Surprise, I am Your Veela!

Disclaimer: Reviewers, you are my bestest friends in the whole fanfiction universe!! I love you all!

Chapter 10

"I can't believe you're marrying that pointy, pointy little man." Ginny puckered her lips in front of the mirror, applying pink lipstick.

"You're 5"6 Gin. Malfoy's 6- something." Hermione muttered, adding another hairpin to her up- do.

"He's a giant compared to you."

Ginny glared at Hannah. "Are you calling me short?"

"No, I'm calling him freakishly tall."

"Oh. Good." Ginny turned to the right, glancing at her figure. "Hannah, give me a straight answer. What's bigger, my boobs, my baby, or my ass?"

"You shouldn't swear in front of the baby Ginny. He can hear you, you know." Luna dreamily said, applying light blush to her cheeks.

Ginny wrinkled her nose. "Then my baby's going to have a very colourful vocabulary after hanging out with Harry and Ron."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "My baby's going to be around Ronald 24/7." She patted her empty tummy. "Maybe I should adopt."

"Nonsense." Hannah carefully layered Luna's hair in perfect ringlets. "Harry and Ron will be excellent parents. Just like Neville." She patted Luna's hair in triumph. "There, now stand up and let me have a look at you."

Luna rose from her seat and stood for inspection. Her white skirts puffed out, reminding Hermione of an umbrella, to her knees. Her top sparkled in silver glitter and cascaded in ribbons along her arms, tying just above her wrists. A pearl choker with small teardrop diamonds glittered against her neck. Pearl earrings peaked out around her ringlets. Hermione had applied silver and blue eye shadow to Luna's glittered face. On her feet were simple pale baby blue ballet shoes.

Luna noticed Hermione's stare at her shoes. She lifted a dainty foot. "Something blue." She touched the choker Draco had given her. "Something new." She pointed to Narcissa's earrings. "Something borrowed." And she lightly touched her mother's ribbons on her arms. "Something old." Skipping to a long box on her bed, Luna lifted out her handmade veil. Tiny white pearls danced around the lace. She'd have to tell Draco where all the jewellery he'd given her went to.

"Luna, it's beautiful." Hannah carefully placed the veil on her friend's head. "You look absolutely gorgeous."

Luna beamed proudly at her reflection. "The twitters are singing my song."

"As to answer your question Ginny, your ass." Hannah went back to fluffing her hair.

"Patience is a virtue mate." Blaise leaned a hip against the table, watching Draco seethe and pace. Draco growled in his direction. Blaise rolled his eyes. "Obviously not one you possess."

"She didn't have to block me out." Draco dared a glance in the mirror. He looked like a friggin Potter with his hair sticking up on end. He flexed his fingers. "I want to know everything's okay."

"I'd better not be this nervous when my time comes." Blaise muttered, examining his manicure. Draco growled in his direction.

Everything was fine. Just fine. She was getting ready. She was getting ready for their wedding. Their honeymoon. Ah shit what if he hurt her? She'd never want him to touch her again. Can't let that happen. Can't let that happen!!!

"Draco, mate, take a breather. You're hyperventilating."

Can't let her get away. Tear anyone to shreds who got in his way. She'd be his. She is his! His!! Can't let something this good slip away or it'd be the death of him. Death! Did she invite Scamander? He'd tear him to tiny little pieces; the hospital will have to glue him back together. That should take what? 2-3 years? Maybe 4 if an eyeball goes missing?

I've got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine, I've got a love, a love that's all my own.

Luna's voice!

Take me awaaay, a secret plaace, a sweet escaaaape, take me awa- Why so glum Draco?

Draco stopped pacing. Relief filled his lungs. I'm not glum love. Impatient, yes. Glum, never.

Are you sure? I could bring you some clover needles. They're good for soothing the spirit and- oh dear...

What? What? What's wrong? Are you alright?

Blaise watched Draco's features tighten and his body mould into a fighting stance. Veelas were too damn sensitive, not Slytherin- like at all.

"I heard that."


"You bet your ass."

"Quit checking out my sexy bum. Astoria might die laughing."

Draco rolled his eyes. What's wrong Luna?

Hermione just ripped her skirt. Now she's screaming her thigh is showing. I must go fix it. See you soon! Oo daisies!!

She left his mind. Draco eased into a chair, smoothing his hair and pressing his fingertips against his temples.

"You are whipped Malfoy."

"Luna has a cuter ass than yours."

Blaise's mouth dropped, appalled. "Are you kidding?" He craned his neck to see his behind. "I have a sexy bum. I have the sexiest bum in all of England."

Draco shook his head. "Nah, Luna's is better. Firmer, tighter, sexier."

"No way. Astoria has told me many times how adorable my bum is."

"If you two are done talking about Mr. Zabini's backside, we can begin the proceedings." Lucas drawled from the doorway, eyeing his son and friend with cold calculation.

"I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry."

Dumbledore's cousin twice removed on his mother's sister's husband's side raised his arms in the air. "We are gathered here today to unite this wizard and this witch in holy matrimony."

"No Harry. I'm really really hungry. My stomach feels so bare."

"How can you possibly be hungry? Molly fed you 3 plates this morning." Ron's sister-in-law and Fred's wife Angelina whispered fiercely, her eyes never leaving Draco and Luna.

Ron closed his eyes in agony. "The bacon is but a distant memory."

"You're such a pig."

"At least I'm not fat."

Angelina glared at him. Ron felt a sharp hand smack the back of his head. He flinched under Fleur's glare. "What was that for?"

"She's pregnant, you insoooolent lit-tle twit." Fleur drawled in her French accent. Bill sighed softly beside her, shaking his head. Percy glared at the group.

"Would you be quiet? The Ministry's here."

"Do you Draco Lucas Malfoy, take Luna Blanchester Lovegood to be your wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

Draco tightened his grip on Luna's hands. "Yes."

George leaned over Fred, stage whispering. "The only reason they're here is to keep an eye on Lucas Malfoy so he doesn't murder us all during the celebration." He and Fred nodded knowingly at each other.

"Isn't Luna beautiful?" Molly sniffed into her handkerchief, her head against Arthur's shoulder. "Like a little china doll."

"Did she use an umbrella to hold her skirt to that height?" Harry asked Ron, eyeing Luna's pristine white dress. Ron snorted.

"I haven't the faintest. It suits her though." Harry nodded in agreement.

"I do." Luna spoke softly, her eyes never leaving Draco's face. She slipped her ring on Draco's finger. A flat gold band with one tiny diamond, a speck at most, in the centre.

"The ring he gave her could be hocked and sold to feed a third world country." Kathleen muttered under her breath. George slipped her hand into his own.

"You could always switch the ring with a fake. Luna would never know."

"From this day forward-"

"How can you suggest such a thing George? You should be ashamed!"

"I was only joking Mother."

"I am pleased to present to you-"

"Mom, it was only a suggestion."


"Don't start with me George."

"and Mrs-"

"He's Fred, Mrs. Weasley."

"Draco Mal-"

"Thank you Harry. I will speak to both-"


Draco felt Luna's arms slip around his waist as he bent down to kiss her. Luna smiled up at him, pressing her lips against his. Draco's body warmed with the contact, his blood stirring as Luna's lust filled his senses.

I love you Luna.

I love you too Draco.

They pulled away from each other, facing the applauding crowd. On the right, Ginny stood with a handful of handkerchiefs, balling her eyes out. Luna tucked her hand into the crook of Draco's elbow.

Why were you talking about Blaise's bottom? He's homosexual isn't he. I bet he's trying to steal you away from me.

He's engaged to Astoria Greengrass love.

Could be a cover-up.

... It very well could be.

"Get up right now." Molly pinched her twin sons' ears and began marching out to the backyard.

"Ah ma, come on."

"It was just a suggestion for pity's sake!"

"You know Kathleen is contemplating the switch."

"That's my girl." Molly's nail tightened against George's ear. "Oooow!"

Lucas frowned as Draco and Luna left the party. "She's wearing a bloody tutu."

Narcissa laid a hand on his arm. "Draco didn't seem to mind."

"I'm still expecting a grandchild by the end of the year."

"Yes dear."

"Don't patronize me."

"Yes dear."

Draco listened to Luna's humming in the bathroom. Some keyless tune she always seemed to have in her head. Maybe from a music box and she's tone deaf?

Luna stepped out of the bathroom, watching him with her luminous eyes. He could feel those eyes piercing into his soul, searching. He hesitantly held out his arms for her, trying to gain a sense of her mood.

In a flurry of white, Luna skipped into his arms, pressing her face against his chest. "I'm not exactly sure how to go about this."

Draco breathed in the scent of her shampoo. For some odd reason, it smelled of summer. Wet summer. "We'll take it slow." He lifted Luna's chin so she was looking into his eyes. He sat down on the bed, drawing Luna between his thighs.

Slowly, Draco raised his hands behind her back, easing the zipper of her dress downwards. "You're beautiful."

Luna smiled warmly, slowly raising her hands to cup Draco's face. "You're beautiful too." Draco chuckled, kissing Luna's palms. He let the dress fall to Luna's feet. His hands rose to Luna's waist, pulling her closer to him. He kissed her stomach.

"You're finally mine."

Luna smoothed her fingers through his hair, carefully pushing him down against the bed. She kissed his throat. "And you're mine." She glanced at her wedding ring. "And I could blind someone with this when in direct sunlight."

Draco laughed, flipping her positions. His elbows leveraged him above Luna. "Had to find another way to show off the family wealth. Father was furious with all the pearls I've been giving you."

"I like pearls. Diamonds are pretty nice too."

"Glad you agree." He bent his head and kissed her, taking in her warmth.

Luna managed to untangle a leg from the bed sheet, drowsily glancing around the room before her eyes landed on Draco. Her husband slept deeply, thoroughly sated. His face was now completely relaxed in sleep, an arm possessively wound around her chest, keeping her head against his shoulder. Luna smiled to herself as her hair splayed around her head.

Tangles, tangles, tangles to untangle in the morning.

Mmph. Go to sleep Luna. Sleep is good. Good for you sleep is.

Don't be such a grump. You just had sex.

The best sex I ever had. Never knew a little thing like you could bend like that.

Luna giggled softly, sighing in content as Draco's words slurred to slumber. She turned her head to the right. On the nightstand stood a fat jar. With fairy lights. She was in Paris.

"Draco." Luna poked his arm around her chest. Poke, poke. "Draco."


"I want to go shoe shopping tomorrow."

"Okay." Draco opened a sleepy eye. "Dare I ask why?"

"Outside of that we're in Paris, I saw these icicle heels that you'd just adore."

"Shoes. Icicles. Yes. Okay. Sleep now." He pushed his face into Luna's hair, pressing her tightly against his body.

"Hopefully you're not always such a lump after sex." Luna's eyes flew open as Draco jostled under her. She found her wrists pinned against her head with Draco's face inches from her own. His eyes were fully wide and alert. And by the size of his length against her thigh, fully aroused.

"Who are you calling a lump, madam wife?"


"I knew it would be a girl!" Luna clapped her hands in excitement, bouncing up and down in her favourite icicle heels. Draco watched his wife's movements in obvious pleasure.

"Oh please, don't let me interrupt your bouncing." Luna stuck her tongue out playfully.

Harry ran his hand through his already dishevelled hair. "I can't believe it. A baby girl."

"Harry! I've got a girl! Not a disgusting, belching, nose-picking, whiny, snivelling little boy. I've got a girl!!!!!!!!"

Hermione laughed at Ginny's screeching through her hospital ward. "How'd you know the gender Luna?"

"I just know these things Hermione. Just like I know this little one's Eclipse Narcissa Malfoy." She pointed to her flat tummy.

Hermione's eyes widened. "You're pregnant!?"

Draco smirked. "Luna's been saying that since our honeymoon."

"I'm sure this time." Luna insisted, patting her tummy knowingly. "Inside is a little daughter. All mine."

"But you've only been married 6 months." Hermione frowned.

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Bravo Granger. Your arithmetic skills continue to astound us all."

Luna smiled cheekily. "Ignore him." She gestured Hermione to step closer. Luna whispered conspicuously in her ear. "Veelas are very passionate and are always very busy."

Hermione blushed scarlet. "Eeeeww!" She turned and fled the hospital.

Ron ran out of Ginny's ward. "Where's Hermione going? What happened?"

Luna shrugged under Draco's arm. "I'm not quite sure. I was merely telling Hermione about our sex life and she just took-"


"Ron!" Harry yelled from Ginny's bedside. "Where're you going?!"

I am done! Done I tell you! Writer's block is so horrible! Sorry it took so long, it's not one of my besties but it's all I can come up with. I am finished with this story! Yay! Review please!! :)