Author's Note: This last chapter contains graphic homo-erotic love making.
Chapter 5: Achieving Lift-Off
As Spock gazed down at Jim with eyes that began to burn, he suddenly realized that the proceedings might be interrupted if he did not check in with Dr. McCoy first. Meanwhile Jim had closed his eyes, lips turning up in a sensual smile, waiting, when all of sudden he sensed a shift in Spock's weight on the mattress. Then he heard Spock speaking. "MedBay, please connect me with Dr. McCoy."
"McCoy here Spock, I'm on my way," assuming that either Jim or Spock needed his medical services.
"Doctor, Jim is alright. He is…" Suddenly pausing, Spock looked down at Jim whose eyes were still closed but somehow looking puzzled all the same. "…resting comfortably, Doctor. I was wondering what our status was."
"Oh, that's good. We have docked but have been given permission to have a leisurely exit from the ship. I wanted our Vulcan passengers as well as the crew to have some time to adjust to being back in Earth's orbit before actually beaming down."
"That is logical Doctor McCoy. I concur. As Jim is comfortable and I wish to resume my meditation, are you able to grant us a little more down time?" Spock asked as calmly as he could. He was actually finding himself somewhat impatient to continue where he had left off exploring his Captain's tempting body.
"Yeah, I can grant Jim a little more time before he has to capitulate to my medical care. Tell him he has a reprieve for approximately 2 hours and then I'm going to wrap those ribs. My staff and I are working with our passengers and crew to ease their transition. But you tell him that if he so much as moves one inch, I'll be there before he can say 'But I'm fine, Bones!'"
"Understood, Doctor. Spock out."
Jim moaned softly at this last exchange. Spock looked down at him with concern.
Jim opened his eyes and did look slightly pained. "Oh, I'm not in pain, Spock, physically at least. But now I have two mother hens where one was quite sufficient before. It's a conspiracy." Jim looked plaintively up at Spock for emphasis.
"Hardly, Jim. It would appear that I am getting to understand you as well as Dr. McCoy does. When it comes to his medical expertise, he and I are in total agreement. You need to be managed."
Jim opened his mouth to argue, but Spock quickly placed his left index finger tenderly over Jim's mouth to silence him. "Would you rather argue with me, Jim, or may I continue?"
"I'm not sure I'm in the mood anymore," Jim stated with a pout, not quite convincingly.
"If that is the case Captain I will contact the Bridge and then proceed to return to my meditations." Spock silently counted the rising and falling breaths emanating from Jim's strong chest, waiting to see what he would choose. Would his stubbornness get the better of him or would his desire for pleasure rise to the fore?
Five long sighing breaths later Jim looked up at Spock again with that squint. "Damn you Spock, how can you know me so well? Have you and McCoy been comparing notes behind my back?" Spock just tilted his head not saying anything.
"Okay, okay already. I'm not a complete idiot. Yeah, call the Bridge. I'd like to know what is going on too and then you Mister are going to complete what you started," Jim stated commandingly. Amazing, thought Spock, he can still assert himself quite convincingly while reclining and being in a physically helpless state. This is one Captain who does not need his command chair to exert his authority.
"As you wish, Captain." With that Spock checked in with the Bridge and found that Lt. Sulu had everything under control and that Scotty was working with the base already to begin repairs on the Enterprise. Then Jim interrupted him, and spoke directly into the communicator. "Mr. Sulu, I would like to meet with the Bridge crew before they disembark. When would be a good time?"
"We should be finished closing down all stations within two hours, sir."
"Fine, I'll be on the Bridge in two hours. Thank you, Mr. Sulu, Kirk out." Jim nodded at Spock who closed the communications channel.
"Jim, Dr. McCoy will not be pleased."
"Oh, he'll be fine with it Spock. When I promise him that I will be good afterwards, he'll patch me up, insist upon escorting me to the Bridge so I can have my little say, and then grumpily whisk me away to his chamber of horrors on Earth."
Jim sighed again sounding somewhat fatigued. Then he looked up longingly at Spock, smiled that frustratingly tempting James Tiberius 'Kirk smirk' and waited for events to unfold. "Now where were you?" he whispered.
"I believe I was about here." Spock leaned down and resumed stroking Jim's neck with his deliciously warm tongue. After a few moments of this attention, Jim was once more 'in the mood'. Proceeding slowly, Spock moved towards a tempting earlobe that was begging to be bitten. Spock sucked it into his hot mouth and began to nibble. Jim's heart rate began to elevate. Deciding that it was only fair to give the same attention to Jim's other ear, Spock traveled leisurely across Jim's cheek with gentle licks and more nibbles as he tongue-walked the width of Jim's face. He did take a slight detour to inspect Jim's lips more thoroughly. He made tiny brush strokes with his tongue across Jim's upper lip and when he noticed that Jim's very full bottom lip was begging for the same, Spock lifted his mouth away about an inch and just blew on Jim's bottom lip to see what would transpire. Jim opened his mouth wide, licked his own lips, tilted his chin up and stilled. Spock was very pleased with this response. He continued to breathe over Jim's mouth and very, very slowly descended onto his target. Jim was very surprised when instead of licking his bottom lip, Spock very firmly took his bottom lip between his teeth and bit down hard and just held on. The slight pain and sheer unexpectedness of this move had Jim rolling his eyes back under his closed eyelids. 'You're killing me' he thought, 'but don't stop'. The slight pain had run a pathway from his lip straight to his groin.
Spock really wanted to totally devour Jim's mouth but felt that it would be impossible for Jim to continue to lie still if he escalated the stimulation. So, controlling his own desires, Spock gently let go of Jim's bottom lip, gave it one long tongue stroke to sooth it, and continued on to Jim's other earlobe. Alternating nips and licks was having its desired effect.
Spock then found himself wanting to experience the feel of more of Jim's skin. He began to stroke down Jim's face and neck with both hands while leaning over him without touching Jim's body with his own. He was careful not to apply pressure on those ribs although he very much wanted to hug the strong body to his own chest. He began to mold his hands to Jim's strong straight shoulders, feeling the tight muscles. Spock began to massage both shoulders but found that Jim's Star Fleet regulation black long sleeve pullover was getting in his way. If he had his human way, he would have ripped it from Jim's body but his practical Vulcan side thought that would be a waste. So instead, he lovingly ran his hands down Jim's shoulders, to his arms, and then his hands, giving them a gentle squeeze and then quickly pulled the shirt out from Jim's pants. He got his hot hands under the shirt and using his arms to hold the shirt away from Jim's chest, moved up to Jim's shoulders taking the shirt with him. He inched around Jim's back to release the rear of the shirt. "Jim can you lift your arms over your head for a moment. I want to remove your shirt." Jim complied without thinking, at which point Spock effortlessly lifted the shirt over Jim's head and tugged on the arms. One black shirt successfully removed. Spock then took both of Jim's arms and placed them carefully back down at Jim's sides. Jim's chest had a slight sheen of sweat on it. Spock was entranced. He bent down and forgetting about giving Jim a massage, lapped at the tiny pools of perspiration in the indentations in Jim's well developed chest. Jim was absolutely amazed at the amount of tenderness Spock was showing him. His eyes started to tear up but he did not let the tears flow. He did not want to distract Spock. Spock meanwhile found the slightly salty taste to his liking. He then placed his hands on Jim's shoulders again while continuing his ministrations on Jim's chest. After he had successfully licked Jim dry, he moved on to Jim's dark red nipples that were shriveled from Spock's attention to his chest. Tiny buds were standing erect and were calling to Spock. He began to lick around the area closest to Jim's nipples, spiraling in very slowly towards this new target. He suddenly lathed Jim's right nipple in one strong stroke and Jim jumped. Spock held onto Jim's shoulders to steady him and then took this same nipple into his mouth sucking it in, drawing on it like a straw. Jim felt this sucking sending another stimulating message to his groin. 'Oh, God,' he thought, 'I wish Spock's mouth would do that to old one eye.' His hips started to buck with that thought but then he stopped before Spock could comment.
Spock then lifted his face from this tempting morsel on Jim's chest and placed the palms of both hands directly over each nipple. The electrical energy in his hands passed through Jim's nipples directly to his heart and loins. Jim was melting. Every muscle in his body was unraveling. He was turning to mush. Spock then licked his thumbs and made contact firmly with the pointed nipples. While pressed to both nipples, his thumbs made tiny circles moving in opposite directions. He then pinched both nipples. Jim's entire body and mind were now totally focused on these tiny contact points. Jim's breaths were snorting out through his nostrils and Spock could see Jim's cock moving inside his pants. It was time to move on to more interesting territory. Spock trailed his fingers down Jim's chest lightly until they reached the waistband of his pants. He then used his thumbs to trace down both Jim's hips to the crease where his lower abdomen met his thighs. He held Jim's upper thighs with his hands while his thumbs rubbed horizontally across Jim's thighs inching closer to his groin without quite touching. He slowly stroked back and forth in a soothing steady rhythm. However, it was not having such a soothing effect on Jim. His pants were getting increasingly tighter, his hips were rocking and quivering although only very slightly. He really was trying not to move. 'But I'm only human' he whimpered to himself.
Without losing contact with Jim's body, Spock's thumbs traced their way back up the outline of Jim's hips until they returned to the waistband of Jim's black pants. Then just above the waistband Spock's thumbs made contact with Jim's skin. He resumed his steady thumb strokes horizontally across Jim's naked waist, going back and forth, back and forth while Jim was sending graphic mental images to Spock's thumbs to get on with it already and open his pants. Jim's stomach muscles were pushing outward as if to reinforce his mental message to Spock's thumbs. 'That-away' he tried to emphasize. Finally, taking pity on Jim, Spock's thumbs and fingers at last made contact with the top button of Jim's pants. Spock slid the fingers of his left hand under the waistband to hold the pants steady while very slowly he opened the top button. As the pants parted slightly, Spock viewed the reddish gold hair curling a path downward from Jim's belly button. He opened the zipper, exposing more curls and skin one zipper link at a time. Now Jim's ears were listening for the sound of metal as the zipper release mechanism moved its way southward. Finally, Jim's pants were opened completely. Jim was wearing low rise silver jockey shorts. His ever enlarging cock was making a mockery of the support the briefs were supposed to provide. The head of Jim's cock peaked out from the silver waist band as if to say 'Here I am!' Spock seemed to acknowledge this statement with a tilt of his head. He then looked up at Jim's face. There was now a very pronounced sheen of sweat on Jim's upper lip and a rosy glow to his cheeks that was very becoming.
Spock admired the body so openly exposed before him. Surprisingly, Jim still had a dignified air about him, even in this stimulated state. Spock really found Jim quite irresistible at this moment. 'Look what I have accomplished' he said to himself, trying not to sound proud (a human trait after all) even to himself, and failing utterly.
Spock then bent forward, taking in the aroused scent of human male, and kissed Jim's exposed stomach. Again, Jim flinched. Spock kept his mouth in contact with Jim's skin but stopped moving until Jim stilled again. Spock's left hand moved up to pinch Jim's left nipple at the same time he cupped Jim's balls with his right hand. An electric charge ran between Jim's nipples, through Spock's arm and chest and crossed over to the other arm and completed contact with Jim's groin. The charge then ran up Jim's trunk out his nipple and the energy just kept moving, circling between them in an unbroken conduit. At this point, Spock finally realized that he too was very aroused. His total Vulcan focus had been on Jim, but now his own need could not be denied. He just had to analyze a way to satisfy them both. His Vulcan brain cells at first refused to make a decision. But after taking a deep breath his mind cleared and he knew what he wanted to do. He just had to get Jim to go along with him. Jim was good at reading body language so that is how Spock would proceed. One very aroused Vulcan would communicate directly to one equally aroused Human through their maleness.
Spock planted one warm and wet kiss on Jim's belly button and then lifted himself off the bed. In a moment he had divested Jim of the rest of his clothing. While he looked down admiringly at what lay before him, he waited for Jim to open his eyes. It did not take long. Jim looked up at Spock wondering what was transpiring. When Spock had Jim's attention, he stripped all his own clothes off. He wanted to see what Jim's reaction would be to his naked self. He was very happy with the response. Jim's eyes hungrily took in every inch of Spock's bare skin, licked his lips and smiled with a typical lecherous Kirk smirk. They were both definitely on the same page, or in this case, bed.
Jim really wanted to reach up with both arms to invite Spock into an embrace. But he was not going to do anything to distract Spock now. So Jim waited, breathed and sighed, breathed and sighed again, and licked his lips. What was Spock waiting for? Spock was not above a little smirk of his own as he very slowly moved to the foot of the bed. He looked at Jim prone and then placed his hands on either side of the mattress, surrounding Jim. He then inched his way on those strong arms up towards either side of Jim's shoulders. Without touching Jim, Spock leveraged himself with his toes and arms to hover above Jim's body and then lowered himself very slowly until the tip of Spock's double ridged erection touched the tip of Jim's equally erect rosy red member. Jim actually screamed between gritted teeth. 'Screaming is allowed' Jim thought. "Spock, oh my God, Spock, please have some mercy. What are you trying to do to me?" Jim begged out loud.
"What do you want me to do, Jim?" Spock asked innocently.
"Kill me now or finish me off. I don't care which, and I don't care how, just DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!"
"Yes, Sir!" Spock replied in a serious tone. He quickly made up his mind how to respond to his Captain's orders.
Luckily, Jim's cock was excreting some fluid to assist Spock. Spock moved slowly down Jim's body trailing his cock over Jim's scrotum. He kneeled at the foot of the bed and scooped up some pre-ejaculate with his middle finger. He then slid this digit inside Jim's anus and very slowly moved around inside, coating it with Jim's essence. Jim's head tilted back so far at this internal stroking that Spock thought he might actually levitate his lower body off the bed. Spock ceased the stroking, just keeping his very warm finger inside, until Jim's head lowered back to a more natural position. Then Spock continued with gentle but firm strokes to relax the muscles inside. When he felt confident that Jim was ready to receive him, Spock removed his finger, and took what was still leaking from the tip of Jim's cock and coated his own tip. Then he stroked Jim's thighs and legs, placed his hands under Jim's knees and very gently encouraged Jim to bend them. Spock was totally smitten with Jim for being so open emotionally and physically. Jim was completely exposed, so vulnerable and innocent while at the same time provocative. He was truly irresistible. Spock licked his own lips as if he saw a tasty morsel in front of him to be devoured.
Spock reached forward and placed his open palms under Jim's voluptuous ass and lifted him up slightly, ever careful of not injuring Jim further. He placed himself at the entrance to Jim's body. His own erection was so strong and firm that he did not need any help from his hands to enter. Very slowly Spock's fire brand hot member slipped inside. Jim cried out, biting his lower lip to somehow get a grip on himself. Spock watched Jim's face as he continued to move forward into the welcoming moist cave. Once he was completely in, Spock went absolutely still, breathing in and out deeply to regain some control. So very gently he pulled out almost to his double ridge. Then just as slowly moved back inside, using his very muscular buttocks to thrust and pull back, thrust and pull back. He controlled his angle as he watched Jim's responses to each move. He found the rhythm and the stroking that pleased Jim the most and patiently and methodically drove Jim wild. Spock was thoroughly enjoying his control, Jim's responses and the feel of Jim surrounding him. But then Jim's groans, moans, sighs and silent screams sent a message directly to Spock's groin. And just as his Captain had asked him to 'finish him off' Spock did just that. His movements became faster, harder and more insistent until he connected with Jim's prostate and Jim came really hard like an oil gusher. That was all Spock needed. He then held on more firmly to Jim's buttocks, lifting them to a more satisfactory angle, and released his seed into his lover.
Spock was preparing to exit Jim's body when Jim cried out "No. No. Please, Spock, don't leave me." Jim's pleas touched something inside Spock. He still had enough control to keep his slowly shrinking cock within his lover. Jim's breathing was labored and he was once again becoming very emotional. Tears were streaming from under his closed eyelids. He reached for Spock's hands and held onto them with all his might until the tears subsided. Jim then opened his eyes, moisture making them sparkle in the light. The release had the desired effect. He was calmer. He looked up at Spock and smiled in total contentment. "You can have your cock back now Mr. Spock. Thank you for sharing."
Spock eased his way out of Jim and responded "You are most welcome Jim. It was my pleasure."
They were both feeling a little embarrassed about their recent intimacy and resorted to using banter until they were ready to speak honestly about what all this meant.
"Spock, come here beside me please."
Spock lay back down next to Jim. They turned their faces to look at each other. Jim's expressive eyes exuded happiness and Spock's shone bright with contentment.
"Spock, thank you for being here with me now. Thank you for being willing to work with me to defeat Nero after what I pulled on you on the Bridge. I'm so sorry for all that I said. I didn't mean any of it but we needed to go after him. There was no time. Someday I hope I can explain to you why I did what I did the way that I did it. I am just so grateful that you were strong enough to see beyond my reprehensible words to what needed to be done. I could not have succeeded without you. We make a great team. I hope we get to work together again professionally. I know I would benefit from your viewpoint as well as your strength. I'm sorry I'm making a speech but I expect Bones to come in at any moment. We have to get ready to thank the Bridge crew and then to leave the ship. It's going to be weird going back to the Academy as a cadet. I don't know what the Board will decide about my behavior. And, Spock, we do need to discuss what we mean to each other personally as well; where we go from here. Can we get together back at the Academy and talk?"
Jim said all this in a rush, knowing they were running out of time. There was much Spock wanted to discuss with Jim as well. He was grateful Jim wanted to get together to talk. So many unanswered questions, so many possibilities.
"I look forward to our discussion, Jim," Spock responded warmly.
"That's great Spock." With a warm smile, a twinkle in his sleepy blue eyes, and without any conscious thought to what he was doing, Jim's eyelids closed and he fell fast asleep. Unfortunately, just at that moment the buzzer rang, McCoy entered without waiting for an invitation. He expected Jim to be difficult so he was prepared with a biting comment for his opening line. Instead, what he found left him absolutely speechless, perhaps for the first time in his wise cracking adult life; one equally stunned, naked Vulcan sitting on the bed and an equally naked human lying beside him, snoring contentedly, a satisfied grin still plastered on his angelic baby face.