Enkidu07's Drabble Challenge - SPECIAL EDITION for Onyx Moonbeam's and Miyo86's birthdays. Both wanted some hurt!Dean in varying fashions.

This first one is for Onyx Moonbeam.

Prompt Word: "pressure".

Word Count: 100 words on the dot.

Other players in the challenge are now too many to list here! There're lots of people tossing beach balls around in this Supernatural pool. You can find the list of names at Enkidu07's profile page and/or OnyxMoonbeam's profile page. Also, to find all of the lovely drabbles, there's a sweet little C2 community out there to subscribe to and enjoy. You can find the link on their profile pages mentioned above.

Disclaimer: Neither the boys nor anything related to Supernatural belongs to me. I'm just having some fun with the boys, playing around with Eric Kripke's sandbox.

First Aid

By: Vanessa Sgroi

Sam tightened his grip until each knuckle whitened.

Dean bit down, gritted his teeth against the moan he couldn't quite contain.

"Sorry." Sam apologized, but didn't ease his hold. "I've gotta keep pressure on it to stop the bleeding."

"…mm…know." He panted as black spots danced before his eyes.

"No? Dean, I have to stop it before we can get outta here, man."

"Kay. En. Oh. Double u, Sammy."

"Oh. Know. Got it."

"H-H-Hurrrts." He pressed his sweaty forehead into Sam's shoulder, burrowing into the safety it represented.

Sam rested his chin on top of Dean's head. "It'll be okay."
