Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I'm just a humble fan!

Flash-stepping across the rooftops of the Seireitei, Byakuya quickly headed in the direction of the fourth division.

Having completed his duties for the day, he had intended to spend the remainder of his time with Rukia. It'd been nearly two months since they last saw one another and he was all too eager to see her again. Now that they both had important things to attend to, her as a shinigami and him as the Kuchiki heir, it was incredibly rare for them to see one another.

He'd gone to the thirteenth division knowing she should be free but had been informed by Ukitake that she'd been urgently sent out with a team to back a group who'd been attack by a large number of hollows. Just as he'd been about to leave, a shinigami had rushed in to inform the captain that Rukia's team as well as the other had been admitted to the fourth division, some having sustained serious injuries. The words had barely left the shinigami's mouth before Byakuya rushed out the barracks.

Arriving at his destination, Byakuya quickly walked through the halls of the division, following the direction from which he sensed her reitsu. Arriving at the room, he slid the door open with a snap and nearly walked straight into Unohana as she was leaving the room.

Stepping back, she gave him a soft smile. "It's nice to see you, Kuchiki-san."

"Likewise, Unohana-taichou."

"I take it you are here about Rukia." Of course she was aware of their close friendship. At his nod, she pointed to the far end bed where he saw Rukia's familiar figure.

Crossing the room to the bed, he looked down to see her unconsciously stretched across the bed. Her clothes were tattered with cuts and tears in several places, some areas stained with blood. Aside from the bandages on her head, she appeared to be moderately okay, which have him a small semblance of relief for the first time in the last few moments.

"Luckily, aside from the injury to her head, she managed to only sustain a few minor bruises and cuts that were easily healed with kidou, though the fight with the hollows managed to drain a considerable amount of reitsu from her. A few days rest and she'll be as good as new." She gently touched his shoulder before leaving to tend to her other patients.

The first thing Rukia felt as she gained consciousness was a terrible pain in her head. Moaning, she reached to grab it but immediately drew back when the pressure only succeeded in making the pain worse. The rough feel of bandages caused her a bit of momentary confusion. Then she suddenly remembered the events she'd went through the last time she was conscious.

She'd been sent out on a mission to deal with a group of hollows that had appeared. There'd been several more than her team had been informed of and a bit stronger. During the fight, one of the hollows had surprised her and swiped her out of midair, throwing her several feet so fast that she hadn't had time to cover her head before she was knocked against the hard ground. Adrenaline was one hell of a chemical, because she hadn't begun to feel the pain till they arrived at the fourth division barracks where she proceeded to none-too-gracefully black out.

Slowly opening her eyes, she expected to see the plain ceiling of the fourth division, but instead got one that looked way too expensive and decorative to be in a barracks. Looking around the room without moving her head, she felt a weird sense of déjà vu. Getting a clear idea of where she was, her suspicions where only confirmed when one of the doors slid open and in walked the noble lord himself. This was definitely a replay of a past event, except Byakuya was taller and she was bed-ridden because of a wound from battle instead of exhaustion from calling her zanpakuto for the first time.

Byakuya sat on the cushion beside her futon, placing the tray of food he held beside him. "Glad to see you awake."

"Don't tell me we're re-enacting and I've been out for days again."

He smiled. "No, only a few hours."

She gave a small sigh. "Why aren't I at the fourth division like normal shinigami?" Slowly sitting up, she winced at the sharp pain that shot through her head. Looking down, she saw that she wore an expensive-looking kimono of smooth material similar to the previous time she was here, though this one was darker.

He raised an eyebrow. "Normal shinigami would not complain at being set in an exclusive room with service such as this." Before she could retort, he set the tray of food in front of her. She ceased with her complaints as the delicious smells wafted into her nose, causing her stomach to grumble. Had to admit that the food here looked a lot tastier.

They sat in silence for the next few moments as Rukia ate. Byakuya quietly sipped his tea; peering out the outer doors he'd opened for them to view the garden. The sun was beginning to touch the horizon by the time she finished with her meal. He left her side for a moment to light a lantern before returning to his seat.

Gingerly sipping her tea, she spoke softly into the silence. "How long are we going to keep this up?"

There was a small moment of continued silence before he suddenly stood. "You must rest." Crossing the room to close the outer doors, he returned to the futon to gather their dishes before leaving the room, blowing out the lantern on the way out.

Sighing into the darkness, she settled back into the futon. She was too tired to argue with him anyways, but they were going to have the discussion sooner or later and she wouldn't let him continue to dodge her.

A/N: Sorry that it's taking so long to release new chapters. College and work keeps me busy.