Disclaimers: I do not own the Naruto characters!

Warnings: This story will contain the following:

*Yaoi, boy on boy. All that fun stuff.

*Drug use, and lots of it.

*Major angst. Sasuke's just an angsty guy.

*Cursing, sexual references, stuff along those lines.

*Possible suicide attempts. There will be blood and death at some point.

Pairings: The main pairing is NaruSasu/SasuNaru. There will be others but I haven't thought that far ahead yet, lol.

Plot: Sasuke's a drug addict who's been bounced from foster home to foster home. His lifes been hell (in his opinion) since that night nine years ago. Yet again Sasuke finds himself in a new home and a new town, desperately trying to find his next fix. But what happens when he meets Naruto, a bright, happy-go-lucky blind boy in his biology class? Will Naruto be the key to saving Sasuke from himself or has Sasuke already doomed himself for good?

Chapter 1

"I'll be here at three to pick you up, alright?"

Sasuke glared out the car window, sulking; not looking at the man in the driver's seat.

The man watched Sasuke with a bored expression, the lower half of his face covered by a black mask. His eyes drooped lazily, the right dark brown in color, the left bright red. A long ragged scar ran across the left, disappearing down beneath the edge of his mask.

"Don't leave school property. Don't get into trouble, blah blah blah. You know the routine. If you need any help just find Iruka, okay? Oh and you're group counseling starts today at three-thirty so we'll go right there after I pick you up."

Sasuke said nothing, waiting impatiently for his guardian to unlock the car door so he could make his escape. He didn't want to be with the man for any longer than was necessary. It wasn't that Sasuke hated the man personally or anything. He just hated what he represented. Restrictions, punishment, and meaningless rules.

This man's name was Kakashi Hatake. He had been Sasuke's legal guardian for the past three days and Sasuke didn't place his money on the relationship lasting too long. Not for any reason in particular save for the fact that he had never spent more than three months in any one home. He was constantly being bounced from one foster home to another.

Sasuke tapped a finger impatiently, still glaring through the window at the large, unimpressive building and the students that flowed through the doors.

Kakashi watched Sasuke for a moment longer before looking back through the windshield, his hand hitting the unlock button.

"Have fun at school," Kakashi said as Sasuke climbed from the car, slamming the door shut roughly before shuffling away.

Sasuke gritted his teeth, shoving his hands deep into his pockets as he felt the eyes of the other students on him. He kept his eyes trained on the ground as he trudged through the doors, ignoring the other students.

It was easy enough to find the main office and pick up his schedule, ignoring the nervous looks the elderly secretaries sent him.

With a quick glance at his schedule and the school map the secretary had given him he headed toward his first class, Biology.

Sasuke gave a soft sigh as he walked out into the hallway joining the mass of students making their way towards the staircase. He already needed a cigarette. With another annoyed sigh he ran his hand through his raven hair. A cigarette wasn't all he needed.

It had been close to twenty four hours since he last shot up. Just a bit of heroin. Not his favorite but it was good enough to hold him over 'til he could meet up with Kabuto and get some crystal. That is if Kakashi didn't find his stash while he was at school. Sasuke had hid it as best he could, under a loose flap of carpet in his closet. He would have brought it with him but he didn't feel that was the best choice at the moment. Kakashi would more than likely just confiscate it with a warning the first time. The school on the other hand wouldn't be so kind.

Grudgingly Sasuke opened his eyes and made his way to his classroom.

As he opened the door a hush fell over the room. Sasuke looked up; his eyes traveling briefly over the room, about half the students were already seated at the high tables. Sasuke make a 'tsk' noise with his tongue, pulling his eyes from the others he walked over to the teacher, whose back was to him.

"Excuse me," Sasuke said his voice emotionless.

The man turned and Sasuke had to suppress a groan as he recognized the man, Kakashi's friend Iruka Umino.

"Sasuke! How are you?" Iruka said happily, grinning. He was about Kakashi's height, slightly taller than Sasuke but not by much. His brunette hair was pulled back into a pony tail on the back of his head and a long scar ran across his nose.

Sasuke looked away silently. He wasn't in the mood to deal with people, especially happy ones.

"Okay," Iruka said, slightly less enthusiastic. "Why don't you go grab a text book from the shelf over there than have a seat next to Naruto." Iruka motioned to a blond boy on the left side of the room who was looking there way a curious look on his face.

Sasuke said nothing, turning and grabbing a text book before making his way to the seat Iruka had pointed to.

Sasuke cocked an eyebrow as he neared the table. The boy in the other seat was staring off into space, his eyes covered by a dark pair of sunglasses, a happy smile on his face. He was good looking enough, Sasuke admitted. But he was definitely not his type. Sasuke didn't handle 'happy' too well.

Sasuke said nothing as he pulled out his chair and made to sit down. That is until a soft yelp came from beneath the table and Sasuke felt something under his foot move.

Sasuke gave a small gasp, jumping backwards as a massive German shepherd sat up, licking its paw. What the hell's a dog doing here? He thought.

"Oh, you okay Kyuubi!?" The blond boy asked, reaching down and petting the dogs head soothingly.

"S-sorry," Sasuke said awkwardly, still standing up, his eyes on the dog. His gaze lingering on the strange harness the dog wore. It only took a moment to put two and two together. The boy was blind!

"Oh no, it's not you're fault!" Naruto said quickly, looking up in Sasuke's direction with an apologetic smile. "Kyuubi's likes lay under the table by my feet. I should have gotten her to move before you sat down."

"A-ah…" Sasuke said, watching the dog warily. She had had turned her head to gaze up at him, her ears pricked in his direction, her eyes watching him calmly. Almost too calmly, Sasuke felt.

"Come on, Kyuubi. Scoot over and give Sasuke some room," Naruto said, scooting his chair as far as it would go and pulling the dog along with him.

"How'd you know my name?" Sasuke asked, tentatively sitting down.

"Oh, I heard Iruka-sensei say it," Naruto laughed slightly, smiling in Sasuke's general direction.

"Ah," Sasuke said, leaning forward and resting his head in his palm. A moment later though he sat straight up as he felt Kyuubi laid her head in his lap, her nose buried in his groin.

Sasuke made a noise of surprise, looking down at the dog who calmly watched him with her large amber eyes.

"Uhh… ummm…" Sasuke said, trying to push the dog off of him but to no avail. His gaze flickered helplessly from the dog to Naruto, who looked in his direction, a curious look on his face.

"Umm, she's uhhh…" Sasuke said awkwardly.

"She likes you!" Naruto said happily, a hint of surprise in his voice. "There must be something special about you." Naruto reached down, ruffling the dogs' ears. Sasuke couldn't help but be overly aware of exactly how close the boy was to, you know…

"She usually hates all guys," Naruto gushed affectionately. "She won't even let Kiba touch her! And he's like the dog whisperer!"

"Oh, uhh, that's-"

"To tell you the truth I think she's a lesbian," Naruto said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. He leaned forward, towards the dog. "I've seen how you look at that poodle across the street."

Sasuke watched the blond boy closely, not sure exactly how to take the boy. He seemed to be a bit of an air head, a happy one on top of that. Just the kind of person Sasuke despised. Someone this happy must be unaware of the horrors of life, the horrors Sasuke had seen. But this boy was blind. He had to feel some hatred toward the world for not being able to see it. How could he be so happy when he had been dealt such a horrible card in life? Sasuke watched him, curious, puzzled and slightly angry at the same time.

"Come on girl, you're making Sasuke feel uncomfortable. Don't worry, Sakura with let you lay in her lap all next class. I know you like Sakura." Naruto laughed, pulling at the dog. Kyuubi stood up slowly, ducking and making her way under the table. Sasuke watched as she lay down, directly on top of the blond boys' feet.

Naruto smiled cheerfully at Sasuke. Sasuke shifted awkwardly in his seat, he felt like the boy could see right through him. But that couldn't be right, right?

Sasuke sighed; he could already tell it was going to be a long day.

* * *

Sasuke was relieved when the bell rang, signaling the start of lunch. He had a massive headache and he was feeling anxious. He needed a fix. And fast.

He stood, trudging out into the hallway where he stood, looking and feeling lost. He was hungry. That much he knew. But the thought of cafeteria food made his stomach cramp unpleasantly. Usually he took the time at lunch to skip out or shoot up in the bathroom. But of course, that wasn't happening today. No doubt Kakashi had Iruka keeping an eye on him.

He groaned, the hallway was too loud. He had to get somewhere quiet at least. Then maybe he'd be able to think straight.

He pushed his way down the hall, glaring moodily at the girls who watched him with wide eyes. Apparently word of him had already spread through the school. And, not surprisingly, he was now the new focus of the female population. This came as no surprise to Sasuke though; it was the same way in every school. The girls loved him. It was the Uchiha charm. The raven black hair, the pale skin, and aloof, indifferent nature. It drove girls crazy.

Finally Sasuke stumbled upon an empty classroom; thankfully he took refuge there, laying his head down at a desk towards the back of the classroom. Outside in the hall he could hear students chattering away happily, blissfully unaware of what real life was like. Sasuke hated all of them.

Sasuke squeezed his eyes shut, fighting against the hopelessness that was washing over him. Where was he going in life? What was going to happen to him? Why was he alone?

His fist clenched as an image of his brother ran through his head. That damn bastard. That fucking bastard, Sasuke cursed silently.

That man had ruined his life that night nine years ago. The night his life was spared while the rest of his family was slaughtered before his eyes. At the hands of their beloved Itachi.

Nobody knows why Itachi did. Nobody knew what had made him kill his family. Nobody knew why he had left Sasuke alive.

Sasuke knew the answer to the last one though. He'd seen the look on his brothers' face. He's seen his eyes. Itachi was saving him. Torturing him. Letting him wallow in fear and paranoia waiting for the day he'd return to finish the job.

Sasuke gritted his teeth against the memory, clenching his fists until his nails dug painfully into his palm. That fucking bastard.

He didn't look up as he heard the classroom door open.

"Sasuke!" Sasuke suppressed a groan as he recognized the voice, Naruto.

Slowly he sat up, watching as Kyuubi led the boy straight back to him. Somewhat clumsily Naruto sat down at the desk beside Sasuke. To Sasuke's displeasure Kyuubi laid her head on his lap, watching him closely. He glanced angrily at the dog then at Naruto, but the boy just grinned at him. Sasuke gritted his teeth, shifting in his seat and nudging the dog's head over slightly so he was more comfortable.

"How did you know it was me in here?" He asked, humoring the boy, who looked like he expected Sasuke to start the conversation. Not like Sasuke wanted to talk, but it didn't look like the boy was planning on leaving anytime soon.

"You're the only one in the school who smells like licorice," Naruto said matter-of-factly.

"I smell like licorice?" Sasuke said doubtfully. He'd never heard that one before.

"Yep! Along with another smell I can't quite place…" Naruto said thoughtfully.

"Ah…" Sasuke leaned forward, resting his head in his hand. Kyuubi moved her head slightly, her eyes closing as she dozed.

"So what're you doing in here? Shouldn't you be out making friends or something?"

"It's too loud out there."

"True. It's much nicer in here, more peaceful." Naruto smiled gently, his unseeing eyes scanning the room.


The two of them fell into an uncomfortable silence.

"So… why did you move to Konoha?"

"No reason," He said his voice emotionless.

"Hmmm," Naruto hummed. "So do you have any brothers or sisters or anything?"

"No." Sasuke said quickly. Naruto cocked his head to the side slightly curiously but Sasuke ignored him. As far as Sasuke was concerned Itachi wasn't his brother anymore.

At that moment the door opened, Sasuke looked forward to see a head pop in.

"Naruto! There you are!" The boy said. Sasuke cocked an eyebrow, looking at the boy with distaste. His brunette hair was in a messy array, but it was the boy's tattoos that had caught Sasuke's eyes. On each cheek was tattooed a bright red fang. Sasuke wondered why anyone would ever want to get a tattoo on their face.

"Hey guys, he's in here!" The boy called behind him before striding into the room and taking a seat in front of Naruto.

Behind him a large group of kids strode in, chattering happily amongst themselves as they spaced themselves around Sasuke and Naruto.

"Hey guys!" Naruto said happily, his gaze sweeping over the crowd. Beside him Kyuubi's tail wagged happily as she watched a pink haired girl but she didn't take her head from Sasuke's lap.

"So what're you doing here, Naruto?" The first boy asked, looking at Sasuke curiously. Sasuke looked away, annoyed. There went his peace and quiet.

"Just hanging with Sasuke. He's new."

"Oh yeah! I heard about him! Sasuke Uchiha, right?" The boy asked. Sasuke nodded, watching the boy closely.

"Cool. I'm Kiba. This here's Lee," a grinning boy with large bushy eyebrows wearing an ugly green jumpsuit type thing. "Chouji and Shikamaru," a large heavy set boy and a bored looking boy with his brown hair pulled back.

"Neji and Hinata Hyuga," an arrogant looking boy with long brown hair and white eyes and a nervous looking girl with the same white eyes. "Temari, Kankuro and Gaara," a blond girl, a large brunette boy and a tall, intimidating red head who stood with his arms crossed, watching Sasuke closely through sleep deprived eyes. On his forehead he sported a red tattoo that read love. Sasuke held back a snort at the irony that a guy like him had such a tattoo.

"Tenten," a brunette, her hair pulled back into two buns. "Shino," a boy wearing a trench coat type coat and round sunglasses. "Sakura and Ino," the pink haired girl and a skinny blond one. "And last but not least Sai," a skinny raven wearing a shirt baring his pale midriff.

A chorus of yo's, and hey's followed. Sasuke nodded awkwardly as the group watched him.

"So we're going to the mall after school Naruto," Sakura said. "Wanna come?"

"Sure. But I may have to leave early. Jiraiya said we're having company over for dinner tonight."

"Okay, how 'bout you Sasuke?" Sakura asked, watching Sasuke hopefully.

"Sorry. I have plans," he said simply, not wanting to put out there that his plans included drug counseling. Not that the group wouldn't find out about his hobby soon enough. He always gained the reputation of the druggie early on.

"Aw that sucks," Ino whined, trying to catch Sasuke's eyes.

"Mmm," Sasuke hummed in agreement, looking away from the group.

The room was silent for a moment later before the chattering started up again. Sasuke listened as the group talked, growing more annoyed as the minutes when by.

His headache was getting worse and he could feel chills coming on, he needed a hit bad but there was no way of getting it until he got home.

Finally Sasuke couldn't take the noise anymore. He stood up abruptly, pushing Kyuubi's head off his lap roughly and snatching up his backpack.

"Sasuke?" Naruto asked, concerned.

"I have somewhere I need to be," Sasuke practically growled, pushing through the group and stalking to the door.

He could feel their eyes on his back as he left the room.

He walked for a few minutes, trying to find an empty hallway. When he found one he leaned against the wall, running his hands through his hair, feeling the sweat that caked his forehead. How long had he been sweating for? He couldn't remember, he didn't care.

With a sigh he slid to the floor, his fingers still wrapped in his hair. What were those kids getting at, inviting him to hang out with them, treating him like one of them? That wasn't supposed to be how it went. They were supposed to leave him alone; he was the druggie, the outcast. The kid everyone's afraid to talk to. What were these kids getting at?

Sasuke closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall. God he needed a fix.