Disclaimer: We don't own Naruto or its characters and make no profits from writing our stories...they are purely for fun!
What is the difference between life and death? Living or dying? Was it the way he'd ceased to breathe or the weakness of muscles he'd once relied on? Kakashi wasn't sure. Thinking about it was probably worse than just letting it happen, but, being an intellectual he couldn't stop his mind from racing. He was light- or made of the same substance. His movements were the fluid as if his sinews allowed. It was a crushing of crucial bones and foundations as the soil of his nation suffocated his past and drew forward a future he wasn't sure he wanted to be alive to see.
The air grew stale and tight in his throat. Everyone's voices mixing together, one long, consistent flow of noise .So overpowering- Every echoing laughter accelerated and crazed like a clown's laugh making shivers crawl up and down his spine. He hurt so badly to move, the delicate state of his vision faltering and falling with what was left of his breath.
The taste of dirt against his tongue was bitter and as cold as a grave he was sure to be laid in. The screams of those he'd shared his life with echoed through his ears, pouring out of his eyes in the form of tears. He couldn't scream back to them, the ones who called and beckoned. It was not for him.
He couldn't breathe- he felt so heavy he couldn't move. He felt himself disappearing and fading under the atmosphere. The hell in the air was taking his hope and drowning it. Nothing made sense as darkness encased him. Hesitantly realizing the weight was real, he opened his eyes again, unable to struggle. It was finished.
He wasn't supposed to care. That village wasn't his concern...but the people inside. Not all of them deserved death, at least, not death like that. His dark eyes thinned as the city crumbled and instantly recognized the one mass, crushed by a large chunk of building. He couldn't stop his feet from moving, his heart from racing. Why did he care? Did it matter? In an instant he abandoned his katana in exchange for his hands as he lifted chunks of building off of the person. That one person that he couldn't deny feeling...something for. He focused his chakra to his fingers lifting and pulling larger chunks and throwing them behind him. He had to get to that man. To his sensei...
His eyes were directed in front of his position. The boy-no, man, he was dripping- it was crimson in his mind, slowly turning to look at him. His obsidian eyes flickering and reaching for a face, or a semblance of a face on the billowing figure. It approached in a gentle smooth set of steps. It was as if he wished the body which was his did not quake in fear. It was a slow pace; drenched in mismatched motives would he be here for any reason other than to destroy him? Why was his chariot being driven by the only one his heart broke to see? This couldn't be him. He must have been dead already. It was bad enough to be crushed by the remnants of a society he loved, but now… for his reaper to bare such a face… Why would he deserve this? "Sa-Sasuke…?"
Sasuke lifted the last piece of building from Kakashi and threw it, moving quickly to support the broken body before it fell and hurt itself worse. He held Kakashi loosely, his own body weakened by the amount of chakra he'd already decided to use. He knew that this movement, as small as it was, was causing his old sensei more pain but he had to lie him down. Sasuke resituated Kakashi onto his back then instantly recalled all the medical jutsus he'd seen Kabuto perform. He let his palms glow green, his eyes burn as the cursed Sharingan bled into them. "Don't move," he whispered, trying to hide any concern for the man in lack of eye contact.
The cursed ground was cold and hard- painfully unforgiving as he was pressed to its surface again. The heavy pressure a top him, soaking through his clothing with blood and sweat, helpless under his mass that had been removed but yet remained and the hurt moved again. This time… it hurt deep in his chest, buried beneath skin and a dull ache that butchered every tiny beat of his heart. He wasn't sure what it was, he could not tell. All he could distinguish was the lack of air in his lungs and the darkness that seemed to be weighing him down against the green glow of the healing jutsu.
Why was Sasuke choosing to help him? What did he have to gain? Kakashi felt himself cough with a blast of salt pouring down his raw throat. The blood against his lips was not made of solid copper, but it was bitter and he could feel it was cold. The teen's eyes gave no leverage to understand his feelings. He spent so much time with that goddamn snake Kakashi couldn't be sure he even did feel anymore. He was dying. But before he did he had to know why this was happening. How could they be together in such a way? Sasuke was sure to kill him.
He shook his head, the orifice of his words leaking a stinging hemoglobin down his mask, staining the material a deep crimson. Kakashi, with whatever strength he had left, raised his hand and grasped on to Sasuke's working hands. "Why?" he uttered, his eyes closing and opening to clear the picture of Sasuke's face. "Why… when you… hate me?"
Sasuke felt his heart pound louder as Kakashi's skin contacted his. That touch...that touch was something he had tried so hard to forget...to not want more of and yet, he couldn't deny it any longer. What was the point? He'd already lost so much...Kakashi was dying; why not just let it out? Sasuke let Kakashi hold his wrist loosely as he continued to work. "I love you," he replied softly, curtly. There was no need for explanation. He didn't feel anything other than that one emotion and he was sure Kakashi was confused. But he let no emotion on his face, no difference in his voice. "Stop moving or you'll make it worse."
Kakashi squeezed his hand, his body quaking and shaking beneath the touch. He could feel so much slip from him, and not just in the form of his eminent death. It was the words that sunk into his chest and blundered his body of all the feelings it could muster up to sacrifice to the burning. Kakashi leaned his head back, letting the blood fall without thinking. All he could do was surrender to this thing that was dragging him down without thought and clearly without remorse. Kakashi's eyes looked up to the sky, whatever there was left of it he watched, his pupils falling from the dusk slowly to watch Sasuke's eyes. The deep obsidian was comforting, but yet cold. He wanted it back… the life in those eyes. This wasn't fair. Life had tossed him the only thing he'd wanted in his final moments and was about to rip it away from him without so much as confirmation besides the words that had just been uttered. He should have said something sooner. He shouldn't have been so cold. He should have made him come home– to stay! He shouldn't have ever let him change. It was his fault. "I… Sasuke, I love… you too."
Sasuke breathed in, a small gasp escaping his lips. He couldn't help his eyes as they darted to the bleeding man's face. His broken body slowly taking him from this world. Why did this happen? As soon as anyone told him they loved him, they died. Sasuke wouldn't let this happen to Kakashi. He just...he couldn't. "Then stay still," he replied focusing and pumping more chakra into Kakashi, "I won't allow you to die."
"I know," he whispered, "I know you will… I'm not afraid." Kakashi offered the words to him. He wasn't sure exactly what he'd been directing the words towards; the end of his life or that fact that Sasuke loved him and would not let him fall away. Kakashi sighed, breath, life, filtering inside and out of him. He felt a jolt… but he couldn't be sure what it was. His eyes were captured by the pounding feet of someone on foot, but he couldn't make out the face. Asuma? No he was dead too, just like him. Wait… that hair… it was? "No! No! Sas-sasuke," he yelped, jumping from his seated position, crying out and whimpering against the torrent of emotion colliding with the realization of what was happening.
It was going so slow yet so fast he didn't have time to take in the expression on Sasuke's face as he tried to pull him down and out of the way. Kakashi had to protect him. He loved him. Couldn't he feel that Sasuke was only trying to help him? How fucking goddamn stupid could they get? "No! No!"
The man steadied his running, jounin uniform rustling in the broken dust filled air. Kakashi's eyes died in that instant his whole body quaking and dying beneath Sasuke's. He loved him… he loved him so much and no matter how much he screamed Sasuke tried to lay him down. Kakashi felt everything shatter. If he died here he would go to hell and he would deserve it. Life was taken and given without deduction, and it was not his place to decide who lived and who died, but he wanted more than anything in his heart for Sasuke's heart to continue beating, for the both of them.
Iruka pulled the kunai from his pouch slowly, his eyes furrowed on the traitor, who was no doubt ripping the life from the prestigious copy-nin below him. Iruka would not allow another to fall, not another. It was swift and powerful, the metal slicing through air like a bird's wing colliding over soft ridges of gusts to help it fly. Kakashi's squalling only fueled his belief as he cast the death blow towards Sasuke's chest. He would die.
Sasuke felt his body jolt forward, a searing pain shooting from his chest. He hadn't even noticed the movement behind him, hadn't registered the words Kakashi had been muttering...and now...now he struggled to breathe. Sasuke tried to dislodge himself from the cold metal that was piercing his chest, his most precious organs, but he couldn't. Sasuke coughed and watched as blood flew out of it. He breathed in slowly, turning and trying to grasp his katana to puncture the man behind him but his body wouldn't allow it. He fell to his side, his heart beat pounding so fast Sasuke thought it would explode before his lungs filled with blood and killed him. Either way...it was over.
Sasuke was dead. It was over. Kakashi was over. Even though he continued to keep their mouths together, trying to make him breathe to make him feel, but he found the little lifeless form against him, the little boy that he had loved so much did not respond. Sasuke looked like he had as a child… broken. Kakashi could see no happiness in his expression. Sasuke was… it was nothing. Sasuke's eyes were still open, staring blankly into Kakashi's eyes, tears that had not fallen during life now fell during his death and Kakashi couldn't help but burst into tears as he pulled his mouth away, Uchiha blood littering his lips.
He screamed. He did not stop. He only continued to scream as he held on to the lifeless corpse. His screams did not stop. Nothing except the beating of Sasuke's heart… it was the only thing to cease in the chords of Kakashi's bellowing yells. But the vision was rotten now, the long drawn out wail, like a bell had captured the world's attention. The scream of a man he loved, it was ripped from his throat, terrified and pleading. He couldn't tell anymore… if it was Sasuke screaming or if it was him. It was the last thing Kakashi saw in the darkness. The down cast darkness of the room was eager with its heavy plight for an offering of yet another night of bloodshed. The twilight in the window was shattered by morning light. Kakashi gasped, screamed and wailed out. Before he realized he was awake again, gasping and pulling air into his lungs like a new born suckling at his mother's breast. Kakashi had dreamt the meeting over and over. Although it hadn't gone in that exact fashion, Sasuke had saved his life and every night Kakashi paid for it by watching the man he loved lose his last breath and bleed out against him. He died every night too, only in a different, much less forgiving way. It was slow… and it was painful. It was what he deserved.
When his eyes opened he could see the gentle pawing limbs of his companion, little black hair
haired Uchiha-working on making a bed for his face in the crook of Sasuke's neck. He smiled to himself as he hefted a smile across his lips. He wasn't dead.
Sasuke's pulse was still jumping in his throat as Kakashi nuzzled against it, checking to see if the breath he was hearing could actually be felt. He smiled and gave a sigh, grateful that the seemingly annual dream had not been some lapse back into the past. It must have been because the day was so fresh- the reciprocated hour was still claiming his thoughts and sometimes his dreams. It hadn't gone exactly as he'd remembered, especially with Sasuke's death in the air and his imaginary blood spilling from his chest. Kakashi could taste the copper of blood lingering in his mouth, discovering he'd bitten himself. He'd probably screamed as loud as he'd imagined too. Thank god Sasuke took on the habits of a heavy sleeper. He closed his eyes and kissed Sasuke's cheek, settling back down again, waiting for the rest of him to wake up, and the body twisted in beside his to stir. "Happy anniversary," he whispered to himself, bracing himself to grasp behind the head board when Sasuke woke. He wanted to be prepared.
Sasuke felt lips press against his cheek. He knew who's mouth they belonged to and he couldn't say he was disappointed to feel them. He cracked open his eyes at the small and light utterance of 'happy anniversary'. So, it was that day already. Sasuke was glad he was very organized. He'd purchased Kakashi's gift over two months ago, just in case. He let his eye lids flutter open then looked into Kakashi's mismatched eyes. There was barely any light in their room, the sun just now rising from its slumber, but Sasuke could see every line in Kakashi's unmasked face. He knew it was because he had that face memorized...but he didn't need to say it out loud. "You woke up at the crack of dawn to wish me a happy anniversary?" he mumbled his voice still slightly heavy with sleep.
"No," Kakashi laughed, leaning up to watch Sasuke's face wake with the dawn. "He wanted to wake you up at the crack of dawn too." Kakashi instantly pulled up a small tuft of brown cashmere fluff, pushing it against Sasuke's face with a smile, getting the soft texture to rouse the younger man to accept his gift. "Happy anniversary, Sasuke," he whispered again, kissing the cheek not being mauled by the soft gift.
Sasuke was taken aback by the stuffed toy shoved in his face. Was Kakashi serious?! Sasuke took the toy in his hands then looked over at the man who was beaming ear to ear. "You got me a teddy bear?" he asked looking back at the smiling bear. It was wearing a deep red shirt that said 'I love you beary much' and as much as Sasuke wanted to not like it (he was 21 after all!) he couldn't. It was...annoyingly stupid, childish, and completely asinine. But, it was from Kakashi. Kakashi had taken time (even if it seemed like he only took five minutes) to think of him and buy him something.
"Uh huh," Kakashi nodded, watching the young man's disturbed face contort with the mild disgust Kakashi loved. He smirked, he knew how old Sasuke was, and he knew his gender, but he also knew what Sasuke would love- but yet, would still not admit to love. "Don't you like him, ne? It took me an hour to find the right one. I almost picked out a white, but I figured it would get confused with my hair sometimes," Kakashi joked, rolling over to have a better look at Sasuke examining his gift. "I... can take it back if you're too old for my taste, Sasuke," Kakashi chuckled, raising an accusing brow.
Sasuke looked down at the bear. He couldn't believe he was going to say it but... "No...that's not the point," he said putting the toy down on the bed and getting up. He walked over to their closet and opened the doors, grabbing a small rectangular package. He had attempted to wrap it, Sakura had given him 'lessons', but it didn't come out so well. Sasuke turned back and brought Kakashi his gift. "Here," he said placing it in the man's lap, "Happy Anniversary."
Kakashi cocked a brow and pursed his lips. Sasuke wrapped? He didn't know that. It must have been special. Kakashi picked the box up and gave it a little tap before looking up at the Uchiha with his classic aloof face. "What is it?" He asked, completely deadpan. He'd felt dumb at times for asking but it was a bad habit. He bit his lip and shook his head, smiling up at Sasuke. "Thanks, Sasuke," he offered grinning, tearing at Sasuke's wrap job carefully.
Sasuke nodded and watched as Kakashi opened the package slowly. He knew that part of Kakashi would probably be disappointed with what he got but Sasuke was being practical and besides, Kakashi got to have sex with him every day. It wasn't like either one of them had anything else to do. Sasuke was stripped of anything shinobi related in exchange for exemption from execution. Kakashi had been assigned to be his ward which meant they spent almost every day together. Something Sasuke didn't mind at all. He gently climbed up on the bed and sat down, crossing his legs and watching Kakashi's face, more closely than normal, for any sign of appreciation.
Kakashi opened the package gently, sliding the paper off still in a perfect rectangle. The small lettering on the top of the package made him smile; 'Happy Anniversary, Kashi... Love Sasuke', he didn't want to ruin him. Kakashi set it down beside him gently and smirked wryly as he noticed what it was Sasuke had bought him. "Aw, you got me porn!" Kakashi said excitedly, putting his arms around Sasuke gently before picking up the kunai that fell from between the pages. "Ooh, and a nifty book mark," he joked, rolling his eyes as he kissed Sasuke's cheek, knowing that the younger man would do something so adorably practical. It was what made them good together; being the opposite. Sasuke filled his missing parts and he filled Sasuke's. "Mm, thank you Sasuke. I love it."
Sasuke smirked. He knew Kakashi would want that damned Icha Icha book and the man always needed kunai...so he was glad he could make him happy. Sasuke looked at the older man. "Do you know how hard it is to find that book?" he asked, "I had to have Naruto call every porn shop in town..." He was certainly NOT doing that. "It hasn't been released in mass yet."
"Mm, that was a big mistake," Kakashi chuckled, leaning back and tucking the small piece of wrapping paper in his pocket before Sasuke tried to toss it away. "Now I'm going to get more ideas for ravishing you. But thank you, Sasuke. It means a lot to me," he smiled, putting the book and kunai to the side so he could lean forward on his knees, bracing for a pleasant kiss to Sasuke's mouth. "... that you were thinking about me."
Sasuke tried not to blush but it was inevitable. He felt his cheeks turn slightly red and quickly leaned forward to press his lips against Kakashi's briefly. "I always think about you," he retorted before he could stop himself. Sasuke inwardly cursed at himself for blurting that out like a love sick puppy and felt his cheeks redden further.
"Mm, I know." Kakashi gave him a smile, eyes low as they ducked beneath the lids to watch Sasuke's own obsidian eyes flicker nervously above the bright flush of his pale cheeks. "You're so cute when you blush for me like that," he whispered, grasping Sasuke's chin and tipping it forward so Kakashi could see his whole face, reddening at the sight. "It's okay to be this way with me. It makes me happy," he said slowly, moving forward to kiss him, hoping to darken the blush.
Sasuke let his mouth fall open, his cheeks darkening even more with Kakashi that close, and pressed his it to Kakashi's. Kakashi liked it when he showed emotion? Really? Sasuke felt his arms slide around Kakashi's neck, yanking him closer, demanding more. He wasn't overly emotional, at least not on the outside but to hear that Kakashi liked emotions...maybe he could try a little harder to not be so...sarcastic? Sasuke pushed himself into Kakashi's lap, resting gently atop the man's warm hips. He wasn't sure why, but being close, this close, to Kakashi made him feel warmer and he never wanted it to go away. Never. He had lost too many people and he wasn't going to let anything separate him from Kakashi.
Kakashi sighed and brushed their noses together in a gentle nudge laced in uncharacteristic affection before he worked his way down to Sasuke's lips. He knew that Sasuke tried hard to make him happy; just as hard as Kakashi worked to make Sasuke happy. He knew the smiles Sasuke graced him with were only for him and no one else. The kisses he gave had never been given to anyone else. The fashion in which he pressed their bodies together without even a break of sexual tension was more amazing than anything Kakashi would ever do. He wished Sasuke would have been able to notice. The copy nin slid his arms about Sasuke's trim waist, pulling him closer so he was braced against Kakashi's firm chest as they kissed. Kakashi kept it chaste- how they liked it most of the time. "I love you," he whispered before going down with his mouth again, heart pounding deliberately hard against Sasuke's chest to show exactly what the truth was, and that he was telling it. It was only meant for Sasuke.
Sasuke pulled his lips back slowly, his chest feeling the constant thud thudding of Kakashi's heart. He smirked. "You better," he whispered against Kakashi's lips his own heart pounding as hard as Kakashi's. He didn't know what it was, what Kakashi had over him, but whatever it was he knew he couldn't deny it. He could be himself in front of Kakashi. "I...I love you too," he panted, his heart thudding even louder than before.
The gravity of the words fell on him every time, crushing anything that could grow against them as a couple. Even as a young man Sasuke had built a repore with him. Even if they were never intimate, their relationship as student and teacher, their painful pasts and futures would have given them this connection... but not the same wholesome love. Kakashi smiled and laid them down together, sideways lips still locked gently as Kakashi worked their mouths together, hand rubbing Sasuke's exposed hip and one hand in his hair, gently kneading his scalp like he knew Sasuke enjoyed before he pulled his lips back. "After we spar later," he whispered," We should come back to bed... and just stay here for the rest of the day. We haven't done that in a while," he admitted, kissing Sasuke's cheek.
Sasuke smirked and pressed his lips against Kakashi's again. Sparring was the only thing semi-shinobi related he could take part in and Kakashi was the best opponent he could ask for. "You're going to need a whole day to recover," he teased, "I'm going to kick your ass so bad you're going to wish you were dead."
Kakashi stuck out his tongue, childishly and laughed. "I'll let you," Kakashi chuckled, knowing how much that particular comment irked his young lover. Yet, they remained entwined like love sick fools, watching each others eyes flicker back and forth, just watching the other breathe. Kakashi loved it. He never got enough of Sasuke. His Sasuke. "Mm, especially if it means you take care of me."
Sasuke rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't take care of you. I'd get somebody else to do it," he retorted. It was a complete and total lie if Kakashi ever needed taken care of Sasuke would do it. He did it every time they finished sparring. Kakashi would always fake some sort of injury just to lure Sasuke back into the bedroom. Sasuke always believed him...as stupid and naive it as it was. He just, he never wanted to risk the chance that Kakashi could be hurt...and that it would be his fault.
"You wouldn't? Even if I..." he chuckled, rolling over flat on his back leisurely before he shut his eyes and gasp. "... was dying? Right now? What would you do? Show me." He laughed before squeezing Sasuke's hand and slowly let the grip lessen, giving a final gasp of breath before he tried to slow his movements. He loved playing with Sasuke, tempting him was always fun- of he played into it.
Sasuke rolled his eyes and pushed pointer finger into Kakashi's side. "You're not dying and if you were, I'd make sure that you died quick so I wouldn't have to deal with your bad acting," he retorted crossing his arms over his chest, "If you're doing this because you don't want to spar because I'm going to kick your ass, its not working."
Kakashi laid still, using his skills to make his heart beat slow and his breath cease completely. Kakashi knew he'd be able to get at least a kiss out of the whole ordeal if he just held out a little longer. Sasuke's empty threats didn't worry him. He knew the Uchiha was lying and he was the even worse actor. The poke to his side was ineffectual, and he almost felt like laughing at the attempt, but remained very still, waiting for Sasuke to act.
Sasuke bit his bottom lip. "Knock it off, Kakashi," he retorted, Kakashi unmoving, his face...frozen. Sasuke didn't like this game. He didn't like it at all. Kakashi looked too much like...like Itachi right now. Sasuke surmised that Kakashi had had to play dead on many missions and he was scarily accurate at it. Sasuke watched him for another couple seconds then got off the bed. He knew Kakashi liked games and Sasuke didn't mind them...except this one.
Kakashi sat up immediately, pouting as he got off the bed and snapped his arms around Sasuke's waist while his back was turned. "Mm, you should never turn your back on a Shinobi, Sasuke. Especially one that's as big a pervert as I am," He chuckled, moving a hand to twist Sasuke's mouth back to his, stealing a kiss with his signature smile. "All I wanted was a kiss, you know?"
"Whatever," he replied crossing his arms, "Are we going to spar or not?" He didn't mean to sound so harsh. He really didn't, Kakashi just pressed a button, whether or not he realized it.
Kakashi backed away sheepishly. He knew that tone and he couldn't believe Sasuke was so upset over something so small. He gave a sigh and nodded his reply. "Yeah, you go shower first. I'll get the equipment together." When he woke up he was going to suggest they shower together, share something nice for the day, but Sasuke didn't sound like he was in any kind of mood for that.
Sasuke nodded and began walking to the bathroom. He couldn't believe Kakashi didn't want to shower with him. They...they always showered together. Whatever, he would just shower by himself. It wasn't like he'd never done it before. He sighed and turned the water on, its thudding against the porcelain to create a barrier. "Happy Anniversary," he murmured to no one.
Kakashi stepped by the door and looked inside, pouting. Ever since he'd picked it up from Sasuke he couldn't seem to stop. He knew they didn't like fighting and once one eventually caved things went back to normal. He might as well get a head start. He stepped sheepishly inside and wrapped his arms around Sasuke, resting his head on Sasuke's shoulder while the younger waited for the shower to heat up. He never got in right away. He didn't like the cold. Kakashi nuzzled his jaw. "I'm sorry. Please... can we shower together? We do it every day," he whispered, completely serious. "I didn't mean to make you upset, Sasuke. Forgive me?" If Sasuke wanted him to get down on his knees and beg for his forgiveness he would do it in an instant. Thats just how much he loved him.
Sasuke sighed. He really shouldn't be so damn sensitive. "You just want to look at me," he whispered turning around and looking at Kakashi. He could feel his face, his eyes in particular, betraying him, showing Kakashi that he was sorry for his dramatics. Death just scared him. It always took those he loved the most. Sasuke leaned forward and pressed his lips against Kakashi's, kissing him quickly before pulling back and turning to the shower. He stuck his hand back under the spray and then got into the hot water slowly. He waited for Kakashi to join him but after a couple minutes, when Kakashi didn't he pulled the curtain back and looked at him. "Are you coming?" he asked.
When Sasuke opened the shower Kakashi had finally gotten his pants and boxers off, reaching into the pocket. Kakashi smiled at him and winked. "Mmhm, just a minute Sasuke," He offered, pulling the wrapping paper from his pocket and placing it delicately in the medicine cabinet so that water or steam would not destroy his little treasure. He tucked it carefully between two vitamin bottles and nodded. He closed the small cabinet door and prowled to the shower to climb in with Sasuke, giving an instant sigh of relief as the hot spray touched his skin. Sasuke liked his showers hot for some reason, but Kakashi wasn't complaining.
Sasuke smiled and backed into the spray, yanking Kakashi's face to his, kissing him intently. He felt the water drip down his and Kakashi's face as their mouths moved and meshed together. He just wanted to show Kakashi that he loved him, that he really wasn't angry at him...that he never really could be.
Kakashi was a little taken back by the sudden movement, but ultimately his heart and worries were all washed away with the hot water and Sasuke's mouth against his, prowling and pushing with deep intent. After the initial shock wore off, Kakashi began kissing back, letting his arms slide around Sasuke's dripping waist, small droplets tickling their collective skin. Kakashi tried to speak but Sasuke would have none of it. Kakashi succumbed to his kisses and sighed happily, draping their bodies together as their mouths moved against each other's desperately. It seemed Sasuke wasn't mad anymore. He couldn't help but smile.
Sasuke held Kakashi to him tighter, making sure every inch of his body was pressed against Kakashi's. He wanted to feel Kakashi's life pulsing through him. He wanted Kakashi to feel everything he couldn't express. His mouth moved feverishly with Kakashi's trying to take everything he could from him, anything Kakashi would allow him to have Sasuke wanted. He didn't understand this...at all. But Kakashi was like his air and he was sure he'd die without it.
Kakashi slowly whimpered against Sasuke's mouth, the emotion in the searing kiss stealing things from Kakashi's throat that he didn't even know existed. He felt himself getting weak, so he sensually took hold of Sasuke's arms and backed him against the shower wall, leaning against him, the wet contours of their bodies grinding together slowly as he kept a hand on Sasuke's lower back, while the other rubbed the wet skin of Sasuke's side. Kakashi's lips were full against his, panting and kissing, licking at Sasuke's bottom lip before their mouths puleld together again like magnets. It felt so good to be so close to another human body, to another soul, but most of all to Sasuke. "Sasuke," he whispered, voice desperate and strained. Just the way Sasuke liked it. Kakashi was a fool for him, and he knew the stripped ninja loved it.
Sasuke gasped as his body was pressed against the cold tile of the shower and as Kakashi uttered his name. He'd never heard his name sound so perfect before. Sasuke pulled his lips away and held Kakashi's face tightly. "Don't...don't ever leave me," he semi-begged, completely serious, "Promise me...promise me you won't leave...not ever."
Kakashi gasped against him and looked down with wet eyes, his eyelashes dripping with water as he gaped at Sasuke's pain filled eyes. Kakashi stared at him and nodded his head. "Sasuke Uchiha. I will never leave you. Ever," he whispered, his eyes bright and his mouth panting desperately. "You own my heart and the moment it stops beating is the moment you tell it to," He added sweetly. "I'm yours. I'm not going anywhere."
Sasuke nodded. "Then you better fucking live forever," he panted, yanking Kakashi's lips back to his. If there was one thing Sasuke was most afraid of it was losing Kakashi and he wouldn't let it happen, not ever. Sasuke let his eyes slip close as he continued to kiss him feverishly.
Kakashi pressed his mouth against Sasuke, not able to do anything else with the orifice. He was sure if he tried to speak it would only become intelligible nonsense. The kiss was the only way he could respond correctly, and as long as it made Sasuke happy he would do it. His leg came up slowly so it pinned Sasuke's legs against the wall, the buckling of his body driving Kakashi insane. Kakashi, god he knew he wanted him, but he didn't want to ruin the purity in the moment. Kakashi kissed his desperately, his tongue brushing against Sasuke's lower lip in an effort to taste him.
Sasuke pushed himself against him tighter and pulled his lips away. He couldn't breathe, their kiss had not only lasted longer than he thought it was, it was also just so heavy, so filled with emotions. Sasuke took a deep breath and pushed forward, wrapping his hands around Kakashi's waist, hugging him as tightly as he could. He was pretty sure Kakashi was not planning this that he probably wanted to have sex right now but Sasuke just needed another minute of this.
Kakashi smiled and sighed happily, tugging him to him tightly at the same time. One hand was firmly around Sasuke's slender waist while the other fisted Sasuke's wet hair, pressing Sasuke's face against his skin so their lips would not be inclined to be smashed together for a few moments. "I love you so much Sasuke," he practically sobbed, lacking any tears which appeared in the form of the shower water. "I promise, I'll never let you go. I'll always be here for you, whether you're sick or you're upset; happy or angry. I'm yours and I won't go away."
Sasuke smiled against Kakashi's wet skin. "You better not or I'll kill you," he whispered as the shower water poured down his body. They certainly were not getting clean like this but...Sasuke felt better this way.
"Then you'd revive me... just like you did before," he smiled, nuzzling down to kiss Sasuke's hair. "I remember... it was the first time you told me you loved me. It made me so happy," He whispered, holding the young man tightly, rocking their bodies soothingly, although he was doing it unintentionally. "I think that's what kept me alive long enough for your jutsu to work," Kakashi laughed lightly.
"You're just lucky I watched Kabuto closely enough to be able to save your ass," Sasuke whispered. He wouldn't say it but hearing Kakashi say it back to him...it was...amazing. Slowly, he pulled back and looked at him. "We should get clean so I can kick your ass."
"I know... but you saved my ass because you loved me. That means more than you know." Kakashi nodded, kissing his lips tenderly before he pulled back. "Yes, or we won't be able to get back and cuddle. You know I consider your threats promises to what ever I propose right?" Kakashi chuckled, grabbing the shampoo bottle from behind him. "Want me to was it for you?" He asked casually.
Sasuke rolled his eyes. "You would anyway, ne?" he asked smirking. For some reason, Kakashi liked to wash his hair and Sasuke wasn't going to stop him. Sasuke leaned up and kissed Kakashi gently. He wouldn't mind if they were still doing this 40 years from now, Kakashi washing his hair, taking care of him…loving him. Sasuke just didn't see his future any other way.
Kakashi kissed him back and distracted him tenderly with his mouth as he opened the lid and squeezed some into his hands with a smile. He judged roughly where Sasuke's head was a placed his hands in Sasuke's hair, rubbing in the solution. "I would do anything for you, Sasuke," Kakashi chuckled, before bringing a hand down from Sasuke's hair to tip his chin up, staring gleefully into his lover's eyes. "Even if that means living forever."
"Ah ah, you're losing your touch, Sasuke," Kakashi teased, his true body appearing behind Sasuke, tapping his shoulder as he whispered in his ear. "Maybe you should have stayed in bed this morning." Kakashi knew that he was bothering Sasuke, but it was all part of his plan. Sasuke always did better when provoked, and Kakashi wanted to make his lover the best. "Or in the shower," he purred.
Sasuke spun on his heels, shooting his arm out to his side and punching Kakashi fully into the stomach. He jumped back quickly forcing his chakra to his feet and kicking up dirt to surround Kakashi. "Yea right," he panted, his Sharingan swirling and jumping in his eyes. He would not be beaten...not today.
"Oh, that's such an old move. You tried that before and it didn't work then. Why try it now?" Kakashi laughed at him from a tree branch, brandishing his new copy of Icha Icha. He told Sasuke he shouldn't have bought it for him. He flipped another page, eye following intently as Sasuke wiped out his bushin with a swipe. Kakashi would let himself be hit when the time came, but first Sasuke had to work for it. "Tsk, tsk, tsk... My poor Sasuke-koi needs some work."
Sasuke glared. Kakashi wanted to fight? Fine. Sasuke shot both sets of snakes from his arms, each wrapping around Kakashi and yanking him front the tree. As Kakashi was falling Sasuke shot into him, using his shoulder to pin him into the tree. He quickly grabbed Kakashi's hands and pinned them above his head. "You are getting so arrogant in your old age."
"Hn. I think I've always been this way, Sasuke. But I'll take the compliment as I'm aging well," He murmured through his mask, getting Sasuke's eyes, including his own exposed orb. Sasuke generally enjoyed pinning him this way, it had been this position many times and Kakashi could only smirk knowing Sasuke expected a trick. "The question is, am I the one you really want to insult, Sasuke-koi?"
Sasuke arched his eyebrow. His sharingan could see through a mere shadow clone and this one was definitely the real Kakashi. "Yea," he replied pulling back and releasing Kakashi's arms, "I win."
The Uchiha liked to think it ended when he said it did. But the fact was that with a real enemy your back was never to be turned on them. It was a lesson they repeated many times. Kakashi smirked, and slipped his arms under Sasuke's armpits, flipping him over his shoulders with a smirk. When Sasuke hit the ground Kakashi turned to look at him. "What was that now Sasuke? Something about winning?"
Sasuke snarled and jumped at Kakashi, knocking him to the ground roughly, pinning him beneath his own weight. "Why do you insist on trying to piss me off?" he asked, "We both know I could kill you if I really wanted to...and even still I could beat you pretty damn easy." Sasuke leaned his body forward pressing his lips to Kakashi's ear, "I let you win all the time so I don't hurt your ego."
"Sasuke-teme!" Naruto called, coming up the hill, watching Sasuke's body pounce on kakashi's. He rolled his eyes as he approached, Sasuke climbing off the former jounin settled in the dirt. "Don't you have any respect for your elders?" He chuckled, Naruto's hokage cloak still wiping around his legs. "That's your sensei and your lover you know?"
Sasuke rolled his eyes at Naruto. "We're sparring dobe," he retorted standing up and wiping the dirt from himself, "Remember, that thing you used to suck at tremendously?" Sasuke looked at Naruto, his eyebrow arching slightly, "And don't you have something more important to do?
Naruto cocked his head and chuckled, coming forward to place a friendly hand on Sasuke's shoulders. "I just finished writing some documents about reinstating you. I'd be nicer. Especially since that old man you just hissed at gave a hand written testimony about what good behavior you've been on," Naruto replied smugly. "From what I see here, I find it hard to believe now."
Sasuke smirked. "Kakashi's impressed with other behaviors, moron," he retorted as Naruto's face scrunched slightly. Well, what did Naruto expect? Kakashi read porn for a hobby, how could he report on anything else? But...that was what made Kakashi, Kakashi and Sasuke wouldn't want it any other way.
Naruto went to say something smart- really he was, but then he stopped, dead in his tracks. Naruto, pulled his brows together, his face ruffled with concern as he tilted it to look around Sasuke's body. "Um, teme... what exactly did you do to him? Kakashi doesn't look so good."
Behind Sasuke, Kakashi's body was hunched over jaggedly, his spine cocking and rocking back with painful heaves. Kakashi's body shook as he braced himself on his two arms, coughing loudly as his head thrusting towards the ground with each spasm in his throat, coming out as coughing. Bellow Kakashi's body a small drip of crimson fell, followed by a deeper stream as the man's body fell forward.
Naruto covered his mouth. "What did you do?"
Sasuke gasped and shot to Kakashi's side. He hadn't hit him hard...at least not harder then normal. Sasuke placed his hand on Kakashi's trembling body. "What's wrong?" Sasuke asked, trying not to worry. It had just happened so fast that Sasuke was worried Kakashi was really hurt.
Kakashi continued to heave, his muscles quaking under Sasuke's fingers. His lips were sputtered with blood and his eyes were set wide open with shuddering. His fingers dug into the ground painfully, tearing at some of his nails as he gripped it so hard.
Naruto shot forward and looked down at Sasuke, getting to his knees to inspect Kakashi. "Sasuke, what did you do to him?" He asked, his voice ring ing with an uncharacteristically concerned tone.
"I didn't do anything Naruto," Sasuke growled turning Kakashi onto his back and offering his hands for the man to clench. He focused his chakra to Kakashi's hand, having his own chakra act as temporary morphine. What the hell was wrong with him? "Kakashi," Sasuke whispered, "It's going to be ok, just relax...you'll be ok..." Sasuke looked at Naruto, "I don't know what's wrong with him..."
Naruto shook his head and nodded to Sasuke. "You stay here with him, I'm going to get Tsunade," Naruto informed him, taking a carefull stare at the shaking body of his former sensei before he took off.
Kakashi gripped Sasuke's hand so tightly he could feel his fingers losing their feeling. He felt his mouth welling with blood again and he turned to his side with a harsh cough, slipping the collecting blood onto the ground and against his gaping lips. "Sa-sasu-uke," he managed out, squeezing his eyes shut as tightly as he squeezed Sasuke's hand. He'd been coughing for a few months but never this hard and never with so much blood- not any blood in all truth. Kakashi's body began curling up into it's self. "Sas-sauske... hurts..." he coughed out, eyes catching tears with the intensity of his heaving.
Sasuke felt something break inside of him. He pumped more of his own chakra into Kakashi and stroked his face gently. "I know...I know its going to be ok," he whispered. What was this? Why was this happening? "I'm not going to let anything happen to you, Kakashi, I promise. It's all going to be ok..."
Kakashi gripped him painfully, the tears rolling down his face. He'd managed to pull his mask off when he started coughing up the blood. If he hadn't he was sure he would have suffocated. Kakashi's tongue quaked inside his mouth as he tried to speak, only managing to cough up more blood. He drew in a shaky breath and felt his eyes start to roll back. "Love... Sas-," he coughed," Sas-uke..."
"No, no!" Sasuke choked, "Don't close your eyes, Kakashi..." What was wrong with him?! He was fine this morning?! Had...had Sasuke really hurt him? Please. Please let this be one of Kakashi's jokes. Sasuke angled Kakashi's head to help the blood drain. "You're going to be ok," Sasuke sobbed, "Everything's going to be ok..." He wasn't sure that was true, Kakashi was...he was in so much pain and coughing up so much blood it was obvious something was wrong, very, very wrong.
Kakashi shook and shivered, his coughing continuing but not as heavy as he tried to lean up, only managing to get his head on Sasuke's lap. he could feel the tickle in his throat die down, but the pain in his chest continued. He shivered and gripped Sasuke tightly. "Sasuke..." he winced, voice hoarse as excess blood dripped past his lips. "I-I... I don't feel... so well..." The tears were still falling down his face from the exertion, but something inside him broke and he felt like crying for some other reason. For what... he did not know.
Sasuke hugged Kakashi loosely. "I know, baby, I know don't worry, ok? Lady Tsunade's coming and whatever's wrong with you...I know she'll be able to fix. You'll be better in no time, Kakashi." Sasuke held Kakashi as tightly as he could. "I love you and I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you...nothing."
Kakashi felt his eyes close with the salt of his tears stinging his eyes. Kakashi's body continued to shake, the pain in his chest lingering but fading some. What was wrong with him? He heard Sasuke talking to him... telling him it was okay and that he loved him. Kakashi bit his lip and opened his mouth to suck in a deep breath. "I... i love you...Sasuke," he swallowed. "It... its getting... be-be -better," he tried, wanting to calm the sorrow in Sasuke's face, his mouth dipping open to rid himself of the taste of blood. In the background he could hear people running and yelling to him, but he was so exhausted that he couldn't keep his eyes opened to see who it was.
Tsunade darted over to them, her brown eyes noticing the blood immediately. She dropped to her legs in front of him and immediately went to work. She let her hands glow green and levitate over Kakashi's body. She could sense immediately what was inside of him, she just didnt know how bad it was. Not yet anyway. She looked back at Naruto. "He needs to be transported to the hospital and I need Sakura to be ready when we get there, got it?" she ordered the young Hokage.
Naruto nodded and turned on his heel. "I'll go get her, Obaasan!" Naruto called out, running from the scene even though he didn't want to. He wanted to be there for his friend and former sensei- but this was what he was charged with. Sometimes it still felt like Tsunade was Hokage.
Kakashi gripped Sasuke's hand and tossed his head. "Wha-ats ... wrong... with me?" He called out, breath remaining short as Tsunade went to work with her jutsu.
Tsunade looked him and sighed. "Its poison, Hatake," she replied looking at Sasuke, "Did you...?"
Sasuke shook his head. "We were just sparring and he collapsed...coughing blood," Sasuke said glad that Tsunade allowed him to hold Kakashi's head. He looked down at him. Poison? When had Kakashi gotten poisoned?! And...and was it serious? Sasuke ran his fingers through Kakashi's hair, trying to do anything to help him...
Kakashi felt Sasuke's fingers against his scalp, the sensation was taking his mind off the pain of Tsunade's words. Poison? Who would have poisoned him? He was well liked and he was a ninja. No one could have slipped him anything. "Sa-Sasuke... stay with me... don't let me go," he whispered, and as much as he didn't want to admit it, he was afraid. It was just like that day on the field. But, this time he could sense something much more sinister at play in his stomach, rearranging things and ripping at tissue, muscles, and sinew. It was painful, but there had been worse. The pain he felt was caused by the unknown part of his fear. Who would have done this? Was... was... was Kakashi dying? No. He couldn't die. He wasn't dying.
"I won't leave you, not ever," Sasuke whispered continuing to touch Kakashi's head gently. Why was this happening? Why would someone do this to him? How...how could they?!
Tsunade heard Kakashi's small whimpering and felt her heart break slightly. The amount of poison that was coursing through Kakashi was astronomical and it seemed to pour from his chakra system. She wasn't sure how she'd never found it before today and she was almost certain it was now too late.
KakaSasu_4ever: Yay! New story. Yeah, yeah. I know. All summer and all we posted was one story! Sorry! We just get so much into writing its hard to stop and post XD But anywhos, please, read and review. Let us know if we should continue or not.
MAKandCHEESE: Ah, so yet again we have started another story with out completing another. Boo-hoo, yes, but we get side tracked with amazing ideas so any complaints will result in an immediate STFU! XD But yes, we have this new fiction. I cried all the way writing it- I am such a wuss. We also have many more in storage, so be prepared. Anyways, I hope you enjoy- this is our first tearjerker together!