BLEACH's rights belongs tone person, ellithea is definitely not his name. It's Kubo Tite-sama.


Hi, late update, I know, I'll update faster from now on…schoolwork is driving me crazy!!!!!

Thanks again for those who reviewed…

New readers please give me your guidance!!!!


"The Hottest Zanpakutou Who Ever Lived"





He is going to get married.

Seiretei is in an uproar. The Kuchiki prince is settling down, with a commoner.
A Cinderella story that is too good to be true.
Many people are happy, but no one is even happier for the two of them than a spirit of an elegant sword.

Senbonzakura was overjoyed.

"Sen, how do I look?" he asked while looking himself in a mirror.

Like an idiot…

"What? —Oh no…I need to---…" he stuttered and panicked.

A beautiful woman appeared and stood beside his reflection.

"You look as handsome as ever, master," she said while smiling.
"Don't be so nervous" she added

"Of—course, right…" he said calming himself. He's going to get married.
And he is nervous out of his skin.

"I'll be with you so…don't worry…I'll be there, every step of the way." she assured.
She was surprised when she was pulled into a tight embrace. She responded and wrapped her arms in his waist.

"Please be happy…. Byakuya " she whispered.

"I will Senbonzakura" he softly said in her ear.


"Do you Kajimoto Hisana, take this man as your lawfully wedded husband, in richness and poor, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" the priest asked a petite lady wearing a beautiful wedding kimono.

"I do" she replied, happiness shimmering in her eyes.

"Do you Kuchiki Byakuya, take this woman as you lawfully wedded wife, in richness and poor, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" the priest asked the Kuchiki lord.

"I do," he answered while permitting a smile entered his handsome face.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest declared.

The newly wed couple looked at each other and smiled at their newfound love.
The moment that the crowd has been waiting for has arrived.

The priest cleared his throat.

"You may kiss the bride!!" he announced.

The whole hall held their breaths, no one moved, no one made a sound.
The very serious man and most sought after bachelor of Sereitei is already taken. The kiss will seal it, and it will be final.

"I love you, Byakuya-sama" she said then closed her eyes.

"I love you too," he said then descend his lips on her.


'Sen, please some privacy' he replied in his mind

She giggled

He kissed her passionately and the crowd broke into and applause.

The reception was filled with celebrities of Seiretei. Everyone congratulated the couple.

The celebration lasted till evening.

Hisana was taken in her room so that she can rest. Byakuya waited for the entire guest to leave.
He entered the bathroom to take a shower and then join his wife. He removed his pesky kenseikan and untied his robe but stopped midway.

He was happy

After all it is their wedding night.
He thought with a smirk in his face.

"That's perverted" a lady, said while crossing her arms in front of her bosom.


Hisana waited anxiously, in his, that is now theirs, huge bedroom.

"Where is he?" she asked herself.
It's almost midnight and her husband is still not on bed. Bed? Oh, it's their wedding night, honeymoon.
And newly weds do things on this event. The thought of this made her blush.
"What am I thinking?" she slapped her forehead. "Maybe a shower will put me to sleep." She said while gathering her things and headed for the bathroom.


"That's perverted, " she repeated.

"I heard you the first time." He replied

"Hmmmp" she said while pouting her lips.

"You peeked in mind again." He accused her.

"I' can't help it, I'm your other half, right?" she said matter-of-factly.

"I know that but …" he paused looking rather flushed "But. you know Sen…" he stuttered

"I know…okay, don't worry, today is your day right?" she assured, and then she approached him and held his hands.

"Congratulations, Master," she said while flashing a sweet smile.

"Arigatou, Senbonzakura" he said while squeezing her hand.

"Good luck and do you best," she said teasingly

"And what do you mean by that?" he replied playfully

"Hhmm…. let's see" she paused while placing her index finger on her chin while making a cute face
"Be aggressive and sizzling hot!!!" she blurted out.

"Now who is perverted? Huh? Senbonzakura?" he said while grinning.

"I'm just concern, I think your not aggressive, some girls like their man to be that way you know." she said, and in a flash she was pinned on the bathroom wall and his face inches from her.

"How about this aggressive, Sen?"


"This house is too big, where is that bathroom anyway…" she whispered to herself while walking in the Kuchiki manor's hallway.

She then saw a room at the end of a corridor with steam escaping the windows.

"Found it." She said

She opened the door and saw what is in there.

She saw her husband and someone else; she dropped her towel and stared wide eyed at the two persons in the bathroom.

Both turned their eyes on the newcomer, but still remained on that position. Byakuya, pinning Senbonzakura, on the wall.

She was dumb struck, her husband is pinning a very beautiful girl, wearing a very scandalous outfit. He too was nearly undressed.

"I----" she stuttered

"Hi—sana?" he said then quickly released Senbonzakura, sure anyone would have concluded that they where about to do something.

"This is not what you think it is," he explained frantically.

"Byakuya-sama.I---, we are just married and." she was about to cry.

"Hisana, please" he said while approaching her but she took steps back.

"I--" she said

"Oh puh-lease, the drama is killing me!!" Sen interrupted. "She still don't know who I' am"

"Oh, right" Byakuya said.

"Who is she? Byakuya –sama?" she asked weakly while looking at the very beautiful girl

"Hisana, this is Senbonzakura," he said while introducing her. Senbonzakura bowed slightly like a lady and smiled.

"Sen—bonzakura, your zanpakutou?" she said in shock. Senbonzakura can be a human? And she's a sexy girl??

"Yup!! I'am his zanpakutou, nice too meet you Hisa-chan" Sen replied cheerfully.

"Hisa-chan??" she said, surprised in her new nickname

"That's right, Uhmm, she is my sword" Byakuya explained while sweat dropping in his forehead. It's his wedding day and he had already been accused of infidelity. He shouldn't have tried that move on Senbonzakura.

'Tried? I'm planning on using it? Hmmm… not bad.' he thought

"But your pinning her." she said while remembering the scene.

"Oh we do that a lot, after all he's me and I'm he, it's no big" Sen said matter-of-factly

'They do that a lot??'
She thought but chose not to utter it. Besides she's his zanpakutou the other half of his soul, she shouldn't be jealous.
'"Oh, nice to meet you Sen—bo--" she tried to speak but was cut by her.

"Sen is fine my name is too long" she replied friendly

"Nice to meet you Sen- dono" she bowed and smiled at her.

Sen look at Byakuya's direction and smirked. It is her gift to him.

A little privacy.

"So I leave you lovebirds alone now"

"Se--"he said while blushing. 'She is going to leave?' he thought

"Call me and I'll be there if anything happens okay?" she assured, well even if they are in the middle of something and danger arises she will dash there and protect her master.
"I'll be back in the morning, or afternoon…heheheheh" she said teasingly

"SEN!!" Byakuya said in a louder voice while blushing madly.

"Enjoy" she added while looking above her bare shoulders and headed for the door.

"Senbonzakura- dono, arigatou" Hisana said when she came face to face with her.

Hisana was surprised when she hugged her.

"I'll just ask you one thing, Hisana, don't hurt my master," she whispered so that Byakuya couldn't hear.

"I can't promise you that, but I'll do my best to make him happy" she whispered back.

"I know you would" she said, then vanished with a gust of cherry blossoms.


She then sat on a branch of a cherry tree on Byakuya's garden, far from the couple's bedroom.

She giggled at the thought of those two.

She then sensed a very familiar reiatsu.
"Your here"

"Very rare that I see a materialized zanpakutou without her master" a dark skinned woman said as she sat beside her

"It's a special day Yorouichi-dono" she replied.
'So she came' she thought.
Even though Yorouichi is on bad terms on Soul Society, she still attended Byakuya's wedding on the shadows.

"He asked you to leave?" The former 2nd squad captain inquired.

"No, I decided on my own." she said while rubbing her hands together. Her damn outfit is too skimpy to cover her it's cold you know!!

Yorouichi handed her a blanket out of nowhere.

"Hmmmm…. How is she?" she asked

"Thank you" she said while wrapping the blanket around her, then answered her question.

"I think she is nice, and he loves her"

"Let's drink?" she said while whipping a bottle of sake, again, from nowhere.

"You've brought a sake?" she asked in surprise

"I'm prepared" she replied proudly.

"Your impossible" she said while grinning.

"I know! For Byakuya and Hisana" Yorouichi said while raising a cup

"May they live happily ever after!!!" Senbonzakura added

"Kampai!!" they said in unison.

And they drink under the full moon, wishing for the newly wed's happiness.



Yosh!!New chapter!!I know it's very late but you know school work is killing me!!!Thanks for those who review and will be reviewing!!You guys are the best- ellithea)