Jingle bells, Jingle bells....


I guess you can say this chapter is a small Christmas gift for all of you.

Now it's time for the disclaimer!

Uh...The guest is...uh...A RANDOM PERSON OF THE PUBLIC!!

Just kidding. It's DINO!!

Dino: The authoress does not own the original plot of KHR or any of the characters. :) (SMILE SMILE SMILE)




I give up.

I know this makes no sense at all.

Okay, it's PARTY TIME!! (Brace yourself for a loooooooonnnggg chapter)

Date: 25 December

Time: Some time in the late morning, just before lunch.

Location: Tsuna's house.

Okay, that is so NOT the invitation card. And even though it's a CARD, it's more like a piece of A6 paper with a really stupid font on it. (The dumbest you can find in Tsuna's computer. And if you're wondering what it is, don't ask me. I've never seen such a ridiculous font before.)



Tsuna froze. Oh, great, the first guest is here.

"Reborn, must I wear this?! Can I please go and change into something else? PLEASE PLE--"

Too late. "Ciaossu, Dino."

Dino stepped into Tsuna's house with that signature (?) grin on his face. He turned to the person who opened the door for him. "Hi, Reborn. Thanks for inviting me!"

Ahem, Dino, I believe the invitation card was signed "Tsuna", not "Reborn".

"You're very welcome."

"Where's Tsuna?" Dino asked his ex-tutor.

"In the living room. She's waiting."

NOOOOOOOOO!! DON'T COME IN!! Tsuna inwardly screamed.

Which is a really stupid move, since no one can hear her when she inwardly screams. Well, maybe Reborn can.

Dino walked into the living room, grinning like an idiot. "Yo, my cute little sis--WOAH!!"


The oh-so-great Bucking Bronco fell on the floor with a 'THUD!! Or 'BAM!!" Whatever.

Tsuna turned all red and glared at Reborn amidst her embarrassment. "Re-Reborn!!"

Dino stared at Tsuna for the next five seconds, mouth agape like a really stupid idiot.

Wait, I thought all idiots were stupid. If not, why would they be called 'idiots' in the first place?

"Tsu-Tsuna..." He spluttered when his five seconds were up. "Wha-wha-what are you wearing?"

She wearing what you see, sir. What else?

Fine, fine. I'll cut all the crap.

Tsuna was wearing this red tube dress that was INCREDIBLY short, complete with the white fluffy ends, like a Santa Claus suit. You know, that kind of patterns? Anyway, accompanying that dress that looks like my towel is red boots that also have that white fluffy thing. Her hair was half tied, half let down. The half that was tied was in two pony tails, and the half that was let down, was, uh, let down. Nothing to it, really. And lastly, the thing that everyone (except me) will notice first, (since I'm the exception, I happen to describe it last. Brilliant, aren't I?) the...


Those cotton bunny ears were sticking out of her head, one flopping down while the other was straight up.

Long story short, she looks like one of those seductive bunnies or whatever it's called.

Tsuna buried her head in her hands. This is WAY more embarrassing that sharing a bed with Hibari. Not that she'll ever tell Dino about that.

"Reborn!!" Tsuna yelled. "PLEASE HAVE MERCY!!"

"A-ah, Tsuna! S-sorry if I made you feel bad or anything..." Dino stammered. He looked away, face slightly red, and muttered, but loud enough for Tsuna to hear, "You look kinda cute, really..."

Reborn seized the opportunity. "See, no one thinks its embarrassing. So stay like that."

"NO WAY!!!!"


Yes way. The next guest is here!! Lalala~~

Futa opened the door for them. "Welcome!"

"Yo, kid."

"Hm? Where's the Tenth?"

Oh, wow, the two of them came together? Cool.

"In the living room."

Needless to say, when the two of them entered the living room and saw Tsuna, their mouths fell open and they stared.

"Tenth!! W-What are you wearing?!"

I'm not explaining. One time's good enough.

Reborn quickly changed the topic. "Did you bring a gift that you might give to someone random like I said in the invitation card?"

I'm telling you, Tsuna was the one who gave out the cards!!

Dino pointed to a paper bag on the table. "Yeah. That's mine."

Gokudera held out a box while Yamamoto lifted a plastic bag. "Yes/Yup" They said concurrently.

"What's it for?" Gokudera asked.

"Gift exchange later with the other guests."

All the guests soon arrived in this order: Kyoko and Ryohei, Haru, Chrome with Ken and Chikusa, Hibari (This is a miracle.), Basil and Iemitsu (who isn't counted as a guest.). Almost all the guys (the exceptions are Hibari and Iemitsu) had the same reaction as the first three guests.

Well, duh, which guy (apart from Hibari and surprisingly Iemitsu) wouldn't? At least they're not drooling. Yet.

"Okay, now that everyone's here, we can start with lunch." Reborn announced as if he was the host.

And he's not! Tsuna is! VOI!! (Where did you come from, Squalo?!)

As if on cue, Nana walked in with Bianchi, (who was wearing a very odd Hello Kitty mask, much to the relief of Gokudera) carrying the food.

"Ittadakimasu!!" Everyone (except Hibari) chorused.

They ate and talked about the most random subjects (except Hibari). Well, Yamamoto and Dino was talking about the difference between Japanese and Italian cuisine, Gokudera was arguing with Haru about why the sky was so blue (The word is in black, I know.), (Gokudera was stating a whole chuck of scientific facts while Haru was talking about the gods and legends) Kyoko and Chrome were chatting about cooking, Ryohei and Basil managed to converse about EXTREEEEEEME things in the world.

Wow, Basil is a miracle sometimes. They're talking about something so EXTREEEEEEME that I don't even know what they're talking about in the first place.


"Indeed, Sasagawa-dono. It's very extreme."

"Only EXTREEEEEEME people like us can do such EXTREEEEEEME things."

"I think so...What were we talking about again?"


"Yes, I see."

So, anyone knows what they were talking about? Well, I don't.

And as for the remaining guests, it's all up to you to decide what they are talking about.

I'm lazy to decide on all these matters. Yay for me. *Peace*

In the midst of their chatter, Reborn interrupted all of them with another announcement. "It's time for a karaoke competition between every individual! Maman, Iemitsu and I will be the judges."

Hibari spoke. "Why should everyone take part?"

"Because the grand prize is Tsuna."




"The person who wins gets Tsuna for a day. Maman and Iemitsu has already agreed about this."


"There's also a second prize."

Tsuna looked at Reborn, and tilted her head. "Second prize?"

"Whoever that is second will get a small and simple wish granted."

"By who?" Immediately after that came out of her mouth, Tsuna regretted asking.


Keep regretting, Tsuna.

Reborn ignores the rest of Tsuna's wails and said to her, "If you don't want to be the prize, take part, win, and you get to keep yourself.'

Keep myself...? Sounds stupid.

"So whoever that is interested in commanding Tsuna for a day, step up take the challenge! Of course, I'll be fair. Since Dino and Basil are Italian, Japanese songs will not be played. Instead, everyone will have to sing one song of another language. I've got all I possibly can, so I have songs of every language. It's all up to you to pick. You can also go and listen to the song you have picked right before your turn to get an idea of the tune over there, at the head phones. We only have one pair, so you have to take turns."

Iemitsu decided to help his friend. "We've decided to be systematic, so we've already written down the order of who's singing. If your turn is next, and while another person is singing, you can go and listen to the track. Once it's your turn to sing, the next person can go and listen. Everyone clear?" He looked around and saw everyone nodding. "Good then, here's a list of the songs available. The karaoke set is over there. So pick your song and the first person can start listening."

You could have skipped the previous two paragraphs.

"Who's the first person?" Yamamoto asked.

Reborn looked at the piece of paper in his hand. "Tsuna."

Upon hearing her name, Tsuna's wailing only got louder.

Nana handed her a CD and smiled. "Sing the last track for me, will you~? I like it."

Tsuna looked at the cover. It was in kanji, so Tsuna assumed it was a Chinese CD.

"魔杰座" (Yes, I'm a Jay Chou fan, okay? This is 'Capricorn', by the way.)

Last track...last track...稻香?

Who knew Nana was a fan?

"Mom, I can't sing..." Tsuna trailed off as Nana smiled and handed her a piece of paper. "...Chinese?"

Tsuna looked at the paper. It was the romanized version of the song. Determined to not become a slave, she went to listen to the song.

And it can't possibly get worse.

"还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随着稻香河流继续奔跑 微微笑 小时候的梦我知道... ..."

What in the world is he singing? It sounds almost nothing like what the lyrics stated!! (It's a fact that he can't sing clearly...)

Great. This is just PERFECT.

Since when was Tsuna sarcastic?

Well, anyway, with no choice, she randomly blubbered out the lyrics at the karaoke set (although she could feel everyone staring at what she was wearing and not listening to her)

It came out something like, "wnanfoeeksqw whatever-lalalalalaaaaaaaa..."

'Lalalalalaaaaaaaa'? That isn't even part of the lyrics...

When it finished, she heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly sat down.

The rest of the people there picked a random song to sing (even Lambo. I-Pin wasn't at home, by the way. Went back to Hong Kong.) since they had absolutely no idea what it was.

Suddenly, an unexpected voice spoke, "Kufufu...So the prize is Tsunako, isn't it?"

"M-Mukuro! Ah! Hibari-san! Hold on!" She grabbed on to Hibari's shirt the same time Yamamoto and Gokudera(the two people standing closest to him) grabbed his arms.

Any idea why they were standing next to each other? *GRIN GRIN GRIN*

And so, Mukuro was added to the list of participants. Considering even Mukuro and Hibari wanted to try (to the extent of their, uh, pride?), the prize was really tempting...

Anyway, these are some notable singer-song combinations...

Lambo: ... ... ...

You sure you want to know which song he picked...?

Okay, I'll tell. The worst possible thing for Lambo to have picked:

Sephiroth's theme - One Winged Angel.

The really idiotic thing is, Lambo didn't even know how to pronounce the most important word : 'Sephiroth'.

"Eh~? Sefurioffu? What's that? Is it grape candy? Or is it cake?"

Another notable singer...

Ryohei: Barney's Theme Song. (I'M NOT DESCRIBING THIS.)

Hibari: 'From the Beginning Until Now' from Winter Sonata, by Ryu. (This sounds like Hitoribocchi no Sadame. I'm not kidding.)

The last one was seriously no-nonsense. If there was in the first place, he would just smash the karaoke set.

The whole thing ended in about two hours. It's time for the verdict!

Nana was to give her choice first. "I think the winner should be Hibari-kun." SHUDDERS. "I'm not sure about the lyrics, but I think your voice is very good."

Iemitsu was next. "Mukuro. Nice try."

So it all boils down to Reborn for the final decision. So who wins?

"...I'm not trying to be bias, but this is my true opinion." Reborn smirks.


At that moment, Tsuna could have sworn the smirk was directed to her.

"It's time for what everyone has been waiting for! The gift exchange!" Tsuna announced.

FINALLY, Tsuna has taken her rightful place as host!

What am I saying?

"This is how it works: In this box, there should be the names of everyone. All you have to do is pick a name, and your presents goes to that person. Now, please listen as I call your name to make sure I have everyone in here." Tsuna took out each folded piece of paper, read the name out and placed it into another box. When the last bit was in, she looked up. "Anyone else?"

By 'else', she was referring to what happened twenty seconds ago.


Chrome's hand shot up. "Boss, Mukuro-sama would like his name combined with mine since he wants a share of what I get."


So 'Chrome' became 'Chrome/Mukuro' because Mukuro was acting like a kid and wanted his share, even though he needs to share it with Chrome.

Stop being so childish, Mukuro!

Next thing that happens is that Tsuna goes around with that box and lets everyone pick a name, herself included.

(The following is decided by luck. I really went to write everyone's names down and picked, okay? So this is all fate.)

Tsuna picked Basil.

Reborn passed his gift to Iemitsu

Nana's gift went to Reborn.

Iemitsu went around asking, "Who's 'Chikusa' again?"

Bianchi gave her present to Nana.

Lambo gave a dumb look at Chrome who wouldn't seem to like grape candy.

Futa drew 'Lambo'.

Dino got 'Bianchi'.

Gokudera gave his gift to Ken.

Yamamoto chuckled as he unfolded a 'Hibari'.

Kyoko was more than happy to give her present to her best friend.

Ryohei gave an EXTREME-looking box to Yamamoto.

Haru's gift went STRAIGHT to Gokudera. (And then STRAIGHT, with a curve down, into the bin after it was opened. It was this PINK blanket with My Melody pictures all over it.)

Chrome transformed into Mukuro and gave his present to Tsuna.

Chikusa was "..."-ing as he looked at the EXTREME man.

Ken looked around for a boy with the book of all rankings.

Hibari handed Kyoko his present with an emotionless expression.

Basil bowed as Dino accepted his gift.

And so the gift exchange ends here...


They continued to chat and karaoke (Japanese songs this time) until the sun was beginning to set. Although the party was supposed to end by then, Yamamoto's father came knocking on the door carrying his portable sushi bar with him.

Of course, everyone stayed to have delicious sushi for dinner. Nana, the chef of the Sawada residence helped out by making ramen and other side dishes (where the ingredients magically appeared in the refrigerator; Tsuna was a hundred percent sure Reborn had something to do with this.) to accompany the sushi made by Yamamoto and his father.

This was probably the best party Tsuna has ever attended.

Well, maybe except the clothing (which she was STILL wearing) and the karaoke prizes.

It was soon 8pm, and Dino had to leave as he had a flight booked at ten. Basil was following him back to Italy, so they bade farewell and left. Right after their departure, Gokudera, Kyoko, Ryohei and Haru left too. Yamamoto and his father packed everything up and went home after that.

So all of the guest that was left was Chrome, Chikusa, Ken and Hibari.

"Ken, Chikusa, please go outside and wait. Mukuro-sama wishes to speak with the boss." Chrome told them. Knowing that it was an order from Mukuro, they agreed.

"Kufufu..." Chrome turned into Mukuro. "So, Tsunako, you now owe me a wish."

"Yeah..." Tsuna looked at the much, much, much taller man. (Translation: She's short. Like me. [DON'T LAUGH. I SAID, DON'T LAUGH.])

"Mukuro." They turned to see Reborn. "The condition was 'a small and simple wish'. That means you are not allowed to ask Tsuna to let you possess her."

"Sigh. You saw through my plans, Arcobaleno.' Mukuro smirked. "But still, I have thought that you might say that so I do have an alternative."

He leaned in and whispered into Tsuna's ear. "Go out with me, will you?"


Tsuna gawked at Mukuro. Wait. Did. He. Just...?

A very scary aura appeared behind Tsuna and she turned slowly. "H-Hibari-san..."

Oh, great, Hibari heard it.

Hold on. So what if he heard it? More like, HOW did he hear it? Super-bionic hearing!! (Great, I'm talking to myself.)

Mukuro's smirk turned into an apathetic smile. "Oh, Hibari, so are you..." He was cut short by the skylark's glare.

"Kufufu...So I see...I guess this will be a small competition between us now, isn't it?"

"Rokudo Mukuro...I believe my prize states that Tsunako is mine?"

"Not for long, Hibari-kun." Mukuro smirked as he mocked Nana's way of calling Hibari. "Not for long."

With that, he smiled, turned to Tsuna, said "Merry Christmas!" and left, Hibari charging after him.

Tsuna watched Hibari run after Mukuro, Ken and Chikusa somewhere behind, until they were out of sight.

Her face was still red from what just happened. Was Hibari and Mukuro just...fighting over her? She shook her head. It was not possible. Mukuro did ask her out, but probably just to possess her while Hibari just...just...

Uh...Why did he do that?

Maybe he just wanted to get his rightful prize. It can't be anymore than that, right?


Oh, well, never mind.

At that very moment, her phone beeped. It was a message. She didn't see who the sender was and just opened the message since the sender would be stated there.

Merry Christmas.

Sender: Hibari Kyoya

WAAAAAITTT...How did he text her while running after Mukuro...?

Woo...Long chapter...

I hope there's enough 1827 stuff in here. I've also added 182769 cause' I think that pairing is cute. :)

Now, does anyone wonder how Tsuna got Hibari's number? (If she didn't have his number, his name wouldn't be after the 'Sender' and colon)

There's also a lot of characters in this chapter, won't you agree?

Sigh, there isn't enough 8059...

I'm sooooooo sorry about that...

I'll try to put up the next chapter soon. (I've written bits and pieces of it already, but it's in a HUGE mess in lots of papers...)
