Disclaimer: Twilight is the property of the fantabulous Stephenie Meyer.
Haya, this is my first attempt at fanfic.
I wanted to expand on the canon and this is what I came up with. I was interested in what Renesmee would become when she grew up. This is set 19 years after BD with canon pairing.
I awoke feeling groggy, not quite knowing where I was. Not quite knowing who I was for that matter, it must have been some night to leave me this hazy.
I groaned slightly and rose from my bed. Funny, I felt no ill effect if this was a result of too much merry making the night before. No nausea, no headache, just this blank space where my memory should be.
As I sat up and focused on my room I saw my image reflected back in the mirrors that lined my wardrobe doors. My face registered shock as I took in the beauty that stared back.
Her hair was a strange bronze colour and fell in ringlets around the heart-shaped face I felt down the length of the curls at my back and they fell all the way to my lower back, who knew how longed that hair would be if I were to straighten the curls out. The shocked eyes were a warm chocolate brown above the flushed cheeks that leant a rosy glow to the otherwise creamy complexion.
As I stared at the face a name rose out of the soup of my mind. Something beginning with R…
Rhonwen, or Ronnie as I preferred to be called. I was Ronnie Evans, I was seventeen and today was the first day of school.
The first day of school!
How could I forget?
This would be the first day of my senior year; it was also my first day at a new school. Not the ideal way to finish my education but my father had been transferred. This meant mom and I had no choice but to follow, despite the fact that I would be starting over yet again on my most important year.
Oh well, there was no use being bitter, what's done is done.
I got out of bed and opened the wardrobe wondering what I should wear today to make an impact as the new girl. I almost gagged at the profusion of pink and frilly clothes that assaulted my eyes.
Why in the hell did I buy these? I thought to myself.
With my complexion and hair I'd look like a freaking china doll if I went to school in those. Gah! It was not exactly the impression a seventeen nearly eighteen year old would want to make on her first day as a senior.
I dug through the gag worthy garments, again wondering why I would want to buy such childish clothing for they smelt new. It took a while but finally I found a small cache of jeans and plain T-shirts hiding at the back.
I pulled out a pair of dark jeans and a dark brown tee, something inconspicuous for my first day. Something that wouldn't affiliate me with any particular clique, I was just me and I adhered to no particular label.
I dressed quickly then ran my fingers through my hair. Funny really, that's all I needed to do and it seemed to fall into perfect shape.
God I loved my hair!
I pulled on a pair of dark convers and headed down to the kitchen.
I walked into the room to the smell of bacon and stared for a moment at the back of the red hair that was up in a messy knot. The woman turned and smiled, her cool blue eyes catching the morning sun. It was my mom Mefys, how could I forget that?
Man, my mind was slow this morning!
"Morning Rhonwen." She sang cheerfully as I sat at the counter.
"Morning Mam." I replied more down beat as I poured myself some cereal.
"Lovely day isn't it." She observed.
"If you happen to like the sun." I muttered under my breath.
"What was that dear?"
"Nothing." I lied, and gulped down the cereal.
I got up from the table so that I could go and brush my teeth before I left.
"But I made you some bacon." She said, holding out the pan.
"I had cereal." I answered, pointing to the empty bowl. "Besides I don't want to be late for my first day."
"Of course you don't love. Have fun." She counselled with a smile.
"I will." I reassured her.
After cleaning my teeth and getting my bag together I stepped out into the merciless sun, it was only eight but it was already stifling out. I grumbled slightly and slipped on my shades, at least everything wasn't so bright now.
I opened the door of my old Camaero and threw my bag across onto the passenger seat and got in behind it. I turned the ignition and the engine roared to life, which sent a sudden thrill tingling down my spine.
I didn't know why, but there was something about the sound of a good engine that made me think of homely warmth, misty green forests and wolves…
I laughed slightly and shook away these strange imaginings as I backed out of my drive to travel the five miles to school.
I'm eager to know your thoughts so please review
Gemma x