Cammie POV.

A/N: Conversation through Comms unit!

C-"Hacker, could you see if there is a red van with anywhere from 9-to-3 girls inside?"

J-"Yeah, why?" Jonas hesitated.

C-"You'll see." At Cammie's vague answer, Zach gave her a questioning look, to which she replied to with a smirk.

J-"Hey, nine girls in a red van with a symbol on the side, can't see it though."

C-"Great do you think you can hack into a computer in the van under 'Bookworm'?"

J-"Yeah…" In the way he was dragging the word out you could tell he was hesitant in doing so.

C-"Great, then ask Bookworm what comms station they're on and tell her and the girls to change to this station. Oh, and you may want to tell her 'Chameleon asked' she'll know what it means."


After thirty-three seconds I heard, "Chameleon, its Duchess, Bookworm, and Chica as Alpha team. Tiara, Mickey, and Possible on Beta. Pipsqueak, Peacock, and Shades are the Charlie team." -B

C-"Thanks, Duchess. Alpha-west building, Beta-south, Charlie-north. We've got east. Alright, you girls set?"

B,M,L,E,T,M,A,C,K-"Good to go, Chameleon"


Z-"Since when are you in charge?"

C-"I'm not, these are just my girls! I know their strengths and weaknesses."

B-"She's usually our head Alpha. 'Chica' is a sub."

C-"Duchess," I say with disappointment laced with my voice.

B-"Sorry." She said with sincerity.

Z-"Hmm," he was apparently think things over, "Okay, guys you all know the drill just one more on Alpha." With that, Zach looked over at me with a sly look in his eyes.

M-"Even with guys you still rank Alpha." Macey complained.

L+B+C-"Peacock, focus!"



Mr. Solomon-"Miss Baxter, Miss McHenry, Miss Sutton, Miss Walters, Miss Alavarez, Miss Morrison, Miss Bauer, Miss Fetterman, Miss Lee, well…good job girls." "Miss Morgan, sorry, Cammie, you did outstanding." Did he just give out a compliment? I think he did!

Mr. Davidson-"Good job, boys, u did well. Miss Morgan, you did just perfect! Knowing your sisters would be there is just an example of how good Gallagher Girls are!"

"They are just excellent! Excellent!" Dr. Steve said walking up to the group.

"Thank you." I said proud of my sisterhood and myself.

"Wait, the Gallagher Girls weren't on a test? They just though Cam was in trouble?" Zach looked truly surprised!

"Yup, I told them my cover, but they're my best friends and they've lived with me for five years! They see through most of my façades! Sisterhood becomes your number one priority. If there is no sisterhood, we have nothing! Haven't I told you this before?"

He looked almost sheepish when he answered back with a question. "Yeah, but how did they find you?" I held my right wrist up where my "watch" was. Now he looked really abashed, "Oh, I guess that would make more sense since you don't need a watch, you have one in your head."

"Yup," I popped the "p"

"Ahem!" Bex being the impatient one as always interrupted us!

"Oh, right .Bex, this is Zach, Zach, this is Bex." I had figured that Bex wanted a proper introduction.

"Nice to meet you, hey you're guy from the photos correct?"

"Yeah the ones Cammie hid under her mattress." As he said this Zach kept a smirk plastered to his face. Well, we cannot tolerate the cocky Zach now can we?

"How did you know where they were?" UH-Oh!

"Don't say 'Spy', Zach, because we both know I told you in ninth grade that Bex had found the pictures under my mattress while looking for her shoes under my bed." Hehe let us see if he has a comeback for that one!

"Fine, ruin my fun!" Yay (!), I won that little battle!

"Okay, now I can see how you two get along so well!" Bex said this with a look of amusement on her face.

As Bex started dragging me towards our other two roommates, I dragged along Zach knowing that I could now introduce the three and feel better knowing that I told them as soon as I was allowed to. "HHHey, let me introduce you to Liz and Macey, and before you say you already know them, I know you do, but they don't know you and you are practically my brother."

"Man, Cam, can you read his mind or something?" She was looking me as if I told her that James bond was real. (Like I was insane.)

"No, I've just know him all my life."

Zach made a snarky comment to that: "She has, unfortunately…" looking rather put out!

To his comment, I hit him upside the head! "Hey! You know what? Keep this up and you are cleaning and gutting all of my fish too this summer!" That got him to shut up; I catch the most fish every summer!

Bex just looked confused at that little transaction. "Did you just threaten your god-brother with fish?" she asked a little weirded out, confused, proud, and amused all in one look!

"Yup!" I laugh putting my arm through Zach's and skipping the rest of the way to Liz and Macey with an amused Zach trailing behind me." Come on, Zach."

"K." You could tell he was enjoying being around me but I would never embarrass him like that in front of all his friends and mine too!

"Liz, Zach, Zach, Liz." I said using a hand to demonstrate.

"Hi, Zach." Liz being the shy person she is just waved a little.

"Hey, Liz." Zach said being much more comfortable than she was.

I then moved onto Macey, "Macey, Zach, Zach, Macey."

"Hi, does everyone have to know her longer than I have?" Macey just a little put off that she is still the newbie in the group!

Zach chortling, "No, and hi Macey."

"Cammie, could you come here and bring Zach." Mr. Solomon and Zach had bonded over winter break at Gallagher. A/N: none of the second book's hints to the third & fourth book are going to be in this story like when Zach and Solomon 'study' Cam in the Dinner Hall, him running away during CODE BLACK, because both of his parents are truly dead!

"Okay, come on, Zach." I said pulling Zach in the direction of Mr. Solomon.

"Wait, why am I coming?" Now that he pointed that out, I realized he had a point; Zach wasn't one of his students so I don't understand why he would debrief him so we're not going to be debriefed just yet.

"I don't know ask Solomon."

"Okay." I wonder what is running through his head if he took my 'answer' as an answer.

We had made our way over to Joe Solomon now. "Cameron, Zachary, Ms. Morgan is on the phone and she would like to speak to the two of you, NOW!"

"Yeesh, Solomon, it's a phone call!"

"Gallagher Girl, come on, it could be urgent." Why did he always have to be my voice of reason? Why?

"Fine." I said giving in.

A/N: phone call on speaker!


RM-"Hey, Kiddo. Is Zach with you?"

Zach-"Right here!"


Cam-"Mom, why did Mr. Solomon rush us to the phone is Gallagher okay?"

RM-"No, no nothing like that!"

Cam-"Then what is it?"

RM-"You two have to promise not to tell anybody!"

Cam &Zach-"We promise!"

RM-"Okay, then Blackthorne is going to have an exchange program with Gallagher, they'll send fifteen boys."

Cam-"WHAT?" I was SO happy! I could not believe that I would finally be able to go to the same school as my best friend!

Zach-"REALLY?" You could tell that he liked the idea of going to Gallagher for a semester.

RM-"Yes, but keep it a secret from your sisters, Cammie; Zach, keep it a secret from your brothers."

Cam-"Alright, but I can't guarantee that they won't find out."

Zach-"I'll keep my promise, but same with Cammie I can't guarantee that they won't find out!"

RM-"I'm aware that they might find out, but you can't help them find out or hint at it!"

Cam-"Mom, we get it when do they come?"

RM-"Tomorrow, bye kids!"

Cam &Zach-"Bye!" We say in unison.

A/N: end of phone call!

"So," I could tell Zach was nervous that I wouldn't want him there at school, but truth was I was extremely happy that he was coming!


"So, do you think they'll find out by tomorrow?" Aw, he really is nervous about me not wanting him there.

"I don't know, but I don't underestimate my friends!" I was just about to tell him how excited I was to actually have him in my classes when Mr. Solomon came up to us!

"Miss Morgan, you'll take the jet while I take the girls back in the van." I simply nodded in response.

"See you tomorrow, Gallagher Girl." Zach said while giving me a hug.

"Bye, Blackthorne Boy!" at that Zach laughs and I join in going in for one last hug.

I boarded the jet alone.

A/N: before you, all KILL me for taking so long to update this story I just want to say thank you to those of you who have stayed with this story! I will update when I have 15 reviews for this chapter!