Hey! Sorry it took me so long to update... I really am soooooo sorry. You can flame me all you want, I deserve it TT_TT.

I hope this chapter makes up for it, I really did my best and I'm starting to let the plot unfold as well as reveal a few things. For all you ItaSaku lovers out there, there's some moments in this that I think you'll like. As for the Sasuke fans or haters, I kinda felt sorry for the in the latest manga chapters so I decided to not bash him for a while (but trust me I still don't like him one bit).

Oh yeah before I forget, I want to change the title since the it doesn't really suite the plot I'm making up. So if anyone has any suggestions, please don't hesitate to leave that in a review. Thanks alot, and enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto...but I think Kishimoto is one lucky bastard.

Chapter 3

Song: Hana Kagami (cherry blossom bonfire) by Yumi Shizukusa

It was a rare rainy day in the village. Villagers scrambled around to seek shelter. However, A blonde shinobi still continues his training despite the weather. The thunder boomed as children dashed inside their houses to escape the rain but are soon met by their scowling mothers. Another fine rainy day in Konoha.

"Onii-san, wait for me!" The little girl said as she raced after her brother,

She felt the tip of her slippers slide on a puddle and lost her balance. Tears began to flow from her eyes as she lay sprawled on the street, alone.


The girl wiped her eyes to see a hooded stranger approaching her. Her blue eyes widened as she immediately remembered the dangerous criminals her mother used to tell her about. The evil shinobis who did terrible things just to have fun. She searched around the area and saw no other villager to her rescue. Even her brother had abandoned her.

"S-Stay away." She tried her best to yell at the man but the fear in her voice drowned the command. Besides it was just silly for a 7 year old girl to order a grown man.

That didn't stop the man from approaching. He was mere inches from her as she shut her eyes tight and wished it was only a nightmare.

Suddenly she heard the footsteps stop. She looked up and saw two pairs of cold onyx eyes. Beneath the hood was in fact a man with the most beautiful face she had ever seen. He didn't look like anyone from the village, and he especially didn't look like anyone who would be a barbaric killer. Not that she had ever seen one or anything. She just knew.

He held out a hand for her. "You need to hurry. Your mother will be waiting." He said

She took his hand and he helped her up. "Arigato gozaimasu." She said and bowed gratefully.

The man gestured her to go and she did, her drenched little yukata waving off.

She didn't know the man. But was thankful that someone kind as him helped her. But she couldn't shake off the feeling of seeing pain behind those eyes of his. He looked very sad, maybe he was waiting for someone. She shrugged it off, after all what does an 8 year old know.

The hooded man walked silently from street to street, shrouding himself with shadows and rain. The distant cry of cats and dogs fighting plus the pattering of the rain made him sound like a mouse in the dark.

The mighty Hokage Tower rose from the back of the suburban buildings. The insignia of the land of fire sent a rush of memories onto the mind of the hooded man. He smirked, 'Now that was a sight for sore eyes.'

And above the insignia was a wide window for one room. It only has one person in it. And that one person was the most important person in all of Konoha. She was also the one staring at him from the window.

"Godaime Hokage." He murmured under his breath. Exactly the person he wanted to see.

A rain drop fell from the sky. The man looked at it as it passed by his eyes. But before it splattered on the ground- he was gone.

Tsunade looked at the pile of papers in her desk and sighed. What she'd do for a bottle of sake right now. Of course if Sakura were here she-

'That's right,' she recalled. 'She isn't here anymore.'

Her mood turned grim and she stared at the gloomy village. The weather seemed to match her mood perfectly, what a coincidence. She suddenly noticed the strange man outside. He wore a gray hood that hid his face but. by the moonlight she could see his skin was flawless and pale. She could feel him staring at her with amusement that unnerved her.

Suddenly a swift gust of wind came and he was momentarily blurred by falling leaves. For a moment the wind blew off his hood and she got a glimpse of his features. What Tsunade saw instantly stunned her.

-Then he was gone.

Tsunade took a second to shake off the eerie feeling. She must be hallucinating from the lack of sake, because she thought she saw-

"Ohayo, Hokage-sama."

She twirled and saw the crimson eyes that reminded her of the flames of hell.

She felt a nudge on her shoulder and smacked it away. It nudged her again and once again she smacked it with her palm. 'Ugh!' she thought, 'Just leave me alone.' Her fists clanched in an attempt to warn who ever it was that one more nudge might just lead to their death.


"That's it!."

She bolted up and aimed a fist at what ever was poking her. But that was quickly caught by a palm after it was mere inches from its target.

Itachi held his palm in front of him, blocking the kunoichi's punch. "Sakura-san, control yourself."

Sakura lowered her fist and muttered an apology. She must have fallen asleep while watching Ita- I mean keeping watch last night. Itachi simply gazed at her unemotionally and turned towards the exit.

"Let's leave." He said,

Sakura looked at him. He didn't seem to be hurting, although that could simply be a facade. From what she learned, Uchiha's aren't exactly the type of people comfortable showing weakness. Sometimes, all they need is a good smack in the head to make them admit it. But she's not about to do that, after all she still valued her life.

So instead she asked him. "Sempai? Are you still ill?" she asked

For a moment he visibly stiffened; stunned that she knew all along. Well, what do you expect from the apprentice of one of the greatest medics of all time? Itachi turned to look at her; for a moment her face looked almost...concerned, then it returned to her pokerface. He remained motionless and refused to answer her question, since he's sure she already knew the answer.

She suddenly looked angry, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's none of your concern."

"It is my concern. I'm your partner. How do you think I'd react when you suddenly drop dead one day."

Anger boiled inside him at the mere mention of his fear, but he held it back. "I will not die. I can assure you that."

Her voice raised. "Have you seen what this does to you? Your growing weak everyday because of this. And I will not be the one to drag your dead arse all the way to the Leader!"

He growled but still stayed impassive, while she continued.

"Your dying why can't you get that! The longer you keep it hidden the more likely it'll take over and kill you. Your part of this organization and we're lacking members already. We can't afford to lose another...especially someone as important as you."

"Are you sure this has nothing to do with my brother?" Itachi snapped,

Sakura looked even more angrier and stepped closer to Itachi, her eyes narrowed. "Don't drag your brother to every conversation. I may want revenge but that doesn't mean I do everything for him. Unlike him, I did not join forces with some snake creep just so I could reach my goal. I do not use others for my gain. I didn't join this organization just so I could beat him. I know I'm strong, I just want to prove myself. I'm doing this for me... not for him."

Itachi looked at Sakura calmly assessing her. "What about Konoha? You left your village for him."

Sakura's gaze lowered at the mention of her village. "I-it was necessary. They weren't holding me back; they just- I don't want to involve them in my plan. Naruto, Tsunade, everyone...they won't understand."

Overcome by curiousity, Itachi couldn't help but ask. "Understand what?"

She stared straight at him. "It's none of your concern."

Tsunade gaped, there he was standing right in front of her desk, clad in black clothing and wearing a devilish smirk that could have melted any young girl's heart. Luckily, Tsunade isn't as young as she looks.

"Sasuke Uchiha." She growled menacingly,

"Ohayo, Tsunade-sama." He said, his gaze traveled to the stacks of paperwork on her desk. "Lots of work to do I guess. But maybe you can spare some time for an old friend."

"What do you want Uchiha?" she asked her fists clenching,

His face turned serious. "What can you tell me about-" Konoha's secrets? Naruto's weakness? Spies? Forbidden Jutsus? Itachi? Akatsuki? But she never expected the word that came out. "-Sakura."

Startled by his request, Tsunade looked directly to his eyes. She didn't fall for any genjutsu but was greeted by onyx colored eyes. For a moment she almost thought this was a genjutsu. There was no way Sasuke Uchiha would be asking her about Sakura. What does he even want to know about her apprentice? Most importantly what does he want with her?

"What did you say?" she asked

Sasuke said through clenched teeth. "I will not repeat myself Hokage-sama. You heard exactly what you thought you heard."

Recovering from her shock, the blond narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Why?"

The Uchiha showed no look of answering and merely stared at her, as if his eyes held the answers that couldn't be expressed in words.

And it did.

For a moment Tsunade remembered her youth, a certain memory flashed through her mind. Her determined face facing the grim features of Jiraya. It was also the day when she found out that her lover, Dan had died. Strange that the Uchiha was wearing the same expression she had before. Seems like the past has a way of repeating itself in the most unlikeliest ways. The Uchiha was the last person she thought would be concerned for Sakura

She slumped down her chair and held her hands in front of her. She was really going to regret this. But then again Sasuke deserved to know the truth...even if he was an ass.

"I'll probably regret this later but- oh fine!" She looked intensely into his eyes. "First you must tell me what you want with Sakura?"

Sasuke matched the same intensity with his own stare. "I realize the mistake I have done and wish to make amends before I face my brother." Well, it wasn't all lies, he could admit that. The trick was to say only few details and let them make their own conclusion. He learned that from an old friend, I bet you could guess who.

Tsunade studied him for a moment; suspecting that the Uchiha wasn't spilling everything. But nevertheless, her Hokage senses weren't tingling so no lie was told. She took a big breath and got ready to tell the story- as well as the emotional pain that goes with it.

"It has been a while since you left, Sasuke. Understand that repeating this to you will affect me more than yourself. Sakura's story is one that causes me great pain to tell." She frowned and began, "Let me tell you a story of how a cherry blossom blooms- then withers away."

Sasuke sat down on one of the chairs, sensing that this was going to take a while.

"As you may have heard, after you left Sakura and Naruto did all they could to get stronger. Naruto trained under Jiraya and I agreed to train Sakura. I tutored her day and night, taught her all the things I know and a kunoichi needs to know. She excelled in everything, healing, ninjutsu, taijutsu- even genjutsu, although I never taught her that. At that time, her main goal was to help Naruto bring you back. The thought of you returning encouraged her to do her best and push her limits." She paused and turned to Sasuke, who looked guilty. Then continued:

"She was by far the greatest kunoichi in Konoha and I am proud to have called her my apprentice. But sadly, the time came when I couldn't teach her anymore. She learned everything thing I knew, but she still protested and said she had more to learn and that she needed me to teach her."

"Shishou! You can't possibly think that this is it! There are thousands of jutsus you haven't taught me yet! I-It can't be finished. There has to be more! I need to get stronger for Sasuke!"

"You know, I thought it was a waste that she was doing all this for a boy. Let alone someone who ignores her and doesn't even care a bit."

"Sasuke lowered his gaze and became suddenly interested in the floor. "I cared." He said, but once again in the same tone he used when Itachi escapes from his clutches. Feeding his lies to himself.

Tsunade continued. "It was peaceful, for a while. Akatsuki was in inactive and so were a couple of enemies. Rookie 9 had certainly grown. Naruto was still training but now under Kakashi. Sakura had grown to be quite the woman. From what I heard she had quite the number of admirers."

She chuckled to herself, reminiscing the days where her apprentice had confided to her the number of men who had asked her out- Naruto(duh), Lee (again duh), Kiba, Shikamaru, Sai, Neji and the list goes on.

"But her relief was short lived."

Sasuke knew exactly why.


"because of me." He finished for her,

Tsunade nodded although refused to look at him. "I believe it was the exact same time where she changed."

Sasuke needed to know how she had changed.

"She gradually changed from being the cheery Sakura we knew to the- words could not describe who she was. It started when she stopped going out with her friends. Then she stopped talking to them. After that she moved up to ANBU. I thought it was over but it, I was sadly mistaken."

"Sakura what is wrong with you! Your hardly eating, your ignoring your friends and suddenly you burst into my office and demand for a mission?"

"Hokage-sama, whatever happens in my personal life is none of your concern. I humbly ask for a mission, after all what else are shinobis suppose to live for."

"To be honest Uchiha. Those last few weeks contained the most heart wretching moments in my life. If you only saw her..." She gave a dry laugh, "I could say she truly did wither away."

"What do you mean last few weeks?"

Tsunade took a deep breath. He would learn sooner or later, might as well tell him now. She gazed into his eyes, she could tell he was anxious as a 5 year old boy waiting for his mother to say the last few lines of his bedtime story. Although unlike those stories, this one didn't have a happy ending.

"On the 5th of November, Haruno Sakura was pronounced dead due to massive bleeding and impalement during an S-class mission."

Uchiha Itachi did not admit he was weak. That he would simply be beaten by a mere virus. No, he had other plans for his life and he knows where it will end. But sometimes in order to live, one must swallow his pride. This is one of those times.

A few moments ago...

"Even if I agree for you to heal me, I'd doubt you would."

She looked as though she were insulted. "Well sempai, not everyone in this world has a secret plan to kill you. I on the other hand plan to help you, on one condition. I have a question and I want you to answer it honestly. No lies or misleading truths."

Itachi narrowed his eyes. "So you plan to bargain with me? My life for something as petty as a question."

She nodded, "Tic toc sempai, if my hunch is correct you won't be able to last till April."

Itachi thought it over. There was no way he could finish his plans with that deadline. It was already late March, just a week before April. He had seven days to live, and absolutely not enough time. He could try to heal himself, which is somewhat risky since his knowledge in medical ninjutsu isn't exactly that vast. He could possibly end up killing himself rather than healing. The kunoichi knew far more than he did, she was the Godaime's apprentice for Kami's sake.

Then it hit him.

She might be able to cure him.

"Can you cure me?" he asked her but didn't dare look at her face,

"I don't know, but I can prolong the virus from spreading and with some time and chakra...I might be able to eliminate it."

She didn't sound so sure, and that somehow troubled him. But as of now she was his only hope.

"Fine. We have a deal."

He couldn't believe he was handing himself over to a 17 year old girl.

He lay on the cold ground as the pink haired medic examined the internal damage. It wasn't enough that he was already in debt to her for healing his eyes, but now he owed his very life to her, and an Uchiha takes debts very seriously.

The kunoichi sighed as the green chakra faded from her hands. She turned to Itachi, sweat on her face. "Seems like we still have enough time. As long as we make sure that it doesn't spread through your lungs anymore, your going to be alright for now. It won't cure you but it'll stabilize your condition and hopefully stop further damage."

He made a move to sit up but for the second time Sakura held him down by the shoulders. "Sempai, when I say that we shouldn't let it spread anymore, I meant I should try to contain the virus. Which means you should remain still and relax while I proceed." She was in full blown medic mode right now, so he had no choice but to oblige.

He lay down and her hands gently hovered over his chest. He felt her chakra prodding through his entire system. It was uncomfortable, he wasn't used to this kind of intrusion. But she seemed to know what she was doing though and the burning in his throat lessened to the point where he hardly noticed it was there. He couldn't help but be impressed, from what he had learned about this virus was that it was incurable, even with chakra. But this kunoichi, a girl barely 17, was able to contain a virus that most experienced medics would deem a hopeless cause. She truly is skilled.

He didn't know how long he lay there. Probably an hour, maybe two, he didn't know.

Suddenly he felt her chakra leaving his body and something heavy on top of him. Something was tickling his nose and he opened his eyes to see- pink.

Sakura was unconscious on top of him, her hair on his nose and her head on his chest. With his sharingan he saw that she was sleeping and was severely depleted of chakra. 'The idiot.' he thought. He hesitated getting up, his partner needed some rest very badly. She used too much chakra, that if she hadn't fallen asleep, she could have been in critical condition right now.

So Itachi stayed like that. A pink-haired girl on top of him, cold hard stone below and a very amusing morning ahead of him.

In the life a ninja, there is a hundred percent certainty that you'll end up losing some of the most important people in your life. Although some try, you can't save everyone. But those you loose only fuel your strength; they can either make you or break you. A ninja's job is to protect it's village, but most importantly to protect those you love. That is Naruto's way as a ninja.

After another day of training, the blonde haired shinobi walked the familiar path, passing by familiar names but no faces to greet him. Konoha cemetary is a lonely place. There lies all who lived, loved and dreamed. The smell of spring rain invaded his nose, something he isn't so fond of. It brought back too many memories. The only other scent he smelled was the smell of the roses he had in his hand.

A dark crimson rose for mourning.

A tea rose for never forgetting.

For the past 5 months, he visited her everyday. It was the only way he could think of to never forget her. Not that he ever would.

He stopped at the cherry blossom tree. It was late April so obviously it was in full bloom. The pink flowers spread over the tree like a blanket and even though they just bloomed, some of them were already falling to the grass. Naruto saw one dance gracefully and gently land on the ground like a snowflake. And he knew like those before it, it was going to wither away until it becomes the dirt it stands on. It's so tragic that something so beautiful had such a short life.

Another blossom fell and landed gracefully on white marble beneath the tree. Naruto lowered his eyes and saw the sight of a grave. Even though he's visited everyday, he just couldn't shake off the pain of heartache every time he set his eyes on the name.

Sakura Haruno

Born: March 28th

Death: November 5th

Beloved daughter, friend, and noble kunoichi.

"Know that as you cling to the branch of life, your only waiting for death's breeze to take you away.

As you land on the ground, remember that those you left behind will someday follow you.

And together you will nurture the tree and await the day when you will return to those branches and blossom again."

Naruto smiled, he did every time he read it. It was something he and Kakashi had made up over a cup of ramen. It was a day after the news, and Kakashi was treating him with some ramen, after dragging him out of his own house. He hadn't said a word since Tsunade told him the news.

It was Kakashi that broke the silence. He told him about how a cherry blossom, no matter how short it's life is, could accomplish so much. The mere sight of it is already a gift. The glow of it's petals in the sun and even it's beautiful dance as it falls is a tragic but breath-taking farewell. Kakashi explained how despite so small and fragile, a cherry blossom proves the most important thing in human life. Mortality.

Naruto lowered the roses next to the grave and said a silent prayer to the gods.

"Hey, Sakura-chan." He said as he sat on next to the grave,

It was only the wind who replied.

But Naruto continued, "So, I just finished training today and guess what I found out?" He smiled his goofy grin. "Hinata's engaged."

He chuckled lightly "Yeah she is, believe it or not. Nobody knows yet, it's suppose to be a secret until they decide it was time. Who would have thought there would be a guy in this world perfect enough for Hinata Hyuga. He's lucky though, he's gonna have the sweetest wife and I bet they're gonna have a ton of kids."

He wiped the stray tear falling from his eye. "I wish you were here. Hinata would have loved you to be there at the wedding. You would scold me for being late, hey maybe land a punch or two." He chuckled, "You know this might sound crazy but, I kinda miss your punches." He paused as if listening to somebody. "Yeah, your right. I think you knocked my brains out too."

He laughed out loud at his own joke. But soon his laughter died and was replaced by a dim smile.

"Sakura," His mood turned somber. "Even though you ignored me those last weeks and it hurt so much to see you throw your life away like that. I-I just wanted you to know that I...forgive you. Yeah, call me a softie all you want but I forgive you. Now the only thing I want to know is that if you forgive me too. For what? For not doing my best like a best friend should have. For not stopping you when I had the chance. Forgive me. Please."

Suddenly he heard a shuffling somewhere in the trees. He turned to see nothing, like expected. 'What did you think Naruto? That she would just pop out of nowhere." He scolded himself,

He took that as a cue to leave so stood up and took one last look at the grave. "See yah tomorrow, Sakura."

He turned to walk down the path but before he was truly gone he yelled back. "Oh yeah! Hinata's fiance likes ramen just so you know! Send a wedding gift or something." And with that and a smile on his face, Naruto left the cemetary to go to his new fiance's house.

Sasuke watched the blond leave the grave with a spring in his step. 'Bipolar dobe.' he thought.

He turned his sights on the marked grave and frowned. Whoever was in that tomb was definitely not Sakura. He had scene her and she was very, very much alive. But from what he had heard from Tsunade and Naruto, she was supposedly dead. They had her body, well everything but her head since she was suppose to have been beheaded by an enemy. They must have done some identification, autopsy or something. But even if they did perform identification, the genetic signature could easily be manipulated into anothers by an experienced medic. But it only lasts as long as the chakra in it lasts. So it's impossible that the corpse stayed the same while it was brought to Konoha.

'How did she do it?' he asked himself as he walked the streets of Konoha like a ghost lost in his own world.

She managed to fool the entire village and everyone she cared most in her life that she was dead. Why? To get back at him? He did not know. Everything was so confusing, that even a genius like Sasuke Uchiha couldn't figure everything out.

And that just proves how troubling the situation really is.

So yeah long chapter, I kinda noticed that. There are some parts here that I really did not like (I seriously think my head shut down when I wrote it). I also think it's going a bit slow, but I'm gonna try and speed it up a bit in the next chapter.

The quote in Sakura's grave was something I though of while listening to "Hana Kagari", It was kinda random at that moment but I wrote it down anyways. I still don't know how my brain thought of that. I blame it on the tacos.

So yeah sneak peek at the next chapter (even though I haven't wrote it yet):

"What did you say?"

"I said I might just found the way to cure you."


"Wait! Sasuke-kun, Where are we going?"

"To Snow Country. We're back to tracking down my brother and his little pet."

Please review, whether bad or good, tips or just plan ramblings, I'll love you for it. Don't hesitate to press that little button at the bottom, don't worry it doesn't bite.