Disclaimer: No I don't own True Blood otherwise I wouldn't be sitting her writing fan fics about Eric now would I.
I seriously need to get my license I thought as I walked down the street heading towards the bust stop. If I had my license, I wouldn't have to wait a half hour every night for the bus or better yet, I could just quit my job, be like a normal teenager, and just ask their parents for money. I thought of calling my dad and asking him for an allowance and snorted, getting him to send child support for me was hard enough I doubt he would want to pay any more than he had to.
Finally seeing the bus stop, I dragged my sore feet until collapsing on the bench pulling my bag off my shoulder and throwing it next to me. I reached a side pocket, grabbed a rubber band, and pulled my thick curly hair into a high ponytail on the top of my head. I sighed thinking about how terrible my hair must have looked before the ponytail. Though I normally loved warm weather, I hated Louisiana because it came with humidity and when my normally wavy hair was exposed to it, my hair turned into an afro if not in a braid or ponytail all the time. Grabbing my ipod from my pants pocket, I put the buds in my ear and began scrolling through the songs finally setting on one. Closing my eyes, I leaned my head back and mouthed the lyrics to the song, so wrapped up in the song I didn't notice a man and woman heading towards the bus stop from across the street. I jerked forward, ear buds falling out, turning my head towards the person who tapped me on the shoulder.
A woman stood before at least 5' 6" and dressed in a black leather corset dress. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a neat bun, I vaguely wondered how much hairspray she put in it keep it looking so in place, around her neck was a black beaded necklace. Her eyelids were covered in a black shadow and her lips were a dark red, which were currently placed in a smirk.
"Will you move your bag?"
From the way she said it sounded more like a command than a suggestion. Nodding I grabbed my bag quickly and put on the ground next to me. Turning towards her I opened my mouth to apologize when my attention was grabbed by her companion.
Tall. That is all I could think. Tall. He was much taller than my barely five feet frame. Blonde hair that went to his shoulders, light blue eyes, and a black suit on.
"Sorry usually I'm the only one waiting for the bus this late." I explained waiving my hands towards the empty street.
"Why are you out this late? Young girls shouldn't be out this late…bad things can happen." The blonde woman said as she and her companion took a seat next to me.
"I work." I replied, remembering my mother words to never give out more information than you had to. Luckily before she could say anything more the bus pulled up to the curb. I jumped and grabbed my bag and stuffed my ipod back in my pants pocket. The woman and man were already walking into the bus, following them I walked up the steps.
"Hi Fred." I said to the regular bus driver. Fred was a guy a couple years older than I was and drove the bus this late so he could go to the community college. He was a little on the short side and had curly red hair.
"Hey Evolette." He replied pulling out onto the road and heading towards my destination. I sat down in the second row behind him.
"So how has it been?" I asked him
"It's been ok…that vampire bar off of Industrial Drive was raided by the cops though. Saw them when I was driving past." He replied never taking his eyes off the road.
I rolled my eyes, of course they raided Fangtasia. Though the vampires had been out in the open for a couple years now the prejudice against them was at an all time high. It didn't help that not all vampires were happy about being out in the open and they had their past working against them.
"I wonder if something actually happened there or if someone just called the cops on them because they don't like them." I wondered aloud.
"There has to be some truth to the stories out there. And Reverend Newlin dying in that crazy accident has the Fellowship in an uproar. The Fellowship is saying that they killed them…and you know I believe them."
"You might want to keep your opinions to your self when it's just speculation and not truth you're talking about."
I jumped forgetting the man and woman from the bust stop. I turned around and my breath caught in my throat. They were sitting directly behind and they weren't human. Both their fangs were out and they were glaring over my should at Fred.
"Vampires take the bus?" It blurted out of my mouth before I could stop. I just assumed since vampires were so old they would have accumulated money over the years and would drive in fancy cars or at least own a car. They both turned their eyes toward me both retracting their fangs.
"Evie here's your stop." Fred said turning around. His face was pale and he was frowning at me.
I picked my bag up and waved at Fred and got off the bus. I turned around and watched the bus pull out, and sitting at the rear window was the male vampire smirking and waving.
Frowning I walked over to the small blue house across from the bus stop. I walked past the gate up the steps and got my key from my pocket and unlocked the door and walked in.
a/n: Hi everyone this is my first actual fan fiction so be gentle and before you say it yes I suck at writing but this is for fun and no she's not a Mary Sue and yes I read the books before they were popular. yes and I would love it if you gave me some reviews or at least tried to tell me how I did Oh yeah this is just the prolouge I have the next chapter outlined and will post it when I get some review and alerts so please give this fic a chance.