Disclaimer: I don't own SSBB. Simple as that.

Ok, this idea just randomly came to me one day after playing SSBB on the Bridge of Eldin stage. I don't read a lot of SSB fics, so if someone's already done this, I didn't know, I'm sorry, and no I did not fricking plagiarize.

An attempt at humor will now commence.

Poor Mr. Bulbin

It was quiet for once in the Smash Manor. It was too early to brawl, and many people had not woken up yet. Saturdays were not meant for 6 am. However, five people were eating breakfast together in the silence of early morning.

Link was having cold Gourmet Soup for breakfast, which Toon Link and Young Link were giving disgusted looks. Across the table, Ganondorf sighed at their immaturity and resumed eating his bacon. Zelda was peeling her orange, when she suddenly stopped.

"Poor Mr. Bulbin," she said randomly. Her fellow Smashers turned to look at her.

The Links had their conference "it's her crazy time of day" look on their faces, and were watching her every move to make sure she didn't do something potentially dangerous, like the day before. Ganondorf decided that he wanted to know what exactly Zelda was about to go on about and said, "Pardon?"

Zelda turned her head back and forth to look at her four person audience. "Well, you know how we fight on the Bridge of Eldin?"

"Yeah..." the Links and Ganondorf said in unison.

"And you know how King Bulbin runs across the stage on Lord Bulbo?"


"And how he sometimes drops a bomb and blows up the middle?"


"And how sometimes a Bulbin follows behind him pathetically?"

"Yeah..." the Links said, for once without Ganondorf. Yes, he remembered all this stuff, but he wanted to get back to his bacon. Impatiently, he said, "Where exactly are you going with this already?!"

"Well, sometimes the Bulbin runs behind him after he drops a bomb," Zelda said, "And then when the Bridge blows up he either blows up too or falls in the river."

"Very astute of you," Ganondorf said sarcastically. "What about it?"

"Poor Mr. Bulbin," Zelda said simply, explaining her statement from before.

"Yes, yes, what a tragedy!" Ganondorf snapped, wanting to eat his delectable bacon. "We will all mourn the deaths of the countless Bulbins who follow King Bulbin over the Bridge to their death! Now can I please eat my breakfast?!"

Without waiting for a reply, he tucked into his fatty strips of meat.

"Woah..." Toon Link said suddenly, as if having an epiphany.

"What?!" Ganondorf asked.

"She's right," Toon Link said, turning to a Zelda who was beaming at being right. "Poor Mr. Bulbin."

"Hey, yeah!" Link said.

Ganondorf made a very loud noise of disgust as Zelda, Toon Link, and Link went to arrange a funeral for "Mr. Bulbin". They quickly finished eating and then ran off to get dressed in black and prepare for the funeral. Ganondorf leaned over the table and started rubbing his temples. "How is it that I am always bested by idiots in Hyrule?" he muttered.

"Hey, I don't know," Young Link said, taking a swig of Link's forgotten cold Gourmet Soup. He looked at the bottle in shock. "Hey, this is still pretty good!"

Ganondorf grumbled.

Young Link looked back at Ganondorf. "Hey, at least today her hyper hour doesn't involve you," he said, before taking another swig of soup.

Ganondorf grumbled again, muttering darkly into his bacon, doubtlessly remembering the pink dress Zelda had attempted to force him in the morning before.

Poor Ganondorf. In a pink Zelda dress.

Like I said before, if you've already done this, I'm sorry, I didn't know...

Review before I send King Bulbo hurtling in your direction...