" Hello and welcome to Total Drama Awesome." James says holding the camera. " So you all voted and chose a camper to get kicked off"

At dock of shame. "Kaeezs, Kaezim, Fiorella, Reina, Alex, Seth, Brooklyn, Dean, and Victoria" James said handing the campers there marshmallow's. It was up to Ray and John. Dramatic music plays. James looks at both campers. "John…. Get your but out here cause Ray made it!" James said giving Ray a marshmallow.

"YA!" Ray screamed and threw his marshmallow at John "Bye loser!"

"Can I do some thing before I go." John asked. James nodded. John walked up to Rella and kissed her on the lips. Every one just stared in amazement.


Rella: I vote off Ray. I can't continue liking him!"

Kaezim: " I vote off John. He caused us the game.

Dean: I vote off Ray. I mean he's cool and all but if he wasn't so mean to John, John would've gave him the baton

Reina: I kinda don't know who to vote off, I mean John cause us the match but Ray is so mean. I say John.

Alex: John, I just really don't like him

Ray: John he should of gave me the baton

John: Ray. He forces evry one to do what he says.


Rella: Whoa I can't believe he kissed me. And I can't believe that, that, I liked it


The rest of the campers were eating lunch. Kaezim walked in the line and got his food. It was some green mush with a black banana. " What is this" Kaezim asked the chef.

" It's a banana and some green stuff I found in the very back of the fridge" Chef said

" Is this even eatable!" He asked


"Ya it dose!" Kaezim screamed back.

"Get outta my face privet" Chef said and Kaezim left. He sat down with Kaeezs, Alex, Holly, Brooklyn, Mitchell, and Dean. Julia was walking around looking for a place to sit. She walked past Brookes table.

"Hey Julia you can sit with us right guys" Holly said getting Julia's attention

"No I wouldn't want to bother you guys" Julia said

"So that's how your voice sounds" Dean said and Julia giggled

" You won't bother us" Kaeezs said motioning for Julia to sit next to him and Holly. Julia sat down next to them.

"Thanks guys." She said smiling a big bright smile.

" No prob" Mitch said

"Julia can I call you Jules" Kaeezs asked

" If John was here he would say, Ha ha Jules" Kaezim said making every one laugh

" Yeah you can call me that" Julia said.

" Ahhh! My food is moving" Alex screamed watching her green stuff start moving across the table.

"STAB IT!" Julia said making Kaezim take his fork and he started to stab it.

Reina threw away her food and went to sit on the beach. James saw her and saw she was shivering. He walked up and sat next to her " Hi" He said smiling

"Hey" She answered

"You cold?" Jacob asked her. And she nodded "Okay then" Jacob wrapped his arms around her and cuddled with her. " This is nice" Jacob said still smiling.

Reina smiled back. " Yeah it is" Jacob looked her in to her eyes and smiled, she looked him in the eyes to. Jacob kissed her and Reina kissed him back. They started making out and Alex went over throw away her food and saw them. The she shook her head and started to walk back to the bench. Kaezim walked up to her and asked.

"What's wrong you look like you saw a ghost" He asked

"Nothing" She said looking at him. " Hey Kaezim you want to go look around this place with me" She asked him and he nodded.

Tanner walked past the table Julia was at and she said, "Hey Tanner." He didn't answer and just kept talking to his brother.

James pops on the screen. "Hey! I see a relation ship starting" James said pointing to Reina and Jacob on the beach still kissing. "Okay so I will see you next time on.

TOTAL… DRAMA… AWSOME!" Camera zooms out so you can see the whole island.