Sorry it took so long!

Disclaimer: I don't own this, the characters in it or even the plotline.


Disgusted. Oh ho ho, he felt disgusted. In spite of that, the smile was on his face, as he kept it buried in his pillow. Cross had seen him, but whether or not he actually remembered was a different story. Allen had never seen his Master so… out of it. Out of the hundreds of times he'd seen the man drunk, he'd never so much as seenhim stumble. Alcohol had lost its touch when compared to Cross fucking Marian.

And that man! Fifty… compared to how much he'd received the last time it was nothing. Maybe it'd equal a portion of his dinner at most! The pain running up his spine definitely wasn't worth it.

But, again… Cross had seen. But where had he gone? That could prove to be the biggest problem of all. Getting interrupted was nothing compared to a missing in action General Cross Marian.

Biting his lip, he crawled from the bed, wincing as he tried to stand up straight. As quickly as he could, Allen ran to the bathroom, freeing the golden ball that was all but pleased. He bit Allen's bare shoulder and the boy didn't bother to shoo him away because he knew he deserved it.

"I'm sorry, Tim. I shouldn't have done that," he laughed through the tears falling down his cheeks. The golem stopped hitting him, instead choosing to nuzzle into his Master's neck in an attempt at comforting him. "I'm so stupid!" he whispered, grabbing Timcampy to pull him closer.

Taking in a deep breath, he forced the tears away so that he could breathe. "Tim," he continued to whisper as he ran his fingers over the smooth surface of the golem. "Do you know where Master is?" The golem pulled away and began fluttering towards the door, beckoning Allen to follow. "Hold on, I have to take a shower," he mumbled, securing the door to make sure the golden ball couldn't run off or the man wouldn't come back while he was in the shower.

Stepping under the hot water calmed him down slightly, the muscles all over his body releasing their tension. Looking into the steady stream of water, Allen let the water splash against his eyes. It hurt, yes. But he was tuning it out, attempting to think about other things rather than the crap he didn't feel like dealing with. Today had to be one of the worst days in his life, falling close to the day Mana died.

He tried to turn around without sending searing pain up his spine, but unsuccessful. He had to get the man's… liquids out of him. It was disgusting imaging it to be there. Clenching his eyes shut, he pressed a finger inside of himself and tried to claw it out. It was absolutely disgusting. The tears welled up again as he attempted to remove the rest of the man's remains.

Timcampy was impatiently hitting himself against the door, begging to be let in. He jumped out of the shower and toweled off. When he opened the door Timcampy was staring at him. Well, weren't they already past the little anger bits?

"Tim, I said I was sorry already. You don't have to rub it in…" He mumbled to the golem as he picked up his clothes off the floor, hating the fact that he had to wear the very clothes the debt collector had stripped from his body. It made him cringe and his backside ache, especially as he slid the too-tight pants up his legs.

"Alright, Tim." Allen picked up the bag and unlocked the door before opening it. "Take me there, please."


Surprisingly enough, the sky was pitch black. Especially for this time of day and year. They'd been walking for a little less than an hour, earning curious glances due to Allen's limp. The golem had seemed to develop a habit of changing directions, and it certainly wasn't helping. In the boy's opinion, they were helplessly lost. Mostly because of Timcampy. There was a brick wall to their right, and Allen could smell the greasy food radiating from it. He hadn't eaten since the night before, so it would only be natural that he should be hungry or eat, but he refused when Tim tried to pull him into the doorway.

The golem continued fluttering next to him, trying to drag him into the occasional restaurant, but Allen continued to refuse. Their mission was to find Cross, not eat. No matter how hungry he was. Damn Cross and his ability to skip towns so quickly. He was even quicker when taking into consideration that they just so happened to be in a single town, giving him the advantage.

Groaning as he rounded the corner to yet another restaurant, Allen closed his eyes and held his face in his hands. This definitely wasn't going to work. But the longer he waited, the less likely he was to actually find his Master. Cross was some piece of work, making Allen run all over town on an empty stomach. Even though the last part was Allen's own fault.

The dark atmosphere wasn't exactly helping, either. It made him tired, and added onto the fact that he was absolutely and positively starving, he was screwed. If he went to sleep somewhere, he'd wake up and have to eat. But it he ate something; he'd want to sleep part of it off. Augh, this wasn't fair. So those were his reasons for refusing to eat. Perfectly logical, in Allen's opinion.

Hn, a bar. The only good things about those were the drunken men and the money he could cheat off of them. But now was hardly the time.

Next to Allen, Timcampy began to flutter around insistently, pressing towards the bar. He raised an eyebrow at his golem, pleading that he wouldn't have to go in. Of course, he did, though.

Upon entering, he was met with a rather loud and obnoxious Cross Fucking Marian yelling something in a different language at the bartender with an arm around a big breasted woman. Oh, good day.


Short chapter is short. Terribly sorry, but I have no inspiration whatsoever for this story, but I felt I owed it to reviewers since it was supposed to be updated last week. Sorry about that. Thanks for reading!