Mystique made a few phone calls and return to find the Professor in Storm's office.

"Did you get in contact with him?" He asked.

"No," They both sighed.

"I'll be back." Charles left the room to go to Cerebro.

Molly sat up as Storm did a quick check up, "I'm fine. I really don't understand why every time I get hurt you all insist on a check-up. Even though you all know I heal immediately."

"Stop complaining it's all just for your safety," Storm said.

"Well what's our next step?" Molly asked.

Charles walked in as if on cue, "I've found Magneto. We're going after him."

"Are you sure everyone's up for that?" Logan asked skeptically.

"It will only be those who are. So Logan, Storm, Molly lets go," All three exited the room behind the Professor. They gathered Mystic, Rouge, and Sabretooth and all of them entered the X-Jet.

"So where is he?" Logan asked.

"He's gathering up an old team of ours. Right now he's down in Hawaii for Alexander Summers, or Havok."Charles said.

"Is he related to Scott?" Molly asked.

"Yes," Storm answered quickly. "What old team?"

"I like to call them my first class of mutant students," Charles looked over to Mystique who was just staring out a window.

"Do we know who he already has?" She asked.

"I believe only Angel." He said.

"I thought he was on our side!" Molly shouted.

"Not that one, he is with his father. This is a female who has horsefly wings and lava ball spit." Professor explained.

"Oh ok," Molly nodded in understanding. "Who else was on this team?"

"Myself, Magneto, Mystique, Havok, Angel, Hank, Banshee, and Darwin; but we lost him all those years ago." Charles said.

"Sounds pretty badass," Rouge commented.

"Oh it was when we were all on the same side." The Professor smiled at the past memories and out of the corner of his eye he saw Mystique smile too.

It took an hour and a half to reach their destination. Once they arrived, Magneto, with Angle by his side, was talking to an angry looking Alex.

"Molly come with me the rest of you hang back for a moment," The Professor instructed.

The two moved into view but only Angel glanced at them. "Professor, what am I going to be used for?" Molly whispered.

"One of two things and I hope you'll know when they happen," Molly was a bit angry for that but just continued walking with him.

"Erik," Charles shouted to get his attention.

When Magneto turned his eyes bulged. "Kill her." He whispered to Angel.

"Wait what?" Molly asked out loud.

"Mystique you have no business here." Magneto turned back to Havok who was red faced. "Now my boy I say it's time you joined up."

Two things happened at once, Angel grew wings from tattoos, and Havok generated red rings around him. Angel head towards the Professor and Molly, and Havok began blasting at Magneto.

Molly went with instinct and took on Angel. She went from human to eagle but was meet with a fire ball to her face and a kick to one of her wings. She fell directly between Havok and Magneto.

The group left in the shadows gasped and Wolverine stepped forward. "Molly!"

A bright red light glowed from Havok and when their eyes got back into focus they could see Molly and Magneto both fine. Angel swopped down onto Molly but she froze her solid.

Magneto stood a bit shocked for a second and then he heard an old friend, 'Erik, it is I, Charles Xavier, no I am not dead. How will be explained later, but now we have a mission.' He turned and stared into the eyes of his once dead friend and a small smile touched his lips.

"Charles," He spoke with great relief. "What can I help you with? I'm quite busy."

"Stryker's back." Charles said.

"I know. He wanted to team up but I'm too busy with my own plans," Erik stiffed a laugh.

"Erik, this time he is nothing to play with." Charles warned.

"I know that's why I have my plans to kill him and that little devil of a sidekick, Sin, I believe her name was."

"You cannot do it alone."

"You want us to team up don't you?" Erik frowned a bit. "Everyone needs my help these days."

"I do. I want us to defeat him as we did last time. But this time around permanently." As Charles and Erik continued their meeting Storm filled in Havok.

Molly unfroze Angel and joined back with the group.

"I thought we would see more action," Sabretooth said with a sigh.

"God-forbid you don't kill something." Molly said in disgust.

"You ok?" Logan asked ignoring Victor.

"Always," Molly smiled. "You all must have forgotten who I am or something. I'm fine I swear."

"Trust me, we could never forget you," Logan returned a smile.

Charles, Magneto, Storm, and Havok all walked up to the group. "We formed our alliance."

They entered the X-Jet and Magneto looked over at Mystique. Both of them had a look of pure anger on their faces. When they got going everyone noticed they weren't headed for the X-Mansion.

"Professor, where are we going?" Storm asked.

"I said we're getting the old team back together," Charles smirked as they head off to find Banshee then to the White House for Hank."

NOT MUCH AT ALL :( I'm really sorry but I went on a trip and came home really hurting and I wanted to get it up ASAP. I said Monday and today is technically Wednesday ad dI'm sorry. This should get the ball rolling somewhere :)


-Ashley P.