Link didn't know why, but somehow there a little voice in his head telling him to go back to the Snow peak and snowboard until his hair froze on end. However, there was a much louder and more aggravated voice in his shadow telling him to get the hell off his ass and go get the second mirror shard. However, Midna couldn't read his mind, so if she asked why Link was heading off to Snow peak he could just make up a lie. The lie being that there was a Poe at the top of the mountain that he hadn't killed and as it was nearing nightfall, he wanted to go and defeat it. Even Midna would give in to Poes. Link smiled and called his companions name.

'What do you want Link? This better be good or I'm going to make you crippled!' the imp snapped, grabbing Link by the collar, her eyes bearing at him like tiny lasers. Link could tell she was irritated, like she had been for the last couple of months. The hero would have to sweet-talk his way around her.

'Well Midna sweetheart, I was wondering if you could warp me to Snow peak. You see, it's nearing nightfall and there's a Poe at the top I want to kill. I promise I won't bother you for the rest of the night and we'll even spend the night in the mansion. And I'll cook dinner. So, what do you say?' Link gave Midna the famous puppy-dog eyes that usually softened her up considerably. This time was no different.

'Oh, I can't say no to those eyes. Just never call me sweetheart within earshot of monsters again. I don't want them telling Zant I'm in love with a light dweller.'

'Aww thanks Middy. I love you. Wait, Zant can talk to monsters?'

'Ee hee, yup!'

Link leaned forwards to kiss the little Imp, but was transformed into a wolf before he got the chance.

'Aww, you think you can steal a kiss from little Midna while she's in a good mood, do ya? Well guess what! It doesn't work like that sugar. Well, you wanted to go to Snow Peak. Let's go to Snow peak!' Midna jumped off Link's back and the two dissolved into tiny black squares and were whizzing through the air towards the warp portal at the peak of the mountain within the blink of an eye.

Link and Midna re-materialised at the top of the mountain and Midna transformed Link into his Hylian form again. Link made his way up to the tree and knocked down a snowboard. He leapt from the upper ledge onto the frozen leaf and nearly lost his footing, but regained it just before he toppled head first into the snow. He began to set off but was stopped by Yeto.

'Uh, Link, you want race to my house?' the Yeti asked.

'Not tonight Yeto, I've got some very important business to take care of. I'll race you when I haven't got so little time on my hands.' Link told him, rubbing the back of his neck. Yeto shrugged and waved Link off. The green-clad hero shredded his way through the course and within a matter of minutes, he was at the end. Sure enough, there was a Poe floating around idly, not knowing that it was about to die. 'Midna, wolf me up baby.' Link instructed his companion. Midna popped up from her shadowy lair, her arms folded across her chest.

'I thought you said you weren't going to bother me for the rest of the night.' She asked, getting uncomfortably close to Link's face. She was smirking at him, 'walking' her fingers up his chest and around his neck.

'Yeah, I did, but you knew I was going to need to be transformed into a wolf to fight Poes didn't you?' Link told her, fighting off the urge to kiss her while she was so intrigued by him. Midna just giggled and poked the shadow crystal into Link's forehead. He transformed again and Midna landed heavily on his back. She wasn't exactly what you would call light in the first place.

'C'mon then Wolfy, let's go kill that goddamn Poe so I can get some rest.' Midna sighed, stroking her mount's tangled mane of fur. Link scampered up to the slope and honed his senses so he could see the evil spirit. The Poe noticed the Wolf creature and took a swipe at him with its scythe. However, Link dodged and Midna unleashed an energy field, allowing Link to take it down with ease and tear out its purple, fleshy soul.

'Ungh, Link, those are disgusting. Anyway, I want that promised dinner now, I'm starving.' Midna jabbed Link in the forehead with the Shadow crystal and he transformed back onto a human.

'Alright Midna. Let's got get you dinner.'

The Mansion was no different, apart from the fact that the monsters were long gone. Midna floated over to one of the huge sofa's and lay down on it. She ran one of her turquoise fingers along her tummy and sighed deeply. 'I'm getting a bit fat, aren't I Link?' She told him, gazing into his sapphire eyes. Link laughed lightly and swooped down to kiss her on the lips.

'Never my little imp.' He told her, before getting back to his cooking. True, she was looking a bit on the plump side but Link didn't want to upset her.

'Smells good Link, what'cha cooking?' Midna asked, taking in the alluring aroma of grilled Pumpkin and Green gill stew.

'Oh, just an old Ordon recipe. It's a Pumpkin and Green gill stew. I hope you like it, because I made it thinking of you.' He told her. Midna turned beetroot red and she covered her face with a pillow.

'Aww, I'm sure I'll love it. You're such a great cook.' She told him, still feeling bashful.

'Dinner is served.' Link called, sitting himself down next to Midna and placing a bowl of his new dish on her lap. She downed it in a few gulps and smiled at the hero who was taking his time eating.

'Mm, that was lovely cutie. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get some sleep. We need to be up early and ready for the Temple of Time at dawn, so I suggest you do the same. But, judging by the pace you're eating that, we'll probably still be here tomorrow waiting for you to finish.' The imp giggled and lay her head down on Link's lap. After five minutes she was sleeping soundly and Link drifted off soon after, dreaming about Midna and how he was going to spend his life with her after it was all over.