Hello readers!

So this story is just something quick and nice that just kind of popped up in my mind.

I wanted it to be a one-shot, but that didn't work...

Whatever. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

On to the story.


Somewhere to Begin


"Some of the greater things in life are unseen that's why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream..."


A young woman in her prime years of life entered the quiet and quaint café, Java Cup. The scent of mashed coffee beans and freshly cooked pastries engulfed her senses as she spotted the table she was looking for. Shaking off her jacket and hat, she placed the items on the coat rack as she walked to the corner of the comfy and familiar room to a booth with a blonde woman with baby-blue eyes.

"Hey, Ino." The aforementioned woman snapped her head up and smiled.

"Hey, Sakura. I got your favorite." Ino lifted a coffee cup and handed it to Sakura while she sat down in the booth across from her. Sakura smiled at Ino with her dazzling teeth and shining emerald eyes.

"Thanks, you know me so well." Sakura flipped her pink-shoulder length hair out of her face.

"We never get to meet up like this anymore! You work way too hard." Ino smoothly took a drink from her hot chocolate. Sakura raised an eyebrow.

"I have to make a living you know. Running the Konoha Hospital helps me do that." Ino sighed.

"But are you really happy?" Sakura froze, her coffee cup halfway to meeting her lips, she inhaled a quick gulp of air before lowering her drink back to the table. By her facial expression, it was obvious that this was not the first time the two had had this conversation.

"Ino, we've gone over this before, I-"

"I know, I know. You're living your dream: you have that white house on the corner of the park over-looking the lagoon, you have enough money to live comfortably, you own the hospital…But I think you forgot something." Sakura stared at Ino, silently telling her to continue.

"What happened to the perfect family you wanted? With a husband and children?" Sakura smiled sadly back her best friend and let out a cold laugh.

"Well I saw childbirth at the hospital many times and I decided-"

"Bull shit!" Ino yelled in the small room, attracting many unwanted gazes. Sakura turned to reprimand Ino but stopped. Sakura paused and turned her head away.

Sakura thought back on everything Ino had said and realized she was right.

Her life had been nothing but overrated bull shit.

"But Ino, I don't know how to do that! How do I start over now?" Sakura looked down into her reflection in the black liquid of her cup.

Ino stared silently at her. Ino reached slowly into her bag and pulled out a worn book. The deep brown cover that used to cover it was peeling off and its spine had been taped together many times by an assortment of multi-colored duck tapes. Ino opened her mouth to say something then closed it, unsure of how to propose the idea to her friend. She took a deep breathe of the sweet tasting air of the café.

"Sakura." The beautiful woman looked up. For the first time in a long while, her spirit was broken. The bags under her eyes that were barely noticeable at first showed though plainly, her hair looked limp and dull, and her expression unreadable. Ino fidgeted at her companion's sudden change in appearance.

"I like where I am in life." Ino started her story slowly, lengthening each word to emphasize her point. "I don't have a great job, but I love it. I love running my parent's old flower shop. I may not have a dream house, but I've made it my home. I even have someone I love dearly." Her thoughts flickered to her lazy boyfriend and she smiled.

"Ino, I don't think I can start over." Ino picked up the book she had placed on the table earlier. Sakura gazed at her in confusion.

"This was my old diary. I wrote down five things I might have ever wanted in life, and they came true." After Ino placed the book in Sakura's hand, she immediately began to flip through the old and yellowed pages of the book.

"But how-" Ino silenced her with a hand movement.

"Write down five things you want in life, and watch the magic happen." Ino smiled at her friend. Sakura burst out laughing.

"Ino, writing down what I want isn't going to make them appear. None of the things I want would come true." Ino winked.

"Well then, you better make them come true." Sakura looked at her friend in gratitude.

"I guess it's a start." The pair laughed.

"You need somewhere to begin."


Sakura opened the door to her "dream" house and closed it roughly behind her. She placed the keys in the basket next to her. After walking down the long hallway she entered her bed room. Staring at the empty spaces in her house and its barren atmosphere, Sakura realized something.

This house was not meant for just one person to live in.

It was a big house meant for a big family, with so many memories and people that they needed the long hallways and large bedrooms to fit everything they needed. She was just one person, with one boring, hyped up life.

Sakura angrily threw her bag down on her bed, its contents spilling out. She looked at the rough cover of Ino's diary. Finally making up her mind, she grabs a pen and flips to the first blank page.

The five things I want to achieve happiness in life:

5. Spare time: where I could hang out with friends, be with an "significant other", or just by myself, but never bored.

4. Never lonely: alone and lonely are not the same. I want to feel like I can always depend on somebody else without them actually being there.

3. Contentment: to be satisfied where I am regardless of the situation.

2. Find my passion: it may be saving lives, but running the hospital doesn't allow me to do that. I might not be the boss anymore, but I want to do what I was trained to do. Maybe I'll discover something else while I'm at it. \

1. Find the love of my life: The thing every woman wants.

Sakura sat back and looked around the room. After writing the entry, she walked over to her desk and began to dial a phone number. She waited patiently for the other line to pick up.

"Hello, Atrika real estate agency here, how may I help you?" Sakura smiled widely and said the sentence she never thought she would say.

"Hello, this is Sakura Haruno. I'd like to sell my house."


Read and review! Tell me what you like and whether I should continue or not. It might seem a little rushed, but that's because it is the PROLOGUE.

If I don't get very many reviews the story is just gonna stay like this…