Konoha's street was busy that night as the preparations for tomorrow night's carnival was being taken care of. All of Konoha's citizens and ninja were anxiously waiting for the festival. One silver haired ninja could hear the preparations being made from his home.

"Can't they do it more quietly?" he thought. His stomach rumbled at that moment hinting that it needed food. Kakashi was about to get up but his body felt heavy so he decided to stay in bed.


"HE'S LATE!!" screamed a rather irritated blonde "WHY CAN'T SENSEI EVER BE ON TIME?"

"SHUT UP BAKA!!!" Sakura yelled and hit him hard on the head.

"OWWW…. That hurt Sakura chan" Naruto said while rubbing the bump that already started to form.

"Demo… he is more late than usual" Sakura said with a bit of concern lacing her voice

"I agree" said Sasuke deciding to join the conversation at last "It's been five hours already even he isn't this late"

"Maybe something happened." Sakura guessed

"I heard Asuma sensei telling Gai sensei that Kakashi was on an S ranked mission and came back last night. Maybe he's just sleeping." Sasuke said.

"Then let's go carry that lazy bastard down here" Naruto suggested and started walking away

"NARUTO WAIT!!!" Sakura said as she chased after him

Sasuke sighed "This is going to be a long day"



"Oiiii…. Sensei wake up" Naruto was getting fed up and was about to yell.

"Shut up Naruto" Sakura whispered "Let's just go he could be extremely tired" but Naruto wasn't listening and opened the door quietly and stepped inside.

"This is the first time I've been in Kakashi's apartment" whispered Sasuke

"Me too" added Naruto

"But I always guessed him to be a neat freak" Sakura joined in "This doesn't surprise me"

Both boys nodded.

"Look there he is" Naruto pointed at the bed. There was lump huddled in the covers sleeping on his side with his hands stretched a bit in front of him.

"He's obviously tired let's just leave" Sakura suggested

Sasuke nodded in agreement but Naruto stood where he was.

"Or we could see what's under his mask" Naruto said excitedly. A little too excited because Kakashi started to shift in his bed.

"Naruto you baka" Sakura hissed "You almost woke him up"

Naruto started advancing towards the sleeping bundle. Sasuke rolled his eyes and was about to go drag Naruto away. He grabbed Naruto's hand who yelped in surprise.

"What are you doing?" Kakashi asked still laying down. He opened the light next to him to reveal three scared genins. Well semi scared if you count Sasuke.

"Well sensei….." Sakura began thinking of a good excuse.

Kakashi got up and rubbed his eyes rather sleepily.

"Well we waited for you to come for five hours but you still didn't show so we came to find you instead" Naruto elaborated while Sasuke shook his head at his teammate's stupidity.

"Well you found me" Kakashi said while yawning and stretching his hands "What do yo you yooouu achooo…"

Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke stared at their sensei. He looked down at them seeing concern.

"Don't worry it's just allergies" Kakashi covered up. He really had his allergies in the spring and summer was coming to an end.

Sasuke and Naruto seemed oblivious to his lie; however, Sakura wasn't so easily fooled. "I thought your allergies came in the spring only" she accused.

"I never told you that" Kakashi retorted. "However did was lying to you"

"Oh... So Tsunade sama is a liar now?" she raised an eye brow at him.

"Why the hell would Tsunade tell you about my allergies?" Kakashi asked "You're probably making this up"

Both boys looked at Sakura and Kakashi going back and forth with a slight amusement.

"Because during the spring you kept sneezing and I asked Tsunade sama if you were ok. She said that you just have allergies and that I shouldn't worry because they just come during the spring"

Kakashi looked bewildered and it was obvious that Sakura had won this round.

"So what really is wrong with you?" asked Sakura as she advanced towards his bed.

"Probably just a slight cold nothing to worry about." Kakashi said quickly to stop her but that didn't work

Sakura was studying her sensei trying to remember everything she was studying about Medical Ninjutsu.

Kakashi started coughing fiercely so Naruto ran by his side and started hitting him on the back.

"I'm fine now." Kakashi addressed Naruto "Arigato"

"You know everybody gets sick from time to time" Sasuke stared at his sensei "You don't have to cover it up"

Kakashi was looking directly at Sasuke face showing no emotion "Did something happen on that S ranked mission you came back from yesterday?" Sasuke asked.

Kakashi looked outside the window trying to recall what happened.

Kakashi was running at the top of his speed. He got the scroll he needed and now all was left to get it back to Konoha safely. Easy if you weren't being chased by three platoons with back up on the way.

"I need a plan and fast "thought Kakashi as the enemy started advancing towards him.

Three shurikens whizzed by him as he turned around to face his enemies.

"Give us the scroll and we will let you live" said the man in front who was obviously the leader.

"I'd love to give it back t you" Kakashi answered sarcastically "But I went through all that trouble just to get. It would be shame if it was all for nothing."

"Your wit will only cause your death to be quicker" the leader answered

"Funny how many ninja say that before they have their throats sliced open" Kakashi retorted.

The leader was without a doubt agitated and ordered his men to attack.

Kakashi revealed his Sharingan and killed a few men. They were at highest chunin level.

"Sharingan no Kakashi!" some men began to withdraw others choose to attack instead.

Kakashi blew a fire ball at the three men's direction. One managed to burn to ashes while the others were unharmed and continued advancing towards him. One of them drew a sword at Kakashi who managed to block it with a kunai and jumped in the air.

"Die!!" a man screamed from behind him and stabbed Kakashi in the back.


"Kage bunshin?" the man said in surprise. He was about to turn when a kunai sliced his throat open. He fell to the floor with a small thud. The other man met the same fate as another bunshin sneaked up behind him.

"Impressive!" said the leader. There were only four men left.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere" Kakashi said.

Before they knew the other three men were trapped in a giant ball of water as waves of electricity made their way towards them. After some screams they died and fell to the floor lifeless.

Kakashi had always liked that jutsu. He had used it in the Chunin exams when he was six against an Uchiha. He won the match by nearly drowning his opponent and won the entire tournament. That was a nice day!

"I guess it's just you and me, Kakashi" said the leader "Although I have to warn you I'm not that easy to defeat" and with that he charged towards Kakashi

The battle was fierce and was all a blur to Kakashi as he dodged attacked and fired jutsus at his opponent. The last thing he remembered was that the leader managed to wound him deeply across his chest. He was panting heavily for breath and was beginning to lose consciousness.

In the end he managed to puncture his heart with a chidori as it began to rain. He tried to find shelter but was losing too much blood. In the end he collapsed while leaning against a boulder and fell asleep.

He woke up in a small hut where an old lady was tending to him. She said that she had found him while taking a walk in the morning. He left that afternoon and thanked her for everything. Once he arrived at Konoha he gave Tsunade the scroll, submitted a report and went to sleep….


"It started raining as I was getting back to Konoha" he answered Sasuke

"That's it??"asked Naruto "After thinking for about 2 minutes all you have to say was that it started raining!!" he was clearly in disbelief.

"Shut up Naruto" Sakura yelled at him "Kakashi sensei is sick and he doesn't need your blabbering"

"I don't need yours either" thought Kakashi as he felt himself sink into his bed again

Sakura stood by his side and felt his forehead.

"This is rather uncomfortable" Kakashi thought as Sakura was trying to conclude if he had a fever or not.

"You have a high fever" Sakura stated. "Naruto can you get me a wet towel please?' she asked.

"Hai!" answered the blonde with enthusiasm "Anything for Kakashi sensei" and with that he dashed into Kakashi's bathroom.

"Sasuke, can you see what type of medicine he has in his cabinet please?" she asked.

"Where do I find that?" Sasuke asked Kakashi.

"In the kitchen" Kakashi answered clearly tired. He yawned and was beginning to get sleepier every minute.

Sakura took off his shirt and was beginning to examine his chest. She found a large wound across his upper chest and feared the worst.

"You know" Kakashi said "I don't feel entirely relaxed having my student strip me off my shirt or seeing me half naked"

"You know that you have a gaping wound across your chest that could get infected and cause serious damage" retorted Sakura eyeing her sensei triumphantly. "Besides I'm only interested in seeing you face, sensei, not your body."

Kakashi grunted and turned away. Naruto came running in. "There you go Sakura chan" Naruto cheerfully said. "You take his shirt off but not his mask?" asked Naruto "Why?"

"Right now I'm making sure he's alright not try to see what he looks like" Sakura answered

She turned Kakashi's face back to facing her and applied the towel on his forehead.

Kakashi lifted his hand to try to smack it away. He didn't feel comfortable with having his body losing heat. He felt cold not hot so he couldn't see why he had a fever. Although, it could be part of the sickness.

Sakura stopped him "Sensei you need to keep that on your forehead in order to get rid of the fever" she sighed

Kakashi sighed and started staring at his ceiling.

"Wow that's one large wound" Naruto said as he stared at his chest "How the hell did you get that??"

"I don't feel like talking about it" answered Kakashi while trying to stifle a yawn

"I raided the cabinet and took all the medicines that could come in handy" Sasuke said

Sakura began examining the medicines while Sasuke examined Kakashi's wound.

Kakashi was fighting sleep forcing his eye lids to stay open. He didn't want to be asleep while his students were man handling him. However they felt heavy and it wasn't long before he lost the fight.