A/N: Quick update- I changed Fief Burmshire to Griffin Valley. I never really liked that name. Burmshire. ugh.

Chapter 5: The Lady of Beasts

Night found the travelers inside a shallow cave, carved into the side of a great stone formation, lying a day's travel from the outskirts of Griffin Valley's boundaries. The day had passed quickly and the going was smooth, without the trouble Daine had promised. As the day before, they had seen no other humans, and only a small number animals and immortals.

The travelers slumbered peacefully in the snug cave: Anya inside the safety of her bottle, Daine and Numair within each other's arms, surrounded by a nest of foxes, raccoons, dragon, marmoset and darking, all hidden from prying eyes by the combined powers of mage and genie.

Well after midnight, the moon was full, which was often a sign that hinted of strange events. The wind whispered through the trees, bringing with it a voice.


The girl stirred, hearing her name in her sleep.


She sat up, shaking her head, not sure if she had dreamed the voice or not.


It was definitely not a dream. The soft moonlight filtered through the trees to illuminate the small clearing before the cave. As Daine watched, a dark shape appeared from seemingly nowhere. Curious, she slipped on her boots and walked to the mouth of the cave to watch the shape descend to the earth.

It was a large, pure white owl. Daine held her arm out to the owl. "Was it you who called me, night-sister?"

Instead of alighting on Daine's outstretched arm, the owl extended her wings to full length and hooted loudly. Then, landing on the ground, she shook, causing all of her snow-white feathers to fall away. Daine watched the process in horrified wonder.

Free of her feathers, the owl's shape elongated into that of a human female's. Her long hair shone like brightly polished copper, falling loosely about her body, clad in a simple, deep green dress. Daine gulped, realizing that the color of the stranger's hair was identical to the fire of wild magic. That very fire twined up her legs, torso, and outstretched arms, lancing off her hands, in great tendrils. Daine could almost feel the feral power on her own hands. And Numair thinks that I'm bursting at the seams with wild magic, she thought. He should see her, who ever she is. " Yes, I it was me who called for you, Daine." The woman's voice was smooth and gentle, carrying the essence of all things wild and free. Hearing it, Daine wanted to change into a wolf and run with the pack, but she restrained that urge. Instead, the girl dropped to her knees.

"I'm afraid I don't recognize you, great lady," Daine admitted, suddenly feeling shy and foolish. "But you seem familiar to me, somehow. I can't place my finger on it."

"There is a reason for that. I am Kimeria, the Lady of Beasts. Your father is my brother."

Startled, Daine looked up into the goddess's eyes, which, she realized, were a deep brown, much like her father's. Green streaks shimmered through Kimeria's tan skin. Weiryn's skin had the same decoration. "You-you're my aunt?"

Kimeria nodded with a patient smile. "I am. It's good to finally meet you, Daine." She held out her hand, which Daine grabbed, after only a moment's hesitation. The goddess hoisted her to feet. "Let's take a walk."

They walked a short distance away from the cave into the woods, animals trailing after them in steady streams. Daine wasn't sure if it was because of her, or Kimeria's presence. As she watched the goddess stroke the head of a baby deer, she decided it was more of her aunt's doing rather than her own.

The girl wondered why Kimeria had come to see her. As if sensing her thoughts, Kimeria suddenly spoke.

"I am not here, Daine, solely for a walk. My visit does have a purpose. Several purposes, in fact. First things first. Give me your hand."

Daine began to comply, but stopped, holding her ring-hand protectively.

"I'm not going to do anything to your ring, child. I just need to inspect what your mother did."

"Well, that's all right, I s'pose," Daine said slowly, still a little unsure. But an order must be obeyed, especially an order from a goddess. She slipped the ring off and surrendered it to her aunt.

Holding the ring aloft, Kimeria examined it under the moon's glow. Suddenly, she frowned. "This just won't do. I can't see anything." She made a pulling motion at the moon with her free hand, instantly resulting in the goddess being bathed in a circle of bright light, and causing Daine to shield her eyes. "Much better." She ran her finger over the diamond, and it emitted a coppery spark. "Just as I thought," she murmured thoughtfully. "Sarra did a very untidy job with this spell. I can only imagine what kind of trouble this might this have caused."

Daine peered over her aunt's shoulder. "What did Ma do to it, anyway? She was sketchy with the details."

The goddess continued examining the jewel. "I am not at liberty to divulge that information, child. You must find your token's abilities out yourself, when the time is right." She covered the ring with her right hand, and a pale blue light pulsated from beneath her palm. As she worked, she continued speaking. "In addition to fixing your ring, I am to inform you that you possess an undiscovered power. You are able to transform yourself into animals, but have you ever thought of trying that on others?"

Dumbfounded, Daine said, "No, it's never occurred to me. Can I, really?"

Kimeria smiled. "You can. Here," she handed back the ring with a flourish, and the moon's extra-bright glow was extinguished, its duty fulfilled. "Now there is no danger of a draining." Daine began to speak, but her aunt silenced her with a look. "Remember what I told you? You must discover these answers yourself. Use your ring well."

Slipping the ring back on her finger, Daine stared in wonder at her aunt. She felt overwhelmed by all the news, and quite perplexed. What in the name of the Horse Lord's had her mother started? And another power, on top of it all? Horse Lords! "You said you were here for several purposes, Aunt. What else?"

"I have come to warn you, of some events in the near future. Your parents would have done it themselves, but they had to leave quickly. And only the great gods can cross realms on common days."

Daine nodded, knowing this fact well. "Is Tortall in danger?"

"Yes," was the reply. "You must be wary of Griffin Valley's nobles. They may prove treacherous." Kimeria paused before adding, "And your friend Numair SalmalĂ­n is in danger as well."

Daine's heart skipped a beat, and she found it was suddenly difficult to breathe. "How so?" she asked, when she could speak.

"To be honest, I don't know. I only know that Numair's role in your life is unclear. Even Shakith, goddess of seers, cannot see far enough in the future to tell. Your parents and the other gods thought it best to caution you of this." The goddess of beasts saw Daine's face, and she added, "Nothing is certain. We gods only know that something might happen. But nothing is yet cast in stone."

Feeling numb, Daine nodded weakly. "I-I understand, Aunt. Thank you."

Kimeria put a slender hand on her niece's shoulder. "My advice to you is should the worst happens, you should try not to get very attached to this Numair. Now, my dear niece, I must take my leave. I am glad that we have met, face to face. Fare well." She took on her owl form, and flew off into the night.

Daine sat down on the forest floor, hard. "'Try not to get very attached' to him?" she echoed. "He's the love of my life."

A/N: Kind of short, I know. I have all of these ideas for my story, but writer's block is reeking havoc on my creative skills. Ugh. I pretty much have the ending 'written' in my mind. It's the middle that I'm having trouble with. I'll get it done, never fear. Maybe I just need to write some more Foods stories. I'm thinking "Soup's On" for number 9.

Disclaimer: Everybody you recognize is Tamora Pierce's creation. Anya, Griffin Valley, (much better name, isn't it?), Daine's mysterious ring, and Kimeria are mine. Well, Kimeria's kind of an in-between. She's mentioned as the Lady of Beasts in Wolf-Speaker by the Badger. He swears in her name that he doesn't know what's going on. I took that idea, ran with it, and gave her a name, a personality, and making her Daine's aunt. So Kimeria's in the gray area.