Title: Beautifully Terrifying

Disclaimer: I don't own anything about Sailor Moon

Authors Notes: Okay, this is it! This is the last chapter of this story! Enjoy!

Serenity groaned as she felt a cold draft gently dance across her exposed skin. She reached down to pull her blankets up to her, sinking further into the pillow beneath her head. Her body hurt, and for some reason she was having trouble moving her arm, but she didn't think much of it as she drifted back into sleep.

She felt hot, as if a fire were burning right beside her, or possibly within her. She felt sticky as she tried to roll over, but dizzying waves seemed to make her stomach want to crash up into itself, so she forced herself to lay still. She felt like she was drifting on the ocean, the sun to bright and hot on her skin.

It felt like she was waking up after a bad dream. Her body was so weak she could hardly manage to lift her hand to brush the hair tickling her eyelids away. Ever so slowly, She opened her eyes.


Serenity looked over at him, confused.

"It's alright," Andrew said brush her hair off her face gently, as if caressing her. "Everything is alright. You're home."

He looked hurt. A deep cut was just starting to heal along the side of his face, and he sat stiffly, as if his back hurt. His blond hair was shorter than she remembered, as if he had just cut it. But Andrew never cut his hair, he hated it being short. Crude stitches traveled from just beside his eye into his hairline.

His green eyes didn't smile with him. He looked tired, and defeated.

"I'm home?" She asked confused.

He nodded, flinching as he did. "Yes, you're home."

She looked around her room, not understanding. It was her room. Her bed was the one she had grown up sleeping in. The trinkets she had collected her whole life lined the walls. Some of her art work hung on the walls, framed by a proud Luna.

She looked back at Andrew. "I don't..........what?"

"Take you time," Andrew said helping her to sit up. She felt like she hadn't moved in days, her muscles were so stiff. She cringed as pain wove its way through her side, and her arm wasn't working properly. She looked at it, confused to see a sling holding it tightly to her.

Slowly. Very slowly.

She looked up at Andrew as memories started to drift into her mind.

Then panic.

Andrew saw it immediately and quickly enveloped her into his warm embrace.

"Shhh," he said softly. "It's okay."

"Where's Luna? Where's everyone? What happened?"

"Slow down Serenity, everything is fine."

"Where's Luna?" She demanded again, loudly.

The door opened and Serenity snapped her head towards it to see Luna walk in, smiling softly in her mothering way.

"Hush down Serenity, Artemis is asleep in the living room. You wouldn't want to wake him."

She could only stare. Luna had an angry purple bruise all alone the side of her face, and her lip was cracked and scabbed over. Her one eyes was slightly swollen. She still looked beautiful.

Serenity couldn't help the tears the burst forth from her as Luna quickly held her in her arms.

"I'm alright Serenity," she said softly. "I'm alright."

"I thought you were dead," Serenity sobbed.

She felt Luna nod. "I know, but everything is alright."

For a long moment neither of them could move. They just held each other, crying, feeling the stress of the last month settle and start moving away, leaving them all slightly scarred.

"Artemis is in the living room?"

Luna nodded. "When we got back, the house was pretty much in ruins. Artemis and Andrew have stayed here since we got back, helping us fix it. He hasn't gone home yet."

Serenity nodded looking at Andrew.

"My house is gone," he said shrugging. "Luna offered to let me stay with you until we found another place for me to live."

"And the others?"

"All the people who stayed in the basement are still alive. They've moved back into their homes, and we're helping each other get back on our feet. A few of the men have died, but some came back. It's not……not everyone was lost."

Serenity breathed out, feeling like it was the first time she had in forever.

"And Endymion?" She asked softly.

Andrew looked away, but Luna just smiled.

"When we left him, he was hurt, but alive."

"We left him?"

Luna nodded. "He ordered his guards to guide us safely back here. Nephrite and Zoicite are still here, helping. Kunzite couldn't wait to get back to Endymion and left almost immediately. Jadeite went with him."

"But he's alright?"

"I think he will be fine."

Artemis knocked softly on the door, stepping in and smiling softly at her. He was clean again, white and pure. His long hair was brushed and shone as it always had, and he held himself straight and tall. But he no longer hid his emotions so well through his eyes. She could see how tired and sad he was, although he seemed content in the moment.

"I am glad you are finally with us again Serenity."

"Finally?" Serenity asked confused as he sat on the bed slightly behind Luna.

"You've been asleep for nearly a week."

Serenity felt her heart stop. "A week," she breathed.

"You fainted," Andrew said, "when Endymion came out with Luna. Kunzite said you just…..collapsed. You would have hurt yourself if Endymion hadn't grabbed you. He carried you outside where the village had gathered and we prepared to leave that same night. As the sun came up, we left."

"We left him," she said to herself quietly.

Luna tilted her head slightly, smiling at her. "But you still have a promise to fulfill, don't you."

For a moment she didn't know what Luna meant, and the realization hit her.

"I do, don't I."

"When you're better, we can talk about it," Luna said plainly.


"No, we'll talk about it when you're fully healed. If he cares for you, he'll understand that."

Serenity looked over at Andrew, who refused to meet her eyes.

Her heart broke for him.

"Could you leave us for a moment?" She said looking back at Artemis and Luna.

Luna nodded knowingly and Artemis helped her back up, carefully holding her hand as if she were fragile. Serenity couldn't help but smile at the way he treated her. Despite all the bad that had happened, she could see that at least one good thing had come of it.

"They're very much together now," Andrew said following her gaze.

Serenity nodded. "They really always have been, but they were to stubborn to admit it."

Andrew sighed, getting up. "I should leave you to rest," he said.

"Andrew," she said softly.

She could see him cringe, but he didn't look at her.

"Please, we need to talk."

He shook his head. "No, we don't Serenity."

"I don't want to hurt you."

Finally, his eyes met hers and they were sad. "I love you," he said softly. "I'll always love you. You're my best friend in the whole world, and I'll always be here for you."

She nodded, feeling tears sting her eyes.

"But I understand. Everyone assumed you and I would end up together, it just seemed right to them," he said softly. "Nobody ever wondered what we thought about that. We're friends, practically family."

"But you believed it to," she said gently.

"Yeah," he breathed. "I did believe it sometimes. But you have always been just out of my reach."

"I do love you," she said honestly.

"Just not like you love him."

"I don't know if I love him," she said brokenly. "He's just….he's so……"

"He's not dangerous," Andrew said softly, walking over to sit on the bed again and take her hand. "I saw him, after it was done. He was calm. Perhaps he's not totally in control, but when he thought you were in trouble, it gave him whatever he needed to be able to protect you. He loves you, of that I'm sure."

"That doesn't change what he is."

"It doesn't matter what he is. It matters who he is. He's a man, just like any of us. Perhaps he's got a few more demons in his past, but he's a man."

Serenity nodded. "And he nearly killed us all."

"Almost," Andrew nodded softly. "But in the end he saved us all."

"I'm nervous," Serenity said after a breath. "What will I say to him when I see him again?"

Andrew shrugged. "You'll know when you get there."

But she didn't see him, not for weeks. She waited as patiently as she could as her wounds healed, half expecting him at any moment to come and find her. But he never did. She tried to convince herself that it was because he couldn't be out during the day, but he could come out at night. She could make sure he wasn't hit by sunlight.

Nephrite and Zoicite had stayed for weeks, helping those who needed it get back on their feet. They had repaired houses and helped shelter from anything that might still be out there. They had left when things had finally started to settle back into their normal routines.

The village was exactly as it had always been, minus a few houses and some livestock. The children, who seemed to easily move back into their lives, played happily on the street. The smell of fresh bread and baking sifted from every window. The sun shone high in the sky, warming them all after their long night.

More people had returned. It turned out that some had run the other direction, and where not followed. After a few weeks, thinking it was safe, people had started trickling back into the village. Slowly, it started to feel full again, as if not as many people were lost as there really were.

Serenity watched Andrew out in the field, working with Artemis. His skin shone brightly with a tan, and his beautiful smile graced his face again. She loved his smile. He laughed at something Artemis said and she saw the slow, graceful move of a smile cross over his usually stoic face.

Artemis was not really the same anymore. Sure, he was still something of a mystery, but his story was out, and everyone continued to accept him as if nothing had happened at all. For his courage and unyielding ability to lead them, the village had decided that he was next to a hero in their eyes. He was well respected, even more than before.

And still, after another week rolled by and Serenity felt herself strong again, Endymion did not come.

In fact, nobody came.

The harvest festival began its preparations, and Serenity tried to absorb herself in it. She used to love the festival. The whole town got together and danced and drank, until there was not one person left out. This year, everyone seemed extra determined to lose themselves in it. They desperately wanted to feel happy again, and the harvest festival was the way to do it.

The worry that Luna would be blamed soon passed, and not one person treated her differently than they had before. And when she announced her engagement to Artemis, there was not one person who wasn't happy for them.

"So I suppose that means he's staying then," Serenity said eying Luna with mischief.

Luna blushed. "Yes, he's staying."

"I won't point out how right I was," Serenity said lightly.

Luna rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you won't."

"Do you think you'll have children?"

Luna blushed again. "I would be honored to have his children."

"And we would have five or six white haired stoic children calmly playing with their toys, making no noise and working diligently at their work."

Luna laughed. "You're assuming they'll be exactly like Artemis."

"Not if I have anything to do with them."

"You'll spoil them rotten will you."

Serenity giggled. "I will make sure they know the fun of getting into trouble."

"All they'll need is a friend like Andrew, and there will be no hope for them."

"I'm sure we'll find some way to corrupt them."

They sat together, talking quietly in the lower field, soaking up the rays of the sun that had started to set in the sky. All around them the leaves had started to brown, and the field of grass was a beautiful golden shade, gently shifting in the breeze.

"I can see why you like it here," Luna said sighing happily. "It's so quiet."

Serenity nodded. "It's not the same thought, somehow."

"We can heal from anything Serenity," Luna said seriously. "This was perhaps more violent then the first time that man hurt us, but the outcome is the same. We're hurting and a little scarred, but we're together now, and safe. We managed to heal from it before, we can again."

"And this time you have Artemis."

Luna blushed. "Yes, perhaps I do."

Serenity looked out to the trees, her smile fading.

"I know what you're thinking," Luna said softly.

Serenity sighed. "I'm healed enough to go to him."

Luna nodded. "You have been for some time now."

Serenity didn't say anything. Doubt had been winding its way through her for days now, and she didn't want to admit that she was second guessing him. The man who had saved them all. The man who she knew, despite her fears, she was in love with. The man who had not come to see her, or contact her once since this whole thing happened.

"You did promise him," Luna said softly. "He may be angry with you."

"And am I to fulfill my promise simply because I fear his anger? He was....He is......"

"Serenity, you've already let go of Andrew. I assumed you did that because you had chosen Endymion."

"Andrew and I were never in love like that Luna. I would have come clean to him regardless of this situation. Endymion had nothing to do with my decision to speak to Andrew."

"Serenity, if...."

"If he really loved me, he would find some way to contact me."

"You know he can't come out during the day."

"That's not the only way to......"

"You're being childish," Luna said lightly, "but I won't force you to go and see him if you don't want to. I can't understand your decision, but I will respect it. Just be sure you're not afraid of opening yourself up to someone after what's happened. If I can learn to love again after that man, then so can you. Endymion is staying away because he doesn't want to push you. After what happened, it's admirable of him."

Serenity shook her head. "I just want life to go back to normal."

"I can understand that," Luna said softly, "but normal doesn't mean that nothing has changed."

Serenity didn't want to talk about it anymore. She simply wasn't ready to be together with someone. She wanted to live here, peacefully, with Luna, Artemis and Andrew and pretend like nothing had ever happened. If Endymion was real, and she went back to the place all that devastation had happened, she'd have to face it. She didn't want to face it.

The night of the harvest festival came.

Serenity smiled at Andrew as the music drifted around them. She held her skits up as she danced, spinning happily with everyone around her.

She laughed as one of the men bowed to kiss her hand while she spun away from him, and the warm from the glowing fires flickered and danced with them.

Luna laughed beside her as Artemis spun her around elegantly. His eyes were alight with mirth, and they all moved easily and smoothly alone with the beat, not one person caring what the steps were.

The smell of freshly bake pastries and hearty potatoes and meats hung all around them, and Serenity soaked it all in. She loved the harvest festival, always had. It was the first time she had opened up to Andrew, as a child, at their first harvest festival. He had asked her to dance and blushed madly when she'd said yes.

This was what it was to be happy, dancing with friends and family with no danger lurking just behind the shadows. This was how she remembered growing up, carefree and trusting. This is what she wanted. Endymion couldn't give her this.

As she spun around she glanced passed the crowd.

She nearly fell as she stumbled over her own feet, straightening suddenly and staring passed everyone.

Slowly, everyone followed her gaze and the music died down.

"Good evening," he said in his low, deep voice.

She couldn't seem to breath. The shadows seemed to reach out to him, but he didn't pull them in. His blue eyes were clear and calm, and his beautiful silky black hair hung just brushing against his eyelashes. He seemed so much taller than everyone.

The whole village was quiet, watching him.

"I apologies for my interruption of your celebration," he continued, not looking at anyone but her.

It felt like nothing else moved around them, only his slow steps as he made his way under the tent, through the crowd, and towards her. His movements graceful and steady. She couldn't move. She felt trapped, frozen under is steady gaze.

"We sent someone to invite you and your guards," Luna said stepping slightly in his path. Endymion stopped, but didn't look at her. "So you're not interrupting at all, you're our honored guest."

"What are you doing here?"

Everyone turned to look at Serenity who stood with wide eyes, sparkling with tears.

"I had unfinished business," he said softly.

She shook her head, feeling as if all eyes were on her. She was nervous and scared all at once, and she didn't know how to react to seeing him again. As often as she'd said it, she never actually thought he would ever come to her.

Serenity desperately tried to hold back her tears. "Are you going to force me to fulfill my promise?"

The question seemed to startle him. "Of course not."

"Then why are you here?"

"I wanted to see you again." His eyes were so eerily calm. The air around them hadn't changed. She felt like he wasn't standing there at all. She was so used to feeling him when he was present that this was strange. "Serenity, I'm not sure I understand your fear right now. I thought you would know by now that I would never hurt you."

"You're not really able to make that promise, are you?"

"What have I done to anger you?"

For a moment, the silence seemed deafening, but Serenity coudn't answer. She saw regret and despair cross through his eyes, and he sighed lightly. "Very well," he almost whispered, then turned to look at Artemis who stood a few feet away. "I am truly glad to see that everything seems to have worked out for all of you."

Artemis nodded. "We will forever be grateful for you help."

"Serenity," Luna said softly. "Perhaps you could show Endymion our house." She smiled at Endymion. "It would be our pleasure to accept you as our guest if you wish to stay."

Endymion shook his head. "I wish I could accept, but I must be gone before sunrise."

If he was truly in control, he could be out in the sun. Serenity knew it was childish of her, but she wanted to point that out to him. His major fault. He couldn't see her in the sunlight.

Serenity felt her hands shaking and glanced over at Andrew.

He shook his head at her, almost disbelieving.

"I…." She started, but couldn't find anything else to say.

"I would very much like to see where you live," Endymion said softly, "before I go."

Lune turned to look at Serenity, her eyes challenging her to fight this one. "Serenity would be happy to show you."

She knew it was just a way for Endymion to speak with her alone, and she desperately wanted to fight. But Artemis just watched her, not saying anything. The rest of the village waited for her to say something, knowing that this man had saved them all and they owed him everything. Serenity knew they would force her if they thought it was what Endymion wanted as payment. None of them would stand against him, not now.

"Alright," she finally stuttered. "It's this way."

When he stepped towards her, she turned and walked out of the crowd. She heard Luna call for the music to start again, but didn't turn to look. She walked quickly towards her house which was near the other end of the village. She couldn't even hear him behind her. She couldn't feel his presence. But she wouldn't turn to look.

Finally, she reached her home. She walked up the front steps, newly put in place by Andrew and Artemis, and opened the unlocked door. She stepped aside then, holding the door open for him.

He was only a few feet behind her when she turned, and smoothly, like water, walked into her home.

She watched him look around the living room, taking in the comfortable room with focused eyes. She watched him walk over to the mantle and gently reach out to touch the roses there. A gift from Artemis, for Luna.

"This is it," she said, still not moving from the front door.

He turned to look at her and she couldn't help but look away.

"The kitchen is through here," she said quickly, walking across the back of the living room towards it.

He stepped in front of her like a flash.


"The bedrooms or down the hall."

"Serenity, please….."

"Artemis has started building another room on the side of the house. Now that he and Luna are getting married, they thought we should have more room. His house is bigger, but he didn't want Luna and I to move away from home again. He….."

"Serenity," Endymion said again, reaching up to gently caress her cheek. His warm fingers slid smoothly over her skin, sending her heart fluttering. "Look at me," he commanded gently.

She looked up at him. He looked exactly as she remembered him, tall and dark, and yet somehow more controlled. She felt nervous, and afraid, and confused as he brushed her curled blond hair away from her face. The flowers in it, put there by Luna, shifted with the movement.

"You're so beautiful," he said almost breathlessly, leaning gently down.

Serenity couldn't move. She could feel his warm breath tickle her lips lightly. He was so close.

"If you tell me to leave," he said softly. "I will."

She didn't say anything.

"If you tell me you're still afraid of me, I'll stay away from you."

Still she didn't say anything.

"If however, you tell me you want me even half as much as I want you, I'll be yours forever, not matter what."

She breathed out, feeling light headed.

He waited another moment, but she couldn't speak.

She felt her eyes flutter closed as he moved the last inch and kissed her, so gently it was almost conceivable that it was in her imagination.

When he pulled away, she didn't.

He looked at her a moment, trying to judge her emotions, before kissing her again.

This time, Serenity kissed him back, ever so softly.

She felt him touch her, gently. His hand moved smoothly around her waist, traveling to her lower back and pulling her gently towards him as he kissed her again. His lips were so soft against hers, so careful.

She slowly moved her hands up his chest, reaching up to hold his loose collar and pull her closer.

That was all the encouragement he needed to kiss her deeply. Serenity felt his arm tighten around her as he kissed her more passionately. She felt heat radiating off of him and suddenly his presence was all around her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pushed her a step back, against the wall. His body was pressed completely against hers, and she still felt the need to be closer.

Her senses were completely consumed with him. His taste. His smell. He was all around her, consuming her, and she still needed more. She kissed him almost desperately, trying to pull him closer. The heat between them intensified.

He pulled away suddenly, but didn't go very far. Still holding her to him, leaning against the wall. His breathing ragged, coming out hot and fast against her skin. His eyes seemed almost clouded.

"This will never work," she whispered hoarsely.

"You don't know that."

"You live in the shadows, I need the sunlight."

"I can learn to like the day."

"You're not completely in control. You could hurt me, or someone close to me."

"Since that fight, I've been improving every day. I can get better Serenity. I can protect you."

"We're from different worlds."

"Are are Artemis and your Luna."

Serenity felt tears sting her eyes. He was shooting down every one of her arguments so easily she knew she was just grasping at air. She had no reason not to be with him, none at all. What was she so afraid of?

"I don't know how to feel anymore," she finally whispered, "after everything that happened. I feel numb," she said as he gently caressed her face. "I don't know how to be happy again and I don't know how Luna is getting past this so quickly. What if......" she tried not to cry, but a sob escaped her. "What if we find out that we're just to different."

He held her to him, comforting her softly, as any other man in love might do. "I would never force you Serenity. If you're unsure, then I will stand back until you are. I'll never try to convince you that you love me against your will."

She nodded. "I know."

"Then I will leave you, until you're sure."

"No!" she said grabbing him before he could move. The thought of him disappearing again sent fear through her. She didn't want him to go.

"I can't be here and not be here at the same time," he said gently.

Serenity nodded.

"Do you want me to stay, or go?"

She couldn't look at him, but she also couldn't let him go. "I'm afraid."

"Of me?" He asked brokenly.

She finally looked up into his eyes, seeing his pain. "No," she said honestly. "I'm not afraid of you."

He watched her quietly.

"I want you to stay," she said softly.

Every so slowly, he smiled.

"I'm just confused," she said quickly, "about what happened. That whole situation was overwhelming and I just want....I don't know what I want, I just don't want you to go."

"I love you," he said softly, his eyes calm and clear. "I know that I do. The longer you stayed away, the more I feared you might never want to see me again. I couldn't stop thinking about you, not for one moment. I was torn between wanting to see you and letting you have your space. I'll do anything to try and make you happy again."

She couldn't help but smiled gently at him. "That's just because I'm the only girl that ever stood up to you."

He laughed softly. "You certainly made an impression."

She felt better, a little relieved. "Well, I do stand out."

"You're assuming that's a good thing."

She glared at him mockingly. "Worked on you, didn't it?"

"I suppose it did."

"And Luna told me being stubborn would never get me anywhere."

Endymion laughed at that, and she could see a glimmer in his eyes, hidden somewhere. A small glimmer of happiness.

"So," she said softly.

"So," he said repeating the word softly.

"I guess, we're.....I mean......."

Endymion leaned in close to her again, and Serenity felt her heart flutter. He paused, a few centimeters from her lips, and she knew at this point he was teasing her. His soft grin and mischief filled eyes told her that. "We're whatever you want us to be."

"You have to convince Artemis and Luna that I'm safe with you," she said suddenly.

He nodded, still smiling. "Alright."

"And you have to keep showing me that you're trying to get better."

He nodded again, moving in to kiss her.

"And you have to be friends with Andrew."

Endymion looked at her startled. "What?"

"I'm serious."

"But…..why would you want that?"

She could almost laugh at the confused look on his face. "He's my best friend Endymion, and I want to make sure he knows he's welcome in my life, no matter who I'm with."

She could see anger flicker through, then frustration, then a little but of fear. "You want me to befriend the boy you were meant to marry?"

She nodded. "Yes, I do."

"Otherwise you'll decide you don't want me?"

She faltered. "Well…..I…."

He grinned again, raising his eyebrow.

She pushed him away enough to cross her arms when he laughed. "Of course not," she said stubbornly, "but you will find out just how unpleasant I can be when I'm displeased."

His amusement never left his eyes. "Oh really."

"Yes, really," she said staring him down.

"Alright," he laughed softly. "I promise, I will make an effort to make your Andrew feel welcome when you're with me. As long as he doesn't over step his bounds, I will stay within mine."

"That was almost a threat."

He shrugged slightly, a gesture she had never seen on him but made him look more human in her eyes. "I threat implies violence. I promise nothing of the sort."

She rolled her eyes.

"I will come to see you every night," he said softly. "If you will have me."

Her annoyance faded immediately. "You still can't come during the day?"

He shook his head. "At the manor, I can handle the dim light the trickles through the tress, but not the sun you have obviously been enjoying here," he said running a hand softly down her tanned arm. "But it will come."

"Can you travel here and back in one night?"

He smiled. "I don't travel as most men do."

"Oh right," she said remembering how he had appeared and disappeared into shadows. "Well then I guess that works."

"Anything else?" He said softly, leaning close to her again.

She couldn't think of anything. She could hardly think at all as he deliberately wrapped his presence around her again, pulling her closer to him and teasing her with his soft breath on her lips. She could tell by his soft smile that he knew the effect he was having on her.

"You're not allowed to leave me, ever," she said softly, "no matter what happens."

"I promise," he said honestly. "I promise to be as selfish as possible, and keep you close to me no matter what."

She couldn't help but giggle at his interpretation of her request. "Good."

He kissed her again, passionately. She smiled into the kiss, feeling happier than she had since this whole thing happened. His hands moved smoothly across her back, making her shiver with delight.

And just like that, her doubt in him seemed to dissipate.

THE END!!!!!

Please let me know what you thought!

I know that some of you wanted to hear Kunzite re-uniting with Mina, but that simply wasn't this story. You can pretend it happens, because of course it might, but I don't think I can go into it without going back and adding chapters to the story. That could be a story on it's own. I think that's the great thing about this story, is that now I could write another complete story about what happened to Kunzite and Artemis, or what happened with Luna and her husband, or what happened with Serenity's mother. The sky is the limit!

Anyway, I'm working on my next story. I have a couple in the works, and I'm trying really hard to just pick one and focus on it, but that's harder than it sounds. I'm also personally writing a novel, so that might take up a lot of my time. I'll try to get my next story out there soon. I hope you all like this one!