A/N: This story is only 2 parts but it's longer than most of my other fics in this series. I thought I'd add my author's note here since that too is longer than most.

This is it. I've decided that since Danny is now a husband and father, this is to be my last story for this series! Because of that fact there are 2 flashback scenes in here. Double the fun...at least for you and me! I'm not so sure Danny had as much fun...if you know what I mean! :D

That's not to say I won't occasionally throw out a CSI:NY fic. In fact I have a Danny/Flack in the making as I type this. I also have another crossover in the making too. Any Danny/Mac fics that I MAY write (I'm making no promises but if I see an old ep, ya never know) the two will already have an established father/son relationship but they won't be in line for the series.

This has been fun! And yes, at times stressful! In truth I never thought I'd stop writing for this series. I'd thought it just go on and on till you all yelled at me to stop writing!

I'm not ashamed to say that I let out a few tears when I wrote my last word on the fic. It's been a journey that you all have helped me out on.

This is for you: To Sparx for helping me on this fic and for being my everything when I had nothing. To Tracy, for getting me started on writing.

This is for all the rest who have faithfully reviewed, whether it was a simple "Great story!" or a helpful "You should..".

I hope my muse will cooperate and let me write more fics now! So...let the show...er story...begin! I'm sure Danny's glad it's finally over!

Biggest hugs to all,
