Chapter 12: It's Candied Island!

"Wow, it's kinda creepy out here, eh?"

"Just hurry up and start the show, dweeb!"

"No need to be so mean, eh."

"You wanna take it up with my fist?"

"Um, no thanks, eh. Three, two, one…"

The camera turned on to see Duncan and DJ standing in front of the Boat of the Dead, both still in costume.

"Hey there, everyone." said DJ smiling and waving at the camera. "And welcome back to Total Drama EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!"

"You scream like a girl, dude."

"Hey, not cool." said DJ crossing his arms.

"Whatever." Duncan turned towards the camera. "Yeah, welcome back. If you're wondering why we're here instead of Izzy and Gwen, then ask someone else, cause I have no idea, and really don't wanna find out."

"Didn't they say something about intruders on the island?" said DJ looking around nervously. "What if the intruders come here. They could be dangerous!"

"Trust me. I'm more dangerous than anything that can get on the island."

"Doesn't really make me feel better."

"Anyway, last time Izzy and Gwen started to set up some stupid reward challenge, but since they left to who knows where, they stuck us with actually monitoring it. So now we have to watch Ryan and Logan go head to head to in a battle royal to see who can bite the most campers." Duncan snickered. "This should be good."

"Hey, I've been wondering," said DJ. "This contest was supposed to be for all the people who've been kicked off, so why didn't Mel come."

"Izzy said she refused to come. Didn't really bother to ask why."

"That's weird. Why wouldn't she want to compete for a reward?"

"How should I know?! Let's just get on with this so we can go watch the two losers go at it."

DJ glared briefly before turning back to the camera. "Anyway, last episode was super great, so stay tuned to see what happens next on Total Drama EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!"

"You still scream like a girl."

"Awooooooooo aw aw awooooooooooo!!!"

"Would you stop howling at the moon, Lauren?" asked Katrina holding herself. "It's already creepy enough out here."

Lauren slowly got to her feet from her previous position on all fours. "Aww, come on! Aren't you excited! It's our first night time challenge! It's gonna rock! Awoooooooooooo!"

"Knock it off." said Jerry as he casually shoved Lauren causing her to tip over.

"Hey!" yelled Katrina angrily. "Who said you could do that to my friend?"

"No one. Since when do I need permission?"

"Since I said so! Now knock it off!"

Jerry stared at Katrina neutrally as Lauren got back up. He then proceeded to push her once more to the ground, which, in turn, invoked a look of death from Katrina.


"Yes?" asked Tory who was staring unhappily at Jerry.

"Please take care of him."

"With pleasure." Tory slowly started walking over towards Jerry. The two stood for a moment trying to stare the other down.

"You don't scare me." said Jerry flatly.

"Twenty bucks if you leave bruises!" yelled Katrina from behind her. Almost immediately Tory grabbed the front of Jerry's shirt, and proceeded to pound him in a graphic and brutal display.

"Oooo, I would not want to be him right now." said Alyssa wincing as Tory landed a particularly painful looking blow.

Katrina smiled to herself in a self-satisfied fashion. "It's times like these that really make me appreciate being rich."

Mack and Harley stared impassively from the side.

"Shouldn't we help him?" asked Mack cocking an eyebrow.


There was a brief moment of silence as the two continued watching.


"Well what?"

"Why aren't we helping him?"

"Oh, because it goes against the plan."

"What plan?"

"The one where Tory and I have an all out ninja death battle later in the game."


Harley sighed. "Hello? Tory and I are probably the most skilled fighters in the game. If we fight now, then all the suspense of seeing us beat the crud out of each other is taken away from when we actually do beat the crud out of each other in the future."

"…That's a really twisted way of thinking."

"So, you wouldn't want to see me and Tory fight each other?" asked Harley, though this time it was her turn to cock an eyebrow.

"I know I would." Everyone stopped what they were doing to and turned towards the sound of the voice.

"Duncan?" asked Katrina.

"In the flesh." said the delinquent as he and DJ stood behind the crowd of campers. "Oh, and by the way, if you two ever do decide to fight, I suggest doing it in a giant pool of Jell-O wearing string bikinis. You'll get more fans that way." Duncan winked under his mask.

"That's disgusting!" yelled Tory as she dropped the now battered and bruised Jerry. Jerry rubbed his hurt posterior before sending death glares at the greedy blonde.

"Actually, it doesn't taste too bad." said Harley smiling and looking as if she were reminiscing something very interesting. Mack stared at her for a moment before deciding not to ask questions.

"Wouldn't Courtney be upset if she heard you say that?" asked Katrina.

Duncan shrugged. "She can join in too, though I'm pretty sure you guys wouldn't stand a chance."

"So, where are Izzy and Gwen?" asked Alyssa hoping to break this up before it became a full blown 'who can kick whose butt' argument.

"They're busy."


"Yeah, busy." said Duncan. "So, we're going to be the ones hosting today's challenge."

"So, what is the challenge already?" asked Katrina irritated.

"Touchy." said Duncan, though he was grinning under his mask. "You know, you should really be nicer to someone whose about to do you a favor."

"Favor?" asked Tory with an inquisitive look on her face.

"Yeah, a favor, but just because of that little outburst from rich girl, I don't think I'm gonna tell you what it is anymore."

"Oh, come on!" yelled Katrina.

"Say you're sorry." said delinquent as he smiled meanly.

"No." Katrina crossed her arms.

"Please, Katrina." asked Tory, coming up beside her.

"No. I'm not gonna do it."

"Would you do it for me?" asked Lauren as she looked up at Katrina pleadingly.


"How about now?" She quickly pulled Tory close to her side before going back into pouting.

"No!" said Katrina, although her defiant look quickly disappeared as a confused looking Kiki was shoved almost directly into her face. Kiki looked rapidly from left to right trying to figure out what happened before she stared pleadingly into Katrina's eyes.

"How about now?" said Lauren smiling in a knowing fashion.

Katrina bit her lip for a moment before sighing in defeat. "Okay. Okay! I'm sorry! Happy?"

"Very." said Duncan smiling.

Katrina looked at Lauren. "Is it really okay to use Kiki like that?"

"No," said Lauren smiling. "but it worked."

"So, will you tell us the challenge already?" asked Katrina, exasperated.

"Sure, why not." said Duncan shrugging. "So here's the deal. Throughout this swamp we've hidden tons of these." He held up several piece of candy all wrapped in glowing bright blue wrappers as DJ started passing out Jack-o-lantern shaped buckets. "You're job is to find as many of them as possible before time runs out. The person who collects the most pieces of candy wins the reward."

"Wait, what reward?" asked Harley.

Duncan smiled. "That's the favor I was talking about. Today's challenge is your first official reward challenge. No one goes home, and someone gets a prize. You can thank me later."

"So, we don't technically have to participate in this challenge, right?" asked Alyssa.

"Well, no, but…"

"Later." said Harley as she turned around and started heading back towards the cabins. Several others started following.

"Hold up." said Duncan and holding up his hands. "So, none of you want the reward?"

"You mean like the rewards you guys got?" asked Mack. "As if."

"Yeah, a trip to a stinky cheese factory? A deadly danger themed vacation?" asked Paige. "I don't know about you, but those aren't the kind of rewards I'm willing to wander around in a deadly swamp at night for."

"You guys seem to be forgetting that Chris isn't in charge this year." said Duncan crossing his arms.

"So, what?" asked Katrina.

"So, that means he's not picking the prizes."

"And, your point is?"

"My point is that Izzy is picking the prizes. You know, Izzy, as in the girl who currently has enough money to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool with chocolate-vanilla-pistachio swirl pudding, and force us all to swim in it."

Harley suddenly stopped, with Mack and Jerry almost bumping into her. Her eyebrow furrowed in thought.

'Izzy is rich. Rich means expensive stuff. Izzy is crazy. Crazy plus expensive equals cool reward. Harley want cool reward. Harley want…'

Harley turned around in her spot smiling. "I accept your challenge!"

"Great, anyone else?" asked Duncan smiling. Slowly but surely all the contestants agreed. "Gooooood. Now get out there, and find that candy!" With varying levels of enthusiasm all fifteen campers set out into the swamp.

Paige paused briefly beside DJ. "You know, you really should speak up more. Duncan pretty much just did that by himself."

"He seemed like he had it." said the gentle giant rubbing the back of his neck. Paige cocked an eyebrow.

"Just try and speak up more, kay?"

"Okay." said DJ smiling. Paige smiled back before leaving.

"Careful there, stud." said Duncan as he walked up behind DJ. "You might make the other ladies jealous."

"What?! I wasn't…I mean…"

Duncan started laughing, much to DJ's bewilderment. "Relax dude. I was just jerking your chain."

DJ frowned. "Not funny."

"Mmmm-hmmmm. Mmmmmmm-hmmmmm. Mmmmmmm…"

High up in the castle Noah and Katie were deeply involved in an intense make-out session. Katie briefly pulled apart to catch her breath.

"You know, usually it's the girls who moan like that." said Katie smiling. Noah looked away blushing.

"Yeah, well, usually it's the girl who's on the bottom in this kind of situation, but we don't see that happening." Katie smiled as she got off the bookworm allowing him to sit up. They were currently in the break room, reveling in their undisturbed solitude.

Katie raised an eyebrow smiling. "So, are you saying that you don't like being on bottom?"

Noah once again turned away blushing. "I never said that."

Katie snickered before leaning over and pinching the bookworm's cheek, much to his displeasure. "You're so cute when you're being shy."

"I am not shy." said Noah as he crossed his arms.

"Then why were you blushing?"

Noah's blush suddenly deepened. "No comment." Katie snickered before leaning over towards Noah.

"Let's see how deep we can make that blush of yours." Noah's blush deepened as he was Katie tried to gently force him back onto the couch.

"Noah? Katie?" Both parties shot up at hearing their names called. "Where are you guys?"

"It's Lindsey!" whispered Katie.

"No. Really?" whispered Noah back sarcastically. The two quickly started adjusting themselves to eliminate any sign of their actions.

"Hello?" Lindsey walked through the door. "Oh, there you are!"

"Oh, hey Lindsey." said Katie yawning and stretching on the couch as if she had just woken up from a nap. Noah was sitting next to her pretending to read a book. "What's up?"

"I just finished trying out my new fertilizer."

"Fascinating." said Noah rolling his eyes.

"I know, right? They're gonna be, like, sooooo big. Mary Sue won't stand a chance."

"You know," said Katie. "I heard somewhere that if you talk to plants that they grow faster."

"Really?!" asked the blonde.

Katie elbowed Noah, causing him to flinch. "Oh, yeah." said Noah quickly before he glared at Katie, rubbing his injured side.

"Oh my gosh. That is so cool!"

"Yeah." said Katie smiling. "In fact, why don't you go try it out right now?"

"Okay. Later." Lindsey waved a brief good-bye before going off towards the greenhouse.

Katie turned her head back to Noah, smiling seductively. "Now, where were we?"

Back at the camp site, the campers had already split up, searching for the prized candy hidden throughout the vicinity. Ryan and Logan were both positioned in a nearby hill, watching.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Ryan.

"Plan?" asked Logan. "What plan? The plan is that you get out of my face so that I can win this challenge. This isn't a team thing."

"Oh, right." said Ryan embarrassed.

"Look, if anything, here's the plan. You can try to bite anyone in the camp, assuming I haven't already bitten them, except for Tory."

"Wait, what?" asked Ryan suddenly looking up.

"You heard me."

"What if I wanna bite Tory?"

"Then tough luck."

"You can't stop me." said Ryan defiantly.

"Oh, yeah." Logan grabbed the front of Ryan's shirt, and reeled back his fist threateningly. Ryan shrunk back at first, but then quickly built up the courage to stare back.


Logan hesitated for a moment before sighing and letting go. "Fine, I'll cut you a deal. There are fifteen campers left. In order to win, all one of us has to do is bite eight of them. Since we don't want to give ourselves away, how about we agree that neither of us will bite Tory until we've bitten seven others. Deal?"

"Deal." Said Ryan as the two shook hands. "You know, I'm not too comfortable with treating Tory like a trophy."

"Well, too bad, emo boy, cause that trophy's all mine." Logan smiled before backhanding Ryan, sending him falling and tumbling backwards down the hill as Logan started running through the brush towards his unsuspecting prey.

Meanwhile, hiding in a tree up above, a pair of orange eyes looked down upon them.

"If they thought I was gonna compete in some stupid reward challenge with a werewolf and a vampire, then they were dead wrong." said a certain pink haired punk. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I CAN'T STAND *beep* TWILIGHT!" she quickly covered her mouth, and looked around. Luckily Ryan was too busy falling down the hill to have heard her. She sighed in relief, and took out a witches hat and a pair of fangs from the purple backpack she was wearing. "At least they were gonna make me into something not from Twilight, but I still wouldn't be caught dead in this challenge."

Mel slowly looked the fangs over before sticking them in her mouth. "Still, these fangs are pretty cool." She ran her tongue over them, admiring her now sharp teeth. "Now, onto my real plan." She quickly put the witches hat back in the backpack before taking out a pair of binoculars. She adjusted them as she started looking for her target.

"There you are." She focused the binoculars in on a certain dark twin as she haplessly wandered through the swamp below. "All alone with no one to protect you." She smiled. "I didn't stow away on that stupid boat for nothing. By the end of this night, I will have my revenge, and you, little *beep* will suffer so much that even that blonde bimbo of a sister of your will feel it. Mwahahahahahahaha…" Mel suddenly looked up from her binoculars. "Did I really just Mwaha?"

"See anything?!" asked Bridgette. The group had been wandering through the swamp for the past hour, and none of them had caught sight of the intruders.

"Quiet!" whispered Harold. "If you're too loud, they'll hear us coming."

"Sorry." Whispered Bridgette.

"No, no, we want them to hear us." said Izzy as she suddenly grabbed hold of the two of them by the shoulder.

"We do?" asked Gwen.

Izzy nodded. "We want them to tremble in fear before us. We want them to hear our mighty call of war, and flee from the sound of our approach, and when they flee, we shall hunt them down, and capture them like the helpless little creatures they are! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

"Izzy!" whispered Gwen. "Keep it down!"

"Come on, this is exciting. It's just like the time I infiltrated a secret RCMP facility on secluded island, except this time I'm the one doing the hunting instead of those mutant penguins."

"Mutant penguins?" asked Harold.

"Oh, yeah. They were, like, totally vicious. Apparently there was some super secret super soldier experiment going on. They were all like, RAWR RAWR RAWR RAWR, and I was all like, Hya, hya hya! It was so awesome." Both Bridgette and Harold shushed her before disentangling themselves from her embrace.

"We need to think of a plan." said Heather.

"Our plan is to find these guys, and take them down." said Eva as she slammed her fist into the palm of her other hand.

"That's a good plan for when we find them," said Harold. "But right now we need to actually get to them first."

"Whatever." said Tyler. "All I know is that when we find them, I'm gonna totally mess them up."

"Yeah, that'll be the day." said Gwen.

"It's totally true!" yelled Tyler, though he was immediately shushed. "It's totally true."

"How about pumping some more iron before you go around bragging about your muscles, tough guy." said Bridgette as she lifted up one of Tyler's sparsely muscled arms. Tyler quickly drew it back before glaring at Bridgette.

Bridgette laughed. "Sorry. I couldn't resist."

"Chilax, dude." said Geoff as he slung an arm around the still glaring jock. "She was just messing with ya."

"Whatever." said Tyler before turning his head away.

"That's the spirit!" yelled the party boy, though he was quickly shushed. "I mean, that's the spirit."

"With all this noise, they'd have to be deaf to have not heard us by now." said Eva as she started walking towards the front of the group.

Tory and Kiki were walking confidently through the woods, with Kiki clinging tightly to Tory's arm.

"Don't worry, Kiki. It's just like trick-or-treating." said Tory in an attempt to comfort Kiki, thought it wasn't really working.

"Well, look who it is!" Both girls turned their head to see Paige and Long coming towards them from the side. Paige smiled brightly. "What a coincidence meeting you guys here."

"Well, the woods are generally the best place to look." said Tory raising an eyebrow.

"Kiki! Heeeeey!" All four of the people assembled looked towards the other side to see Kenny and Jacob walking towards them. Kenny smiled. "What's up?"

"Apparently the amount of people one would expect to randomly meet in the woods at one time." said Tory as Paige glared behind her.

Paige quickly took hold of Tory's arm. "I was just about to ask Tory if she wanted to search with me while Long and Kiki search together."

Kenny's smiled faltered before going back to its normal perkiness. "What a coincidence. So was I. You know, except with Jacob and Kiki instead of Long."

Paige's glared darkened before she went over and grabbed Kenny's wrist. "Can I speak with you for a second?" Before Kenny could wait for a response, Paige started dragging him away. She stopped for a second and looked back at the four remaining people. "Long, why don't you take Kiki, and go search in the woods. I'm sure she'd love to have a big, strong guy like you looking out for her."

"But Jacob is…" Kenny halted mid-sentence as Paige slammed a hand over his mouth, and proceeded to once more drag him away. Long and Kiki looked at each other for a moment. Kiki looked up at Tory.

"It's fine. You go right on ahead." said Tory smiling. Kiki offered a small smile in return before walking over to Long. The two smiled at each other before walking off into the woods.

There was a long, awkward moment of silence as Tory and Jacob stood in the middle of the forest, not exactly sure what to do.

"Soooooooooo," said Tory after a moment. "You…wanna go search for candy?" Jacob shrugged, offering a very white smile. Tory smiled back before the two of them started walking off in search of the glowing treats.

Kenny struggled slightly as Paige dragged him deeper into the woods. Kenny finally managed to get the raven haired girl's hands off of him just as she was about to stop.

"What's your problem!" yelled Kenny.

"My problem is you!" yelled Paige right back.

"Me?! You're the problem!"

"Look, I want you and your little friend to stay away from Kiki."

"Oh, so now you own her?"

"No, but I'm trying to set her up with Long, and you keep interfering in my plans!"

"Well, you keep interfering in my plans!"

"What plans?"

"My plan to set her up with Jacob."


"You heard me." said Kenny.

"Well, we can't both set her up with someone." said Paige, crossing her arms.

"Why are you even trying to set her up?"

"I'm trying to get Long to break out of his shell, and I thought that if I paired him with a quiet girl that he would start opening up."

"That's the same thing I'm trying to do with Jacob." said Kenny.

"Well, they can't both have Kiki, so one of us is gonna have to give."

"Well, it's not gonna be me." said Kenny crossing his arms.

"Me either." said Paige. The two then continued to glare at each other for a moment. After about a minute Paige sighed.

"Well, here's how I see it. We've got two quiet guys, and two twins."

"But there's only one of them that's also quiet."

"Let's flip a coin." said Paige as she took out a coin. "Heads, I win, tails, you lose."

"Not funny." said Kenny.

"Okay, okay. Heads, I get Kiki. Tails, you get Kiki. Loser has to take K.K."

"Since when was K.K. involved?" asked Kenny.

"Since I brought her into this. We both want to pair up our friends with someone, so we might as well make it a set by including both twins."

"What kind of logic is that?" asked Kenny.

"Harley logic." said Paige. Kenny didn't argue. Paige flipped the coin.

"Heads." said Paige smiling as she looked at the coin on the ground. "Looks like I win."

Kenny sighed, before offering a semi-sad job. "Guess I'm just not that lucky."

"Cheer up. Now the only thing that stands in your way is hooking Jacob up with K.K."

"Easy for you to say. "

"I'm back!" yelled Lindsey as she opened the door to the green house. She stopped. "OMG!"

Lindsey couldn't help but stare at the enormous tomato vine before her. It was already almost as tall as she was, with vines thicker than anything she'd ever seen on such a plant before.

"It's…huge!" The blonde started jumping up and down happily while clapping her hands. "That county fair is mine!" She quickly grabbed a stool from beside the door, and went over to have a seat by her vine. "All right, Tomatoy. We're gonna have a nice long talk so we can help you get even bigger." The vines coming from the plant moved in response to her comment. "Oh my gosh! You understood me!" Lindsey bent down to scratch the plant under what she thought was its chin. "Who's a smart tomato? You are. Yes, you are."

"Come on, slackers. Move it!" Harley was walking briskly into the swamp with Jerry and Mack hot on her tail.

"Why are we in a group when we're all competing for the reward?" asked Mack.

"Simple," said Harley. "If we search for the candy as a group, we can find more, split it up, and then share the reward."

"I'm not sure if that's allowed."

"Details, details, now hurry up!" Harley increased her walking pace, forcing Mack and Jerry to do likewise.


"You really need to stop that." said Katrina as she and Lauren explored deeper into the swamp.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited."

"Just relax." said Katrina. "Now, how should we start?"

"Start what?"

"Looking for candy." said Katrina cocking an eyebrow.

"Oh, right. Well, we could try over there." Lauren pointed to a semi-distant part of the forest.

"What makes you think it's over there."

"Just a hunch."

Katrina shrugged before the two of them started walking in that direction.

Alyssa was currently walking alone through the swamp. She had intended to meet up with Wes or Lauren, but before she could find them, they were gone. She stopped and sighed.

"Now if I were glowing candy, where would I be?" Alyssa suddenly smiled to herself. "In Owen's stomach, along with half of all candy produced in the U.S. and Canada, ba dum ching. But seriously folks, the other day I was walking along the street when I saw an ice cream truck drive by. I tried to stop it, but it just kept going. I actually think it sped up. Ever notice when that happens. It always bugs me, and you ever notice who drives those things? One time I stopped an ice cream truck, and the driver had more needles in him than a pin cushion. I'm talkin' piercings, tattoos, the whole nine yards."

"I asked him what his name is, and he says 'Crusher...' That's all I get. One word. I'm pretty sure you have to buy something for two, and if you actually want a sentence out of the guy, you're better off hiring a lawyer. Bad um ching."

"So, I buy my ice cream, and ask I him, 'So, Mr. Crusher.'

'Don't call me Mr.' he says.

I ask, 'Why not?'

'It reminds me of my dad…'

Now I don't know about you folks, but I never really thought of 'Crusher' as a family name. It kind of made me wonder about all the other kinds of names parent are giving their children these day. I mean 'Crusher', 'Death', 'Mange'. Whatever happened to good ole Bob. Bob's a great name. Now, I don't mean Robert, or Bobby. I mean Bob. Just plain old Bob. Of course with parents these days, he'd probably have to have the last name Apples. Why you ask? Cause his parent would probably give him the full name 'Bob For Apples.' You think I'm kidding, right? Wrong. I once heard of a girl named Crystal. Wanna know what her full name was? Crystal…Shanda…Leer. I'm not joking. Someone actually named their kid Crystal Shanda Leer."

"Can you imagine what it'd be like to have a name like that. Imagine sitting in an office, and some guy comes in looking for you." Alyssa put on a voice. "'Excuse me, I'm looking for a Ms. Crystal…Shanda…Leer? If it were me, I'd wanna know when they started calling lighting fixture by a title. Ms. Crystal Chandelier? Mr. Metallic Lamp? Sir Lights of Christmas Tree? I actually met some lights like that once. I was at this really fancy department store, and went to use the bathroom. I flipped the light switch."


'Woow!' I start looking around. There's no one in the bathroom. I'm like, 'Okay, Alyssa been drinkin' way too much of that diet soda.'

'Up here!' I look up, and all I see is this round light bulb. I start looking around before looking back up at the ceiling.

'Are you…talking to me.'

'Yes!' Now, you can imagine my surprise at being talked to by the light in a bathroom ceiling…"

Alyssa stopped upon hearing some rustling from some nearby bushes. "Wes, is that you?" The bush rustled again. Alyssa smiled and started walking over towards the aforementioned foliage. "Okay, Wes. Come on out. I won't get mad at you for listenin' in on my routine. I'll even perform it for you some ti…"

Logan pounced.


Logan: First victim of the game. I got this in the bag. *smiles*

"And then Mary Sue was all like, 'Your rutabaga's are so small', and I'm like, 'They are not!', and she's all like…" Lindsey had been talking to her plant for the past twenty minutes. She was now so involved in her own dramatic retelling of last years county fair that she hadn't quite noticed that the plant had grown about twenty times its original size. The vines were now as thick as telephone poles in some places, the leaves as big as Lindsey's sun hat. The plant now almost completely filled the room.

"And I was all like 'Nuh uh.' And she was all like 'Yah, huh.' And I was all like *gasp* Tomato-y! You have your first tomato!" And ,indeed, lying on the ground, attached to the rest of the plant, was an enormous tomato, roughly twice the size of a human head.

"It's so big! I can't wait to show this to Katie and Noah." Lindsey reached down smiling, and tugged on the tomato. It would come off. She tried again, harder. No luck. "Come on Tomato-y! You have to let go, or I won't get to show Noah and Katie how good you did."

Lindsey kept struggling with the fruit. Slowly, the vine connected to the tomato started rising. Lindsey held tight as the tomato left the ground.

"No, bad Tomato-y. Let go!" Lindsey gasped as she was suddenly lifted off the ground as the enormous fruit rose high above where she had been. "Tomato-y?" The plant responded by opening a large mouth lined with razor sharp teeth in the very tomato that Lindsey was holding on to. The fruit let out a loud roar, blowing back Lindsey's hair.

"Uh, oh…"

Logan got up quickly after he finished biting Alyssa. He took a moment to appreciate the gold bite mark now sparkling upon the girl's neck.

'So, that's what Duncan meant by goop. Cool.' Logan looked only for a moment before bounding off, the faux fur covering his body blowing in the wind.

Alyssa laid on the ground for a moment in shock. Did that really just happen? Was she seriously just attacked by a werewolf? She touched her neck, but instead of coming away with blood like she half expected, all she came away with was some sparkly substance that reminded her a lot of the liquid glitter they used to use on drawings in elementary school.

"Alyssa!" Alyssa quickly sat up on hearing her name being called. "Alyssa!" The bushes rattled as a certain blonde gear head walked into the area.

"Oh, there you are." said Wes smiling, though his smile quickly turned into a look of confusion. "What're you doin' down there?" The blonde quickly helped Alyssa to her feet as she held her hand over the place on her neck. "Why are you covering your neck?"

"Okay, I know that you're gonna think this is totally weird, but I think I was just jumped…by a werewolf." Alyssa cringed waiting for the inevitable ridicule that was sure to follow.

"You too?"

Alyssa's eye went wide with shock. "What do you mean, 'you too'?"

"Well, I don't know if it was a werewolf, but I know somethin' got me." Wes pulled down the collar of his Hawaiian shirt to reveal a silver bite mark, sparkling in the moon light. Alyssa leaned close to inspect it.

"Wes, what exactly did this thing look like?"

"I don't really know. One minute I'm searching for candy near the bottom of this hill. The next thing I know some wet thing with red eyes jumps out of a mossy pool of water, and bites me."

Alyssa froze. "Did you say red eyes?"

"Ya, why?"

"Cause if the thing that I think is going on is actually going on, then I need to get out of here."


"Because there's a certain girl who I really don't wanna risk meeting."

"Oh, a hunting we will go. A hunting we will go. Hi ho, the daiwy-o, a hunting we will go."

Izzy stopped near one of the tree, holding her large bazooka-like weapon in front of her, and wearing a rather large and floppy red-and-green plaid hat. She turned her head and put her finger to lips. "Shhhh. Be vewy vewy quite. I'm hunting Wabbits. Hehehehehehehe."

"What are you doing?" asked Heather cocking an eyebrow.

"Not sure. Just seemed like the thing to do." said Izzy smiling.

"Stop fooling around." said Eva.

"We've been at this forever, and still no sign of the intruders." said Gwen sighing.

"Maybe they left the island." said Geoff.

"Oh, yeah. I'm so sure." said Harold. "They obviously snuck onto the island and knocked out a fourth of our security cameras just so they could see the sights and leave an hour later. Idiot!"

"Be nice." said Bridgette.

"Uh, guys." said Trent. "Eva's leaving us behind." Everyone turned to see Eva walking off on her own.

"Eva! I'm the leader of the group! You're supposed to follow me!" shouted Izzy as she started running off. The others moved to follow.

"When did we elect her leader?" asked Geoff to Bridgette. Bridgette shrugged.

"Hey, guys!" yelled Trent. "I'm gonna stay in back so no one can sneak up on us."

"Please, as if anyone would be dumb enough to sneak up on us." said Harold, who was promptly elbowed by Leshawna.

"Okay." said Gwen smiling before heading towards the front. Trent smiled back before started walking as well.

"Where do you think you're going." said a deep voice. Trent's eyes widened before a large arm covered his mouth, and pulled him behind a tree.

"Is it…in Asia?"

Jacob shook his head.

"Is it…in South America?"

Jacob shook his head again.

"Is it….in Europe?"

Jacob nodded.

"Yes! Okay, now, is it…in Scandinavia?"

Tory and Jacob had been walking along for some time. It had been awkward at first. Tory had tried to start several conversations with Jacob, only to be met with silent responses. This led to a brief period of thought on her part before she finally figured out that he was the shy type, very similar to Kiki, and since she had been friends with Kiki since near the beginning of the season, it hadn't taken her long to figure out a strategy to effectively get around his shyness.

"No, okay, is it a big country or a small country?"

Jacob made a so-so hand gesture.

"Okay, mid-sized. Is it a country known for anything specific?"

Jacob nodded before pointing his head up at the sky and making it look like he was howling.

"Your from the country of Lauren?"

Jacob silently laughed at this comment.

"Oh, wolves! I get it! Um, let's see, that narrows it down. Countries associated with wolves..." Tory was speaking fast now, as though excited. "Um, is it…is it Lithuania?"

Jacob shook his head.


Jacob smiled before nodding enthusiastically.

"It's Romania! Oh my gosh! You're from Romania! I got it right!" Tory jumped up and down in excitement, as Jacob continued smiling ear to ear. Tory then proceeded to do a victory dance. "I got it riiiiight, I got it riiiight!" she sang happily. Jacob laughed silently at the display.

"Okay, enough of that." said Tory calming down. "It's time to get down to some serious searching." Jacob stopped laughing for a bit before smiling and nodding. Tory smiled back before putting her finger to her chin. "Now, if I were glowing candy, where would I be?" she thought for a moment before Jacob tapped her on the shoulder.

Tory turned around. "What?" Jacob silently pointed over to a hole between the roots of a nearby tree that was imminating a fairly familiar glow.

Troy blinked. "Oh. Well…that makes sense." Jacob once let out a silent laugh before he and Tory went over to investigate the hole.

"One, two, one, two, lift those legs. I wanna see you sweat!" yelled Harley as the she and the other two members of her not so merry trio continued trouncing though the forest.

"Do you even know where we're going?" asked Mack.

"Duh. We're going in the direction of the candy."

"That doesn't answer my question." Mack sighed.

"HALT!" Harley suddenly stopped causing Mack and Jerry to plow into her as they all three crashed to the ground. "Look!" said Harley pointing in front of them, and ignoring the two males on top of her. They all looked to see a glowing blue lollipop seeming to float above some distant bushes.

"Why is that thing floating?" asked Mack.

"Who cares? It's our first catch of the night. Now get off me!" the two males scrabbled to get off. Harley stood up, and brushed herself off before running towards her prize. Suddenly the candy moved, floating farther away.

Harley stopped, almost causing another pile up as Mack and Jerry stopped inches from her back. She rubbed her eyes. "Did you see that?" she asked.

"See what?" asked Mack.

"That lollipop. It moved."

"You must be hallucinating. I hear the insane due that a lot."

"Yeah, that must be it." said Harley, ignoring the insult. She started walking towards her prize again, before it once again floated farther away.

"It did it again!" shouted Harley.

"Okay, that time I saw it."

"Me too." said Jerry.

The candy suddenly started moving away at a much faster pace.

"We've got a runner!" yelled Harley. "After it!" All three campers started bounding after the mysterious floating candy.

"That's right, suckers. Keep following." Mel smiled to herself as she kept running with the lollipop tied firmly with a thin wire to a long stick she was holding. "Make all the noise you can. The better to catch my prey."

"Yes! Another piece of candy for K.K." K.K. smiled as she picked up several pieces of candy hidden under some leaves. She then proceeded to unwrap each of them, and shove the glowing sugary content into her gaping maw.

"M-mmmmmm, so good! This must be like rich people candy or something!" She popped another piece in her mouth before placing the wrapper in her bucket. "They said we had to find the candy. They didn't say we couldn't eat it once we did. As long as I bring back the wrappers, I should be A-okay." She quickly proceed the unwrap a large lollipop, and chop down on it so hard the she broke straight through the stick. "M-mmmmmm."

A certain extremely pale emo watched from the bushes as she ground bite after bite of sugary goodness between her powerful jaws.

"As candy in the midnight hour
We all fall prey to those who rule us.
They say they care for our existence
And yet all the do is consume us.
We are but sustenance for the powerful.
Devoured, and then no more."

"I could use that in a political rally." Ryan almost smiled before silently walking from his hiding place in a low crouch.

"Ohhhh, yes." K.K. started at the thing in her hands, a king sized glowing blue chocolate bar. "Come to me, oh delicious one." She slowly, delicately, started to pull the wrapper down, the amount of drool she was producing growing with every centimeter. She eventually saw the glowing blue chocolate beneath the wrapper. Tears began to stream down her face. "It's so…beautiful!" She quickly rubbed the tears from her eyes, as she leaned in to take her first bite. Ryan rose slowly from his low, crouching position directly behind K.K.

K.K. reached her neck slowly forward, her teeth almost upon the chocolate.



K.K. screamed as she felt the teeth on her neck. Ryan immediately let go.

"It's my worst fear! Candy that bites back!" yelled K.K. in panic. Suddenly she heard some rustling behind her. She turned quickly to see a mysterious pale figure fleeing into the bushes.

"Hey, get back her you…" K.K. started to run after him before tripping on something. She sat up rubbing her head before looking to see what had tripped her. There, hidden so well beneath the leaves that were strewn about the clearing that it was almost invisible except for where K.K.'s foot had torn away some of its cover, was a full sized, glowing, blue chocolate tombstone. K.K. slowly knelt at the base of the candy staring, the blue chocolate bar in her hand completely forgotten. She bit her lip as tears started falling from her eyes. She suddenly looked up to the sky.

"THANK YOU!!!" She then proceeded to rip ferociously into the wrapping covering the tombstone, all other thoughts completely gone from her head.

Ryan ran through the woods, trying to get as far away from his last victim as possible. He stopped running after a few moments when he noticed she wasn't following him. "Weird." He muttered to himself. "I felt for sure she would chase me." He shrugged. "Oh, well."

"After it!" Ryan turned his head. It was dark, so he couldn't see for a moment, but after a few seconds of squinting he finally figured out what was making the noise.

"How is a stinking piece of candy so fast?!" yelled Mack in the distance.

"How am I supposed to know?! Just keep running!"

Ryan stared blankly at the group, not exactly sure what was going on.

"Well, it appears that fate has smiled upon me, or at least agreed not to spit me like usual." Ryan barely hesitated before running off after the group.

"Now where are you?..." Eva sat high up in the trees with a pair of night vision binoculars.

"See anything?!" called Heather.

"Nope." Heather sighed before letting out a frustrated scream.

"How much longer until we find these jerks?!"

"Girl, you seriously need to take a chill pill." Leshawna came over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I know. It's just this entire thing gets me so frustrated! When I find those guys, I'm gonna rip them to shreds with my bear hands!" the Queen Bee emphasized her point by shaping her hands like claws.

"I'm guessing you've been hanging out with Eva again." said Harold.

"You should see the new reverse headlock I taught her!" yelled Eva. Everyone looked up to see Eva plummeting down from the tree. She landed with a giant thump that shook the entire area and caused several people to fall over. "Makes me happy I accepted her apology instead of ripping her head off, and feeding the rest of her to rapid dogs like I had planned."

"Dude! That was, like, thirty feet!" yelled Geoff.

"It's all in how you land. That, and lots of practice." said Eva smiling.

"You were planning on feeding me to dogs?" asked Heather.

"Wild bear actually, but I didn't want it to sound like I was too angry at you." said Eva. Heather slowly started backing away.

"Trent! Trent!"

"What's wrong, Gwen?" asked Geoff.

"Have any of you guys seen Trent?"

"Not since Izzy started doing her Elmer Fudd impersonation." said Leshawna.

"Actually, I think she's moved on from that." said Heather cocking an eyebrow.

"It's rabbit season!" yelled Izzy on the left side of a tree. She then ran over to the other side, and turned to face where she had just been while pretending to eat a carrot.

"It's duck season!" She ran to the other side.

"Rabbit season!" she ran back.

"Duck season!"

"Rabbit season!"

"Duck season!"

"Rabbit season!"

"Rabbit season!"

"Duck season!"

"Rabbit season!"

"Duck season! Now listen here! I say it's duck season, now fire!" Izzy fell backward as a large boleadora crashed into her.

"Eva!" yelled Bridgette.

"She said fire." Eva smiled.

Izzy sat up laughing. "Haha! Nice shot Eva! Just make sure you save some of that for the intruders." The redhead quickly untied the boleadora from around her waist and tossed it back to Eva.

"Guys," said Gwen looking nervous. " I'm worried. No one's seen Trent for a long time."

"I wonder where he went?" asked Bridgette.

"You don't think..." started Heather, though she quickly bit her lip.


"Well, we are on a search for intruders on the island. What if..."

"The intruders got to him?" finished Justin.

"Justin!" yelled Bridgette.

"What? It's a possibility." said the model with a shrug.

"Why did you even come with us?" asked Leshawna.

"I wanted to help." said the model with a shrug. "Besides, if the intruders show up, I can distract them with my amazing looks while you guys catch him." He gave off a bright smile that let lit everything in the immediate area.

"He's got a point." said Heather as she tried to shield her eyes.

"Thanks." said Justin with a wink.

"Hey, back off." said Harold. "Heather's my girlfriend."

"Relax, bro." said Geoff. "I'm pretty sure he's not going to try and steal her from you."

"Besides, I can take care of myself." said Heather smiling.

"Guys!" yelled Gwen. "This is serious! Trent is missing! We have to find him."

"Okay, okay." said Heather holding up her hands. "So, what do you think we should do about it?"

"We need to split up." said Eva.

"Are you crazy!" yelled Gwen. "Everyone knows that you never split up in a horror movie!"

"Horror movie?" asked Leshawna.

"Hello? Creepy swamp at night, group of teens, mysterious figures, a missing member?"

"It does seem to resemble a classic horror movie plotline." said Harold.

"Still, Eva does have a point." said Bridgette.

"We'll cover more ground if we split up, and we have a better chance of finding Trent." said Geoff.

"And the intruders! Don't forget about them." said Izzy cheerfully.

"I don't know…" said Gwen hesitantly.

"How about this?" said Leshawna. "We split into teams of two. That way each team has double the chance of staying safe. Sound okay?"

"I still don't like it." said the goth girl crossing her arms over her chest.

"Great! Then it's settled." said Izzy. "I call Gwen!" Izzy quickly ran over, and grabbed Gwen's arm. "Co-hosts have to stick together, now come on!" And just like that Izzy started running off dragging Gwen behind.

"Be safe you guys! Don't do anything risky!" yelled the goth as she and her partner got farther and farther away.

"Well, I know who I'm going with." said Geoff as he linked arms with Bridgette. Bridgette giggled as the two walked off in a separate direction.

Harold walked over to Heather. "M'Lady." He said bowing, and holding out his hand.

"Sorry, Harold, but I called her." Leshawna smiled as she wrapped an arm around Heather's shoulder.

"Can't leave Leshawna all alone with model boy over there." said Heather.

"I understand." said Harold, looking down. Heather smiled before lifting his chin, and planting a short kiss on his lips. Harold perked up visibly which caused the two girls in front of him to giggle before going their own way.

Justin walked up beside him. "So, partners?"

"Whatever." The two males walked off leaving Eva and Tyler all by themselves. The two stood in silence for a moment.

"Sooooooo…Looks like we're partners." said Tyler smiling nervously and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Just try to keep up." said Eva before she started walking off on her own. Tyler paused for a moment to stare before running after her.

"Hey, wait up!"


Lindsey shrieked in terror as she ran at top speed down the hallways. Only seconds behind her was her tomato plant. It filled almost the entire hallway, vines writhing along the wall with three tomato heads up front, razor sharp teeth prepared for a tasty snack.

Noah and Katie burst through the lounge door upon hearing the scream.

"Lindsey, what's…" Katie stopped upon seeing the blonde being chased by a giant deranged plant. "Oh, crud!" yelled Katie. Immediately she and Noah started sprinting down the hallway, the evil plant hot on their tales.

"What is that thing!" yelled Katie.

"A giant tomato plant, what else?!" yelled Noah in retort.

"Oh my gosh!" yelled Lindsey. "It's attack of the killer…"

"If you finish that sentence, I swear I'll..."

"Enough bickering you two!" yelled Katie cutting them off. "Lindsey, why are we being chased by a rabid tomato?!"

"I don't know! One minute I was talking to it like you said, and the next it's trying to eat me!"

"Didn't you just plant that thing a couple hours ago?!" yelled Katie.

"Oh, yeah. My new fertilizer worked so well." said Lindsey happily.

"Wait, what did this fertilizer look like?" asked Noah.

"Oh, it came in this big round tube thing, and it was glowing this really pretty green color."

"Lindsey! You grabbed the wrong box!" yelled Katie.


"That box was an experimental mutagen that some deranged company sent Izzy." said Noah, looking angry.

"Experia…Okay, could you say that again."

"It's some freaky mad scientist juice that makes things into weird stuff like a giant tomato plant!" yelled Katie.

"Oooooh, now I get it. So what was it doing in my fertilizer box?"

"Just be quiet and keep running!" yelled Noah. The three let out a loud scream as the plant continued to plow through the hall behind them.

Duncan sat on a stump near the boat of losers carving a block of wood with his pocket knife while DJ sat on a different stump knitting.

"Now isn't this relaxing?" asked DJ smiling.

"Don't try to come at me with all your touchy feeling crud. I'm just trying to find something to occupy myself until this whole thing is over."

"At least the challenge is interesting."

"Are you kidding. The only interesting thing that's happened so far was Logan mauling Alyssa."

"You have to admit that her routine was pretty funny."

"I've seen better." said Duncan apathetically.

"Come on. At least try to get some fun out of this."

Duncan suddenly threw down his block of wood in anger, and stood up, scaring DJ. "Aaaarg! Why are we stuck doing this anyway! This is supposed to be Izzy and Gwen's job!"

"But they're busy. We have to do our part to help."

"Says you. I'm outta hear." Duncan suddenly hopped in the Boat of the Dead.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to grab a burger. I'm pretty sure this thing has enough gas to get to the mainland."

"Pretty sure?"

"Yeah. You coming?"


"I asked if you were coming. Or would you rather stay a dark and creepy swamp with some deranged intruders running about?"

DJ looked around nervously for a moment before jumping in the boat. "So what do we do about the show."

"This episodes already long enough anyway. Let's just slap a to be continued sign on this baby, and get out of here."

"Do you think Izzy will be mad?"

"Don't care. Now hurry and close it."

DJ looked around nervously for a second before clearing his throat. "So, who will be the winner of the mystery prize? What is Mel planning? And how did she even get on the island anyway?"

"I don't know, but it definitely makes things more interesting." said Duncan smiling evilly.

"Find out next time." said DJ smiling. "On Total. Drama. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkk!!!!!" DJ grabbed the sides of the boat as Duncan cranked up the engine, and sped off into the distance.

*a tombstone is seen at the top of a hill reading "Here lies Sparkling_Nexis137." Suddenly a hand bursts forth from the ground, followed by a dirt covered body.*


Hey everyone! Sorry for the update length. That was definitely the longest update in TDE history. Thanks for still reading, though I've probably lost a bunch of readers. (COME BACK READERS! I MISS YOU!!!!)

Anyway, if you're wondering why the update was so long, then I've got one word for you. School Bum Bum BUUUUUM* Since Christmas, school has been kicking my butt and taking my lunch money everyday. I'm taking super homework loads, all nighters, the works. I once had to stay awake for four days straight just to get it all done. O.O

Anyway, here's the chapter! Sorry if it seems like it was cut off too quickly, but I really wanted to get this posted, and, yes, this challenge will be in three parts. It was originally going to be its own special, so, yeah, it's going to be longer than normal. Anyway, that's my chapterly rant. Have a happy day everyone, and be expecting the next chapter soon! (Seriously, I have a major case of update guilt, so I've already written out the first five pages of the next chapter just to get ahead. Then again, I've probably lost a lot of credibility when it comes to promising quick updates, so I don't blame you if you don't believe me. ;-;)

Anyway, see you next time!!! ^o^