"Blair… I'm sorry." His voice dripped seriousness but Blair only stared at him. He moved to hug her but she stepped back, shaking her head. Then she ran away down the corridor.

Sighing, Scorpius turned around to see Daisy smirking at him, leaning on the compartment door. Filled with disgust, Scorpius stormed away from her and sat with a bunch of first years for the rest of the ride home.


Scorpius gulped. It was time.

He couldn't believe that his parents were actually forcing him to do this. He stood, waiting for Daisy to walk down the aisle between the two arrangements of chairs. The doors were slowly beginning to open and he closed his eyes to fight back the hopelessness that was filling him. When he opened his eyes again Daisy was beginning to walk toward him.

He supposed that she was beautiful. Her blonde hair was curled and piled on top of her head. A white veil covered the back of her head and the white dress hugged her body closely, showing off her curves. But none of that mattered to Scorpius.

As Daisy walked closer Scorpius couldn't help but to think of Blair. She was the only thing he'd been thinking about all summer. He just couldn't get the image out of her head of her disgusted face when she saw Daisy kissing him. And he couldn't help but to remember that her eyes were no longer violet and it was all his fault.

All too soon, Daisy arrived at the altar and Scorpius was filled with despair. He stared at the ground throughout the ceremony and mumbled his vows.

"Do you, Scorpius, take Daisy to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Looking up for the first time Scorpius saw Daisy up close. There was a spark in her eye and she gave him a demeaning smile. Knowing that he had lost not only the battle but the war itself, Scorpius began to reply.



The two French doors opened with a bang and Blair burst into the room. She looked at no one but Scorpius as she ran up the aisle. Scor met her halfway there and swept her up into his arms. Spinning her around, he began to laugh. Once he put her down he put his forehead against hers and looked deep into her eyes. They were the same dull brown as when he last saw her.

"What is this?" Daisy shrieked. Racing down from the altar with her dress raised above her feet, Daisy pushed Blair away from Scorpius. "This is MY wedding day! Stay away from him!"

Straightening his back, Scorpius turned to his fiancé. With Blair beside him he felt as if he could take on the world.

"Scorpius," Blair whispered into his ear from behind, "Don't marry her. I love you."

And with those words, Scorpius had the courage to do what he'd been wanting to do ever since he was a child.

He stood up to his father.

"I love you, Father, but I am not marrying this worthless disgrace of a girl just to make you happy." Daisy gasped. "And you know what else? I love reading books and sketching and friends outside of Slytherin House. I don't care what you think anymore! I'll get my own place, make my own rules, and set my own standards.

"And you know what, Father? I'm going to marry Blair one day and you won't be invited."

His father's face was red and he was almost speechless with fury. "You ungrateful… I can't… If you leave, don't you EVER come back!"

"Draco!" Scorpius's mother cried.

"No, if this is what he wants, fine! Just as long as he knows that once he leaves with that thing he will no longer be a son of mine!"

"I love her. Whether you understand that or not is your problem, not mine. Goodbye, Mother."

When he turned around to face Blair, she pounced on him and he kissed her like he meant it. He was absolutely positive that his heart skipped a beat when they made contact.

As he pulled away to yell, "Accio broom!" he noticed that her eyes were violet once again and there were red streaks in her hair… His favorite on her.

"Scorpius, I love you!"

"Blair, I love you more!"

The new couple got themselves situated on the broom and began to ride off into the sunset. Scorpius leaned in to kiss Blair again.

Somewhere behind the faint sound of church bells and fireworks ringing in his ears as he kissed the love of his life, Scorpius could hear Daisy shrieking in the background.

His life was perfect.

A/N: Thank you to those of you who stayed with Scorpius and Blair until the end. I'm sorry this ends so abruptly, but this frees up more of my time and I am happy with the way it ended. If you would be so kind as to leave a review I would be extremely grateful. Thank you so much!

Xoxo S.A.M.