Title: Stupid Bets
Author: SimpleObsession-1
Chapters: 1 out of ?
Characters/Pairings: Robbie/Stuart, Burke, Jackie and OC
Word Count: 1055
Rating: It might vary but this chapter is soft
Warnings: this chapter is soft
Spoilers: None that I can think of
Summary: Robbie challenges Stuart to a drinking game but neither expected the consequences...
Authors Note: This is my first fanfiction story so be nice.
Disclaimer: I unfortunately don't own any of these wonderful characters ONLY the OCs


The office was empty when Stuart walked in with his coat draped over his lower arm and a tray of four coffees, just the way they liked them. He didn't know what had suddenly made him drive to the starbucks and buy the four coffees. It was probably just instinct because he was used to be the coffee boy. Not that he was treated like that unless Robbie was around.

The guy's cheeks flushed red as he thought of Robbie. Recently he'd been getting pretty flustered whenever the Detective Inspector was around and he didn't know why. It wasn't as if Robbie was ever nice to Stuart. He always made snide jokes about his appearance, always put him down on his work and made derogatory comments all the time but Stuart had put up with them because he enjoyed working here. The team was like his family seeing as he didn't go to his visit his parents that often, what with his busy schedule and his lack of desire to visit.

There was a sound behind him and the inspector that floated in his thoughts walked in, smiling at the cups of coffee as if Stuart had just thrown him a life preserve. "Stuart, you're my hero!" He grumbled taking the cup that Stuart offered him before sitting at his desk. This was going to be one hell of a headache and he wanted to go home already.

"I think you should realise you're getting too old to be partying in the nightclubs now, Robbie."

"I know that but the women that I pull surely don't realise that." He mumbled incoherently to his desk seeing as he'd now buried his head in his folded arms. Stuart just chuckled to himself as he moved towards his own seat and sat down, having a swig of his own coffee. "That's right. You laugh." Robbie suddenly shouted as he lifted his head, wincing as the commotion caused too much for him and his drunken state. "Just because you've never had a rough night in your life and always manage to look handsome in your expensive tailored suits. I swear you've not spent one night in your life rough."

Stuart raised his eyebrows at the guy before shaking his head, "I don't allow myself to get in this kind of state because it is pretty embarrassing!"

"What are you insinuating, Fraser?" The man growled angrily and even though the man was angry, Stuart couldn't help but smile at how gorgeous his voice was as he snapped.

"I'm insinuating nothing, Ross." He simply said following the use of surnames. "I'm just simply stating I know when to stop drinking."

"Right. So you're saying if I take you out tonight you'll know when to stop drinking even if I keep supplying you with alcohol?"

"Yes but we both know you aren't going to invite me out tonight because the ladies always fall at my feet instead of yours because I apparently don't give off the 'gay vibe'." He merely clarified before turning back to look at his computer screen.

"No. I think I won't bother to pull, I'm happy going out just me and you and doing this bet." The middle part of that sentence sent tingly sensations through Stuart's body and even with the clarification words at the end, he was still excited about the idea of going out with Robbie. Even more at the idea of it just being them two.

"Are you sure you don't want a night to get over how much you consumed last night because surely that is an unfair advantage?" Stuart muttered not wanting Robbie to accuse him of cheating when he lost the challenge.

"I'm not that bad, Stuart. I'll have several coffees with a lot of sugars and then I'll be fine for tonight. Want to go for a greasy kebab or something beforehand?"

Stuart raised his eyebrows in horror at the idea of eating grease, "That's actually quite horrible but I'm sure you can eat one and I'll watch and stop myself from hurling." He teased before draining the last dregs of his coffee and grinning. "Fine. You're on."

"I thought you would accept the offer, Stuart dear." Robbie grumbled standing up and squeezing his shoulder before leaving for the bathrooms. Stuart's shoulder burnt where he had touched and he couldn't help but smile as he looked at his computer screen again.

"Did you get laid last night?" Jackie asked entering the office, grabbing her coffee cup off Stuart and staring at his silly grin.

"No. I've just been invited out on a night out with Robbie." He grinned at her and Jackie's eyebrows rose. She knew that Stuart had started to develop feelings for the older man and was even more horrified to think that he was prepared to go out when they all knew what kind of a monster Robbie was when out on alcohol.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" She asked him, her motherly nature came out there as she saw Robbie moving into the kitchen with his hand massaging his temple as he bit back a scream over the pain banging in his head. "If he pulls, he'll just leave you to go home on your own!"

"He's not like that, Jackie. He promises that we aren't going to be pulling tonight. It'll just be me and him."


"Please don't destroy this for me, Jackie."

"I'm just warning you that when you play with fire, you'll get burnt." She whispered gently and reaching over to stroke Stuart's arm realising that the boy was still very gullible.

"I know this, Jackie. It's only a few drinks, not a marriage proposal."

"Okay. I hope you have a good time and don't look a state tomorrow morning. Burke will be on your ass because he relies on you."

"Jackie! When did you get in?" Robbie called out sitting down in his chair, his head hitting the table as soon as he sat down. She just rolled her eyes before standing up.

"Alcohol doesn't suit you, Robbie." She coldly explained before leaving the table because she hated Robbie when he was in this drunken state. He was always quite grumpy and miserable.

"Robbie!" Burke's loud voice boomed. "You better sort yourself out or I swear to God..."


Authors Note: So this is my first fanfic. Please leave me feedback because I want to know if I should continue it or not?