Disclaimer: I do not claim any of the Nodame Cantabile characters as mine; they are the property of Tomoko Ninomiya.

Note: This story told in one-shots/drabbles/etc. tips its hat to the Live Journal community 64 Damn Prompts for providing sixty-four unique themes.

Note: I've lowered the rating to T after reading a reader's (you know who you are!) comment and justified that it was alright. The T-rating will stay put and I'll just give WARNINGS if a particular chapter is over the rating.

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Theme 8. Passions Run

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Needless to say, they were both quite shocked when Milch Holstein's performance on DVD was, in actuality, an edgy romantic flick.

Chiaki froze up like an ice cube as he watched the couple on the screen (Why, oh why did my TV have to be the latest high-definition technology?) engaging in what was sexual foreplay, his horror escalating with each daring move, with each rising pitch of their running passion.

Sitting beside him on the couch was Nodame, her previous surprise mellowing into curiosity. She watched with rapt attention as the woman threw herself at her partner's bare chest, pressed against him with her womanhood; it produced just the right reaction as the man shuddered and moaned his lover's name,"Oh, ---"

The name was practically incomprehensible above the sounds of their lovemaking, Chiaki was further disturbed to find. The man could have cried out the name of a cellphone company, or a street name, or even a fruit for all the young conductor surmised.

"Sempai, if Nodame did that to you will you do that?" the female pianist asked, still staring at the TV for it was getting to the good part.

Chiaki choked on nothing and teared his eyes from the screen aiming to pin her with his fiercest glare when he spotted the innocent object cradled in her hands.

"What are you taking notes for?!"

He swiped the notepad from her fingers despite her protestation of "Mukya!"–

–Which also happened to be when the woman shrieked in her climax.

Chiaki cringed.

And devised a plot to murder the wily old conductor.