Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter or anything in it. I also do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan, Girl you Got me Goin' Crazy by the Jonas Brothers, the company Apple which made the Ipod, or the movie 13 Hours. (Just wanted to be on the safe side)

14 Hours

All of the sixth year students from Hogwarts stood inside a muggle airport. Some of them clashed the pairings of their outfits terribly. Rose Weasley thought it was odd for Headmistress McGonagall to be wearing muggle clothing.

Muggles stared at the group as they walked to the entrance of New York, New York. For some students it was their first time visiting the United States.

"Rosie," Albus Potter called out of breath. "There you are!"

"Of course I'm here Al. What are you talking about?"

"Oh, I accidentally went to the wrong entrance. It took me forever to find you guys."

"Well luckily you did. We're about to board."

Rose Weasley was anticipating this vacation greatly. They were visiting California. There was a wizarding school called Austervon there. The light above the entrance flashed 'board'.

"Hopefully we'll be sitting next to each other Al," Rose said, as they walked down the hanger to the plane.

McGonagall handed them the half of the ticket they would need as they walked by. Rose and Albus walked onto the plane.

"Here's my seat," he said, throwing his backpack on the seat. "I guess your farther back then."

"I guess so."

"I'll see ya."

"Yeah, bye," she replied, walking down the rest of the aisle. She turned to see she was holding up the rest of the passengers.

"Oh great," Rose said, finding her seat. "I have to sit next you."

"You know, that hurts Weasley."

"Like I really care," she replied grudgingly, sitting down.

Rose had to sit next to Scorpius Malfoy. She absolutely despised him. Ever since their first year she wanted to kill him. This was going to be a long flight. Fourteen full hours of pure torture.

"Hello this is your captain speaking. Take off will begin momentarily. Please stay buckled in your seats during this time. Thank you and enjoy you flight."

The button overhead flashed 'buckle.' Rose snapped the belt shut. She hated take off and turbulence during flights. The plane lurched forward. Rose instinctively grabbed Malfoy's hand.

"Are you scared Weasley?"

"Shut up okay. I can't stand take offs," she breathed deeply. Once the were in the air she let go.

Malfoy grabbed a book out of his backpack. It was called the Last Olympian. Rose had read the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series .

"Your sixteen and you're reading a thirteen year old book?"

"Is there a law against it?" he snapped.

"No, I'm not criticizing. It's a good book," she shot back.

Malfoy rolled his eyes and went back to reading. Rose pulled out her ipod. It was dark blue. Blue was her favorite color. She was a Ravenclaw.

A song started playing by Kelly Clarkson called All I Ever Wanted. Rose was fond of muggle artists. She started humming along. Tap, tap, tap.

"What?" she asked Malfoy.

"Can you please shut up? I'm trying to read."

"Oh, am I bothering you?" Rose said smiling.

She kept humming knowing that Malfoy was getting ticked off. After an hour of listening she got bored. Malfoy was sleeping. An idea struck her. She pulled out a bottle of pink nail polish. One of his hands rested on the arm rest. Rose started painting his nails. Boy, she thought. He's a sound sleeper. Once she finished that hand she put little flowers on each nail.

Malfoy woke up.

"It's about time. You've been asleep for two hours," Rose said.

Malfoy look down at his hand.

"What the bloody hell did you do to my nails?" he yelled.

"They looked a bit dull." said Rose smirking.

"I'm going to kill you Weasley!"

"I get death threats from you often Malfoy."

He looked at her furiously. She was driving him nuts.

Rose fell asleep. Malfoy seized an opportunity. He picked up her backpack and started going through it.

She had about ten books in it, her ipod, a camera, her wand, make-up (Gross!), and then he found her diary. Not to mention she had a DVD player and a couple DVDs.

He flipped the diary open. The first entry was her first day Hogwarts. He smiled at the picture of her in her Hogwarts robes. They were a little too big for her.

As he continued through the pages he found photographs of family members and friends. Malfoy saw pages with smudged ink that seemed like she had been crying. He read an entry written in her fourth year.

'Malfoy and I almost killed each other today during Quidditch. As much as I don't like him he sure has skill.'

There was another page from her second year.

'Today Malfoy made fun on my Mum. I punched him in the nose and made it bleed. Albus congratulated me. Why can't Malfoy keep his mouth shut?'

The most interesting entry he read was from the beginning of this school year.

'The start of school just began. I had to hex Malfoy for picking on Hugo. I don't like his attitude or manner, but he certainly has grown to be a HOT boy. Wait! Did I just write that? I have to admit he is extremely smart too. Am I falling for this boy?'

Right below the sentence was a picture of him with a question mark beside it.

Malfoy closed the diary and put it back in the backpack, then set it down where it was.

He began to wonder of he liked her too. She had beaten him up a lot. She was smart and tough. He liked that. Malfoy had to admit she had grown up too. Soft red curls with strikingly blue eyes. Rose was curvy and thin. Her attitude was fierce and feisty.

Malfoy didn't know if she would ever call him Scorpius, but he was going to call her Rose eventually. Maybe this trip could turn out useful.

Rose's head dropped onto his shoulder. He let it stay there. Before they could even begin to like each other Scorpius was going to drive Rose crazy.

Another hour passed. Only four more. Rose woke up finding her head on Malfoy's shoulder. What was it doing there?

He noticed she was awake. Scorpius was listening to his black ipod.

"GIRL YOU GOT ME GOIN' CRAZY!" he sang terribly off key.

People around started to turn and look at him.

"Malfoy!" yelled Rose. "Stop singing."

"What did you say?" he asked, taking out an earphone.

"Stop singing!"

He rolled his eyes but reluctantly stopped.

Rose took a book out and started reading. It was called 10 Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Wizards. She could've sworn she heard Malfoy snigger, but she ignored him.

Two more hours to go.

"I'm bored," sighed Rose.

"How about we play a game?"

"Okay like what?" she asked.

"Truth or Dare."

"Sure why not."

"I'll go first," Scorpius said. "Truth or Dare?"


"Kick the seat in front of you."

Rose sighed. She kicked the seat a couple of times. a Hufflepuff turned around.

"Would you quit kicking my seat?" he demanded.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm done."

"Very good Wealsey."

"Your turn. Truth or Dare?"


"Have you ever gotten a Troll on something?" Rose knew all to well Scorpius was smart.

"Yes," he replied. "On my Potion's essay about Love Potions."

"That must of been awful."

"It wasn't too bad. Father sent a Howler if you remember right?"

Rose laughed, "Of course I remember. I just wanted to test you."

"Okay your turn. Truth or Dare?" Scorpius asked.


"Would you ever kiss me?"

Rose turned a bright shade of red. "Why do you want to know?"

"I'm just curious."

"Let's just drop it. It's not that I would, but I really don't want to answer." Rose said.


Rose took out her ipod and listened to it for the rest of the time. Scorpius took another nap.

"We will be landing in New York in five minutes. Please buckle up until the landing is done," the captain said.

Rose was already buckled. The plane landed. It was time to fly to Chicago, Illinois.

"Thank you for flying."

The light above flashed 'unbuckle'.

Rose got off the plane an ran to find Albus.

"Hey Al. How was the flight?"

"Not too bad. I watched a lot of movies though." he replied. "Who did you end up sitting by?"

"Malfoy. It was awful," Rose exclaimed with disgust.

"I had to sit next to McGonagall! It was totally embarrassing," Albus moaned. "And she told me we'll have to sit with the same person the next two flights."

"Poor you. I'm sorry Al," said Rose sympathetically, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey we'd better get going."

The two of them walked to the entrance of the Chicago, Illinois flight.

Scorpius was talking to his friend's nearby. They laughed as he showed them his painted nails.

"Would you look at that," Albus said, noticing where Rose was looking. "I'd like to hug the person who painted his nails."

"In case you've forgotten Mr. Potter. I did sit next to him," Rose reminded him.

"You did that!" Albus hugged her. "You rock cous'."

"Time to board," Rose told him, indicating the flashing light.

They walked through the hanger and onto the second plane.

"Hey, only three hours this time," Albus said, as Rose moaned her way through the aisle.

This time she got to sit by the window. Scorpius came slouching down the aisle and sat down next to Rose.

"Hello plane buddy," Scorpius said sarcastically.

Rose rolled her eyes.

"You only have to endure three hours of my torture this time."

"Still it sickens me to be even sitting by you."

The pilot said the same speech that Rose had heard before and the plane started upward. This time Rose buried her face in Scorpius' shirt.

"Weasley are you seriously that scared of plane take offs? Or do you just fascinated by the smell of my shirt?" Scorpius smirked.

"It's not a joke okay. And why would I ever want to smell your shirt?" Rose asked, then she stuck her tongue out at him.

Rose bent down and grabbed her backpack. She pulled out the DVD player.

"You up for a movie?"

"Weasel actually being nice to me?" he said, pretending to look taken back. "Yeah sure, why not?" Scorpius replied.

He took one of the earphones Rose handed him.

"What are we watching?"

"Thirteen hours," Rose said, pushing the play button.

"Isn't that a horror film?"

"What's your point?"

"Girls' usually freak out watching those types of movies," he said, looking at her surprised.

"I'm not like most girls', Malfoy if you haven't noticed," Rose snapped back.

"You sure aren't." responded Scorpius under his breath.

The movie started. Scorpius thought there was bound to be screaming at the blood and guts from Rose, but it never came.

That was another thing he admired about her. Most girls' were super annoying when it came to that stuff. It drove him crazy when one would start screaming.

"You know that guy looks a lot like my Father," Scorpius said.

"I think he's super hot," Rose said, with a slight blush.

"You think my Father's hot?!" asked Scorpius, his eyes wide with horror.

"Malfoy your Dad probably doesn't look exactly like him."

"He looks pretty close."

After the movie finished, there was a half an hour left. Rose pulled out her diary and started writing.

'I'm on a plane right now flying to California. I can't believe I have to sit next to Malfoy. He's so annoying. Plus he thinks I think his Dad's hot which I definitely don't!

Note to Self: Never ask Malfoy to sing.'

She closed the diary to find Malfoy sleeping. Rose decided she would read for the rest of the trip.

The title of the book she was reading was called The Tales of Beedle the Bard. Her Mum had given it to her. It was the original copy. The book was full of children stories, but Rose found them interesting. The whole book was in Ancient Runes. She was glad she had decided to take that class.

"Thank you and make sure you fly again on America Airlines," the pilot said.

Rose got off the plane to find Albus.

"How was it this time." she asked.

"You know McGonagall can be really cool. She was telling me stories about our parents'. How about you?"

"Well, Malfoy thinks I think his Dad's hot."

"Or are you actually referring to him?"

"Shut up Al," Rose said hitting him with her backpack. "You know I don't."

On the plane Malfoy already had his shoulder out for Rose.

"We've been through this twice haven't we?" he asked.

Rose sighed and put her head in it. Back in London it would've been bedtime almost. Rose was getting tired. She fell asleep on Scorpious' shoulder. He too was becoming sleepy himself and fell asleep. His head drooped onto her's.

That whole trip the were asleep. Rose was the first to wake when the pilot announced they were landing soon.

"Malfoy wake up," Rose said.

Luckily Scorpius did.

Rose met up with Albus in the airport.

"I slept the whole time," she said yawning.

"Same here."

"Everyone follow me," Headmistress McGonagall said.

The group of sixth years walked outside into the California sunshine. It was warm and refreshing to Rose.

"I think I'm going to like it here," said Albus, eying every girl who walked by,

"Come on Al," Rose said pushing forward.