
Challenge: Thunder

There's nothing Particularly Thundery in this chapter, but there will be later. =/ Promise! ^_^

Le Coeur Supplicié translates as The Tortured Heart

Rated M for Yaoi, torture, blood, sex and violence and possible death of a character towards the end, depending on how it all turns out. Don't worry though! Tyki and Kanda aren't going to die! I couldn't do that! Ever! There will be cute stuff in it too...It won't all be rape and violence. I hope so anyway...

Hope you like it! ^_^


"No! The earl doesn't want him dead yet...he plans to keep him alive and captive for as long as possible. For the sake of an experiment of course..."

"Awk! But! I was looking forward to ripping Tyki's princess apart~!"

Kanda clung to the muffled female voices discussing his fate, in an attempt to stop himself falling asleep. One of them he recognised as Rhode Kamalot, the youngest and in his opinion, the most annoying of the Noah Family. The other was his abductor. LuLubell. He didn't know much about her, bar what little information he'd gathered whilst being held captive, and from that he was surprised she'd been able to outsmart him during the battle.

(random or intentional double space here?) It'd been like this for days now. Drifting in and out of consciousness, unable to feel anything except continuous pain. The only thing he could really count as a blessing was that he found himself unable to form proper words, so at least this way they couldn't try and make him speak. It was, after all their fault.

It felt as though he was being pinned against a wall that wasn't really there. The room itself didn't seem real. It looked as though it was part of a different dimension. Dark, with bright colours scattered about the place, and everything in it, bar himself, the Noah's and an occasional akuma, appeared pixellated. An intoxicatingly sweet smell of sugar and blown out candles filled his lungs and seemed to be the source of what was keeping him so sedated.

Images of the battle flickered through the exorcists' mind causing him to grimace in disgust. It was over quickly. He hadn't been prepared for it and he'd been outnumbered by far. The attack seemed to come from nowhere and Kanda, who'd just completed his mission, was tired and on his way back to headquarters. Still, to lose against a Noah was unforgivable. Something in his mind was telling him that he deserved this torture. It was his fault for not being strong enough, but he knew if he wanted any chance of escape he couldn't succumb to that way of thinking.


The noise of a door being slammed brought him somewhat back to his senses and he just about managed to open his eyes. There was no longer just the three of them there. The room was now occupied by three more Noahs. Although his vision was still blurry, he managed to identify them as Skin Bollic, the brute who usually attacked him, Tyki Mikk, the most insufferably smooth villain, and the Earl himself.

The very fact that he was in a room with the majority of the people he needed to kill, in such a defenceless state, sent shivers down his spine. What shocked him most though, was that none of them seemed to be paying him any attention, instead were arguing amongst themselves. With nothing else to do, Kanda tried to listen in on their conversation in hopes of gaining some kind of idea of what they were going to do with him.

"What exactly do you intend on doing with him? And where are you going to keep him till then... He can't stay here, it's too dangerous!" Kanda noted that the usually calm and collected LuLubell sounded as though she was beginning to panic.

This induced a chuckle from the Earl, and Kanda felt his hand twitch slightly. The large man was obviously finding this amusing. "That's for me to know and you to find out, Lulu." More laughter. "It'll be a surprise..."

Several of them made noises of disapproval. Kanda's vision was beginning to clear and he could just about get a good picture of them. A grand looking table had appeared and they were all sitting round it. The Earl at the head, Skin to his left, LuLubell to his right, Tyki beside her, and Rhode settled on his lap. All were practically ignoring Kanda, bar the odd glance from any one of them.

"Even So," LuLubell continued "He can't stay here. You're going to have to put him somewhere else 'till you're ready to use him. Rhode won't be able to support this room much longer. It's going to exhaust her...'

"No it won't! I can manage it..!"

Tyki raised an eyebrow at his niece; she was evidently already exhausted but chose not to point that out. "Well Lulu? What do suggest we do with him then? We can't very well let him go... and we can't kill him. He's too... cute to dispose of yet" The smirk grew on his face, and Rhode giggled.

Kanda grunted hearing this, unable to do anything else. 'Perverted bastard, how DARE he!'

The Earl turned to Tyki and grinned his usual scary looking grin. "Well Tyki-pon! Since you seem to think so highly of him, why don't you and Rhode look after him?" Again with the Earl's laughter.

The pleasure Noah frowned at the Earl, 'I wish you wouldn't call me that...' He looked over at the dishevelled exorcist collapsed against the wall, glaring back at him and smirked. "...He'd make an interesting pet..."

Rhode beamed and took flung her arms round Tyki's neck. "Ouuuuh! We can keep the Princess?! It'll be so good!"

With that the Earl nodded before turning to Skin. 'Right, since that's sorted, skin would you mind?'

Kanda, who was still glaring at perverted Noah, failed to notice the approaching Skin, but when he finally did, it was too late. With one swift hard welt across the head, Kanda was out cold.

So, like it? I do apologise if it sucks.

You should leave a review, i like them! Whether its praise or criticism, i don't mind. It'll make me update faster! I will need reminding to update, because the likely hood is I'll forget about this. =/

This challenge was set by englicana by the way. You should go read her stories too. ^_^ She's Sexy. Go love her.

Also, i had an idea for a much cuter KandaxTyki. Think i should write it?
