Chapter 7: Misconception

"Sasuke Uchiha."

"Miki Kirohi." Sasuke stared at the midget girl impassively.

"What are you doing here?" He was roaming in her territory. Miki squinted her eyes at the male. Childish, she was, but she couldn't help it. If anyone would ask her, 'who is the most hated person in her life?' She would say Sasuke Uchiha, the arrogant kid.

"Hn." Completely ignore her. Sasuke wasn't too fond of this girl either.

"Jerk!" She screamed after him before stomping off to her private class.

'Annoying.' Could care less, Sasuke swung a bag over his shoulder and walked to his destination. Nonchalantly stepping down the hallway, his eyes glanced through the glass window. On the other side was the Imperial Kitchen, the grand facility that trained the best chefs.

Uninterested, he stood to wait until his brother's shift was over.

The older Uchiha was skillfully preparing a dish. He was almost done with the decoration. The way his mouth opened, he was shouting commands to the subordinates. Always the leader figure, Itachi was flawless.

"?" Suddenly his eyes caught something. Someone… Pink. From the other side of the kitchen was Sakura Haruno, his crush.

She, stood with poise, was commanding her own little group with the same vigorous expression. The skillet in her hand was exploding fire and she was undisturbed.

From the outside, Sasuke could see. He viewed it pretty well. Although they were far apart, each action they took, matched each other perfectly.

Narrowing his eyes, Sasuke gritted his teeth.

"Hn" Turning around, he leaned against the window and closed his eyes. Waited there, his mind was roaming, forming, plotting…


"Thanks Sasuke. I completely forgot about it." Been busy, Itachi didn't remember that it was the day of the press meeting. All of the competitors were to meet up and the formal registration would start. Out of it, he left his house without a change of clothe. Although, a dedicated chef, he wasn't going to the event a mess.

"Hn." His normal respond, Sasuke leaned up against the row of locker and stared at the floor. With nothing to do, he was going to stick around. Maybe, he would get a chance to meet Sakura.

"Sasuke." Itachi noticed how his brother was dazing. But a glance of the dark obsidian from him, the older brother knew he was just being his normal emo-self.

"What?" Sasuke got up from his stance.

"Nothing. Just stay away from Miki when you get to the conference room. She seemed to be in a foul mood lately." Itachi fixed his tie.

"Is that so…" Sasuke walked out of the locker with his brother.

"Yes. So don't bully her."

"I don't bully." What was he talking about? Simply a mind game would do.


"Mr. Kirohi, what inspired you to change this year competition?"

"Do you think the result will change with these young chefs?"

"Or will the Haruno and the Uchiha dominate again?"

"Mr. Kirohi!"

"Over here!"

"Mr. Kirohi! This way."

Cameras were flashing. The crowd screamed to get attention.

"Please. Please. One at a time." In the world of cuisine, Masao Kirohi was the top expertise. Now forty-eight, he was living an easy life as the CEO of the grandest restaurant chain of the world.

"Pffs." Standing alone in the back, Miki glared at the scene. Arms crossed over her pearl dress. She bit her lips angrily. Hating the crowd, she wanted to go home. This place was suffocating her. The camera, the strangers, she hate it all.

"Midget." Amber orbs glanced up to see the familiar figure.

"Chicken butt," she grumbled. Pouting her pink cheeks, she wasn't in the mood.

His brother was right. She looked as if someone had stepped on her tail. This girl was getting weirder and weirder by the days. Sasuke leaned back to the wall behind him. His eyes glanced down to see the girl scooted a few steps away from his position. 'Hn.' It wasn't like he wanted to stand there. Apparently, the current location was the only good hiding spot from the wandering eyes. Especially, away from a certain red-head that didn't seem to stay away from him. Scary, he needed to get out, fast. But he had to endure, she was there.

The two stayed there and watched the commotion of the room. The meddling reporters were looking for the young heir but afraid of making it too obvious. The young girls, new students, were hoping to catch a glimpse at their senpai's little brother.

Eventually, both of their eyes landed on their designated targets. Sakura and Itachi were standing, not too closely next to each other but in the same location, across the room. The two were still keeping their relationship a secret, the only people knew about it, by accident, and realizations were the two teens.

Obsidian and amber closely followed the couple in discretion. Neither knew of one another's knowledge. Suddenly, they spotted something that wasn't supposed to be seen.

Itachi's hand intimately tangled with Sakura's as they passed each other. Then quickly, when no one was paying any attention toward their direction, Itachi pulled Sakura in for a quick kiss then muttered something to her ears.

Unexpected of his boldness, the two teen unknowingly glanced at each other. Their starling eyes said, 'you knew…?'

Quickly they pulled away and stared at different part of the room. Awkward air lingered between the two.

"Hey." Miki was the first to speak. "What's so great about Sakura Haruno?" Her voice was clearly tacky.

"Hn." About to answer, since it was in his expertise, Sasuke was shut from the girl's rambling since she wasn't actually expecting an answer from him.

"So what if she has long legs, nice body, mature, a great cook. Blah blah blah … She has a weird giggling laugh, talks too much and always does this... " Miki made a funny hand movement. "And her hair is freaking pink."

"You're freaking short." How dare she mocked his goddess.

"Hmp! Well, you're a freaking jerk!" Her face was beet red. Calling her short was the same thing as mocking how she was untalented in anything cookery related.

"Hn." She never had any good comeback.

"Ita-kun is so much nicer." She smirked. "Everything about him is so much better than you, than anyone!" Miki stuck out her tongue at the annoyed raven. He clearly displeased whenever people compared him to his brother, in a negative way.

"What makes him better then?" Sasuke was somewhat curious why this little girl was so infatuated with his brother.

"It's a lot more than your tiny brain can comprehend. Hmp. Even Sakura is all over him." She turned around to find a new location.

Suddenly, rough hand pulled her back. Surprise, she covered her mouth from yelping a loud gasp.

"What?" Sasuke was pissed.


"Huh?" Itachi unintentionally caught the scene. Looking past the crowd, all the way to back area, he found his brother and Miki.

Sakura, seeing his distanced expression, leaned her head back and whispered to him, "What's wrong?"


Emerald glanced in the same direction as Itachi to see Miki stomping away from the young Uchiha.

"Oh my…"

"And here I thought he was staying for me." Itachi smirked as he saw Sasuke chased after the girl. Clearly, he didn't catch the dangerous auras from raven.

"I thought they hated each other."

"Who knows? Maybe they're at the same pace as us… maybe more." He suggested something. Sasuke was his little brother after all.

Secretly, Sakura kicked his feet. Her back was still facing his back as they conversed in low tone. "They're good kids."

"Sure…" He brought his hand to the back and groped her bottom cheek. "Then I guess we're not good kids."

Biting her lips, she wanted to turn around a give him a kick with her leg. "Itachi…" She snarled a warning. Then back to the topic, she wondered, "Are they fighting?" Not the usual bickering but a couple-fight.

"I'm not a love expert."

"Hmp." She glanced to see where the two had gone to.

Itachi suddenly changed topic. "Are we done here?" He meant the meeting. His girlfriend was being her nosy self again.

Rolling her eyes, she stopped looking. "Man up. Stop whining." Sakura wasn't too fond of the event either. Seeing how many eyes were landing on her man, she wished she had the ability to breathe fire on them.


Frowning, it wasn't as he planned. Totally forgetting about his brother, Itachi thought he could escape away into the night with his girlfriend.

Now, stuck driving the kid home, he wasn't a happy camper at all. An hour wasted not spending it with his love.

"…" Sasuke, noticing his brother's uneasy, somewhat read his mind. He knew well what was going through that murky head of his. Nevertheless, he was in a grumpier mood. That little midget.

"Sasuke." Itachi's voice elated the stillness. Remembered Sakura's suggestion, he helplessly followed her instruction.


"Are you free this Sunday?"


"Nothing. I thought we should hang out or something." Itachi turned to see Sasuke's funny looking face, thinking his big brother had turned crazy.


"How so? There's this new open vender street with a lot of classic stuff … those junks that you collect."

"…" Itachi successfully caught his interest.


"Hn." That was a yes.



The said girl turned around to see the pinkette. Not fond of her, but she still kept her manner and bowed.

"Hey. What are you doing out here?" Sakura was trying too hard to be friendly. She thought after the fight, the little girl might be emotionally damaged.

"Waiting for my driver?" Miki shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh." Sakura somewhat felt stupid at the tone of her reply. "Ah! Miki, you like vintage things right?" She noticed the style of the girl.


"Great. I knew of this new shopping district. Do you want to go with me? Are you free this weekend? Um…Sunday? "

"Uh…Sure." Wondering what the pinkette was up to. She was getting suspicious of her motive. Usually, Sakura was friendly but tonight, she was friendlier than usual. It was the freaky, kind of scary friendly way. But she guessed it was no harm. She like shopping so…who knows…she might learn something from the pinkette. It would be a step closer for her to him.

What she didn't know, Sasuke didn't know, was that they were trapped in a plan. Both Itachi and Sakura praised themselves for their good deed. More so with Sakura since it was her plan after all.

Nothing would go wrong.

Oh my. Poor Sasuke and Miki. XD

Long time no see. It took me a while to edit all the chapters, but I did it and here's a new chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading. ^^
