Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or any characters associated with Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I also do not own the story Beauty and the Beast. All belong to their respective owners.

This is a mixed version of the original (?) by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont (that's one long name) and Disney. Anyways...read and review, please!


Once upon a time, in the 'Land of the Rising Sun', there was a rather violent head prefect named Hibari. He was very dedicated to his job. He even threatened the principle into letting him live in the school so that he could beat up rule breakers twenty-four/seven. He spent most of his time in the reception room and slept there on one of the leather couches, ate from the fridge in the teachers' lounge, and even went as far as cleaning up in the boys' washroom and change room.

One stormy night, as torrential rain pitter-pattered on the roof of the reception room, Hibari could hear someone climbing the front gate. Instantly his eyes popped open and he zoomed downstairs to the main doors in order to dish out the punishment for being on school property this late at night.

When Hibari got downstairs the front door was already open and a white-haired man with his back to Hibari was shaking himself dry like a dog in the lobby, creating a puddle of water. A vein in Hibari's forehead popped out.

"…you'll have to clean that up, herbivore. And then I'll bite you to death for coming here past school hours and disturbing the peace."

The person turned around and smiled at Hibari, his eyes slits because his smile was so wide. Underneath his left eye there was a purple, spiked semi-circle following the arch of his or her bottom eyelid.

"Hello," he said, his smile gradually fading but his eyes stayed as slits. "I'm Byakuran. May I intrude upon your hospitality and stay here for the night?"

"…not unless if you want to die." Hibari held up his tonfas and frowned when Byakuran stayed glued to his spot, cocking his head to the side like a little child.

"Yaa, Kyou-chan, please?"

Hibari ignored the fact that he hadn't told this guy his name yet.

"No. Prepare to die." Hibari charged at Byakuran, drawing out his tonfas from the sleeves of his pajamas, but the white-haired man nimbly jumped out of the path of Hibari's tonfas and landed a few feet away.

"Oh. Well, I didn't expect you to let me stay."

He dodged again, which made Hibari even angrier. Eventually Byakuran was pinned to the wall by the prefect's tonfa. Hibari thought about whether to slowly and painfully torture the man or to just quickly beat him up and get back to sleep.

"Hmm…do you know any good hotels around here? I have to leave tomorrow morning and I need my beauty sleep," Byakuran said conversationally, smiling once more. Hibari's eyebrows furrowed. Torture it was, then.

"No." Hibari lifted one arm with a tonfa in his grip to start his punishment, and nearly gasped when Byakuran quickly shot out of his grip and weaved through his legs.

"How about a hug?"

Hibari didn't answer. He was too busy trying to catch Byakuran again. This man, he was incredibly agile, like a fish. He slipped through your fingers at the last second.

"If you don't help me, I'll curse you," Byakuran said, his voice suddenly turning cold. He was still smiling.

"Herbivore…I'll bite you to death."

"I see, I see…it's like that, isn't it," Byakuran sniffed, dabbing at his eyes with a lace handkerchief he produced out of thin air. He opened his eyes. They were a brilliant violet colour. Hibari stopped in his tracks and found that he could not move.

"Since you won't help me, I'm going to curse you. Don't give me that look! I'm PMS-ing!"

Hibari raised an eyebrow. He had gone to class enough to know that PMS only happened to women.

Grumbling to himself, Byakuran reached within the folds of his robe and brought out a fluffy yellow ball. The ball twitched, and a few second later two beady black eyes opened, and the ball of fluff untucked its beak from under his poofy feathers.

"This is Hibird; isn't that a nice name?" the last part of Byakuran's sentence was directed at the bird itself.

"Ehh~" Hibird sang, turning around on Byakuran's palm so that its little yellow butt was facing the man.

"Wha- you ungrateful little…!" Byakuran glared at the ceiling and counted to ten in his head. "Calm down, Byakkun…just remember what that nice therapist told you…breathe in…and out…in…and out…"

Now, while all this was happening, Hibari was still frozen in place. He had been walking at the time when Byakuran opened his eyes, so now one foot was in the air and he was tilted forward slightly. It was very uncomfortable.

Byakuran eventually calmed down and threw Hibird at Hibari. Hibird happily nestled in Hibari's hair, much to the prefect's annoyance.

"This is your curse; until you fall in love and in return, someone falls in love with you, you will not be able to leave this school. But there is a time limit; when Hibird loses his last feather, you will die. If you can find love before then, the curse will be broken."

Byakuran closed his eyes, and Hibari fell to the ground after being supported by another force for so long. Byakuran smirked at Hibari and walked out the door, disappearing into the night.

Hibari quickly jumped up and walked out the door, not believing that he really was cursed. The rain had let up and now it was still and quiet. Byakuran was nowhere in sight.

Even though Hibari told himself that he wasn't cursed, he still felt that he needed to confirm it. With every step towards the gate, Hibari could feel something pulling him back towards the school, and with every step, it got stronger and stronger. But he pushed on. At last, he placed his hand on the wet, cold iron. The moment he touched the gate, he felt something stab through his heart. The pain was enough to bring him to his knees.

"Hibari~ Hibari~!" Hibird chirped, flying to perch on the ground in front of Hibari. The little yellow bird took off again, deciding that Hibari's head was much more comfortable. Something small, yellow, and fluffy lazily drifted to the ground from where Hibird had been a split-second ago.

A feather.

Dun dun dun, Hibird might be bald by the time this fanfic is finished.