Title: Stupid Bets
Author: SimpleObsession-1
Chapters:11 out of 11
Characters/Pairings: Robbie/Stuart, Burke, Jackie and OC
Word Count: 725
Rating: It might vary but this chapter is soft
Warnings: this chapter is soft
Spoilers:None that I can think of
Summary: Stuart finds the bravery to admit the one thing he's always wanted to keep secret
Authors Note: This is the end guys!!
Disclaimer:I unfortunately don't own any of these wonderful characters ONLY the OCs


Stuart sat in his hospital room alone. It was another five minutes until visiting hours and he knew that it was Robbie that was coming to visit him today. They had all decided that he wasn't to be left alone during the hours but they all obviously couldn't come because of their jobs so they'd made a rota. They thought he didn't know but he'd worked out that there was a pattern and he'd also threatened Robbie with printing his black book in the press if he didn't tell him. He was fed up of them thinking that he was fragile. He was fine. He wasn't about to crack under the pressure.

Sighing he realised that there was only one thing he could do to prove that he wasn't some cripple that needed his three best friends to worry about him. He moved the covers off his bare legs and used his hands to swing his legs over the side so that he was sat up right. He could feel his hands against his legs so he knew that was a good enough to hint to say that he had his legs back.

He reached out to grab hold of the zimmer frame that they had given him so that he could use it for balance. He took a deep breath as he flexed his fingers on the cold metal and closed his eyes. He found himself being mentally challenged that he could do it. He could pull himself up and walk a few steps. He would then know that those few steps were his path to the right direction.

He pulled himself up.

A shooting pain ran up his leg for a few minutes but he clung to the pole, his hand trembling as he realised that one wrong move could cause him to be in a wheelchair for life and the mere idea scared him. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind. He felt himself shudder. He'd recognise this somebody if blindfolded in a cave and he apparently knew this guy when he didn't know any of his old memories. "I've got you." The warm voice whispered and he found himself relaxing. "Let's just take it steady."

"You don't need to do this..." Stuart started to say knowing that Robbie hated it when people were too pathetic to help themselves. Robbie was the type of person that would make sure if he was in bother, he'd get himself out of it and Stuart didn't want him thinking bad thoughts about him.

"I want to help, Stuart." There was a touch of seriousness in the man's voice and Stuart found himself smiling. "Are you ready? Let's just take baby steps for now." His hand ran down Stuart's pack and the assurance made Stuart push forward. Slowly and steadily, a little like Bambi when he learnt to walk, Stuart made it across the floor and he found himself smiling with pride when he turned back to look at Robbie.

"I want to do it without the frame."

"Whoa... Weren't you ever taught not to run before you could walk?"

"You don't get anywhere in life without taking risks, Robbie." Robbie found himself smiling because that was pretty much Robbie's life motto. He was always telling Stuart that you needed to take risks and forget about the rule book or you wouldn't get anywhere fast. "Hold out your hands."

"Stuart..." Robbie was still pretty sure that this was a bad idea but he watched Stuart move towards him and he immediately held out his hands. Stuart stumble the few steps to him before falling into his arms, his own arms wrapping around him. Tears of happiness fell down both their cheeks at the thought that he could walk again.

"Robbie, I have something to tell you."


"I know why you were the one that I remembered." He whispered softly and Robbie's hand cupped Stuart's cheek, his thumb wiping away the shed tears. Stuart found himself looking at Robbie's chest. He didn't know why he wanted to admit this now but learning that he could walk was making him all of a sudden braver. "I love you."

"Oh it's about time..." the rest of the statement was cut off by Robbie leaning in and taking hold of Stuart's lips with his own.


Authors Note: I would like to say that I'm thinking there will be a sequel to this story and I might cheat and make it my Valentines entry :)