smile played on his lips.

Obi-Wan's beautiful rendition of the River of Light witnessed by two familiar shadowy figures.

The only part of the dream that had been based on reality.

Qui-Gon was quite fond of his padawan's thoughtful gift, so he wasn't surprised that he had associated the painting with Obi-Wan even in his subconscious mind.

A light probing through their bond told him his Padawan was currently in the groggy first stages of wakefulness.

With a day ahead to spend freely in whichever way Qui-Gon pleased, he abandoned his earlier idea of scheduling some additional sabre practice for Obi-Wan.

The dream had been courtesy of the Force's: a little reminder that even Jedi needed to have some fun from time to time.

As Qui-Gon walked into their living quarters and started preparing breakfast, he remembered reading about some sort of novel exhibition in the Museum of Transportation, which would do nicely for an enjoyable, and at the same time educative, afternoon.

Obi-Wan, sleep-tousled hair sticking in every direction, peeked blearily from his bedroom. "Mahstah?" He slurred.

No, his padawan was definitely not a morning person.

Of course, when told, said padawan always dryly countered that 5 am hardly counted as 'morning' in any normal person's book.

As he slowly trudged into the kitchen, Obi-Wan groaned. "I had such a strange dream tonight, Master..."

The boy scrubbed some sleep from his eyes in an endearingly child-like way as he sat beside his master.

Qui-Gon mildly raised an eyebrow. "About Mace Windu and a pink bantha?"

Obi-Wan's eyes grew impossibly big.

"Pink ba..." He stuttered incredulously, before regaining his composure. "No, Master. Uhm, I do fail to see the connection between Master Windu and a uhm pink bantha?"

"Never mind, Padawan." Qui-Gon said lightly. "Trust me, you don't want to know..."

AN: Congratulations for making it to the end of what has to be the weirdest story I'll ever write! I hope you've found a smile or two along the way. Thanks for reading!