I'm not sorry for the OOC-ness; it's necessary and funny. Plus, I don't believe it's too far from the truth. So, this is a gift-fic for ToKissTheRoses. The inspiration was a quote she P.M.-ed me in an answer to a review. It was from her collection of None-SethXEirika-Drabbels, chapter NatashaJoshua 2. You should read it, maybe even before you read this. And now, because I don't want you to read it without the quote, here it is: "AAGH PRINCESS E-EIRIKA I'M SO SORRY! OH BY THE LIGHT! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I
Now, have fun.

Seth tripped over a root and fell flat on his face.

"Seth, are you alright?" Eirika asked concerned. Seth lifted his face to answer when a gust came and flew directly under her skirt. Eirika squeaked and tried to pin it down. Seth was motionless. Eirika looked at him scared. "Seth, did you-"

"I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!" he screamed panic-stricken and backed away. He shook his head fiercely. "I SWEAR!"

"Eirika, what's going on? Who screamed?" Ephraim asked as he raced to his sisterĀ“s side. Several other people like Forde and Innes came with him, weapons in hand. Eirika blushed right to the roots of her hair. Ephraim stared questioningly at Seth. "What's up with him?" Seth sat on the ground and hyperventilated.

"He- I- There was-" Eirika stuttered. Ephraim looked at her confused.

"I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!" Seth screamed again and clutched his hair and pulled violently at it. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Ephraim rubbed his aching ears.

"What happened?" he asked his sister for the second time. Eirika squirmed under his gaze.

"There- There was a gust and my- my skirt blew... up." she said slowly. Ephraim looked at her shocked, then his gaze turned to Seth. The paladin nearly ripped his hair out.

"I didn't see it, I didn't see it, I didn't see-"

"What did you not see?" Ephraim asked him. Seth stopped abruptly. He was shaking like a leaf. Ephraim was really concerned about his state of mind.

"I DIDN'T SEE HER UNDERGARMENTS!" Eirika blushed even harder and some of the other people around them too. Forde just grinned. "I didn't... I didn't..." Seth murmured. "I... NO!" Ephraim nearly jumped at his outburst. "BAD THOUGHTS! BAD THOUGHTS!" Seth shook his head really, really fast.

"Seth! Seth, stop!" Ephraim yelled and grabbed Seths head. The paladin stopped and stared unseeingly ahead.

"I... I didn't..."

"Seth... Seth, is your nose bleeding?" the prince asked, after he released Seth. Seth slapped his hand on his nose.

"NO! I SWEAR!" Eirika stood blushing behind her brother.

"Ehm, Ephraim, please..." She pull her skirt down one more time. "It was an accident, so please... Can we just forget it happened?" Ephraim nodded slowly. He looked at Seth, who was not calming down. Eirika walked to him reluctantly; she didn't dare to look in his eyes. "Seth, it's okay. I'm not mad." Seth nodded shaking.

"Al- Alright." He lifted his head a bit. Eirika smiled at him and reached out with her hand. Seth raised his own free hand to take it, when... a second gust came and blew her skirt up once again. Eirika screamed and flew this time. Ephraim blushed a bit and a few of the other watchers as well. Forde whistled loudly. Seth just stared, the blood from his nose leaking out of his hand. "Pi- Pink bunnies..." he muttered before he fainted from blood loss.

In the distance:

"Ewan, return my Excalibur immediately!"