I won't waste your time. SO GET TO READING!
Chapter Six
Time To Hit The Beach!
"Big brother! Big brother, look what I picked out!"
A young child of age six held a freshly picked daisy and was frantically running towards a young, handsome male. He had a smile graced upon his face watching his younger sister running towards him with the flower. Messy purple locks bounced on the young girl's shoulders as she ran towards her brother, all the while giggling.
"Look,Ryu! Isn't it pretty?" Ryu smiled lovingly at his younger sister. Her cheeks were flushed red from running and she had the cheekiest grin. He gently patted her head, something he did all the time to comfort her, make her feel better, and show his affection.
"You know, flowers are a lot like you," he said. She tilted her head to the side in question at his statement. Laughing lightly, Ryu continued.
"When you first see a flower, you see its beauty. It's fragile and delicate. You can't help but pick it in order to claim some of its beauty. You want to take care of it forever, treasure and protect it."
The young girl's face scrunched up in confusion as she looked at the flower. "Big brother is talking funny. Do you have a cold?" She asked as she lifted up her hand to feel her brother's forehead. He only laughed as he took the flower from her and twirled it between his index and middle finger. She watched as the flower twirled in her brother's hands, looking at the flower and her brother's face.
"Big brother, flowers are a lot like you too!" She smiled, taking the flower from his hand.
"Oh really, and how's that?"
"You both are pretty!" She giggled. He only laughed at his little sister's innocence, patting her head once again.
"Silly, boys aren't pretty. Pretty is a word for girls to use."
She only shook her head vigorously as she tried to get her brother to understand that he was pretty. "Nuh uh! Brother is very pretty. He always has a smile and he's nice to everyone. Everyone loves him too! I love him the mostest though. I also want to protect brother too!"
"Oh, is that why you're always training more at the dojo?" He smiled.
"Of course! One of these days, brother is gunna need me. The whole family will and I'll have to be there to protect you guys! Someone has to be the strong one here, y'know!"
He laughed whole heartedly at his little sister's maturity. His face then relaxed as he looked at her with a more serious gaze. She gazed at her brother, wondering about his sudden change in mood.
"Whatever happens, never lose you're smile, got that? And always protect the precious things around you. Never lose that heart you hold in your tiny body. I'm always gunna protect that smile of yours that you have and make sure no one takes it away from you," he said. She never failed to notice a sudden change in his eyes, but as soon as she noticed it, he quickly covered it up. She got a little aggravated and stomped her right foot.
"Brother, you better not be hiding anything from me! And I can protect myself. I have to get strong and make sure to protect you! Mommy and daddy too! You guys let people in too easily that's why I'm here to make sure no one gets hurt! So if you're hurting right now hiding something from me, you better tells me or I'm going to get mad!"
He didn't smile like he usually would, which surprised her. She got angry again and poked him in his stomach a few times. "You got that? We're brother and sister, so you don't hide anything from me and I get to protect you!"
"Silly girl, I'm the big brother. I'm supposed to protect you and make sure you don't get hurt. I'm always going to be here for you," he said, a light smile showing on his face again.
"Brother, I have to protect you too. There's no way out of it, got it? I get to be big sister too!"
Ryu kneeled down to his sister's level and pulled her into a light hug. "You're too old for your age, you know that? Relax a little and let me protect you. How many times do I have to tell you?" He said in an amused tone.
"How many times do I have to tell YOU, big brother, that I can take care of myself?"
"No you can't. You're six years old. I'm 10, four years your senior. I'm more grown up than you. I can take care of myself and you. That's why I should protect you. No ifs or butts about it."
Sighing in defeat, she just stood there as her brother hugged her protectively.
"You're impossible. What am I gunna do with you, big brother? You won't leave me alone about this, will you?"
He laughed as he pushed his sister back a little, his hands staying on her shoulders.
"Nope. You're just going to have to deal with me."
[Sai will still be referred as Sai for a bit] Sai's Pov
Sai jolted awake from her bed, slowly regaining her composure. She tried to regain her breath, slowly breathing in and out. Closing her eyes, she took one deep breath inward and slowly released, opening her eyes once again to-
"Wait a second. Where the…?"
This isn't my room. This is a…couch? What the hell? Where am I?
Looking around the room, she faintly saw a door, guessing it was the front door. Next to that was the kitchen. She was in the living room, obviously. Looking straight, she saw a hallway, no doubt leading to the dining room and other rooms. She was in a really small place, probably an apartment. An apartment? Where the hell was she? Oh no, she didn't….
I've been kidnapped!
She started to sweat nervously; gulping every time she heard a creak from the wind blowing outside. She frantically searched for a weapon nearby, anything so she could beat the living shit out of her kidnapper. But wait…
"Hold on. How did I get kidnapped?" She whispered to herself.
Okay, I was at the host club…ah shit.
Now she remembered. She lost her composure in front of Hunny. Awesome. Fantastic. Just because she wanted to go to the beach, just because Hunny actually remembered who she was, just because she started to fight again, her emotions just kind of went berserk. She spilt everything to Hunny. She could imagine herself sitting on that floor, looking like a helpless and weak loser.
"Gahhh!" She grabbed her hair in frustration, kicking her feet around. This isn't good at all. What if he says anything? No, he wouldn't. He knows what would happen to me if word got out. Too bad he only knows less than half what would happen.
Okay, so that's what happened. But then, after that, she remembered nothing. Did she pass out or something?
Well, it's been five years since I've cried. I probably did from exerting so much emotion. I'm like a mime and in 15 minutes, I decided to actually say something instead of creating an invisible wall. So, if I passed out there, I must be at one of their houses? Oh no… I'm at someone else's house. It's the middle of the night. I'm not at the Takahashi's. Oh no…
Now she was getting a little panicky. It's one thing to show up late at that house, but not show up at all and sleep somewhere else? They probably sent the entire police out looking for her the first five minutes she wasn't there. And since that was, oh 10 hours ago?
"Shit, I need to get out of here, RIGHT NOW," she said to herself, quietly getting off the couch. Walking around rather blindly, she tried to make her way towards the door, failing to notice some pots and pans chilling on the floor. Of course, luck would have it, she tripped over them.
"SHIT!" She said rather loudly. Lying motionless on the ground for a few seconds, she listened carefully to any footsteps in the apartment. Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, she quietly rose to her feet, glancing around.
"Okay, I think the coast is-"
"What are you doing?"
"EEP!" Just as Sai was about to take a step forward, a voice stopped her, causing her right foot to stop in mid air while her hands where thrown up as if a policeman shouted "HANDS UP! HANDS UP!"
"DON'T KILL ME! DON'T KILL ME! I'M NOT LEAVING! I'M STAYING DON'T WORRY!" Sai practically screamed as she turned around and folded her hands in front of her, bowing her head. As she was facing the ground with her eyes tightly closed shut, she was surprised when she heard a familiar giggle. Looking up, she blinked in confusion at the person standing before her.
"H-Haruhi? What, this is your place? What the hell am I doing here? And WHOA WHAT THE HELL! PUT THAT THING DOWN!"
Currently, Haruhi was standing with one hand on her hip and the other holding a broom.
She was probably going to beat me to death with that, Sai thought with a sweat drop.
"Well, I thought you were a burglar, but it just turns out it's just you trying to sneak out of here."
"That's right! So, I will be seeing you! So long!" Sai said as she saluted Haruhi and went to turn for the door.
"Hold on. Why are you trying to leave? Its 3am, you can't leave. The cops will find you."
Sai sweat dropped once again. She has no idea what she said was completely ironic. WAIT!
"Its 3AM! Oh no…"
Haruhi quickly dropped her bemused smile and looked at Sai's back with some confusion.
"What is it? Do you have to leave or something?"
Turning around, Sai laughed nervously as she scratched her left cheek.
"Well, you see, yes. I do. So no more talking or questioning. Gotta go, BYE!" Just as she was about to run for it, Haruhi sprinted in front of the door, both hands stretched out, blocking Sai's way out. Sighing, Sai looked at Haruhi with a more serious expression.
Haruhi shook her head with determination. "Not until you tell me why you have to leave."
"Haruhi, if I have to kick through you in order to break down that door, don't think I won't. Cause you know I will."
Haruhi gulped nervously, believing Sai would which caused Sai to deadpan.
She really thinks I would kick her.
But, Haruhi wouldn't budge, which frustrated Sai to no end.
"If I don't break down this door, the police will."
Sai blinked at Haruhi as if it was the most obvious question in the entire world. "Um, the Takahashi's are probably looking for me?"
"Kyouya-senpai already took care of it. So you don't have to leave."
Sai blinked. "Huh?"
Haruhi smirked in victory. "Kyouya-senpai already talked to them. So you don't have to leave.
"Wait, what do you mean 'Kyouya took care of it'? And how did I get here anyways?"
Haruhi sighed. "If you sit down and agree not to leave, maybe I'll tell you."
Getting pissed off because Sai is being left out of some things, she sighed in defeat and backed off. Walking over towards the couch, she plopped down, crossed her arms over her chest, and pouted like a two year old. She heard a soft 'click' as a light was turned on, which causes Sai to squint her eyes at the sudden brightness. Haruhi walked over next to Sai and sat down next to her, fatigue settling back in.
"Alright Haruhi, explain."
Haruhi thought to herself for a moment, remembering Kyouya's words back at the host club.
Flash back
"Nothing changes because of today. Sai is still Sai. We don't know anything about her. What happened today, NO ONE says anything to Sai. There's still so much more to learn about our newest member, and by telling her that we know everything will scare her off. Therefore, we learn nothing. So from this day forth, what was just witnessed, no one speaks a word."
End Flashback
"You passed out at the Host Club."
"Well, I figured that much. But what happened?"
Haruhi looked at Sai, trying to read her as much as she could. But, to no avail, Sai had that barrier right back up. She was back to her old self. It was as if what happened yesterday didn't even happen and Sai refused to believe it happened. She refused to let it keep her down. Haruhi only smiled at Sai's strength, but there was also a hint of sadness because Sai struggles alone and refuses to let anyone pass her barrier she keeps up.
"Well, we all knew you wanted to go to the beach. We also figured that the reason you couldn't go was because of the Takahashi's. So, Kyouya-senpai pulled some strings and talked to your friend, Yumi. He told the Takahashi's that there was a private trip the Host Club was attending and it had to deal with academics. He kind of scared the headmaster into talking to them as well. So, Yumi secretly grabbed some of your belongings she knew you would need, packed them up, handed them to me, and we brought you here. So, you're free for the next two days."
Sai couldn't help but let her jaw drop. They fooled Mauri and Kurai? How in the hell…?
"Why would you guys do that? I mean, you guys could get into a lot of trouble, yet you did all that, just so I could go to the beach? Why-"
Sai couldn't help but stop talking. Haruhi was giving her the most sincere smile anyone has probably given her in a long time. Then, she did something unexpected.
*Pat pat*
"Silly, Sai. It's because we're your friends. That's what we do. That's what friends are supposed to do. And if you don't like it, too bad. You're just going to have to deal with us."
Sai couldn't help it. She was completely stunned. Ryu…
Quickly regaining her composure, Sai coughed and swatted Haruhi's hand away. "Erm, thanks, I guess. By the way, don't pat my head. I don't like people touching me."
Haruhi only laughed. She really is back to normal.
"*Yawn* Well! Bed time then. Uh, thanks for letting me sleep here too, I guess."
"Wow, two thanks in one night, is this Sai or an alien?"
"You better shut up or I'm gunna take back every thanks I said to you," Sai said, an anime vein appearing on the side of her head.
Haruhi only held an amused smile as Sai looked away, a tint of red staining her cheeks from embarrassment. Yawning herself, she got up and shut off the light.
"See you tomorrow morning, Sai. Good night."
"Yeah, yeah, night."
Although she was annoyed by the hospitality, Sai was a little grateful. She dared not voice it. Too embarrassing.
"Gah, whatever. Sleep time." She whispered to herself, falling asleep with a smirk on her face.
"This is our vacation?"
It took forever for the entire host club to be on their way. Mostly because everyone took forever in the morning. The twins decided to bring everyone back to the school, since Tamaki had a key, and brought out basically a store of swim suits. They then decided to force Haruhi and Sai into bikinis. Well, they tried to force Sai into one, but as soon as they picked out a bikini with no straps, barely covered her tits, and had assless chaps, Sai threw them out the window and shopped for herself. Not only did THAT take all morning, they decided to do this all at 6 AM. 6 IN THE FUCKING MORINING. It's Saturday maybe? Plus, everyone decided to rejoice and throw a party because Sai could go to the beach. O.M.G Sai can go to the beach! Oh my gosh! She can go! What do we do! Party! …seriously? Stupid, is what it was. Stupid. But, Sai couldn't help but be excited about their little trip and vacation. It was only them and a huge private beach and they were staying at the Ootori's villa. Sai could relax and not worry about the Takahashi's for once. It was…weird. However, her joy was soon ended when they arrived. Not just them. 10 other limos included. What the limos included? Girls. Host girls. Basically, customers. Each hosts expression besides Kyouya's was the same. Pissed and expecting? That's leads us to the question of Sai's so called 'vacation'.
"Why does everyone seem like they knew this was coming?"
Haruhi stepped up beside Sai and only smiled. "Senpai did this to us last year. That just means I don't have to wear a bikini! I'll just go shell fishing again. Honey-senpai, does Kyouya-senpai's private police force owe you any favors? Cause dinner would be great with those crabs!"
Haruhi said getting completely off topic and gazing off into nowhere with starry eyes.
Kyouya only smirked. "Well, what did you expect? This vacation is being paid for, just like last year. You all have to at least work. Especially you, Sai."
Sai glared at him. "What?" She practically seethed.
Kyouya only had a carefree smile as he trotted along, the rest of the group, besides two, following.
A sigh was heard on either side of Sai as two hands were placed on her shoulders. "Looks like you'll be wearing a bikini then," Kaoru said.
"That means you have to work too. You could be our bikini maid," Hikaru finished, each twin getting an evil glint in their eyes.
*Smack!* *Punch!*
"In your dreams," Sai said, patting her hands together and walking off, leaving the twins faces flat on the ground in awkward positions.
"Work, huh. At the beach too. Hmm, seems like I haven't been here forever," Sai reminisced to herself, breathing in fresh air of the sea.
Meanwhile, the twins fixed themselves and started to head towards Sai's direction where everyone else was, laughing girls passing them and waving hi. Hikaru looked forward as he saw Sai gazing out at the sea, a small smirk on her face. He couldn't help but stare at her, wonder what she was thinking.
Shaking himself out of his stupor, Hikaru looked at his brother stupidly. "What is it, Kaoru?"
His brother was glancing at Sai and had an evil smirk on his face, his brain running wild with devilish plans.
"Let's play THAT game again."
Hikaru only cocked his head. "Which game is that?"
"The one we played with Haruhi last year! Remember?"
Hikaru, realizing what Kaoru was talking about, joined in with Kaoru, thinking up of plans himself. "Let's get boss and everyone else in on this. Sai thinks she's so tough this time. Time to play 'find out Sai's weakness' game!"
Each snickered as they ran towards the beach, eager to start their plans in motion.
"Tamaki, the water is so beautiful, don't you think?"
"Not as beautiful as you, my darling. I would sail across the seven seas and ignore their beauty, just to see yours."
"Oh, Tamaki."
Sai stood on the beach, staring at the long line of girls waiting to have their turn with Tamaki on a rock. Yes, a rock. Kyouya directed each girl and gave them their turn to spend their time with Tamaki on a rock. Yes, a rock.
Sai's eye twitched as she watched the others work and satisfy their customers. Hikaru and Kaoru were playing football, tackling each other, and getting hurt on purpose. Most likely it was Kaoru. Oh, and lovely brother to the rescue! Honey was gobbling down sweets that were being fed to him by Mori. Honey would share some of them with the girls too, hanging onto Usa-chan for dear life. Haruhi was surrounded by some of the girls who didn't want to swim and just hang out on the beach. She was just wearing a dark blue polo and cargo shorts. Everyone else was in their bathing suits, happily running on the beach. Sai was just standing there, observing. She wore ripped, light blue shorts and an off the shoulder white shirt with a big navy blue rose sewed onto the upper right collar of the shirt. Her hair was up as always and she had black sunglasses on top of her head. She wanted to relax and enjoy, but currently she was holding a tray of drinks in one hand and sandwiches in the other, both of which she made. Surprisingly, no one asked her to make them.
She just felt bad. The host club is paying for her to have some fun and sneaked her out just to do that. So, she put her cooking skills to use and made sandwiches and smoothies for everyone. Plus, Kyouya said she had to work on this vacation, so she might as well be prepared for the worst.
"Wow, Miss Sai, these sandwiches are delicious. Did Kyouya make them for you to pass out?" One of the girls who came over asked. They were each clad in cute swimsuits and were eagerly eating the sandwiches and drinking the last drinks.
"No, Kyouya paid for me to relax on this vacation, so I decided to provide sandwiches and drinks for everyone. You girls can go do your thing. I'm doing mine. Glad you like the sandwiches, though."
As she turned to look at the girls, all three were smiling at Sai with admiration.
"Eh heh, why are you guys looking at me like that?"
"You made these?" All three girls exclaimed. Sai only stared at them and nodded.
"AHH! Show us! This will surely win the heart of Tamaki! They say, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach! Oh, please teach us! Maybe you can come play volleyball with us afterwards!"
Sai was a little unsure at first, but their faces just made her want to show them, like, show off.
"Alright, come with me to the bar over there then."
Each girl said their thanks and followed Sai back to the bar.
"What is she doing?" Hikaru asked Kaoru.
"I think she's making some friends. Wait, maybe she's taking our idea and being a bikini maid?"
Hikaru only shook his head. "She'd never do that. I think she's making something for the girls, though."
Rubbing his hands together Kaoru began to chuckle. "This is the perfect time to try out our plan! We already talked to boss and Honey and Mori-sempai. Let's put our plan into action!"
Hikaru and his brother clasped hands and did somewhat of a tango and tra-la-lad towards Tamaki.
Trial One
Currently, Sai is showing five girls how to make her delicious sandwiches and smoothies. However, she felt completely uncomfortable. While five girls were admiring her, the other 30 were glaring at her and Sai knew they were making rude remarks and talking about her to each other. She didn't give a shit, but when 30 people are staring at you it makes you uncomfortable. Not to mention that the twins were heading her way.
"Hey, Sai! Whatcha up to?" Hikaru pranced over to Sai, slinking his arm over her shoulder. She couldn't help the little twitch when his fingers danced along her skin. Quickly ignoring him and trying to focus on the task at hand, Hikaru just stood there watching Sai make sandwiches and smoothies. The girls were all gasping and fainting at the sight of Hikaru and him touching Sai.
"Hikaru, get the hell off me. I'm trying to do something right now."
"Oh, but Sai, I just wanted to watch and learn just like these girls are," He cooed in Sai's ear. Blushing from embarrassment, Sai just stood there and continued to try and demonstrate to the girls how to make her sandwiches. For some reason, she saw Kaoru sneaking his way inch by inch away from everyone while Hikaru was trying his best to distract Sai. If they were trying to pull a prank, why are they making it so damn obvious?
"AHHHH! EVERYONE RUN AWAY!" Kaoru screamed out of nowhere.
"AHHH!" Every girls' high pitched scream tuned together as they all cowered behind Kaoru in fear. Sai looked around stupidly wondering what the hell they were so scared of. Looking straight, she saw Hikaru dangling a caterpillar in front of her face. Looking at him annoyed, she took the caterpillar and just threw it in the sand.
"Um?" Sai said basically asking for a reason why he was sticking a bug in her face.
Hikaru and Kaoru only slumped in defeat and walked away from Sai who just blinked a few times and went right back to making sandwiches.
"Trial number 2!" Hikaru whispered to his brother.
"Gotcha!" Kaoru said.
Trial 2
"What a beautiful breeze!" Sai stood staring out into the ocean holding a tray of refreshing drinks. She couldn't believe she was here right now on vacation away from the Takahashi's. It was still hard for her to believe. But even though it was a vacation, she felt like she was being followed and watched the entire time.
"Sai-chan!" Currently, Hunny was running towards Sai with Usa-chan in his hand, waving her over to him excitedly.
"Uh, hey Hunny. What's up?"
"I have to show you something really awesome. But you have to come with me Sai-chan."
Sai looked at him suspiciously, wondering what the hell he was up to. "A-alright, I guess. What are you showing me?"
Without even answering her, Honey just took her hand and began to walk to who knows where, basically dragging Sai.
"H-Hey! Honey, what the hell! What are you doing to my arm, your gunna rip it off!"
"We're here, Sai-chan!"
Currently, parked in front of Sai and Honey was a truck. Around this truck seemed to be Kyouya's police force.
"Honey, this is a truck."
"Yes, yes it is Sai-chan! Now hop in!"
While Honey and Sai hopped into the back of the truck, Sai had a bad feeling again.
"Okay, shut it!"
There they stood in pitch black, darkness and in complete silen-
"Honey! Relax!"
Two twins heard Honey's scream and sighed in defeat.
"So she's not afraid of the dark…"
"…or small places."
They both sighed in defeat and decided to move on.
"Trial 3!"
Trial 3
Currently Mori was holding Sai off a cliff that people regularly jump off of to dive into.
"Mori? I can jump down by myself you know."
Sweat dropping he just set her down.
"Damnit," Kaoru snapped his fingers together watching from the beach with Hikaru and Tamaki by his side.
"Haruhi was like this last year too. It's like both these girls aren't even girls. Or human!" Tamaki cried out.
"Haruhi's different from girls and she's definitely human. Sai is just a bipolar she-male whose strength is that of an alien."
Tamaki and Kaoru both nodded in agreement.
"Who's a bipolar she-male?" A pissed off voice seethed behind Hikaru, Kaoru, and Tamaki. Each froze in their spot, turning slowly to look at Sai.
"WE'RE SORRRYYYYY!" All three ran with their tails behind their legs, crying out sorry over and over again. Sai, meanwhile, was chasing them, attempting to grab them and beat the living hell out of them.
"Kyouya-senpai, what's going on with those three?" Haruhi asked Kyouya while pointing at Sai holding all three boys in one headlock.
Not looking up from his notebook, he pushed his glasses up before answering Haruhi. "Sai got pissed off and this is the result."
Not really a good enough reason, Haruhi just sat there and watched Sai punt each boy into the water one by one. She only deadpanned when she imagined what would happen if she pissed Sai off.
"YOU SORRY NOW? HUH!" Sai screamed at the three in the water while throwing her fists around. Taking a deep breath she crossed her arms over her chest and walked up to Kyouya. Grabbing his notebook out of his hand, she tossed it over her shoulder and glared at Kyouya.
"Is your police force strong?"
"Uh, Sai-"
"How many men do you have?"
"What is this-"
"Kyouya. Do you want to go into the water?"
"100. At least here there's 100."
"Can you get about 500 more? Don't even ask why. Just do it. Now. Tell them to meet all the way at the other side of the beach."
Storming off, he watched as Sai stripped down to her bikini and jumped into the water at lightning speed. Not really understanding what the hell just happened, he decided to call in 500 men because he didn't want to end up as the three idiots.
"Looks like Sai wants to fight," Kyouya heard Haruhi say next to him.
"Obviously. She could just spar with Honey-senpai somewhere where the girls won't see."
"I just think she wants to beat the living hell out of a bunch of people," Haruhi smiled as she watched Hikaru, Tamaki, and Kaoru come out of the water, absolutely exhausted.
"This sucks," Hikaru said to Kaoru.
"Yeah, tell me about it. She's really not afraid of anything. She's like a…" Quickly looking around to see if she was anywhere near them, Kaoru paused before he said the next word. "…beast."
"Don't worry, she's nowhere near here. She's been out in the water for the past hour just swimming and floating around," Hikaru told Kaoru noticing him looking around.
"Guys! I found some snakes to scare her with!" Tamaki appeared behind the twins with a bucket full of snakes.
"That wouldn't work boss. Plus, anyone would be afraid of those things. The sun is setting too, so we might as well just drop it," Hikaru told Tamaki who sighed in defeat and just threw the bucket into the bushes. All three boys sat on a fence and watched the sun set on their tiring day.
"You know boss, have you guys figured anything out recently?" Kaoru asked Tamaki.
Already knowing what he was talking about, Tamaki shook his head.
"Not yet. We were planning on investigating after this trip," he said, ending the conversation.
"I see…what the?" Kaoru pointed across the beach at the line of police men following Kyouya across the beach all the way towards the other side.
"What the hell is that?"
"Those are Sai-chan's toys," a gleaming Honey stepped up next to them.
"Wh-what do you mean t-t-toys?" Tamaki asked, watching as the line never ended.
"Well, you guys really ticked off Sai-chan, so she told Kyo-chan to order 500 guys plus the 100 here so she could fight all of them," Honey smiled as the line of men finally ended and they were all the way on the other side of the beach, disappearing slowly.
All three boys were blue in the face as they watched Sai swimming back up to shore.
"She's going…"
"…to fight…"
"…all of them…"
"How come you three look like your going to die?" Honey just blinked innocently as if fighting 600 policemen was nothing. "Oh, well. I don't know about you guys, but me and Usa-chan are gunna go and watch. Bye!"
They just watched as Honey pranced after the disappearing line of men, each sweat dropping.
Tamaki started as he stood up. "Well, I'm going to the villa. Are you guys gunna come with me or what?"
"Yeah, I think I'm gunna come. What about you, Hikaru?"
"Sure, why not."
All three boys began to head towards the villa, save for one who slowed down a bit as a certain someone caught his eye.
I cannot believe I swam for so long. That relaxed me enough so I wouldn't kill anyone right away. Now, time to fight! Sai thought to herself as she slowly got out of the water.
Hikaru couldn't help but stare at her form, the setting rays skimming her outline. She wore a plain, white bikini. Her boobs were anything but small. Her curves were anything but average. He didn't even know he was staring until Haruhi slammed into him.
"Oh, sorry Hikaru. I didn't even see you there."
"Yeah, it's fine."
What the hell was I just doing?
Shaking himself out of his stupor, he quickly walked towards the villa, trying his hardest to rid of the flaming blush on his face.
"Ha! Hya! Na! Gah!"
Punch here, kick there, toss onto that guy, spinning kick there.
Sai was having a blast beating the living shit out of each police guy here. As soon as she got here, each one of them laughed, hooted, asked her if she was here to 'play', and told her to go home. That was more than enough for her to start going on a rampage. But, the downside to her beating their asses?
"Oh my gosh. How can anyone be so *punch* weak?" Sai asked herself and to them, completely dumbfounded. She slammed a guy onto another guy who both slammed onto the ground. Currently, they were on a huge cliff that sheltered a cave underneath them. It was a beautiful sight to the setting sun. The stars were beginning to poke out and the moon was yet to be seen.
"Nope." Sai said as one guy thought he had her. She just jumped up and kicked the guys face into the ground, then body slammed him into the ground, cracking the earth. She did this to a few more people. Honey came to watch her for awhile, but he left to go back to the villa because it turned out to be boring. There were about 20 guys left to go into her pile of 580.
"Come on. Go all out you weak retards."
She punched one guy to the ground, and then kicked him in his stomach, cracking the ground again. Putting her hands on his stomach, she did a spin kick to three guys' faces. She tossed those four in the pile and then jumped up and grabbed a guys head in a leg lock and flipped him onto the ground. She did this to the rest of them, slamming them to the ground, tossing them, whatever. It was easy and boring.
"Alright, you two lets go and get this over with. I'm bored and hungry," she said, pissing of the last two guys. They each ran towards her from opposite directions.
"Really?" She already knew what was gunna happen. So, she jumped up so they would run into each other. What she didn't know what was gunna happen was that one guy was gunna take a 90 degree turn towards the other pile and the other guy grabbed her legs and slammed her to the ground, cracking the earth.
"Ow, shit. I did NOT see that coming," Sai seethed, quickly jumping onto her feet and kicking the guy in the face. The last guy came running at her and Sai just popped out her elbow and he ran into it. She flipped into the air and brought her heel down on his chest.
"Alright, looks like you're the last to go into the pile," she said while picking him up and throwing him in there. However, she failed to notice a rather large crack that seemed to be in some unstable ground as she picked up the guy.
"There you-" As soon as she threw him into the pile she felt her legs give out, or so she thought.
It seemed too many slamming people into the ground pissed off the ground and here she was falling down into the deep, dark depths of a cave.
*Ooof* "Ow, shit, shit, shit, shit. Not good. Not good."
Sitting still and holding her back in pain for a second, she breathed in and out, relaxing.
"Ow, alright. Now, how the fuck?" She looked up, actually she craned her neck in order to look up at the nicely sized hole that she fell through. Now how in the fuck does something like this happen? Come on, seriously? This has to be some joke or prank the twins are pulling… Sai thought as she sweatdropped.
It was too high up to jump and there wasn't any walls near the hole so she could climb back up. Plus, the only source of light she had at the moment was the hole and the sunset. When the sun goes away, it'll be pitch black.
"HELLO?" Sai practically screamed. All she heard, however, was her voice bouncing back at her. Now was a good time for her to realize it was probably a bad idea to knock all those guys out. No one's gunna hear her.
"Well, shit. Someone's bound to show up. They'll notice I'm missing, plus if one of those police guys wakes up, hopefully they aren't that stupid to see a hole and not look in it," Sai said to herself. Then again…
"Ew, shit. I think I landed in a puddle or something…" She stood up and tried to shake off the water on her, but to no avail, she was soaking wet. "This is unbelievable…HELLO! IDIOT? TWINS? HARUHI, MORI, HONEY? IS ANYONE OUT THERE?"
Silence. Fantastic for Sai. There was no light and she wasn't sure where the entrance of the cave was. It could be on the other side of the mountain or it could be a few feet from her OR…
"There's no way out…" Gulping, Sai thought of the worst possible scenario of course. Well, obviously there's no use in trying to get out or try to find a way out cause she'll either hurt herself like an idiot or get lost like an idiot.
"Damnit, what the hell-"
Shutting up immediately, Sai heard voices from above ground. She tried to distinguish whether it was moans of pain from the police force or one of the host club members.
"I wonder if Sai's done yet," A male voice asked.
"Well, that's why we came up her to check on her. Plus, Kyouya forced us to come and get her since she's probably hungry," another male voice responded.
"Hmm, I wonder if this is our chance to pull a prank on her…"
Sai immediately knew who it was and she couldn't decide if she was happy or disappointed her saviors couldn't be someone else.
The two twins were currently on the cliff where Sai was supposed to be, coming to get her for dinner. As they slowly crept up the cliff, they saw the massive dog pile of policemen and gaped.
"Whoa. So glad we were kicked into the water instead…" Kaoru shivered with fear as he saw the bruised and beat up men.
Hikaru was the only one to notice that the entire reason of the dog pile was missing. "Wait, where's Sai?"
Kaoru, also noticing the young girl missing, looked around as well, trying to find her purple hair anywhere.
"Maybe she already headed back?"
Hikaru shook his head. "We would have seen her. Sai?" Hikaru yelled out, all the while walking past the body guards towards the hold Sai fell in.
Sai heard Hikaru yelling her name. Well, we know who the smart twin is. He obviously knows I'm missing.
"Hikaru! Down here!" Sai shouted as loud as possible.
"Kaoru did you hear that?" Hikaru asked his brother as he faintly heard Sai's voice.
"Yeah, it sounds like it echoed…WAIT! Hikaru look at that hole!"
Immediately, both twins ran towards the boulder sized hole and peered through it, seeing very faintly through the light the sunset was giving off, Sai standing about 100 feet below waving up at them.
"What the hell Sai? How the hell did you get down there?" Kaoru shouted at Sai in disbelief.
"I broke the ground? Ha?" Sai yelled back, sheepishly.
"Agh, never mind that. Kaoru, help me find some kind of rope or something to hoist her up."
"But there's nothing around here…"
"Will you guys just, like, find something? Or wake up those idiots and make a chain of people or something and everyone can hold each other by their feet," Sai shouted back, feeling like she just had the best idea in the world.
Kaoru and Hikaru only stared at her stupidly.
"Seriously?" Both of them asked her at the same time.
"What?" Sai asked, a little pissed that they didn't like her idea. "Do you have any other bright ideas, dumbasses?"
Each twin, looking at each other, had the same thought.
"We should just leave her down there shouldn't we."
Hikaru nodded. "Sounds like the best idea to me."
"THIS CAVE ECHOES YOU FUCKING RETARDS, I HEARD THAT! WAIT UNTIL I ACTUALLY GET OUT OF HERE! FUCK YOU GUYS!" Sai was lurched over from the gigantic rock she just hurled at the twins who were currently holding their faces in pain. "Now, GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW AND MAYBE I'LL SPARE A LEG!"
Sighing, Hikaru stood up.
"Wait, I lied I didn't mean it! Don't leave me please!" Sai frantically screamed as she thought Hikaru was leaving her.
Hikaru immediately stopped. Light bulb. He smirked down at his twin, who was dumbfounded but curious knowing Hikaru had a plan.
"Don't leave you, huh. You're not scared are you?"
Kaoru immediately caught on. WEAKNESS!
Both twins grabbed their hair in frustration. Just when they thought they found out her weakness, nada.
"Just hold on, we'll help you."
Hikaru stood up and looked around him to find something, anything that could pull her up.
"Hey, Hikaru. You think on of those knocked out guys have something on their belts maybe?"
"Hey, yeah. You check some of them over there and I'll check over here."
As the twins walked over to the unconscious police guys, they check each of their pockets, and success. Each found those clippers you use when going rock climbing, plus some rope on some other guys.
"Okay, we can tie the ropes together and make a sort of sitting swing thing and we can clip the rope onto our shorts and pull her up that way," Kaoru said to Hikaru, demonstrating his idea.
"Yeah, sounds like a plan," Hikaru walked over to the hole and bent over so he could shout to Sai.
"We got a plan Sai, just han-"
"You've gotta be SHITTING ME!" Sai screamed as the ground beneath Hikaru fell through and in came Hikaru, falling less than comfortably on top of Sai. Not to mention, he was the one holding the rope.
"Owww, that hurt," Sai said, rubbing the back of her head. As she opened her eyes, Hikaru was 2 inches away from her face, holding his head the same way and just opening his eyes. For a minute the two just sat there, staring at each other. Until Sai of course pushed him off.
"YOU'RE HEAVY! GET THE FUCK OFF!" She babbled, immediately throwing him. That was close, too close. Claustrophobia big time.
Well, that was an excuse, really. Thank god it was dark, otherwise Hikaru would have seen the raging blush on her face. It was only from embarrassment though, of course.
Then why is my heart trying to escape out of my body? Gah, adrenaline rush. I thought I was gunna die, so yeah. Jeeze, shut the fuck up heart.
"WHAT THE HELL? YOU DIDN'T NEED TO THROW ME!" Hikaru, about 5 minutes late, screamed at Sai.
"Well SORRY! You were a little too close for comfort! And good job, idiot. Now we're both stuck in here and they need to get us BOTH up!"
"Well maybe you shouldn't have gotten stuck in here in the first place!"
Sai was flabbergasted. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You really think I WANTED to be in here stupid? Obviously I fell, not my fault!"
"You just had to fight 600 guys right?"
"I had to blow off steam! Plus it's not like I knew the ground was gunna fall through and I was gunna get STUCK IN A CAVE! I can't tell the future, cause if I could, then I wouldn't have even come on this stupid trip in the first place and deal with YOU FREAKS!"
There was a long pause at the end of Sai's sentence.
"You 'freaks' huh? Is that how you think of us?"
Realizing what she said and what it meant, Sai wanted to take it back. But at the time, she didn't care. She was cold, pissed and hungry.
"What about it?"
They glared at each other for awhile, daring the other to say something next and piss the other off.
"We pulled our necks out for you so you could even come with us today and that's how you think of us? And your answer is 'What about it? What about it? Are you FUCKING serious?"
Sai was getting pissed now. "It's not like I ASKED you guys to do that. You just did it on your own! You didn't have to do that I could have just stayed home! That was your choice, not mine!"
"Only cause you wanted to go to the beach!" Hikaru screamed back.
Sai, for the first time, was speechless. She didn't know what to say or how to retort. She couldn't come up with a sarcastic remark or even be a sarcastic bitch at all. Even though she could have sat there and lied and either said "I have" or "I never had the time" or anything, she didn't. Because when Hikaru asked that question, she knew why she hasn't. She knew why she couldn't. That's why it was such a hard question to even answer. Cause it only made her remember and think and know. All of the things she didn't want to do.
Hikaru took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair. "You got upset and yelled at Haruhi at the host club. We knew you wanted to go to the beach, so we got you to go. That's why we did it."
Hikaru only blinked. "I just to-"
"No, that's not what I mean. WHY would you do that? Why would you guys try and get me to go to the beach, even if I wanted to go or not?"
There was a pause and the only sound between the two was water dripping in the cave. Hikaru only scoffed at her question. "You really have to ask that?"
Taking her silence as an answer waiting for Hikaru's answer, he decided to answer her the most obvious answer in the world with a question of his own.
"Aren't we friends?"
Friends… Sai thought to herself. She never considered these people actually 'friends' because she never wanted to. Deep down, way deep down, yeah, Sai wants friends. But on the outside, Sai has lived without friends for so long, she doesn't understand the meaning of friendships. Not to mention, even though now she goes to a school with other students, she's not supposed to have friends even though she's surrounded by people who are obnoxiously trying to.
Sai only sighed. "I see what you guys are trying to do and it's a nice effort, really. But I never asked for your friendship or your kindness. Even though I appreciate it, I don't at the same time."
This only enraged Hikaru. "What do you mean 'nice effort'? Are you saying us trying to be a friend with you is a waste of time? This is your problem. For some reason you don't want to make any friends-"
"Stop," Sai said, but Hikaru didn't stop.
"You sit here and put up this barrier and you act coldhearted towards everyone, and don't give a damn about anyone. Why is that? Can't you see there are obviously people who care about you here?"
Sai's eyes widened in shock, as did Hikaru's. They both realized the meaning of Hikaru's last statement.
Hikaru, trying to recover and 'lace' his words, started back up again.
"We wouldn't have taken you into our club if we didn't like you. We all care about you because we consider you as a friend. We 'waste our time and effort' as you put it because that's what friendship is for, isn't it? Damnit, you're so annoying why can't you get it through your thick skull that you're hurting people around you who care about you? Haven't you ever hurt someone close to you? Doesn't that suck?"
Sai's gaze casted to the ground at her feet as she took in Hikaru's words. "Can't you see there are obviously people who care about you here?" "Haven't you ever hurt someone close to you? Doesn't that suck?"
"I hate you big brother! Don't talk to me ever again!"
"No. Before you say anything, I want you to know I wont listen if it has anything to do with you saying 'you can't have friends' or 'it's not my fault'," Hikaru stared Sai down, daring her to say anything that he told her not to.
Sai merely smirked.
"Sai-chan! Are you down there?"
"Sai! Hikaru! We're coming down to get you, don't you worry you two!"
"Yes. I need assistance right away please. The ground doesn't seem very firm either. Please be careful and don't get them hurt."
A half of a smile faintly appeared on Sai's face, only to her knowing. These people continue to surprise me every day. They are absolutely crazy.
"Looks like they came to help us," Hikaru whispered to himself as he looked up at the hole, seeing Kyouya pushing back the others so they wouldn't fall in.
Sai looked up at the hole as well and the last thing she saw was Honey's tear stricken face. She shook her head as she let out a sigh of impatience and relief.
Hikaru looked at Sai, still waiting for an answer from her or for her to say anything.
Hikaru only cocked his head to the side in confusion. "What?"
"Pfffffffft, HAH!" Sai immediately covered her mouth as a laugh escaped her without her permission. Hikaru stood there, a little surprised and curious.
"Erm, ahem, *cough* when you, uh, did that with you, um, head. It was funny, ha. Yeah…" Awkwardly, Sai scratched the back of her head and gave a nervous laugh. Hikaru's laugh was heard shortly afterwards, only making Sai mad.
"Are you making fun of me?"
"HA HA no, HAH, your laugh just sounded like a rhinoceros HAHA!"
Sai's face welled up in embarrassment as she balled her fists, ready to punch Hikaru in the face.
"Hikaru Hiitachin….." She seethed.
"…Haha, oh man, " Hikaru pretended to wipe a tear from his eye as he just smirked at Sai who glared at him.
"Maybe you should smile," He said out of the blue.
"H-Huh?" Sai, immediately forgetting why she was mad, stared at Hikaru dumbfounded.
"Smile for once. Try and be happy. I don't understand why you don't."
Sai just sighed. "You don't understand."
"I know. I just said that. You know, it would be better if I did."
"It's not that easy. I don't just spill my past to anyone. And not that easily."
"The don't."
Sai was just so confused now. He says he doesn't understand, says its better if he did, then says don't say anything. What the fuck does he want me to do? Hit my head 5000 times against the wall cause that's what I feel like doing…
"What do you want me to do? You're just confusing me…"
"You hear all those people up there?"
Sai listened as she heard voices, most of those from the host club, telling the people to hurry and get us out. They sounded…scared?
"What about them?"
Hikaru scoffed. "What do you mean 'what about them'? Kyouya just called a rescue team to get us out of here. A rescue team."
"Listen, I don't understand you people at all, I'm sorry. All this worrying and caring and saving, yeah I know what it means but I don't get it like I used to. You're trying to explain something to me that I'm not getting and now I'm just getting pissed cause I don't get it. What do I do to understand you guys?"
"Try being friends."
Sai stood there, taken aback. At one point in her life she knew what 'friends' were, but she lost that feeling for so long, such a thing is so foreign to her and it scares her.
"Why don't you stop being so scared and take a leap? I'm not saying spill your life and give out your trust to me right away and trust me asap."
"Then what the hell do I do first, Hikaru? Cause you're saying so many things its jus-"
Sai was taken aback as she stared up at Hikaru, who was 2 feet away from her, holding out his hand.
"My name's Hikaru Hiitachin. Let's be friends?"
Sai sweat dropped. "You know how fucking chees-"
Sai stood staring at the hand Hikaru was holding out, a sweat drop evident on both their heads.
"Idiot, this is what you do first. Just like this!"
Hikaru grabbed Sai's hand and placed it in his own and shook it. They both noticed the static when they touched, but they ignored it, simply stating it as 'static friction'. Sai only stared at her hand shaking Hikaru's and looked up at his face.
"Friends, huh. How about really close acquaintances for now?"
Hikaru seemed to ponder that thought, then he smiled a light smile. Sai stopped shaking his hand for a second as she stared at his smile. It was so…light? Happy? Nice? She didn't even know.
"So like you," Hikaru said shaking his head.
"Well, come on. I've been homeschooled all my life, give me some credit before I call you guys my friends. You guys have different ways and so do I. Just, let me go at a slower pace. Even though you guys meet someone and say 'Oh, this is my new friend!' I can't do that," Hikaru stared at Sai and listened to her words, knowing she was firm and this was this and this was her way and she wasn't going to change her mind or thinking.
He let go of her hand and chuckled. "Fine. Really close acquaintances."
Just has Sai was about to say another word, Hikaru interrupted her. "Oh, hold on, you have a spider crawling on yo-"
"A. What."
Hikaru froze as he saw the frightened look on Sai's face.
"Are you kidding…"
Sai started screaming and hitting herself, running in circles and dropping on the floor rolling around.
"You know, there are spiders on the ground too."
Currently, somehow, against all laws of physics, Sai was standing onto of Hikaru's head like a scardy cat. You have to be kidding me…of all the weaknesses?
"Hikaru, kill that spawn of Satan RIGHT the FUCK NOW. Oh my god. I think I'm gunna die. It probably gave me a disease oh my god. YOU CAN NOT TELL ANYONE YOU GOT THAT?"
Light bulb.
"So what if I don't? What do I get?"
Sai immediately stared upside down at Hikaru's face.
"You really wanna play this game with me boy?"
Hikaru only had a playful smirk on his face as he took his left hand and cupped it against his cheek.
"HE GUYS, -!"
Sai, frozen on top of Hikaru's head, realized exactly what she said.
"Please, no porno. Pleaaaseee."
Hikaru only laughed. "How about, I'll let you know when I want something."
"Hey, is anyone down here?"
Sai, faster than the speed of light, jumped off Hikaru and ran towards the voice.
This girl… Hikaru thought to himself.
"Hikaru, hurry up! We have to get out of here right away, they know were in here and they're gunna get us?"
Hikaru, slowly walking next to Sai just stared at her. "Who?"
"Watch out below, kids! We're coming down!"
Hikaru smacked himself in the forehead at the stupidity of the she-male next to him. They both looked up as the saw two being hoisted down on ropes of some sort.
"Are you kids alright?" One of the rescuers asked. Hikaru and Sai both nodded in agreement.
"Good, now grab onto us and let's get you guys out of here," the other said.
Both Sai and Hikaru grabbed on to their rescuers and were hoisted up together, up and out of the hole. It was dark out with a full moon lit up in the sky. The host club was waiting outside and cheered as they both rose up onto safe ground, far away from the hole.
"SAI-CHAN!" Honey cried into Sai's chest as he ran up and squeezed her once she was released.
"Oh, Honey, don't grab me so hard."
"Did you get hurt?"
"Shh. Not really but don't say it out loud, Tamaki will-"
"Too late…"
"Tamaki, I'm fine, thanks for trying to touch me."
Tamaki only laid on the ground, his eyes swirls and his legs in awkward positions from the way he landed.
"I'm so glad you're okay," he said on the ground, knowing full well her punch meant she was fine.
Sai and Hikaru were surrounded by everyone, making sure they were okay. Kyouya tried to get one of his doctors to check on Sai, but of course, she refused and said she was fine. Hikaru got away with some bruises and one cut. Both were fine and ready to go back to the villa. Kyouya dismissed the rescue helicopter and everyone, even Sai, thanked them.
"Alright everyone, now that that's over and done with, I think it's time to eat and get some sleep."
Everyone walked towards the villa together, except two who stayed a little behind. Hikaru and Sai walked next to each other in comfortable silence, however each waiting for the other to say something. Sai was the first one.
"Don't you EVER expect this to be an every day thing from me, but, I need to thank you."
Hikaru, surprised, looked at this side at Sai who stayed looking forwards staring at the host club ahead of the two.
"You know why. I'm not explaining it."
"Come on, tell me! Why are you thanking me? This is an epic moment, Sai. I need to know why you're saying such rare words and being nice!"
"I'll tell…"
"You said you would do anything right?"
Sai slapped her forehead.
Sai looked up at Hikaru confused. "What?"
He only smirked. "You don't have to tell me. I have an idea of what it is. You're welcome. But don't forget…"
Sai watched as he began to walk backwards and face her. He winked which made her gag in disgust. Then he stopped which caused her to stop a little too close to him for comfort. He bent down, freezing her in her spot.
"You owe me." He whispered ever so lightly in her ear, then turned around, and trotted after the club.
Growling in frustration, Sai threw her fist into the air and screamed after Hikaru.
She only heard his laughter as he ran after the host club, she running after him with a random rake she found in the garden of the villa.
That's that! SO FREAKIN SORRY FOR THE WAIT! I'm terribly sorry. My apologies at the end here, in my profile and at the beginning. I hope you liked it! Please review! It motivates me big time! I am FER SURE going to update sooner than I did this past time. I feel so bad. So terribly bad. Thank you guys for sticking with me and I hope many of you still have! I know I didn't stick any bold numbers in there this time. There was no need for any, tehee (: 27 pages guys (: this is for making you wait for so long and I won't do that anymore, writers promise! If I do, then bad luck on me! See you next time!