Disclaimer: still no.

Chapter 50: Love's Strength

April and Jane were at Jane and Leo's apartment, talking quietly.

"Jane," April whispered, "I…there's is something I have to know."

Jane looked at her, April was serious almost…cold.

"I saw the doctor's note Leo had, I saw him cry when he thought no one was looking even now…Jane…if…if you…I swear Jane so help me…if this isn't Leo's baby," April said fiercely.

Jane's eyes widened.

"How could you think…" Jane breathed, green eyes wide, shock etched into her features.

"Leo won't take betrayal well," April whispered, "Jane…tell me now…if this isn't Leo's."

"You don't trust me," Jane said softly, tears streaming down her cheeks, "You think…I…that I was with someone else?"

"Jane," April said firmly.

"This is Leo's baby," Jane said in shock.

Jane stood to her feet, green eyes flashing.

"If you'd accuse me of that…get out," Jane said, pointing toward the door. April got up.

"Jane…this will kill him," April said as she left, "He's sterile and you expect me to believe this?"

"GET OUT!" Jane screamed.

April smiled.

"Jane, you just proved to me that you would never hurt him like that," April comforted. Jane froze confusion taking the place of her anger.

"But?" she started.

"Jane, I never doubted you," April said softly, "I just wanted to make sure."

Jane whimpered and leaned against April.

"I thought…April you are really convincing," Jane sobbed. April cradled the girl.

"I know, I'm sorry I shouldn't have put you through that," April sighed. April jumped as her cell went off.

"Hello?" April answered, rubbing Jane's shoulders.

April? Leo just called me Babe, and he said Jo's in labor, they won't let Raph in the room, Raph's practically havin' a panic attack, we need ya' up here.

"Ok Casey, I'll be there as fast as I can," April replied hanging up.

"What's wrong?" Jane asked frantically.

"Jo's in labor and something's wrong they won't let Raph in with her," April replied, "You feeling up for coming? Or do you want to stay here and rest?"

Jane gave her a look and grabbed her jacket.

"I'm going, of course I'll have to talk to Leo the minute I get there so he doesn't go into cardiac arrest," Jane replied. April laughed and hugged the tired figure.

"Raphie sit down please," Mikey sighed, watching the pacing figure of his older brother. Leo was leaned against the wall and Don was sitting next to Mikey.

"Raph," Leo said as Raph paced past.

"Raph," Don tried.

"Raph," Casey tried.

"RAPH SIT DOWN!" Leo snarled grabbing Raph and spinning him around, shoving his younger brother into a chair. Everyone froze and stared at him. Leo smiled.

"Got your attention didn't I?" Leo smirked, leaning against the wall.

Raph managed to remain seated for a whole minute before he got back up and started pacing again.

"Raph so help me if you don't put your butt back in that chair I'll sit on you," Leo growled. Raph grunted in reply and continued pacing nervously. Mikey couldn't help the smile as Leo stalked over to Raph and shoved him back into the chair.

"Sit." Leo ordered.

"Stay," Mikey added with a laugh, flinching when Raph glared at him.

"I ain't a dog Mike," Raph hissed.

"Here Leo," Don said tossing his tie to Leo. Leo grinned and rounded on Raph.

Raph eyed him.

"Don't even think about it," Raph growled.

"Are you going to stop pacing?" Mikey asked, preparing to use his belt as a restraint as well.

Raph's gaze flicked from one to the other.

"We're here guys!" April called as she and Jane rushed up. Leo froze and then glared at Jane.

"What are you doing here?" Leo growled, tossing Don's tie back and grabbing Jane.

Jane smiled and leaned into him, he stopped slightly thrown off by her response. April grinned and walked over to Raph and the others, laughing at their confused looks.

Jane sighed and leaned into Leo, breathing in the sent of incense, sweat, gun oil, and the tang of metal that was always around him.

"Jane?" Leo said cautiously, stroking her hair gently.

"I have something to tell you," she whispered. Leo looked almost nervous..

"Raph, she's carrying twins, its going to take a bit," April replied.

"WHAT?" Leo shouted, making them all jump. They all turned to see a very shocked Leo staring at a giggling Jane. His mouth was hanging open and he was just standing there as if struggling to remember how to speak.

"What the?" Raph managed.

April burst into giggles herself and sat down next to Raph, clutching her sides.

Jane kissed Leo and leaned against him. Leo opened and closed his mouth a few times and then just stood there staring at her with his mouth open again.

"What?" Mikey begged, "Why's Leo look like he just had a heart attack?"

"Please explain April," Don begged. April shook her head.

Raph looked at Leo and then froze.

"Holy crap…" he looked at April, "she's been sick all week."

April smiled.

"No," Raph gasped.

April just smiled more.

"No way," Raph repeated a grin forming.


"We're? You? I?" was all Leo could get out.

Jane giggled.

"How? What? You? We?" Leo struggled.

"Yes, we are having a baby," Jane smiled, leaning into him, kissing his cheek. Leo just stood there in shock. Jane handed him the real doctor's note.

"Someone switched the tests," she whispered.

Leo's eyes scanned the page.

"It…but…" Leo got out.

"The doctor said even with idiopathic infertility, there's always a chance," Jane whispered, "just a slim chance."

She took his hand and placed it on her stomach. Leo stared at her and then dropped the papers. He knelt on one knee, keeping his hand on her stomach, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I'm your dad," Leo whispered, pressing a kiss to her belly. Jane smiled and managed a weak laugh.

Don's mouth dropped open when he saw Leo kneel down and kiss Jane's belly. He looked at April and Raph. Raph was grinning and just shaking his head.

"How?" he breathed.

"Someone switched Leo's fertility test results," April replied, "even so, this might be the only child they ever have, unless Leo has a surgery or takes some serious medication."

All the guys flinched at the mention of surgery.

"Ow," Mikey gasped. April smiled.

"Mr. Hamato?" the doctor called. Raph nearly leapt to his feet. Leo turned and got up, wrapping Jane close and coming over to the rest.

"They're all fine, come on in," the doctor ushered. Raph paused long enough to smile at Leo and then slipped after the doctor.

Mikey turned to Jane.

"Can I?" he squeaked. Jane laughed.

"You won't feel anything yet silly," Jane laughed.

"SO?" Mikey pouted. Leo glared at Mikey and then rolled his eyes.

"No," he said, placing his hand on Jane's belly, grinning like an idiot.

Everyone laughed at Mikey's sad face.


"Mom's resting, the little ones are over here," the doctor whispered.

Raph paused to press a kiss against Jo's forehead. She was sound asleep, obviously tired.

"I love ya'," Raph whispered. He turned almost nervously to the hospital cribs to find the two infants. One wrapped in blue, one wrapped in pink.

"A boy and a girl," Raph breathed, touching the blankets of both gently. The girl started fussing instantly.

"She like to let you know she's there," the doctor laughed, "came out kicking and screaming."

Raph smirked.

"That's my girl," Raph grinned, gently lifting the fussing infant into his arms, humming softly.

She continued to cry for a few seconds and then quieted, finger gripping one of Raph's.

"Hey Jade," Raph murmured, "I'm ya' daddy."

She had Jo's darker hair and you could see her mother in her. Raph looked at his son, freeing his hand and touching the boy.

"Jaden," Raph breathed, "my lil' boy."

"He had us worried for a bit," the doctor said softly, "wouldn't cry at first."

Raph's yellow-hazel eyes filled with worry.

"Oh he's fine, we took some blood and he started screaming bloody murder," the doctor comforted. Raph smirked and shook his head.

"That's my boy," Raph murmured, stroking the dark brown hair of his son, he looked a lot like Raph.

"Why wouldn't ya' let me in?" Raph asked, wishing he could hold both of them at once.

"Lil' Jade here decided to try and come out feet first," the doctor replied, "we had some problems, but they are both fine."

"Naughty lil' rascal," Raph teased gently, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She protested instantly.

"Got ya' daddy's temper," Raph chuckled, "looks like some of ya' mom's too."

The doctor and the nurses laughed softly.

"Will ya' tell my bro's they can come in?" Raph asked softly, smiling as Jaden grasped his finger.

"Of course,' the doctor replied.

.End Book One.


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Not The Same II: Next Generation, starts tomorrow.