The Prince of Tennis characters in a Lord of the Rings setting. These two have always been my favourites! I hope you guys will like it, even if you have never seen or read the Lord of the Rings! For the people who have seen the movies or did read the books: I follow the script of the movie, please don't kill me if I skip some scenes!

Title: The Prince of the Rings
Writer: Tacuma
Pairing: Perfect Pair, Golden Pair, Ah-Un Pair, Emerald Pair (probably)
Chapter: 1/?
Genre: AU, fantasy, angst, romance
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 3348 words
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis, nor do I own the Lord of the Rings.

A/N: Ami88, you did a wonderful job on beta-ing this fic.

The Prince of the Rings – Chapter 1

The world has changed: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air… Much that once was is lost, for none now live to remember it.

It began with the forging of the Great Rings.

Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest...fairest of all beings.

Seven to the Dwarf Lords, great miners and craftsman of the mountain halls.

And Nine, nine were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else, desire power.

For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race.

But they were all of them deceived.

…for another ring was made.

In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Chinen Hiroshi forged in secret a Master Ring to control all others.

...and into this Ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.

One Ring to rule them all…

One by one the Free lands of Middle Earth fell to the power of the Ring. Men and Elves fought against the armies of Lord Chinen Hiroshi. Victory was near, but the power of the Ring could not be undone. Lord Chinen Hiroshi himself, came to the battlefield and slaughtered Men and Elves.

It was in a moment when all hope had faded, that Tezuka Kunikazu took his father's sword, and cut the Ring from Lord Chinen Hiroshi's hand. The moment the Ring left Chinen Hiroshi's hand, his armour clattered on the ground and his body disappeared.

Tezuka Kunikazu had the chance to destroy the Ring, but he couldn't. He had kept it, until Orcs attacked him and his men. Hit by an arrow, Kunikazu fell of his horse, in the water. The Ring slipped of his finger.

And some things that should not have been forgotten…were lost.

For two and a half thousand years the Ring passed out of all knowledge, until it was found by the creature named Shinjou Reiji. He took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains, and kept it there for five hundred years.

Then something happened that nobody had foreseen. The Ring was picked up by a Hobbit, Echizen Nanjiroh, from the Shire. He took the Ring back home, keeping it a secret from all others.

Soon the time would come when Hobbits would shape the fortunes of all.


The sky was cloudless, and the sun was shining brightly. Beautiful flowers bloomed, and the hills seemed greener than ever. Another perfect day in the Shire. A black-haired Hobbit laid under a tree in the grass, sleeping soundly. In a distance the sounds of a cart and a horse were heard, and also the mumbling of a deep voice. The sounds didn't wake the sleeping Hobbit up. Suddenly the sound of the cart stopped, footsteps were heard on the soft grass.

'There was a hundred per cent chance he would be asleep,' said the voice who had been mumbling before. 'Echizen Ryoma, wake up.'

The Hobbit slowly opened his eyes, and glared at the man who had woken him up.

'Inui, you're late.'

'A Wizard is never late, Echizen, nor is he early. There is a 97 per cent change he arrives when he means to,' answered the bespectacled Wizard.

'Why did you wake me up?' asked Echizen without really listening to the tall man. 'You know the way to my fathers house, right?'

'I need some data and your father probably won't tell me. Tell me about the long expected party. I heard it's going to be a Party of Special Magnificence.'

'You know Ojaji…he's got the whole place in uproar. Half the Shire has been invited. He is up to something,' said the black-haired Hobbit.

'I see. Thank you for the information,' answered Inui.

'Can you drop me off at the village?'

'Sure, come with me.'

The tall Wizard and the small Hobbit walk to the cart. Together they rode to the village of Hobbiton without saying another word. Most of the Hobbits were working or playing outside. When the cart passed, they all looked up. Elderly glared at Inui. He was a disturber of peace. The children were enthusiastic, and asked for fireworks. The Wizard stopped the cart, and offered the children a glass of juice, but their parents quickly took their children away from Inui, before they could drink the purple coloured juice.

When they passed by the Green Dragon, Echizen jumped off the cart and walked to the pub. He was hungry. Inui went alone to Bag End. Echizen Nanjiroh's house is one of the biggest and most beautiful Hobbit holes in town. A sign with the words 'No Entrance Admitted' was hanging on the gate. The Wizard ignored it and walked in. When he knocked on the door, he heard Nanjiroh's raw voice:

'Leave, unless you're a pretty girl.'

'I am not, but there is a 76 per cent change you will let me in anyway,' answered the Wizard.

A middle aged man with dark brown hair opened the door. He was obviously annoyed.

'What are you doing here, Inui?'

'Can I come in? Maybe we can have some tea. I heard you're planning something big for your 111th birthday party. Ryoma suspects something. Care to tell me about it?'

'The brat…well, I can tell you one thing, it involves pretty girls. Goodbye,' answered Nanjiroh, and he slammed the door shut.


Fireworks exploded in the night sky above Hobbiton. Music played and Hobbits were dancing, drinking and laughing. Tables were piled with all kinds of delicious food and lots of beer. Half of the Hobbiton people had come to celebrate Nanjiroh's 111th birthday. Nanjiroh himself walked from one girl to another, flirting with all of them. Inui busied himself with the fireworks and Echizen sat with his best friend Momoshiro at one of the tables, eating as much as they could.

A girl with two long, brown pigtails with bows approached the two eating boys. She watched them for a few moments before she spoke.


When Echizen didn't answer, Momoshiro poked him. 'A girl is talking to you.'

Echizen turned around. 'What is it?'

'I…I was wondering…would you like to…dance with me?'

'No,' was all Echizen answered, before he started eating again. The girl ran away crying, but neither of the two young Hobbits paid attention to it.

On the other side of the field, close to the place where Inui was lighting fireworks, two other young Hobbits tried to take some rockets from the Wizard's cart. One of the Hobbits, with red hair, took some of the fireworks. The other one, black-haired, had a worried look on his face.

'I really think we shouldn't do this, Eiji,' said the black-haired Hobbit.

'It will be fun, Oishi! Come, help me with this!' said the redhead and he placed the rocket in the ground before firing it. In the sky the rocket exploded and an enormous fire dragon flew through the sky for all the Hobbits to see. Everybody stared at it in awe, except for Inui. He frowned, and wondered who had fired the dragon. The Wizard walked to his cart and there he found Eiji and Oishi. Their hair and faces were black, because they had stood too close to the rocket when they fired it.

'I see I found two volunteers to drink the wonderful new juice that I invented.'

Two pairs of eyes stared scared at the Wizard. 'No, please don't!' begged Eiji. 'We'll never do it again, we promise!'

'Too late. You had to think of that before you stole the fireworks,' said Inui and he handed both of them a glass with a weird coloured liquid. Both Oishi and Eiji quickly gulped it down, before they ran to the river to get rid of the horrible taste.

At the party Nanjiroh had gathered all the partying Hobbits around him.

'Dear friends,' he said, 'dear beautiful girls, dear Hobbits I hate and everybody else who came to this party. Today is my last birthday in Hobbiton. I'll be leaving. Are there any pretty girls that want to come with me?'

It was completely silent for a moment. Nobody said a word.

'There are prettier girls to the place where I go,' said Nanjiroh, before he suddenly disappeared. For a few heartbeats the Hobbits didn't know what do to, but then they all started to talk and run around, asking each other what had happened. They searched for Nanjiroh, but he was gone.

Inui hurried to Bag End, knowing he would find Nanjiroh there. He opened the door of the little house, and found the disappeared Hobbit with a large bag, ready to leave.

'Nanjiroh, leave that Ring here, it's dangerous.'

'No, I'm taking it with me,' answered the Hobbit.

'Leave it here,' said Inui again.

'It's my baby. I can't leave it here.'

Then it seemed like the Wizard magically grew taller, his voice grew louder, and all the lights in the little house extinguished.

'Leave it here!' repeated Inui.

Nanjiroh's eyes grew wide. He tried not to be intimidated, but the Wizard was scary when he used his magic. 'Alright', he answered as he dropped the Ring and walked away. 'I won't need it when I'm with the hot Elves in Rivendell anyway.'

Inui watched the Hobbit leave, before he took a good look at the Ring. It was like he had expected, the One Ring, made by Lord Chinen Hiroshi himself. The person who would wear the Ring became invisible for others. That was one of the great powers of the Ring. The Wizard didn't touch it, knowing that it would be difficult to let go of it once he did.

Not much later Echizen walked in. He sat down on one of the couches in the living room, and wasn't surprised to see Inui there.

'Your father went to Rivendell,' said the Wizard. 'He left you everything. This house and everything it contains.'

'Whatever,' answered Echizen. 'Is there something to eat?'

'Did you see the Ring on the floor when you came in? Can you pick it up for me?' asked Inui.

'Do it yourself, old man,' said Echizen. When he wanted to walk to the kitchen to get himself some food, Inui stopped him.

'Pick it up. I searched through my data and I found that this is the One Ring, made by Lord Chinen Hiroshi. Throw the Ring in the fire.'

Echizen obeyed without complaining and threw the Ring in the fire. A few moments later Inui picked it out with a pair of tongs. He showed the Ring to Echizen.

'What do you see?'

'Letters,' answered the Hobbit. 'Some Elvish language.'

'It's the language of Mordor. This truly is the One Ring. Your father took the Ring from the creature Shinjou Reiji during a game with riddles. It has dangerous powers. We have to get it out of here. Take the Ring, pack your bag and go to Bree. Don't use your real name. I'll go to my colleague, Yanagi Renji, to discuss what we will have to do. 'I'll meet you in Bree, at the Prancing Pony.'

'But…' started Echizen, but the Wizard stopped him. He had heard something near the window. He looked outside and found Momoshiro there. The Wizard grabbed the Hobbit's collar and pulled him in.

'A 100 per cent chance you have been eavesdropping.'

'No, no! I didn't hear anything!' said Momoshiro. 'I only heard some unimportant things about a Ring with strange powers and Lord Chinen Hiroshi. Please don't let me drink one of your juices!'

Inui raised an eyebrow. "My juices? No, I gave them to some other naughty Hobbits already. I have a better punishment for you. You will go to Bree with Echizen.'

'What? I'm not going to…' started Echizen, but Inui interrupted him again.

'I'll see the two of you in Bree then. Make sure you stay off the road. There is a 70 per cent chance you will arrive safely if you stay off the road.'

'Only 70 per cent?' asked Momo shocked.

'Yes, 70 per cent,' answered Inui. 'It depends if someone or something is following you. It could be 45 per cent as well.' With that said he left.

'45 per cent?' cried Momo.

'If we don't do as he says, we can be sure he will kill us with one of his juices,' answered Echizen as he grabbed his bag and started to fill it with food.

'It's not fair,' whined Momoshiro, but he too started to prepare for the journey to Bree.


Echizen and Momoshiro walked through the fields. The sun was shining and the 45 per cent chance of surviving seemed ridiculously low. Maybe this trip wasn't as bad as they had thought! Momoshiro talked happily, while Echizen just listened, and commented now and then.

They had walked for a few hours when they met Eiji and Oishi in the middle of a cornfield. Eiji ran into Momoshiro and the two of them fall on the ground.

'Momo! Ochibi! Oi, Oishi, I found Momo and Ochibi!' shouted Eiji happily.

Oishi appeared as well. He happily greeted the two younger Hobbits. When they heard someone shouting angrily, Eiji told them all to run.

'What's happening?' asked Momo.

'Farmer Ryuzaki is chasing us,' answered Eiji. 'I don't know why. We took a few carrots and cabbage, but that's all. Yesterday we took some mushrooms and the day before onions. But we never take much.'

'Mada mada dane,' answered Echizen.

When they heard Ryuzaki shouting again and her dogs barking, the four of them started to run. They ran through the cornfield and through the woods until Echizen suddenly stopped. He stood on the edge of a cliff. Eiji bumped into Echizen, almost making him fall down. When Oishi ran into Eiji, they could barely keep themselves steady. As soon as Momo bumped against Oishi, the four of them fell down and rolled down the hill. They ended flat on their backs on the ground. Luckily none of them was badly hurt, so they quickly stood up.

'Nyaa, I lost my carrots,' whined Eiji.

'I see something better than carrots!' shouted Momo happily, and he pointed to some mushrooms that were growing in the woods. He and Eiji ran to the mushrooms and picked out the tastiest ones.

Oishi stood next to Echizen. 'Are you alright?' he asked. Echizen just nodded without saying a word. They looked at their friends who were fighting over one of the mushrooms.

A chilly wind blew past the four Hobbits.

'We have to get off the road!' yelled Echizen and he walked away. Oishi's eyes widened, and he quickly pulled Eiji and Momo away from the food.

'Oishi! What are you doing? Our mushrooms!' protested the redhead.

'Something is coming,' answered Oishi worried. He pulled the other two off the road to the place where Echizen was waiting. He sat under the open roots of a tall tree. The three of them settled beside him and kept quiet.

They heard the sound of hooves. Close to their hiding place, the sound stopped. They heard the sound of somebody jumping off a horse. The person came closer and closer. The four Hobbits held their breath. Insects were crawling around under their hairy feet and between the roots above their heads.

Oishi looked up and saw a figure, completely dressed in black. He couldn't see a face in the dark cloak and the shoes and gloves were made of metal. The oldest Hobbit got pale and Eiji was just in time to make sure he wouldn't start screaming or crying.

Momoshiro carefully grabbed Eiji's bag with mushrooms and threw it away. The mysterious horse rider heard the sound of the bag that fell between the plants and left to check on it. The four Hobbits quickly stood up and ran away as fast as they could.

'What was that?' asked Eiji. 'It was obviously searching for something, or someone!'

'That Black Rider was searching for us,' answered Echizen honestly. 'We have to go to Bree.'


Inui drove on his horse, as fast as he could, to Yanagi. Yanagi was a wise man. He would know what to do with the One Ring. When the wizard arrived at Isengard, the place where the mighty Yanagi lived, Inui found his colleague already waiting for him.

'Smoke rises once more from the mountain of doom...the shadow takes shape in the darkness of Mordor; the hour grows late...and Inui Sadaharu rides to Isengard. There is a 100 per cent chance he is seeking my counsel...'

'Renji, the Ring of Power has been found,' said Inui as he jumped of his horse.

'Are you sure?'

'100 per cent. All these years it was in the Shire, under my very nose.'

'And you didn't even notice. You were too occupied with your data,' answered Yanagi. His eyes were closed and his face didn't show any emotion.

'There is a 75 per cent chance we can counter Chinen Hiroshi if we act now,' said the bespectacled Wizard as they enter the enormous tower where Yanagi lived. 'We still have time.'

'Time?' asked Yanagi. 'Chinen Hiroshi has regained much of his former power. He can't take a physical form, but his spirit hasn't lost any of it's potency. The Lord of Mordor sees all! You know what I speak of, Sadaharu. A great Eye, lidless, burning.'

'The eye of Chinen Hiroshi,' whispered Inui as he noted something down in a little book.

'He is gathering all evil and soon his army will be so enormous that he can take over Middle Earth.'

'Where did you get all this data?' asked Inui.

'I have seen it myself,' answered Yanagi and he pulled a cloth away from the table in the middle of the room. It revealed a Palantir. A seeing stone, which can be used to see other parts of the world, where another Palantir is.

'A Palantir is a dangerous tool, Renji,' said Inui and he threw the piece of cloth back over the Palantir. 'There are seven of these stones. We don't know who else may be watching.'

Yanagi sat down on his throne. '75 per cent you said? The hour is later than you think. Chinen Hiroshi's forces are already moving. The Nine have left Minas Morgul.'

'The Nine?' asked Inui shocked and he looks up from his notebook.

'Yes, they're disguised as Black Riders and they've already crossed the river Isen. There is a 89 per cent change they've reached the Shire already. They will find the Ring and kill the one that carries it.'

'Echizen!' whispered Inui. He turned around and walked away, but before he could leave the room, the doors suddenly slammed shut. There was no way to escape.

'Did you really think that a Hobbit could carry the Ring? That a Hobbit could fight the power of Chinen Hiroshi? There are none who can.' said Yanagi. 'There is no victory against the power of Mordor. We should join Chinen Hiroshi, Sadaharu, it would be wise.'

'Tell me, when did Yanagi Renji abandon reason for madness?'

When the last words left Inui's mouth, he was blasted across the room and he slammed against the wall. He was pinned against the wall by an invisible power. Inui wrenched himself off the wall, and raised his staff against Yanagi, blasting him off his feet. Inui and Yanagi battled. Powerful blasts were thrown across the room. Suddenly Inui's staff was wrenched from his hands, it flew across the room and ended up in Yanagi's hand. Using the two staffs, Yanagi swung Inui around.

'You should have chosen to be my ally. The ally of Chinen Hiroshi, but you've chosen pain.'

Inui was breathing hard. A little blood was coming from a small wound above his eyebrow. He tried to stand up, but the other Wizard was too strong. The power of the two staffs was too great. Yanagi sent Inui in a sickening spin to the top of the tower.

To be continued

So, this was the first chapter! Please let me know if you like it!
If enough people like it I will continue writing!