Author's Note: This is a tear filled last Hello-Goodbye to everyone . I know this has been a long time coming but it is so bitter sweet to post a final chapter. To say goodbye I want to thanks the few readers and reviewers I have left : )
Anonymus : There is lots of Channy present in the chapter so take this as an CHANNY ALERT!
CHIKEESxBBY: Thanks for the review, one thing I love about fics is the tension that can be included!
Vampire-Lover-Edward17: Thanks for reading, what happens next is right below :)
Cute-Redheaded-Chick : I have to say you have been a pretty big backbone for me in finishing this fic, it was your review that truly inspired me to take any free moment I could to finish this before school began. Thank you so much for all of your support.
Arghh: Updated as requested!
IloveRomance2010: We'll all find out the truth about everyone's feelings in this chapter, thanks for reading and reviewing.
EllietheDisneyfreak: You're Brilliant!
On with the show…
Chad groaned clenching his eyes together while placing a hand to his forehead. "I feel like I was hit by a mac truck.
"Nope, just Grady on a rope."
"Sonny?" Chad asked surprised pushing himself up as best he could, the fast action causing his head to spin more. "Oh bad idea." He said placing a hand back on his head.
"Here this should help." She said while bringing him two glasses one with water and the other with some sort of green liquid. He immediately reached for the water. " Drink this first, trust me the water is to take away the after taste." Taking the cup Chad sniffed it's contents, mistake number one."It's best just to drink it as fast as possible." Chad looked in the cup again and then back up to Sonny.
"You wouldn't be trying to kill me would you?
"Just drink it Chad, believe me when I kill you I want you fully coherent." Chad closed his eyes placing the drink to his lips, he quickly titled back his head downing the contents.
"Oh that's disgusting." He said as Sonny quickly handed him the water.
"Believe me this isn't the worst drink you've had tonight." At that Chad finally took the time to take in his surrounds. He was in a pretty plain room with a couch, couple of lounge chairs, and some mirrors on the wall .
"Where are we?"
"You don't remember what happened?" At his blank expression Sonny took that as a no.
" We're at Tawni's party the…"
"The after new years before Valentine's day party."
"So you do you remember?"
"Yea there are just a few blurry areas"
"Is the area where you were drinking clear? Chad groaned.
" I…Portlyn… than you and Jerald."
"Jesse." Sonny corrected
" I don't know what came over me, seeing you with him just…"
"Broke your heart?" Chad looked up again meeting her eyes. " I know the feeling Chad." Now he understood what his being with Diana did to her, and how the magazine must have made her feel, he felt like complete crap in more than one way.
"Sonny I'm so…" She held up a hand silencing him.
"Do you remember anything else? She asked desperately tried to keep the hope out of her voice.
"Oh God Condor, how badly did I embarrass myself out there, I must have said quite a few stupid things." Her heart sank, as she nodded her head.
" Yea I guess you did say some stupid things" She nodded again trying to swallow the lump forming in her throat. " Listen Chad I'm glad that you're feeling better, but I have to go now, my mom needs me at home, I'll send Portlyn in to check on you." Sonny said while turning to walk away.
" Yea telling your boss you hate is daughter maybe could have been worded a little better. But telling everyone how much I love you was perfect…excusing the alcohol and well being trampled." Sonny froze scared to move, afraid that if she moved she would realize this was all a dream, and nothing that he had said was true. "Sonny I'm sorry if I my behavior embarrassed you out there, but I'm not sorry about the way I feel about you." Sonny let out a shaky, turning back around, she was surprise at how close Chad was to her, she hadn't even heard him move. ''Sonny it's all true, I love you more than I ever wanted to admit, I love your smile, your laugh, even the way you pretend to be a walrus whenever you eat French fries, I love everything about you." He said reaching out a hand to cup her face. Sonny closed her eyes, leaning into his hand, her entire body felt like jelly, she miss his touch so much, she missed him, them, but then she remembered.
"Chad when you love someone you don't betray their trust." At his confused expression, Sonny quickly walked over to a lounge chair and reached in her purse pulling out the slip of paper. Chad cringed, when would he not screw up one of their perfect moments. "Chad you promised me, you didn't read it, but I found this in your pocket."
"Sonny I know what this looks like but I have a explanation."
"Go ahead Chad explain." She stated crossing her arms. Chad took a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts, he couldn't ruin this, he had a good feeling this was his last chance.
" A couple of days ago I was on my way to talk to you, and I found your journal in the hall. Now I was just going to pick it up and give it back, but then…"
"You decided to betray my trust and photo copy it to embarrass me."
"No it wasn't like that. I hadn't talk to you in so long, in that moment it felt like it was the only way I could get close to you, I know it was wrong and I'm really sorry, I just thought if I became this guy you would…love me." Taken back Sonny uncrossed her arms.
"I found this page in your journal called the perfect guy for me. I tried to be this guy I wanted to be this guy, but everything I tried, I failed." Chad sighed at her confused expression. " Here did you read the notes on the side of the page?" Looking down for the first time Sonny noticed the checks, and underlines along the page.
"I tried being more romantic by calling you Alison, I tried liking comedy, and the whole being friends with your friends thing.."
"Wait Chad so you're telling me the whole eating with us thing, learning my friends name, and the t-shirt…?"
"Yea don't remind me, and that t-shirt has been destroy by the way, but it was all for you Sonny I would do anything for you."
"Chad did it ever occur to you when I wrote this?"
"Well I...I guess not."
"Chad I wrote this a couple of years ago, you know the funny thing about love is you can't really chose who you fall in love with, even if it's an egotistical, self centered, sweet, incredibly handsome guy who as much as he hates to admit it has a caring side." Chad smiled at this moving toward her. "Chad I fell in love with you for you, I'm just sorry I wasn't enough for you."
"Sonny don't say that, you are more than enough for me." He said moving forward to take her hands, she step back her back pressed against the wall. "Sonny please…." Chad started placing an arm on either side of her. "I love you."
"Chad..don't…you don't mean it." She whispered closing her eyes, keeping any tears that threaten to fall at bay.
"I don't know when or how, but Alison Rebecca Munroe you stole my heart, and quite frankly I don't want it back." Chad raised a hand to cup her face. "Now please look at me." Sonny opened her eyes allowing a few tears to spill down her cheeks. "You know you're even beautiful when you cry." He said wiping the tears from her face, causing her to smile. "I am so sorry for everything I put you through, and I promise if you give me another chance it won't ever happen again."
"You know you still talk too much." Sonny quickly pushed herself off the wall wrapping her arms his neck she pressed their lips together, in that moment everything felt right, they both felt whole once again felt. After the initial shock wore off, Chad responded to the kiss with an equal amount of passion, pushing her body up against the wall Chad quickly deepen the kiss, finding himself holding back a moan, at her taste. When air became an issue, they broke apart, Chad quickly moving to kiss her neck. Sonny tilted her head back allowing him more access, a moan escaped her lips as he sucked lightly above her collar bone, her hands immediately moving to his hair. And for the first time Chad didn't care about the appearance of his hair, he loving the feeling of her fingers running through it.
"I missed you so much." He said between kisses, lost in the moment he made a move to lift her.
"Chad your hand." Sonny said topping him, slightly out of breath.
"I don't care, being with you makes it feel better than it has in days." He smiled lifting her allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist.
"I love you." She said looking him in the eyes. "Jesse was always just a friend, it's always been you." She said caressing his face, Chad smiled again, pressing his forehead against hers.
"Hey Sonny is he awakeee….oh my eyes!" Tawni squealed in the doorway. " So I take it that you two worked things out?"
"You take it right." Sonny smiled as Chad place her down.
" Well good, now when are you two going to get back out there, you do have some explaining to do."
"You ready for this?" Sonny asked looking to Chad.
" More than ready." He smiled leaning in to kiss her cheek.
"Ok you two this is still kind of new to me so please keep the PDAs to a minimum." Tawni said shuttering while walking back out to the party. Sonny smiled looking back at Chad.
"We don't have to go out right now if you don't want,"
" Why wouldn't I , I want everyone to see me with the most beautiful girl here."
"You better not let Tawni hear you say that, that's a direct violation against the party going rules."
"Well I like to live dangerously." He said while turning to her.
"Hmm I always did kind of have a thing for bad boys." She smiled moving in to him.
"Sonny Come on!" Tawni's voice boomed causing the two to quickly jump apart.
"Time to face the masses." Sonny said moving forward, with Chad close in tow. As glad as he was to have Sonny back, Chad couldn't stop the sick feeling in his stomach, at the thought of what Condor would do to him. Taking a deep breath, he reclaimed Sonny's hand walking back into the party. He was surprised to say the least when no camera flashing met them.
"Where's the paparazzi?"
"They didn't really go with the décor." Tawni said with a shrug.
"Aww Tawni you sent away publicity for us." Sonny said with a large smile spreading across her face.
"Pssh no." She said shaking her head. "They must have some other event to get to."
"You care about me." Sonny said knowing better while opening her arms for a hug, Tawni rolled her eyes, but stepped in quickly allowing Sonny to hug her.
" Now get out there and have some fun." She whispered in her embrace before stepping out. "Okay you two are cramping my pretty." She said quickly flipping her hair walking off.
" Oh hey Sonny, hey Chad…I'm sorry about the whole almost giving you a concussion thing, to make it up to you I saved you both a hot wing." Grady said holding a wing out to both of them.
"Hey it's cool, I needed a little sense knocked into me."
"Chad, Sonny glad you could rejoin the party." Nico said while walking over.
"Me too." Sonny smiled reclaiming Chad's hand.
"I've done it I've figured it out!" Zora exclaimed running into the party, going to stand next to Nico. "Sonny and Chad are.."
"Together." Chad said raising their hands up.
"Oh so this is old news?"
"Sorry Z you're about an hour late."
"I can't believe it, all the time and work I put in to evidenced gathering." She said shaking her head putting a hand to her forehead.
"Zora I'm sure there are still some people who haven't quite figured it out I mean there's Marshall, , and I'm sure there are plenty of more, and you have our permission to tell them it was due to your investigation."
"Aww thanks Sonny." Zora smiled running off.
"We both wanted you guys to know, we are cool with…this." Nico said waving a hand at their linked hand. "As long as you are Sonny."
"I'm very cool with it." She smiled.
"Then we support you."Nico said with head nod.
"Thanks you guys." She said while stepping forward to hug both of them.
" Just remember that conversation we had in the commissary Chip, you hurt her and you have to deal with us." Grady said pointing back and forth between himself and Nico. Chad used all his will power to keep a straight face.
"You won't have to worry about that guys, I don't plan on it."
"Good, glad we have an understanding." Grady said tugging on his shirt. "Now if you'll excuse us we have some ladies a calling."
"I hear them too bro." Nico said straightening out his hat. "Let's not keep them waiting." Sonny smiled watching them walk away, she was really grateful to have such great friends.
"So far so good huh?"
"Yea I'm just a little nervous about…"
"Yea I mean I don't take back what I said but.."
"No Chad look at Condor." Sonny said pointing towards the dance floor. There was a small circle of people formed around the man, who was now wearing his tie around his head, performing some flash dance moves.
"Oh my God what's he doing."
"You be surprised what a little punch could bring out of people." Portlyn said appearing next to Chad.
"Punch caused that." Chad said motioning to where Condor was now sliding across the floor without his shoes.
"Well my punch did." Portlyn smiled revealing a small bottle. "I figured he would forget all about your little stunt, after we caught a couple of pictures of his."
"Aww Port you drugged our boss for me." Chad smiled. "You really are a great friend." He said leaning in to hug her.
"Okay don't go getting all soft on me Copper." She said while pointing a finger at him.
"Portlyn what did I say about talking without a script." At this she smiled before turning to walk away.
" I don't think I'll ever really get you two, but four down a couple of million more to face." Sonny said with a laugh.
"Oh and Sonny, about your picture on the banned wall, I just wanted you to know it was me, Chad had nothing to do with it." Portlyn said while turning back around. "He would never ban you from him."
" Thanks for letting me know." Portlyn nodded before walking away.
"Wow I never knew Portlyn could be so…approachable."
"She has her moments, so how about a dance?" Chad asked offering her a hand.
"That sounds great." Sonny smiled taking his hand. It felt so good to be in his arms and not hidden away, she loved the tickle of his breath on her neck, and the feel of his hands on her back. "This is perfect." She sighed wrapping her arms tighter around his neck. "Almost too perfect." She stated stepping back a little thinking back on the past couple of weeks.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean things never go this easily for me." At his confused expression, she began to elaborate. "Well first It just so happens that our friends accept us so easily."
"We have pretty great friends, who just want to see us happy." Chad shrugged.
"Or is that what they want us to think!" Sonny stated raising a suspecting finger. "They make us believe they are fine with it and then they attack!"
"Sonny was it you or me that got the bump on the head today? " Chad asked with a laugh.
"Or how about Mr. Condor over there, he's just going to perfectly forget what you said to him?"
"Sonny don't question it, just go with it, let's enjoy each other's company." He sated while pulling her closer. Sonny smiled allowing him to pull her back into his embrace.
"I'm sorry I guess I'm just a little paranoid."
"It's understandable, I mean we haven't had the best couple of weeks, but I can assure you, nothing will mess this up for us."
" There you are!" Sonny and Chad, both cringed at the voice.
"Looks like you spoke to soon." Sonny said looking down.
"Hey." Chad lifted her head up. "I'll handle her."
"I've been looking everywhere for you." Taking a deep breath Chad turned around.
"Listen Diana I…"
"Here's that drink you wanted baby." Diana said walking past the couple to hand Jesse a drink. "Is it okay?" She asked wrapping an arm around his waist."
"You know I was really hoping for a slice of lemon in it, you know the saying the lemon makes a drink." He said while stepping out of her embrace.
"Oh yea sure, no problem I'll be right back, try not to miss me while I'm gone." She said with a wink while walking off.
"I'll find a way." He muttered under his breath.
"Wait Jesse, you and Diana?" Sonny asked confused.
"Well I figured Josh will be coming back soon, so I'll be able to make a clean break, it's the least I could do after all you've helped me with." Sonny smiled.
"Thank you Jesse." She said while reaching out to hug him.
"He's a lucky man Sonny Munroe." Smiling Sonny stepped out of his embrace.
"And she is a lucky woman even if it is hypothetical."
"Take care of her." Jesse sated looking towards Chad.
"I would do nothing less." Chad stated wrapping an arm around her shoulders, Jesse nodded his head turning to leave.
"Uh Jesse." Chad called.
"Yea."He said turning back to the couple.
"Thanks." He said offering him a hand.
"No problem." He said shaking his hand with a small smile before turning to leave.
"Look at you calling him by the right name."
"It's the least I could do for the poor guy, he's in for a huge head ache." Chad smiled turning to look at Sonny. "Hey you want to get out of here?"
"And what do you propose we do?"
"I want to take you somewhere."
"Okay but we better make sure Tawni doesn't spot us leaving, I'll never hear the end of it if she does." Checking their surrounds the two took each other hands, making a quick dash to the exit. Reaching outside, neither of them were prepared for all the paparazzi that was waiting for them. Instantly camera flashes blinded them. And questions where being thrown at the left and right.
"Chad is it true that you dumped Diana Condor for Sonny?"
"Chad how long do you think you two will last?"
"Sonny who was the man we saw you arriving with earlier?"
"Is this really the result of a concussion?"
"Is this the real thing?"
Regaining their composures Chad pulled Sonny closer to him with a large smile he answered "Yes." While kissing her softly, pulling back he smiled. " I love her." He stated before seeing his car coming around the front.
" Here you are Mr. Copper." The valet said handing him his car keys.
"Perfect timing my good man." Chad said handing the valet a tip. Helping Sonny into the car, he quickly ran around to his side, ignoring the questions the reporters continued to throw at them. "Buckle up for safety." He smiled. Sonny rolled her eyes but did as she was told.
"So where are we going?"
"Somewhere." Chad smiled pulling off, trying to avoid the paparazzi as best he could
"I think you lost them." Sonny said while peering into the rear view mirror.
"I was starting to think it would never happen."
"Me too, that was a nice short cut you took by the way, that lost about three of them right off the bat."
"Thanks, I picked that one up when I won my 3rd Tween Choice award, fan girls are not to be taken lightly."
"So did you change your mind about telling me where we are going?" Sonny asked with a large smile.
"Did anyone ever tell you you're very impatience Munroe." Chad said with a laugh. Sonny pouted folding her arms across her chest. "Relax we're here." Sonny slide up in her chair looking out the window, smiling she remembered this was where she and Chad had been one month earlier.
"The beach."
"Our Beach." He correct with a smile while getting out of the car. Sonny smiled following him out the car. Taking his hand they slowly made their way towards the water.
"I love it here." Sonny smiled closing her eyes. Chad fidgeted around nervously, putting his hands in his pockets. Opening her eyes Sonny immediately noticed his discomfort. " What's wrong Chad?"
"It's nothing I just…I just wanted you to know the thing with Diana…"
"I know, you don't have to say anything, I understand."
"No you don't." Chad moved forward taking her hands. " Sonny I dreaded every moment I spent with her, not only because she's…well herself but because she wasn't you." Sonny smiled ducking her head, feeling a blush rise to her cheeks. "That bracelet was meant as an I'm sorry gift to you, but I really want you to have this instead, you deserve much more than an I'm sorry present." Chad reached into his pocket pulling out a small black velvet box, with a shaky hand he opened the box. Sonny gasped at the beautiful heart key pendant with round brilliant diamonds attach to a gold chain. " Sonny this is a promise, that as long as you'll have me, you will hold the key to my heart."
"Chad it's beautiful." Chad smiled taking the necklace from the box, Sonny pulled her hair to the side, allowing him to place the necklace around her neck, after clipping the necklace, he placed a kiss on the side of her neck causing her to shiver. " I love it." She said looking down while holing the key.
"Yea I know it wasn't from the I love you section but when I saw it, it made me think of you, and I.."
"Wait what I love you section?"
"You know the I love you section at the jewelry store." At her expression he began to elaborate. "Well there's an I love you section, an I'm sorry section, and a just because section, and at first I was afraid of the I love you section…"
"Hold on Chad do you really think you need to prove you love me through a section at the jewelry store?"
"Well when you say it like that.."
"Chad I would love anything you gave me, because it's from you, I love you not the gifts."
"Really." She smiled wrapping her arms around his neck. "You know we never did get to finish that dance." Chad smiled wrapping his arms around her waist. "You know Chad the last time we were here you said something to me that I never really understood."
"What was that?" He asked as he spun her around, before pulling her back.
"Well you said that you were bringing me a place where we meet, but I never understood what you meant." Chad ducked his head feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Promise you won't laugh?"
"I promise." Pulling her back to his chest Chad faced her towards the water.
"Well you know at sunset on the horizon it seems as though the sun and water touch for a while ." Sonny nodded. "Well I always though before the sunset the waves always seem to be crashing wildly, but as soon as they touch the waves calm. I always thought of you as the sun to my waves, without you everything seems to be crashing wildly about, but with you I'm calm…I'm happy." At her silence Chad began fidget again. "I know it's dumb I…"
"Chad that's one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me." She said while spinning around to look at him. Chad leaned forward to kiss her only to have her doge it.
"Oh I'm sorry did you need something?" As Chad leaned in again, she smiled taking a step back, while slipping off her shoes.
"Oh I see how you want to play it Munroe."
"You know Chad back in Wisconsin we always had snowball fights, but I have always wanted to try a sand ball fight." She said while picking up some wet sand.
" Don't you dare."
"Or what?" She challenged raising the sand ball up in the air.
"Or I'll..I'll."
"To slow." Sonny laughed throwing the sand, hitting Chad on the arm.
"Oh now you're going to get it." He laughed shrugging off his coat.
"Accept it Cooper you're stuck with me." She laughed running away.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled making a sand ball of his own.
The heavens have opened and said it's been done the story is finished!
Thank you so much for putting up with me during the course of this fic, I hope you all enjoyed the second part of Acceptance!
Last chance let me know what you liked or didn't like about the ending ;)